Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 302 Battle of Meereen

The heavy rain put out the blazing fire in the pyramid in one fell swoop. The pitch cans thrown by the "Six Sisters" catapults that the Yunkai people had worked so hard to create were mostly useless. They poured on the surface of the city wall and were extinguished by the heavy rain. Only a group of embers rose up with wisps of black smoke that was better than nothing.

Rhaegal and Viserion quickly left the sky. Rhaegal went to the black pyramid of Dayahzaan to find his nest, and Viserion rushed to the opposite hill, over the mountains and away from the city.

Without dragons, now the gods are in sight. Jorah thought, instinctively stopped in front of a tree, but there was no heart tree in Meereen, so naturally the old gods could not look down on him.

He was far away from home.

The arena was closed, and the Sons of the Harpy were still rampant in the city, but it was none of his business.

Jorah's servant put on his armor for him and brought "Atonement" to him.

"Saddle the horse and armor it." He ordered, and then watched the servant put the saddle on and put armor on the horse's back and head.

"Sir, here you are." The servant handed over the reins, and Jorah nodded and climbed on the horse.

He walked the horse quietly along the pyramid. There were less than a hundred of the queen's Dothraki cavalry left in Meereen, and most of the rest followed the queen's blood to the Dothraki Sea to find the queen.

But the gladiators in the arena and the Unsullied under Grey Worm were still there.

It was raining heavily, but the "Six Sisters" did not stop bombarding the city. There were corpses flying in the air, and they fell on the streets of the city with raindrops. The smell of decay and the splashing meat filled the overflowing water vapor, and the bricks of the street began to burst, and rotten worms and maggots were everywhere, leaving mottled red and purple bloodstains on the ground.

"They want to throw the 'Pale Mare' plague into the city?" Jorah thought, and then laughed at himself. Pale Mare is already everywhere in the streets of Meereen, so what if there are a few more corpses? Fortunately, most of these horrific corpses are blocked by towering towers, protruding breastworks and defense towers.

The rain stopped when a red line appeared in the sky above the setting sun, and the night fell. The eaves were dripping, and the soldiers stopped stepping. Rows of soldiers faced the falling night, letting the water droplets slide down their helmets and leave traces on their breastplates.

Jorah held the sword and walked in front of the soldiers, looking up at the three-headed dragon flag of the Targaryen family, with a red dragon and a black background, as if history was walking from the rain to reality, far away and close.

Five thousand Unsullied stood, their backs straight like sculptures, each of them carrying three spears, a short sword, and a shield. There was a torch lit every five steps of the pyramid. The flames stood out in the night, shining on the spiked helmets of the Unsullied, facing the red line of the setting sun, watching it gradually fade.

The chess players took the lead, with countless Targaryen red dragon banners riding towards the city gate tower. Jorah rode at the forefront of the chess players, listening to the horses panting, the horseshoes stepping on the broken bricks, the swords and sheaths clanging, and the sizzling sound of burning torches.

"Cavalry charge," Jorah told the captains who had gathered around, "When their legions are in formation, outflank them, either from the rear or the flank, but don't face their spears head-on."

"Then," he exhaled, blowing away the ash from the torches as they passed, "go straight to the catapult, take it down, or destroy it."

"Break into the nobles' tents, free the slaves, burn their tents, take more nobles' heads, and make noise." Jorah repeated what he had already told, over and over again.

"Once surrounded," he emphasized deliberately, "no matter how much honor you have in your heart, only by preserving your strength can you better defend the queen, which is a higher honor. Retreat immediately and don't fight."

"When their commander orders the cavalry to engage us, it will be the best time. Once the horn sounds, Grey Worm and his 5,000 Unsullied will come in a group to kill us."

Jorah took a deep breath, "Pray to your gods, it will be a sleepless night."

The iron gate opened, and a silence suddenly poured into the gate tower. Jorah held his breath, watching the bonfires burning in the tents in the distance, and listening to the laughter in the distance.

The company camp of the mercenary group blocked their way, and the Iron Legion of New Lys was not far away at the estuary.

"Kill~" The sound of fighting was stirring from afar and floating in the air.

Jorah gently squeezed the horse's belly, "Attack." He raised the cavalry spear and rushed out.

The cavalry rushed out in groups, "Kill!!!~" As the Targaryen red dragon flag surged out, the sound of killing also gushed out, pouring outside the city of Meereen.

The drums sounded, and the enemy reacted. The slave soldiers were forming a team.

"Time." Jorah turned his horse's head first and ran to the right.

In an instant, the cavalry dispersed, and the mercenaries loyal to the queen turned around.

The thick smoke was covered by the night, but the overflowing firelight still illuminated them. The slave soldiers were covered in dust and watched the cavalry pass by their faces.

One cavalry went to the right, and then split into two teams, heading straight for the slave soldiers' flank and the nobles' tent camp.

One cavalry went to the left, bypassing the sharp spears, outflanking from the back, and trying to intercept the flank.

"Roar! ~" A dragon roar came from behind. Jorah didn't have time to look back, but instead caught a glimpse of a Yunkai officer among a group of slave soldiers. The golden armor was still shining even under the cover of night. He thrust the lance forward and immediately poked a hole in the shoulder of the Yunkai officer. With the lance turned horizontally, the Yunkai man died in hatred. When the golden armor fell to the ground with a thud, the slave soldiers beside him swarmed on the ground and dug up the corpse. Even the confidants around the officer tried to obstruct them, it was useless.

"The Dragon Queen is the liberator! The liberator of slaves, you are free men!" Jorah roared, threw his lance away, drew out "Atonement", swung the blade downward, countless iron armors fell off like soft mud, and flesh and blood were also peeled off.

"Roar! ~" The dragon flame fell in front of him, and the "Old Shrew" catapult of the "Six Sisters" was immediately ignited, but the crossbow machine was started, and the arrow was turned to aim at the dragon still circling in the sky.

Jorah recognized it, rode forward, pulled out the lance from the corpse, and ignored the scratches on his breastplate. The arrows grew wildly beside the horse's hooves like weeds under his feet.

"Brother Lei!" He shouted, "Get out of here!" Jorah jumped up, the lance flew away, and the crossbow machine man was hit in the chest and lay straight down.

The arrow also flew close to his face, shattering a trace of relief in his heart.

The warhorse was startled, its front hooves raised forward, its head tilted back, and Jorah was thrown out and fell to the ground.

When he looked up, there was a fire in the nobles' tent, and the enemy's mercenary group was in chaos.

The squire chopped a slave soldier to the ground and grabbed Jorah's hand, "The Second Sons have turned against us, and the mercenaries can't help these Yunkai slave soldiers."

"What about the Iron Legion of the Lys?" Jorah asked. He wanted to know the situation of the North Gate. That was the enemy's most elite legion. Seeing the wide-open North Gate, they had already tried to attack. The great achievement of being the first to enter Meereen was in front of them. They gave up helping the Yunkai people without thinking.

The squire shook his head, "I don't know."

"Be careful!" Jorah Mormont pulled the squire over and used his arm armor to separate the blade of the Yunkai people. A stream of blood flowed out. "Atonement" swung forward and chopped off the head of the Yunkai people.

"Let's go, we need to blow the horn." He pointed at the saddle, and the horn was picked up by the squire, who took a deep breath and blew the horn.

"Woo woo woo! ~"

The Yunkai cavalry happened to arrive and pierced the squire's head with an arrow.

Jorah had no time to grieve, raised his Valyrian steel sword, swept it close to the ground, and the Yunkai fell to the ground, crushed under the wailing warhorse.

"Boom boom boom!"

The Unsullied marched forward in neat rows, with their spears pointed at the assembled Yunkai cavalry.

"Get up!" A cavalryman from his own side rushed over and grabbed Jorah's arm, who also struggled to hook the warhorse and turned over to sit on its back.

"Boom boom!" There was a roar from the north gate, and a burning warship rushed into the floating bridge built by the Lys people. Countless longboats docked from behind, and the flag of the Greyjoy family lit up.

"Ironborn?" Jorah gripped his sword tightly, "Are they on our side?"

The Iron Legion of the Gith poured into the north gate. Jorah didn't dare to imagine what would happen to Simon "Scarback", but the Iron Legion could never have imagined that there were also enemies on the sea - the shield formation of the Ironborn Marauders attacked from behind.

"Boom!" Another catapult collapsed.

The situation was hopeless, Jorah smiled and patted his horse's butt, "Let's go back to the city."

The cavalry sped up and galloped all the way to the city gate tower without stopping.

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