Victarion stepped ashore and looked indifferently at the chaotic Yunkai people on the battlefield, as well as the gith iron legions that were struggling to keep track of themselves under attack from both inside and outside. The ground was littered with broken spears and discarded spiked helmets.

He shook the giant ax, threw the head he was holding on the ground, and stepped on it.

The ironborn raiders scattered, waving around Victarion like a fan scented with sea salt.

"Captain," One-Ear Wolfe came over, "The Dragon Queen's army is going to win."

Victarion blew out the cigarette in his mouth and spat on the ground, "Let's go," he strode forward, "go help the Dragon Queen deal with these shrimp soldiers and crab generals."

The dragon screamed in the sky, and every sound entered Victarion's heart. He walked forward with his head held high, keeping the dragon's appearance firmly in mind. Take the horn and let an unlucky guy blow it to make the dragon in front of you surrender to him.

"Brave warriors of the Ironborn, sacrifice the heads of these aliens to the Drowned God!"

A roar extended from the sea to the slave regiments of the Yunkai people, and the ironborn's bucklers and flying axes rumbled against the axis of the Yunkai people.

Jorah Mormont's cavalry restricted the space of the Yunkai cavalry, preventing them from turning around. They faced three rows of spears from the Unsullied. The battlefield instantly turned into a symphony of swords and howls, pieced together. Pictures of blood and the stumps of war horses. The Unsullied's spears went in and out, and the dismounted attackers were pulled into the shield formation by the Unsullied holding short swords and hacked to death with swords. The Yunkai cavalry lost their mobility and were basically destroyed.

Gray Worm was like a puppeteer, swinging his sword constantly and giving orders in the formation of five thousand Unsullied, "Enter!! Retract!!"

Many slaves in Yunkai have defected, the mercenary camp is still in civil strife, and the fire in the noble camp is more dazzling than the dragon flames. Especially in the evening when the night is getting darker, it may still be clearly visible from miles away.

Qarth's warships were beaten up by the attacking iron fleet, and the ironmen's fire attack ships were overwhelming. They exposed the extremely amateurish Qarth navy crowded in Slaver's Bay and forced them to give up their most advantageous crossbows. Cannon speculation, choosing instead to engage in hand-to-hand combat with experienced Ironborn raiders.

The sound of clanging swords can be heard everywhere, from the sea to the shore, from the shore to the river mouth, from the river mouth to the city wall, from the city wall to the military camp

Jorah took off the cracked protective gear and threw away the shirt inside the armor, revealing his majestic physique.

The squire died, and his messenger was replaced by a young man from the Summer Islands.

"Qarth's fleet did not work and was hit by a sudden fleet, like a pirate fleet."

"Greyjoy," Jorah gasped. He was hit by an arrow in the chest. This was already very lucky. It wasn't even as many injuries as the one he got during the tourney, let alone the one that almost killed him. During the Battle of the Trident, he was almost killed by the knights of the Darry family. "A stupid but powerful family, they are the wolves of the sea."

"Grey." The messenger tried to pronounce Greyjoy's name, but simply gave up and reported their results directly, "This army attacked the Gith Iron Legion from behind and solved the urgent need of the North Gate."

"Simon," Jorah said, "how is he?"

The messenger shook his head in Jorah's disappointed eyes, "I don't know, I can only get some hasty news."

Jorah smiled and patted the young man on the shoulder with his big hand, "You behaved very well. Tell the cavalry in the gatehouse that we still have a battle to fight. Where else did the Yunkai and Gith come from? They are going to lose. We need to pursue the poor bandits. It is best to capture all their commanders and feed them to the dragon. "

He stood up, stretched his muscles and made a creaking sound, picked up "Atonement", waved it in the air, found the new horse that the groom handed him, patted the horse's mouth, and turned over.

"Go, go!" the cavalry captains shouted. Dozens of cavalry in the city gate tower quickly stood up, picked up their weapons, and mounted their horses.

"Boom!~" The iron hinge rubbed again, and the cavalry surged out, bypassing the Unsullied, and passing over the Yunkai cavalry who were surrounded and lost their mobility advantage. Jorah asked his cavalry to shout loudly, calling for the approaching dragon. The queen's soldiers joined them, mounted their own or the enemy's horses, and ran towards the noble camp again.

The enemy's war elephants became chaotic in their own military camp, and their huge bodies became a nuisance to the Xingis military camp on the other side of the river.

They were still far away from him, Jorah thought to himself, so he would deal with the nobles of Yunkai first.

He raised his sword and swept away the spears of the camel cavalry reinforced by Qarth. He overturned a slower-moving cavalry with one sword, penetrated through the middle, and continued towards the noble camp.

The war continued from late at night to dawn, from the deep and dim black to the thin white bordered by golden light. The war continued until his arms became weak and his legs trembled. Foaming at the mouth.

"We won." Jorah wiped the blood from his face and looked at the wise masters and commanders kneeling on the ground.

"Dragon Queen," the messenger coughed. An arrow was inserted into his throat. Fortunately, the wound was not deep, and the arrow was shot from a long distance. When it hit him, it had lost its force and only bled some, but it still affected the young man. The young man was so frightened that he staggered and whispered: "Long live the Dragon Queen, long live the Dragon Queen"

Jorah held the sword, stabilized his center of gravity, and looked straight into the distance. Familiar figures appeared in his blurred vision. They were dressed in iron-type attire, with round shields and high helmets, and iron axes and daggers.

He was his enemy when he was suppressing the Greyjoy Rebellion, but now he is his ally, and he is still thousands of miles away from Westeros and his hometown. The gods are really playing tricks on people.

"Excuse me," Jorah dismounted and moved forward, "Which Greyjoy master came to support me? I am, I am the Queen's Hand of the Dragon Queen Daenerys Targaryen. Jorah Mormont of House Mormont.”

The ironborn at the front stood up, "I fought with you," the ironborn in front of him grinned, his beard covered his cheeks, and it was obvious that he was missing an ear, "I owe you this ear, Wolfe. One-eared Wolfe under Lord Victarion."

Jorah Mormont frowned, "Victarion?"

"Yes," Victarion stood up from the crowd. He recognized it immediately. Among all the ironmen, he was indeed the only one with extraordinary bearing. His tall body was equipped with expensive armor, and he had a weapon equivalent to half a man. The great ax was in his hand, "Victarion Greyjoy came to the Eastern Continent on the order of the King of the Iron Islands to support the Dragon Queen, and used the entire iron fleet as a betrothal gift to marry Daenerys. Targaryen, be my rock wife."

"Presumptuous! How could the Dragon Queen marry a pirate!" The messenger's mouth was covered by Jorah as soon as he said it.

Jorah looked at him fiercely, "Shut your mouth!" Then he turned to look at Victarion, "There are many suitors, but it mainly depends on the Queen's opinion. Not everyone is qualified to marry the Queen."

Victarion smiled when he heard this and turned to look at the massive iron fleet on the sea. "You will soon know why I am qualified. The Dragon Queen will choose me wisely."

Jorah pursed his lips and responded with silence.

"Where is the queen?" Victarion asked again.

Jorah shook his head, "Somewhere in the Dorask Sea, no one knows."

"It doesn't matter." Victarion looked at the two dragons flying in the sky, "I remember there are three dragons."

"There is another who follows the Dragon Queen," Jorah said. "Drogon is her mount."

Victarion showed two rows of teeth. To Jorah's surprise, the teeth were quite white.

"It doesn't matter." He nodded to the people around him, and the ironmen walked towards the seaside. "The queen deserves one."

Jorah frowned, "All three dragons are the Queen's children, and they are all worthy of her."

"I understand, Ser Jorah, Jorah of House Mormont," Victarion turned and said, "I remember you, the second man to take Pyke City, I admire you, and I hope we won't Become an enemy."

Jorah shook his head in confusion, "I thought we were friends."

"I hope so." Victarion strode away without choosing to stay.

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