Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 37: Troubles in King's Landing (2)

In the old house where Aelin settled in King's Landing, Weimar lay half-length under the evergreen tree in the courtyard. He closed his eyes, and the surrounding sounds became clear to his ears, even the buzzing of flying insects in the distance. The sound of sparrows fluttering on the roof and the moans of captives in the house were very difficult to spend with Robert in Seagull Town. The tasks were simple but boring. Weimar often acted as a chivalrous knight in the tavern, driving away the drunkards who harassed the girls in the tavern. , which also caused trouble for Robert.

The sound of footsteps coming from the outside to the inside of the house was heard. Weimar opened his eyes and said, "Attis." His teeth were exposed, and his face was full of smiles, still the familiar stupid smile.

Attis was still wearing the silver armor and the iconic blue cloak. He walked forward quickly and gave Weimar a bear hug.

"I missed you so much in Seagull Town." Weimar patted Artis on the back hard, and then let go, "Our Duke of the Valley, everyone has been brought here for you." Weimar pointed. Attis walked into the room behind him.

The house that was originally filled with all kinds of debris had already been cleared out. More than a dozen former customs officials from Seagull Town were imprisoned here. Attis only peeked inside a few gaps and did not go in.

"Well done, Weimar." Attis said, "Send them to a place where I can keep them useful."

At the northernmost corner of King's Landing, near the city wall of Rhaenys Hills, the Dragon Gate stands majestically, from which the King's Road enters King's Landing. The originally bustling traffic area at the city gate gradually subsided, and two teams of valley knights rode slowly over.

Pedestrians looked at them curiously. At the city gate, many knights who were preparing to enter the city to participate in the Prime Minister's Tournament also stopped to watch the two teams of Valley Knights. Some of the attendants behind them looked at the group of Valley Knights wearing blue robes and silver armor with envy. .

The golden robe guarding the giant dragon gate hurriedly left the clerk who was registering the knights for the competition, put on his helmet, picked up the iron rod and formed a team. The golden robe here was used to being domineering and had no experience in meeting the nobles temporarily. The process lasted for more than half a minute. When the last man in golden robes came to join the queue, he stepped on a piece of mud at the city gate and fell upside down. His helmet was obviously not fastened tightly and flew several meters away.

"Damn it!" Humphrey Weishui, the captain of the dragon gate's defense, remembered his men's faces that made a fool of themselves and looked nervously at the fully armed Valley Knights.

This is a luxurious plate armor that Humphrey has never seen in his life. The dazzling silver light is like the scales of the legendary silver dragon. When the sun shines directly on it, it shows thousands of brilliance. Each of the twenty or thirty knights wore a giant curved helmet with a visor, and blue shields with different family crests on their backs stood on their backs. The two knights leading the team each held the falcon flag of the Arryn family. One person holds the crowned stag banner of the Baratheon royal family.

Humphry received the news early in the morning that Commander Genos led three hundred gold robes out of the city to search for bandits. He was thinking that it was no wonder that his most capable subordinate "Rhinoceros Hide" in the Dragon Gate was summoned by Genos as soon as he took up the post. Let's go, I'm afraid our greedy Commander Genos has carefully selected 300 good players before he dares to leave the city.

Humphry walked over nervously and asked tentatively: "Sir?" No one among the knights in front of him responded, but the leading knight holding the flag of the Arryn family held a scroll in his gauntlet, which he opened and read. road.

"To the City Guard, the current Commander of the City Guard, Janos Slynt, was ordered by former Prime Minister Eddard Stark to lead troops out of the city to capture criminals. The King's Landing City Guard is temporarily led by the Duke of the Eyrie, Ah Serving as Lord Hand, Hand of the King, Eddard Stark."

The knight put away the scroll, and Humphry saw his cold eyes through the gap in his visor.

"Oh, my lord, Sir, I understand. I must obey the orders of Duke Arryn, ahem, Commander Arryn." Humphrey bent down flatteringly.

"How many men and horses do you have, how much are your salaries, and what are your weapons and equipment?" The knight's voice penetrated the mask, and it felt like the air was piercing.

Humphrey quickly thought about it and replied: "There are less than two hundred in the Dragon Gate."

"Exact number.", the knight's cold voice.

"Oh! Rhinoceros has left with the commander. Those three rotten eggs gathered together are wandering into who knows which brothel today." Humphrey became less and less confident as he spoke. He saw that the knight's eyes under the mask were empty. Not even a blink.

"164 people, yes! You know the salary. You shouldn't be more respectful to Lord Slynt." The Valley Knight's sword gently touched Humphrey's head. Humphrey did not dare to speak for a moment.

"Go on, how do you honor Lord Slynt?" The knight's voice was a little more teasing, and he encouraged Humphry.

Humphrey immediately understood that these Valley Knights and Lord Slynt were not on the same side. His throat was trembling nervously, and he was unwilling to say another word.

"It doesn't matter. Near the Giant Dragon Gate is Jinpaozi's military camp. The guard captains of the seven city gates are all there. You are the last one. They are interrogating one by one. I'm afraid the results have been found there. What happened to the one who protected Humphry? Captain, do you want to know?" The knight's voice was magnetic and low, as if he didn't care.

"I said! I said!" Humphrey was startled, and quickly revealed the details of Genos's corruption, including the fact that Genos raped civilian girls, secretly hid the king's treasures, etc. Hidden things known to everyone.

"Okay," the knight waited quietly for someone on the sidelines to finish writing the testimony, then he leaned close to Humphrey and said, "The captain of the old city gate guard said that all of Lord Slynt's stolen money was handed over to you. Are you his accomplice?" ?”

Hempley's eyes widened, and he looked at the Knight of the Valley in disbelief, "Jordan? Damn it, I took good care of him, but he did!" Heempley shook his head frantically in front of the Knight, "Sir, Sir Knight, don't believe what he said, it's all lies! He accepted bribes no less than anyone else."

Looking at Humphrey who was talking freely, the Knight nodded with satisfaction and walked slowly towards the old city gate.

At the Capital Garrison Camp next to the Dragon Gate, Artis sat in the tent, with a chaotic account book in front of him, and Littlefinger sat in front of him.

Attis looked at Littlefinger who seemed to be smiling in front of him. He didn't know why Ed suddenly became so trusting of Petyr. Not only did he often see the two of them walking and talking in the Red Castle recently, but now he actually sent him to accompany him when he was going to the Golden Cloak Camp to count the accounts, saying that he was sending a smart and trustworthy person to assist him.

"Seven thousand gold dragons." Attis repeated Littlefinger's words.

Littlefinger smiled and said, "The Duke of the Vale has just arrived in King's Landing, so he naturally needs money to manage things. You have just taken over the capital garrison, so it is time to use money."

"I think you should use this money for the tournament." Atis said.

Littlefinger smiled and shook his head, "In the royal meeting, I am the finance minister of the kingdom. In front of you, I am a small noble in your fiefdom. I can distinguish between the two, and the money."

"From Gulltown to King's Landing, Petyr, how did you do it?" Atis wanted to confirm one question at the end.

Littlefinger obviously did not expect Atis to ask this question. He pretended to be puzzled in front of Atis, "It was all the help of your father, the former Prime Minister."

"Where did you learn your ability, financial ability, and ability to manage personnel, Littlefinger?" Atis ignored his hypocritical and hateful compliment and asked.

Seeing the Duke of the Valley being so serious, Littlefinger lowered his eyes, "The history of Westeros, the calculations of the free trade cities, the gossip of pirates, the careful calculations of the Lord of Seagull Town, my lord, learn from them."

"These have enabled you to climb all the way to the position of Chancellor of the Exchequer?" Atis couldn't believe that he actually asked Littlefinger in such a gentle tone.

Littlefinger smiled, he seemed very proud of this, "These are knowledge, Lord Atis, knowledge is power."

Atis smiled, he looked at the short man in front of him with white hair on his temples, who was actually less than 30 years old, a powerful noble of the Valley, a shabby noble from the Five Fingers Peninsula, but seemed to have the style of the legendary figure "Clever" Lann, good at winning people's hearts and good at tricks.

"I think you are wrong." Atis always maintained a calm tone. The man in front of him was his biggest enemy at present, better than Lannister, who was being investigated by Eddard at the moment. Lannister was at most opposed to him in terms of the kingdom's position, but there was no hatred between them. However, he, one of the most powerful dukes in the kingdom, had a big enemy who was a lowly noble who was ignored by others, a little man who was good at scheming and had no honor, but was now a big man.

Littlefinger looked at Atis suspiciously, thinking that Atis might do something.

He would not kill the ministers in front of the king in King's Landing, it was impossible. According to my observation, it would never happen. Littlefinger firmly believed that as a member of the Arryn family, Atis would not easily do anything that would damage the family's honor, not to mention that he had not yet obtained evidence. Robert was still there, Eddard was still there, and he could not. Soon Littlefinger doubted his own vision. Weimar came in from outside the tent wearing ringmail, "Bring them all, Atis."

Two knights of the valley quickly walked into the tent, and each of them raised Littlefinger with one hand.

"You? Artis! You are the Duke of the Valley, and I am the Minister of Finance! The kingdom will not allow it! Will not. Allow!" Littlefinger's panicked voice was very pleasant, and he turned his head to look at Artis in panic.

"Be patient, Lord Baelish." Weimar's teasing voice came, and it sounded like a devil's roar in Littlefinger's ears.

There was no figure in the golden robe outside the tent, including the one he had been winning over with money! Damn, does Artis really want to kill me here? Impossible, this is King's Landing!

Littlefinger's panicked body was instantly suppressed by Weimar, "I said, be patient, Lord Baelish." Weimar moved, and Littlefinger's sight was no longer blocked by Weimar. What came into view was a face begging bitterly and very familiar.

Lance? Littlefinger thought to himself, he looked forward, not only Lance, but also the customs officials he had promoted in Seagull Town, except for the damn customs adjutant, all the others were here, tied to the pillars of the camp.

"Lord Baelish, save us!" Lance seemed to see a savior, and he screamed in his throat.

Littlefinger forced himself to calm down, "Lord Artis, what's going on?"

Artis walked out of the tent, looked at the scene in front of him, lowered his body, and said to Littlefinger: "Lord Baelish, how do you think we should deal with them?"

Littlefinger forced a smile. He understood the difference between Artis and his father's style. "What do you mean? Lord Artis, forgive my stupidity."

"Stupidity is not okay," Artis's face was still surprisingly calm, "You just said that knowledge is power, and stupid people can't master the knowledge you know."

Littlefinger's face trembled. He had never seen such a scene, nor had he fallen into such a passive situation.

"This group of people, under your name and the name of the important minister of the royal court, the Minister of Finance, Lord Petyr Baelish, spread rumors in Seagull Town, saying that the Duke of the Vale imprisoned the Lady of the Eyrie and killed the former Prime Minister," Atis said calmly.

Damn it! Littlefinger gasped. Could it be that he wanted to tell Eddard Stark about this now? Fortunately, Littlefinger breathed a sigh of relief. He had been prepared for this. These customs officials were all from small nobles with similar origins near Seagull Town in the Vale. They belonged to the Graveson family and the distant branches of the Arryn family in Seagull Town, as well as the Shet family, which was not well-known. He had already taken care of them, and the poor scapegoat had been carefully designed.

"All of them shall be sentenced to death." Atis gave the order calmly.

One by one, the heads "flopped" to the ground. Littlefinger, who was still thinking, was stunned to see the scene in front of him. Even he did not react quickly.

Dead? Then didn't Atis waste manpower and direct and act in it himself? Littlefinger tried to sort out the rationale in it, and found that it was all absurd, with no normal part.

"This," Littlefinger looked at Atis, and a strange light finally flashed in his eyes.

Fear, Atis saw this flash of eyes, and he gently closed his eyes, "Slandering the Duke is the first crime, framing the Minister of Finance is the second, both crimes are punished together, and the death penalty is imposed. Do you think Lord Renly can understand this?"

Littlefinger swallowed and nodded.

"Okay," Atis opened his eyes, he ordered his blue robes to clean up all the bodies, and at the sound of a horn, the gold robes that had no trace came out of their tents one after another, which seemed to be more disciplined and orderly than when Genos was in charge of the gold robes in the past. It took only a few days to reorganize it like this. Littlefinger's panic surged again, and he looked at the group of capital guards in disbelief.

Atis seemed to remember something, he turned to face Littlefinger and drew his long sword.

The friction sound between the sword and the scabbard startled Little Finger again. He still knelt on the ground. No one supported him or paid attention to him.

Atis played with the long sword. Little Finger could see the sharpness of the sword at a glance.

"Knowledge is not power. You are wrong." Atis said.

Little Finger raised his head. He did not realize what Atis wanted to say. His head was out of his control at this time.

Atis waved the long sword, and Little Finger's short sleeves suddenly lost a corner. The latter did not move, and cold sweat had already flowed all over his body.

"Power is power." Atis put away the long sword and turned away.

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