Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 38: Troubles in King's Landing (3)

Lynx Adam licked Attis's fingers. At this time, he had taken off all his armor and hung his sword on his side. As soon as the tight gauntlet was loosened, he found that his hand was shaking slightly. For some reason, even if he really saw Littlefinger's face that was afraid of power, even if he really forced Littlefinger to a dead end and observed the real In response, he did not feel any joy.

Attis closed his eyes. What he felt was not the joy of torturing his enemies, nor the peace of mind of punishing betrayal to satisfy justice, but the realization that everything he did was incompatible with the vortex of the power game. Even when facing Littlefinger, pure The consciousness of revenge does not seem to occupy a high position in his own considerations. This is just the crushing of power in a high position.

"High as glory." Attis whispered the family motto softly. The shadow of his father seemed to be beside him. Watching his eldest son's every move, he gently shouted glory, honor, and responsibility in Attis's ears.

Attis opened his eyes, and his father's shadow disappeared. What he saw was the miraculous Moon Mountains, the Giant's Spear, the bustling King's Landing, the Riverlands where three rivers converge, and the dry rocks. In the Stormlands, what I saw was the rich Highgarden, Dorne swept by golden sands, and the Westerlands rich in gold.

He stood up and Adam curled up together. The bobcat was much longer than before, but its claws were still as sharp.

Attis did not accept Littlefinger's funding of seven thousand golden dragons. He did not want the team of golden robes to grow in size. He quickly dismissed many golden robes on the grounds of insufficient salary. The scale of nearly six thousand was too exaggerated. Tis only distributed spears, swords and shields to two thousand of them. The rest only carried iron rods and were responsible for patrolling King's Landing. Most of the two thousand gold robes equipped with equipment were left at the city gates and gold robes everywhere. In the military camp.

Royal meetings are always held in the afternoon, and Lord Ed is not good at dealing with the increasing number of chores happening in the city, as well as the common people who come from time to time to complain. Therefore, he waited until very late to go to the meeting hall to discuss the kingdom affairs that needed to be handled with the imperial ministers.

Attis packed up his clothes and headed to the Red Keep, escorted by twenty men in blue robes.

Littlefinger rode a horse and galloped to the brothel he owned. Panting, he pushed open the door of his room and fell to the ground. He ignored the puzzled eyes of the people around him and lost his usual caution. He picked up the wine glass on the table and poured it into his mouth. Fill it with wine.

He put his hands on the bed and moved his lips unconsciously. The singing and dancing outside the door continued. The soft and comfortable music did not make Little Finger calm down more. The room was filled with his own breathing.

After a long time, Littlefinger finally came back to his senses. His face gradually returned to calmness, and his eyes were firmer than usual. His hands firmly supported the shirt on his body, and the half-smiling expression once again hung on his face. He started again. think.

The scene Artis directed and acted in Seagull Town was meaninglessly playing tricks in front of Littlefinger, as if he was using power to warn himself that if that was all, Littlefinger would only give Attis a look of contempt, and Big Finger would So what about the nobles, what about the dukes? From the Five Fingers Peninsula, to Seagull Town, to King's Landing, Little Finger himself has been defeated by his little finger even if his opponent is a smart duke. , he believes that with wisdom, he can make the right response.

Seagull Town is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface. The eagle screams are too noisy there, and the feathers of its wings are flying messily. Attis must be hiding something in Seagull Town. I'm afraid that is the killing move against him. Littlefinger has put down all his ambitions. Contempt it, and devote yourself to trying to figure out Attis's possible plan.

The bell rang, and Littlefinger knew that he was going to attend the Prime Minister's royal meeting. He had to remain completely vigilant at all times, looking at the mercenaries guarding the door of the house. Littlefinger narrowed his eyes slightly, and he realized that no one could be trusted.

The royal council began with the dull voice of Pycelle reporting on the appointment of the maester in Dorne. Littlefinger smiled slyly, "I think the grand maester must have completed the Valyrian chain."

Pycelle's fingers for turning the pages were not very flexible, and he clamped the pages stiffly. He raised his head and said, "Ahem, I'm not proficient in magic. It's probably not something people in this world should learn."

"Then why did I feel the breath of magic as soon as you opened your mouth, and I felt drowsy." Littlefinger closed his eyes exaggeratedly, as if he was really asleep.

The royal council suddenly burst into laughter, and Renly slapped his thigh with his palm, laughing the loudest.

Ed's voice sounded majestic, "Okay, Maester Pycelle, I'm afraid your affairs will be delayed a little. We have more important things to discuss at the Royal Council."

Pycelle nodded knowingly and sat down slowly.

Attis tapped the table, "Your Majesty Prime Minister."

Ed motioned for Attis to speak.

"When I was reorganizing the capital garrison, the officers gave testimony one after another about how Genos, the commander in chief over the years, had been corrupt and exploited the people. Here." Attis took out a scroll and handed it to Ed.

Ed frowned and opened the testimonies, and the expression on his face became more and more ugly. He was originally very surprised when he saw the royal council said that Genos was corrupt. Everyone knows the law, but it doesn't get the punishment it deserves?

"Damn it! This Janos deserves to die!" Eddard threw the testimony to the ground angrily. Seeing the content, he didn't expect that a small commander of the gold cloaks would dare to act so recklessly. "Lord Renly, you are the Minister of Justice. I need you to supervise this matter and find out the facts. When Janos returns to the city, arrest him immediately! Then I will punish him as appropriate."

Renly waved his hand indifferently, "I am very happy, Prime Minister." Renly obviously didn't care about Janos's life or death.

"Excuse me, Prime Minister." Varys said, "Janos has been the commander of the capital garrison for many years. Many officers in King's Landing have a good relationship with him. I am afraid."

"Do you think this reason is sufficient, Varys?" Eddard looked at the eunuch with disgust.

Varys shrugged, "The stability of the kingdom, the stability of King's Landing, Lord Eddard, I think there is nothing wrong with it."

Eddard turned his head and looked at Attis.

"Don't worry, Lord Varys. I believe that with the status of the Duke of the Vale, I can maintain the security and stability of King's Landing. The Prime Minister's vision will never be wrong." Attis understood and said to Varys.

Varys clapped happily, "That's great. The eagle of the Vale spreads its wings to King's Landing, so why should King's Landing worry about security?"

Compliments filled the entire meeting hall again, but Eddard smiled at this time. He opened the letter sent by the Minister of the Sea Stannis and finally saw some good news.

"What is the Prime Minister happy about? Could it be that Kate from Winterfell sent a letter?" Littlefinger did not see the family seal in the letter that Eddard turned over, and asked tentatively.

Eddard ignored the ambiguity in Littlefinger's tone about Catelyn and showed the letter to the ministers in front of the king.

"Lord Stannis led his Dragonstone fleet to destroy the pirate group that has been plaguing customs trade. None of the pirates escaped, and all sank to the bottom of the sea." Eddard's tone was quite happy, and he said happily.

"Wow! As expected of the Kingdom's Minister of the Navy." Varys took the letter from Eddard and read it in a deep voice, "This pirate fleet is familiar with the patrol route of the Royal Fleet in the Narrow Sea, often plundering the sea, and has been entrenched in the Narrow Sea for several years. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect pirates to perform so well. Lord Stannis is really brave!" After saying that, he turned his eyes to Littlefinger, who took the envelope and observed it carefully without changing his expression. "Lord Petyr, the Kingdom's Minister of the Navy has solved a lot of troubles for you. Will the customs and taxes double this year?" Varys's grease powder almost sprayed on Littlefinger's face, but Littlefinger just kept smiling. He saw which pirate group was wiped out. It was not others, but the group that had been in contact with him, helping them to familiarize themselves with the ever-changing patrol route of the Royal Fleet, and closely cooperated in looting. Littlefinger's smile seemed a little stiff at this time, "Of course, we have to thank Lord Stannis," Littlefinger whispered in agreement with the damn Varys. "We also want to thank the Grafson family of Gulltown for their intelligence support." Eddard took out another letter, "Stannis also sent a letter of thanks to the Grafson family."

Littlefinger slowly raised his head and met Atis who was smiling at him. When their eyes met, silence was better than words.

"They are all heroes of the kingdom. I think we must publicly reward the Grafson family and Lord Stannis at this tournament. What do you think, Lord Eddard?" Varys's annoying voice sounded again, and Littlefinger just wanted to tear his mouth apart.

Eddard smiled with satisfaction and nodded, "I will ask King Robert to reward them specially at the tournament."

The royal meeting was a little more relaxed due to Stannis's great contribution. Except for Atis who probably guessed Littlefinger's bitter mood, all the important ministers who had ulterior motives, whether they knew it or not, showed a happy and relaxed look. Even if they were unrelated, they were considered to have done something hard during their tenure.

It's a pity that no pirates were captured, otherwise they would have to force out evidence that Littlefinger had bribed pirates for his own benefit in recent years. Although Attis thought of this in his heart, he didn't care. Killing Littlefinger was not only to kill his body, but also to kill his ambition, his will to move forward, and his dream of leaping up. Only the little finger of his ten fingers was left was his pursuit.

Lannister must pay his debts. This sentence is really appropriate. Lannister should be replaced by Arryn, Attis thought.

Littlefinger's secrets are in Gulltown, King's Landing, and Lysa in the Eyrie. It seems that it is gradually revealed. The eagle picks up the prey, which will first make it feel the fear of being in the sky, and then the body falling to the bottom of the valley.

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