Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 42 Tyrion Returns South

From here to the south, the Kingsroad runs parallel to the Green Fork, a tributary of the Trident, passing through prosperous towns, solid farms, and castles of river nobles, as well as fertile valleys and lush forests. There is an inn at the intersection of the Kingsroad and the Trident, located north of the confluence of the three rivers. Tyrion decided to rest there.

From the Great Wall to the Riverlands, from the end of the world where you can freeze your life to the riverlands where the fragrance of flowers and spring are very likely to arouse lust, it really seems like two different worlds. Tyrion rode a tall horse. Although he was short and deformed, the horse had a tacit understanding with him. He couldn't help but sigh that his brother Jaime was not only a knight with great martial arts skills, but also a good horse judge.

"Wandering Crow" Yoren, dressed in black clothes of the Night's Watch, buried his face in his cloak and walked in front of Tyrion without saying a word. Tyrion clearly felt that when he was in the North north of the Neck, Yoren, the Night's Watcher who was responsible for recruiting murderers, thieves and desperadoes to join the Wall, could still bend over and ask for some wine and meat from the food-scarce Northern residents. The Northerners would welcome him into their houses for meals, and Yoren certainly did not eat in vain. He gave some copper coins brought from the Wall and given by the Stark family to the residents who entertained them.

Once they set foot on the land of the South, except for a few families with the blood of the Northern ancestors who stayed in the Riverlands and were willing to treat them with guest etiquette, other villages and towns in the Riverlands regarded them as criminals and scum, and were afraid to avoid them.

Whenever Tyrion saw this scene, he would raise his chest and try to highlight the Lannister's golden lion emblem on his clothes. Unfortunately, even the noble Lannister family in the West was not as eye-catching as the short dwarf. Although he was famous all over the world as the "little devil", no one recognized him. Instead, the two followers behind him would loudly remind him that it was "Lord Lannister".

"Look at that dwarf!" Before the followers came forward to report their identities, Tyrion heard more of this sentence, mostly children's playful words, but the ignorant adults also laughed behind them and wanted to refuse to serve them. Of course, this was a minority. Although most people in the riverlands were reluctant, they seemed to be afraid of the black clothes of the Night's Watch. It was probably because the image of many desperate people joining the Night's Watch left a deep impression on these people, so they did not dare to get into trouble.

Is Lannister's roar not worth fearing? Tyrion wanted to shout at them, but unfortunately the dwarf's body was too conspicuous, covering up the burly figure of the lion.

"How the black brothers on the Wall envy you, Yoren." Tyrion said.

Yoren lifted his cloak with his hand, "What do you envy me for?" The bushy beard was black and oily, full of lice. Tyrion had been at the Wall for several days and had long been accustomed to the informality of these night watchmen.

At least Lord Mormont was well dressed, but unfortunately his bald head might not be beautiful, but his shaggy gray beard, which fell straight to his chest, was well taken care of and looked clean and smooth. In contrast, Yoren's beard looked like it had been soaked in muddy water for a night before riding on the horse.

"Your poor brother of the Night's Watch is accompanied by ice and snow and weird spirits on the Wall, while you, Yoren, are traveling south with Lord Lannister, and you may even stay in a brothel for a few nights. Don't worry, I am familiar with everything here, at least I won't let the lovely girls trick you out naked." Tyrion whistled and said with a smile.

Yoren laughed. Tyrion rarely saw him laugh along the way, especially when he arrived in the south.

"They will never come to the south, no matter what." Yoren said, "They swore to be Night's Watchmen for life, until they die." The old horse under Yoren's crotch was a little agitated, and he pulled the reins tightly to control it.

Tyrion shook his head nonchalantly, "That's because no one helped them lead the way. The patrol soldiers in the North would only arrest them as deserters." The patrol soldiers in the North only recognized one Night's Watchman going south, that is, Yoren the raven in front of them. Obviously, they are very familiar with each other and have a good relationship. They will even take the initiative to help supply supplies.

"The south has sweet flowers, sweet and sour wine, beautiful sunsets, fruits and vegetables, and if possible, meat. Besides, there are girls willing to open their legs for money along the way." Tyrion muttered, obviously not caring about Yoren's oath. If the reason of breaking the oath was just to stop the Night's Watch brothers from going south, he would rather believe in the Stark family's spears and hunting trials.

Yoren shook his head, "I'm afraid you don't know this, Lord Lannister."

"Just call me Tyrion, Yoren." Tyrion suggested.

"Okay, Tyrion, since you insist." Yoren chewed a piece of dried meat, "It's not easy for the brothers of the Night's Watch to cross the North in black clothes, not to mention that they can't stay in the South. If the lords who once judged them knew they were back, they would definitely behead them. They can only become bandits, and under King Robert's rule, there are few bandits roaming around."

Tyrion nodded thoughtfully, and the silent attendant pointed to the black smoke in front. "The inn at the fork in the road, Lord Tyrion."

The four of them quickened their pace. Yoren's old horse was not fast, and Tyrion tried his best to take care of the old Night's Watch and deliberately slowed down. The attendant didn't understand the situation and rode in front.

The night had gradually driven the afterglow of the sunset to a farther corner, and the darkness and dampness found Tyrion, making him uncomfortable.

"I heard that shadow mountain cats have appeared in this place. They are so fierce that they are scary." The younger followers looked around in fear, while their horses kept riding.

"Shadow cats are mostly found in the valley. There are so many knights coming and going here that the cats will stay away from them." The older attendant explained disdainfully.

Yoren did not speak. Tyrion looked at his face and wondered if this crow of Castle Black had patrolled the haunted forest north of the Wall when he was young, and perhaps even seen the children of the forest and the giants.

The two attendants argued with each other about how shadow cats live, how they hunt, and how terrifying they are, and they kept shouting.

"God! If you could tell me how shadow cats mate, I would be a little interested." Tyrion said impatiently. Sooner or later, the cries of these two people would attract wild beasts hidden deep in the forests of the riverlands, and perhaps even ghosts.

The attendant immediately shut up. He didn't know whether his impatient words had worked, or whether the gentle lights of the inn naturally had the sacred effect of stopping noise and muttering for tired travelers.

The waiter rushed out and said in a child's shrill voice, "The inn is full. Please leave, sirs." He glanced at Yoren in black, hesitated, and still said "sir".

"If it were an ordinary person," Tyrion was always very agile, he turned over and got off the horse, "he might turn around and go home with a curse, after all, there are so many sellswords and knights staying in the inn." He glanced at the horses that stopped to eat grass in the stable. On the saddle was the emblem of the castle family, the Frey family of the Twins. It seemed that a descendant of old Walder was staying here, and there was also the black bat pattern of Harrenhal. Tsk, tsk, there are many people here, and the business is indeed booming.

"I really want to participate in the Prime Minister's tournament!" The younger attendant said excitedly, "This place is full of knights!"

When Tyrion and his party walked into the inn, the older attendant shouted loudly, "Boss, find someone to help us feed the horses. Our Lord Lannister needs a room and a hot bath."

The boss was a fat woman, and she showed a terrifying bloody smile that Tyrion had never seen in his life. She bowed and said, "I'm sorry, sir, it's full, you see." She pointed to the hall.

Tyrion looked and saw that the boss was not lying. The hall was full of knights, attendants, and strong mercenaries who seemed to live on blood.

"My men will sleep in the stable, but as for me? Haha, you can see, I don't need a big room." Tyrion laughed as if to make fun of him. "As long as the fire is warm and there are not too many fleas in the straw, I will be satisfied."

The fat woman seemed to have no idea what to do. She was so anxious that she couldn't speak clearly. "This tournament will be a disaster. It's full of people, sir. There are too many people. This is too outrageous."

Tyrion has his own way of dealing with it. Unlike his brother Jaime's sword, he took a coin from his pocket, threw it over his head, caught it, and bounced it again. He believed that even the blindest person could see that it was golden gold.

A free rider in a faded blue cloak stood up. "Sir, if you don't mind, then you can make do with my room."

"How smart." Tyrion winked at Yoren behind him, who just pulled his black clothes and said nothing.

Throwing the gold coin to the free rider, Tyrion glanced at the table and said to the fat woman, "I think there is no problem with the food, right?"

The fat woman nodded repeatedly, "No problem, I guarantee you will be satisfied, sir, you can eat whatever you want."

"Roast a bird, with meat, chicken, duck, pigeon will do, take good care of my black brothers, and it's best to serve a pot of the best wine here, Yoren, I guess the Great Wall will give it a drink, hahaha!" Tyrion joked to Yoren after giving the order.

"No problem, eat with you." Yoren sat at the table and finally put away his black cloak.

Tyrion hummed a little tune and prepared to sit down.

A discordant voice appeared, "My lord, may I have the honor to entertain you while you eat? Let me sing a song praising your father, Lord Tywin, for his great victory in King's Landing!"

"Then you should stuff the pigeon meat into your mouth. I'm afraid it will make you sick." Tyrion said sarcastically. He glanced at the singer and took a look. He saw Lady Catelyn who was about to turn her face away?

Tyrion stood up and smiled, "Lady Stark? What a surprise."

The singer opened his mouth in surprise. He looked at the woman who heard him mocking Winterfell. Is she Lady Stark?

Sir Rodrik cursed a few times, and Tyrion also noticed him, "Sir Rodrik, haha, Yoren, your Lordship's wife and coach have gone south."

"The Night's Watch has no Lordship, only the Lord Commander." Yoren muttered, but he still greeted Lady Stark.

Catelyn nodded slightly. She looked at Tyrion, and there was no kindness in her eyes.

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