Lady Catelyn pointed at Tyrion, "This man came to my house as a guest with the intention of murdering my six-year-old son!"

"In the name of King Robert and Lord Hoster, I ask that you bring him to justice and help us send him to Winterfell to await the execution of the king's law!" Ser Rodrik drew his sword and pointed it at Tilly. Ang, said loudly.

The sound of a dozen swords being unsheathed in unison was particularly pleasant to Catelyn's ears, but in comparison, Tyrion Lannister's frightened expression at this time made her feel even more happy.

Tyrion's two attendants were so frightened that they obediently surrendered their weapons. Yoren quietly put down the tableware in his hands and retreated to the wall silently. The Night's Watch swore not to participate in the internal affairs of the kingdom. Tyrion was left alone and dumbfounded. One second he was sitting down to eat dinner peacefully. In the blink of an eye, the swords in the whole room were drawn towards him.

In Caitlin's eyes, the dwarf's forced smile was satisfying.

"Mrs. Stark, I think you must be mistaken. Bran and I have nothing to do with each other." Tyrion said while looking at the chaotic and obviously beneficial scene, trying to keep a smile.

"You are not allowed to call the young master by his first name." Sir Rodrik said solemnly, his eyes looking really dangerous.

Tyrion quickly said yes, "Okay, okay, I have nothing to do with your son's affairs. I, I swear on my honor."

"Lannister's honor." Catelyn sneered, raising her hand to show everyone in the room, "This scar was caused by his dagger. He sent someone to use that dagger to cut my son's throat."

The hotel suddenly fell into a commotion again, and Tyrion could clearly feel the anger around him rising. Damn woman, how could she incite people's hearts without using the gray smoke from the gold mines in Casterly Rock? She must have incited them faster than here.

He looked around. The knights of Harrenhal, two damn mercenaries who could kill him with just a spit, and a group of peasants who had no idea what ridiculous things they were doing stood up in response to the call of the damn Stark woman. Behind Tyrion were two attendants who were so frightened that they even handed over their weapons, and Yoren the Wandering Crow, who did not participate in the kingdom's internal affairs. What could he do to fight this Caitlin?

Not far away, twenty or thirty people from the Frey family sat quietly. They were undoubtedly the decisive force that could turn the situation around. However, the Frey family sat quietly. Two or three people even stood up excitedly and drew their swords with everyone. , but was quickly pulled to sit down by the leader.

Tyrion's mood gradually calmed down. He knew that this hotel seemed to be filled with vassals of the Tully family, but in fact there were many families who were afraid of the Lannister and harbored evil intentions. But he was not stupid enough to talk to Catelyn's group in front of her. He just clenched his fists unwillingly and said, "There is no other way, Mrs. Stark."

"I will take you to Winterfell," said Catelyn, "to await the king's judgment."

Winterfell? Tyrion breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the free rider who had accepted his gold coins before, "If anyone can tell my father about today's incident? You know, Lord Tywin will be worried that I leave without saying goodbye." Damn it, He would worry that he would ruin the family's face. His eyes circled around the man who didn't stand up to respond. "Whoever tells him the news will be rewarded heavily by Lannister."

Ser Rodrik said worriedly, "I hope everyone will not make this matter public."

Tyrion almost laughed out loud. The northerners were just idiots. He looked at the thoughtful Free Riders and smiled to himself.

"We need to leave immediately. You guys, the Stark family will be forever grateful to you. If you are willing to help us escort the prisoners to Winterfell, you will be rewarded heavily." Caitlin said to everyone without talking nonsense.

There is a big reward for every good one. Tyrion looked at the faces of all those who support Catelyn. You will definitely get a big reward. It is definitely not the kind this woman promised. Lannister must pay his debts!

They quickly walked out of the house, and the stars in the night sky brought light to Caitlin and her party. The mercenary arranged his clothes, led a war horse that he could tell was battle-hardened, with faint scars from spear stabs, and followed Mrs. Caitlin away. .

Sir Rodrik gave the mercenary instructions, and the latter looked at him with a smile. Tyrion realized that the situation was not good, and muttered, "Don't, don't, oh~" The hood covered his face Above, his eyes were completely covered.

Lannister, all debts must be paid! Tyrion screamed in his heart.

The rain started to fall just at this time, and the drizzle was continuous. Tyrion could even feel the slow speed caused by the mud on the horse's hooves. He was slightly happy in his heart. Maybe the nobles of the Riverlands would kill to please his father and rescue Tyrion. hold head high.

Winterfell? It's too far. It won't take long for Lord Tywin's mercenaries to send out scouts. Going to the North is just a matter of heading north along the King's Road. Catelyn and the others won't be far away before they encounter mercenaries who want to please the Lannister.

Tyrion thought about it, but the fatigue slowly spread from his feet that were filled with lead to his whole body, and he fell into a deep sleep on the saddle. Before falling asleep, he even found the mercenary supporting him. Gee, who has a heavier reward than Lannister's golden dragon?

Caitlin looked into the distance worriedly. She lifted the dwarf into the middle of the team. Dozens of horses were driving all night. Caitlin looked at everyone with a tired look on their face. Sir Rodrik was even more so, with a particularly tired look on his face. After all, he was a coach who had been loyal to Stark for decades, and he had been working really hard recently.

If you head north in the rain, not to mention Winterfell, even the Neck is far away from the end of the world. The King's Road leading to the north is full of mud and potholes. What if the mad dog of the Lannister family touches here?

What's more, going north along the Kingsroad will inevitably get closer and closer to the Twins of the Frey family. "Late Frey", his father called the old Lord Frey, who was still able to marry a new wife at the age of ninety, always wavering in his political stance. If the Lions really go to war, his father will definitely summon his vassals, but will this Lord Frey respond? Catelyn is extremely skeptical.

Where to go? She specifically emphasized in the inn that she should go north to Winterfell. The mad dogs of Lannister and the vassal of the riverlands who are disloyal will definitely set up an ambush on the Kingsroad, and the road to the north is full of dangers.

Where to go? Catelyn looked at the intersection of the Kingsroad.

The Vale? Absolutely not. Although her uncle "Blackfish" Brynden Tully is a Knight of the Bloody Gate, it is the fief of Artis Arryn, and her sister Lysa is still imprisoned in the Eyrie. This move is tantamount to walking into a trap. Artis must have imprisoned Lysa without telling her uncle, otherwise her uncle would not have reacted.

In this sense, my uncle is also in danger.

Where to go? Catelyn looked to the west, her home, the home closest to her now.

Her father and her brother are all there. Although if a war breaks out, the riverlands will inevitably suffer, and Riverrun may be the first to face the enemy's invasion, but after all, there are two rivers converging there, the city defense is strong, and my father has recruited vassals, and the army is not to be underestimated. It is still unknown who is stronger against the lion.

Sir Rodrik looked at Lady Catelyn and asked softly, "Madam."

"Riverrun, Sir Rodrik." Catelyn said firmly, and galloped towards the other direction of the crossroads, the river road.

At the intersection of the Tengshi River and the Red Fork River, a majestic triangular castle is located in the middle. Thousands of years ago, the Tully family seemed to think that facing the river on both sides might not be the most advantageous for the city defense, so they built a large artificial trench on the west side of the castle, the only side that was not facing the water. During the war, the gates would always be opened to release water to fill the entire trench, making the castle surrounded by water on three sides, like a castle in the middle of a lake, almost indestructible.

For Riverrun, more than 200 guards are redundant.

The residents of the Riverlands love this castle, and the town outside the castle has always been prosperous. The Riverlands always cherish this long summer in peacetime, and diligently grow food and open up wasteland for farming.

Duke Hoster governed the Riverlands in an orderly manner. Although his vassals included the same ancient nobles who had long disdained the rule of the Tully family, and there were also new nobles who had risen in the past thousand years and were powerful, they always seemed to be more obedient in front of Hoster Tully. The duke used his superb political wisdom to reconcile many conflicts between the nobles in the Riverlands, and through marriage, he completely established the Tully family's extremely high status in the new dynasty after the end of the Dragon Dynasty. His prestige was not even limited to the Riverlands.

But now, the old duke is no longer able to do it. He has been seriously ill and bedridden, and it is difficult for him to sit up and stand.

Tyrion looked up at the towering castle, and had long ignored the strange looks of the people in the Riverlands.

"You Tully family are really fish, and the castle is built in the water." Tyrion teased. None of the Westerland mercenaries and Riverland traitors that he had been expecting appeared. This woman fooled him. I'm afraid that the two types of people that Tyrion had expected before are still running around like stupid pigs on the King's Road to the North!

"I think this is the most suitable place for your grave, Lannister dwarf." Catelyn said to him coldly.

Tyrion looked up with disdain. The triangular sandstone castle seemed indestructible, but it was completely unable to stop the power of his brother Jaime's sword.

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