Although it is located between two rivers and surrounded by humidity, the interior of Riverrun Castle does not seem to be damp, but unusually dry. Tyrion walked in the corridor of the castle, looking at the castle courtyard planted with flowers and plants not far away. Lady Catelyn, whom he hated, was standing there. Next to her, judging by her age and appearance, should be the heir of the Tully family, Edmure Tully.

Looking at her brother whom she had not seen for a long time, Catelyn could not help but reach out and gently touch his reddish-brown hair. Edmure took a step back unnaturally, "This is not a childhood, sister." He glanced in the direction where Tyrion was escorted and said to Catelyn.

Catelyn smiled when she heard this. Her brother Edmure had been in charge of the affairs of Riverrun since his father became seriously ill. When the nobles from the riverlands visited Riverrun, Edmure personally met with them and performed guest etiquette. Although Edmure could not intimidate some of the old nobles under him in recent years, at least Riverrun and its surrounding territories were managed in an orderly manner.

She looked at her brother with satisfaction. Although he was not tall and could only be considered of medium height, he had grown a beard on purpose, and looked like the Duke of Riverrun and the Governor of the Trident.

"Bring this dwarf here, aren't you afraid that Tywin will cause trouble?" Edmure asked worriedly. He was shocked when he saw his sister arresting this "little devil" and coming to Riverrun.

Catelyn shook her head firmly, "No one can cause trouble, Edmure." She put on the face of the eldest sister, which contained many characteristics, the responsibility of the Tully family, and the obsession of the Stark family. She had stayed in Winterfell for too long. "What is our family motto, brother, I don't think I need to remind you."

Edmure heard his eldest sister ask him in such a serious manner, and his face showed a childish embarrassment. He paced in the courtyard, his sword swinging back and forth, but he finally stopped and said to Catelyn: "Family, responsibility, honor."

"Yes," Catelyn said calmly, "Tyrion wants to murder my son, your nephew, Bran Stark."

Edmure's face was full of surprise.

Catelin told Edmure the information she had found in Winterfell and a series of things she had seen after arriving in King's Landing. Edmure's face was very complicated at first, and then only anger was left on his face, and his face flushed red.

Edmure finally confirmed with Catelyn, "Tyrion murdered my nephew, but why did the Arryns also get involved?" His red face did not ease at all, as if it was the last consultation before making a decision.

Catelin did not hide anything, she whispered something in Edmure's ear.

"Lysa? Lysa was imprisoned?" Edmure looked at Catelyn in shock, not expecting that his sister and nephew had both been murdered by the Eyrie. He did not think further about the connection between the two, but the Arryns seemed to have some unknown alliance with the Lannisters.

Catelyn held Edmure's hand, "Remember the motto of the Tully family, Edmure, you are an adult, your father is ill in bed, only you can hold up the sky of the river land," Catelyn looked at him with a smile, and tried to comfort her young brother in a gentle tone, "Don't worry, the Stark family, Winterfell, the North, my husband Ned will be with you, he is the king's best friend."

Edmure then eased his breathing, he nodded to Catelyn, and assured her, "If the situation gets out of control, I will not give up rescuing my sister, and..." He seemed a little hesitant, and his eyes fluctuated when he looked at Catelyn.

"What?" Catelyn asked.

Edmure took a deep breath, "That reminds me," he frowned, and Catelyn knew that her brother began to think in terms of the identity of the Duke of Riverrun. "According to the news from Saltpans, there are countless valley cavalrymen entrenched outside the Bloody Gate. Although the king has granted them special permission to sweep the mountain clans in the Moon Mountains, they have been clearing them out outside the Bloody Gate for such a long time. I am afraid." Edmure was worried, and he couldn't help but exert force on his hand holding the long sword.

Catelyn looked at her brother worriedly. His face was busy and dull, and his reddish-brown beard seemed to be a bunch of troubles that troubled Edmure. His father was seriously ill, and his brother took on the burden. The last time he saw him was still a child. Time always waits for no one. Before the world is ready, perhaps the war will begin.

The siblings talked about daily life and no longer talked about those annoying national affairs. Edmure showed a childish smile and told Catelyn the jokes he had made when teasing the minstrels. Catelyn couldn't help laughing when she heard it. Although her brother had matured a lot, he was still as childish as before.

The siblings' playfulness was soon interrupted. A man who looked like a maester's assistant from Riverrun stood up. "Ahem!" He coughed slightly, and the Tully siblings immediately stopped talking.

"I didn't want to interrupt the young master and the lady's reminiscence, but Master Hoster insisted on seeing you. He has something to say to you, madam." The maester's assistant apologized and bowed to Catelyn.

Catelyn sighed. She didn't go to see her father directly because she was afraid that the image of her wise and witty father in her memory might collapse instantly when they met. She was afraid to see her father become an old and sick old man, as if he was still in his father's arms yesterday, and the next moment his father might need your arms.

"I'll go now." Catelyn said. Edmure followed her in silence.

The flowing water stairs in Riverrun are unique. The duel between Brandon and Petyr ended here. At that time, Petyr was covered in blood. Brandon was holding the sword and looked at Petyr with a complicated expression. The past disappeared like smoke in a blink of an eye. Caitlin thought that the Usurper War was the only turmoil in the Seven Kingdoms that she had encountered in her life, but she did not expect that the war seemed to be coming again in an instant.

The bachelor's assistant said nothing. Caitlin asked many questions about her father, but the other party ignored her. Caitlin had no choice but to give up. She secretly wondered, after so many years, do people around her father lack the most basic courtesy?

Father's bedroom was very warm. The maid tended to the fireplace and carefully carried firewood. She didn't seem to notice Caitlin entering the room.

Sitting next to his father's bed was a man with brown-grey hair and gorgeous clothes. The man turned to look at Caitlin who was coming.

"Lord Tytos Blackwood?" Catelyn said in surprise. In her memory, Count Tytos did not come to Riverrun many times. Most of the time she heard about this count was that he organized hunting in Blackwood Valley and invited her father many times, but every time At that time, the Bracken family, the riverland nobles who were mortal enemies of Blackwood, would hold banquets at the same time and would also send invitations to Tully. His father was furious every time and did not respond to any invitation. Instead, he went to Riverrun City A dinner party was held here and the same invitation was extended to both families.

At this time, Earl Tytos came to Riverrun in person and sat beside his father's bed. There was also tea that his father liked to drink on the bedside.

"Your daughter is here, Hoster." Count Tytos seemed not to want to pay attention to Duke Hoster's eldest daughter. He just stood up and looked at Caitlin with eyes that seemed full of anger.

Caitlin was a little at a loss. When she saw her father who reluctantly stretched out his hand, she sat next to him and held her hands tightly.

Edmure stood in front of the door. Lord Tytos saluted him and strode away.

"Caitlin" Horst's voice was soft and weak, as delicate as silk.

Caitlin approached her father with a smile on her face, tears already welling up in her eyes. Her father's weak and pale face and his weak breathing seemed to have no energy, which made her extremely heartbroken.

"Caitlin" Horst murmured, as if he only knew this word. His lips were chapped, white cracks were printed on them, and saliva could be seen faintly flowing out from the corners of his mouth.

Caitlin's tears couldn't stop flowing. She asked the maid to bring her a handkerchief and wipe the corners of her father's mouth. "Father needs to drink water." She said to herself, picked up the tea, and gently fed it to her father's mouth.

Her father suddenly held her hand and stopped her behavior. "Let the dwarf go," he said.

"What?" Caitlin leaned close to her father, wanting to confirm what her father said.

"Let Lannister go." This time Catelyn heard her father's words clearly. She shook her head regretfully, "Father, you don't know what that dwarf did to our family and my children."

Horst suddenly coughed violently, and the coughing sound filled the whole room. Caitlin was horrified to see blood streaks in the corners of her father's mouth.

"Maester!" Edmure shouted as he hurried out.

The old maester from Riverrun walked in. He frowned tightly and hurriedly removed Caitlin's hand from holding Duke Hoster's hand, and dealt with it seriously.

Catelyn could only watch helplessly as Edmure walked over to his sister and took her hand that was shaking with nervousness.

The old maester fed his father the potion, which was as black as blood that had gathered and solidified. My father quickly calmed down and his coughing gradually stopped.

The old bachelor turned his head and said, "I'm sorry, ma'am, the situation just now didn't hurt you, did it?"

Caitlin shook her head.

"He must be too excited to see his daughter," the old bachelor said softly, "The Duke needs to rest now. He has met too many people today, and he needs to rest immediately."

Catelyn sighed softly. The condition of her father's body must be one of the reasons why the nobles of the Riverlands gradually became disobedient to discipline. Edmure had written to him to complain.

The siblings arrived at the main hall of Riverrun. The dinner had been prepared, but it was just a simple reception, so there wasn't much food. Edmure walked into the main hall first, but was stunned. Then he clenched the sword in his hand, seemingly ready to attack. Catelyn looked at her brother in confusion, but she understood the reason when she entered. Lord Tytos, who had been beside her father's bed before, was sitting next to Tyrion, who she had captured and taken to Riverrun for trial, talking and laughing with him. Just need to feed this dwarf.

"I need an explanation, Lord Blackwood." Edmure was obviously furious. He did not want this family enemy to sit in his hall as a guest.

Tyrion's eyes widened and he raised his glass to Edmure, "Obviously your father doesn't want me to be treated as a prisoner and come to Riverrun."

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