Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 57 Return to the Valley

The curl of cigarette smoke wrapped around Atis' fingertips, and the gorgeous orange-red sparks followed the gradually expanding charred black, spreading to the entire envelope. Atis put down the paper letter and threw it into the stove before it burned out, watching it dance inside.

This was the letter from Riverrun sent by Blackfish from the Bloody Gate. To be more precise, it was the letter sent by Edmure Tully, who confused him.

Lady Catelyn wanted to enter the Eyrie in the name of Lysa's eldest sister. It was a novel behavior. The Tully family secretly sent an accusation to the Iron Throne, and then sent a letter to the Bloody Gate to ask Brynden Tully to protect her through the Bloody Gate and climb onto the Eyrie. The Tully siblings probably thought that King Robert would actively cooperate with this accusation, and probably thought that there was a so-called secret in the Red Castle.

Could it be that they wanted to see their reaction? If they refused, they would be considered guilty, which would prove Tully's accusation? Attis stroked the silver-gold scabbard at his waist and thought to himself.

Although Artis was not in the Vale, he could sense how violent the noble knights of the Vale would react to the Tullys' actions. In order to appease people and protect them, he even sent a letter to Brynden, asking him to leave the Vale on his own. In such a tense situation, the Tullys were still there. Although Blackfish had changed his family and dyed the trout black, it was probably only Blackfish himself who took responsibility for this.

The days in King's Landing gradually became stable, and the noise of the tournament seemed to have nothing to do with him. Although many contestants called on the eagles of the Vale to compete with them, Artis himself was not interested in it. He seemed to remember that his father did not have much experience in participating in the tournament. Even as the Duke of the Eyrie, he seemed to have only held a decent tournament once, which was held at the Gates of the Moon to commemorate Artis's first naming day. It was that time that made the entire Moon Mountains, whether enemies or friends, mountain clans or vassals, know the name of Artis Arryn, the name that existed in the heroic epic.

Especially when his father saw King Robert holding the tournament without restrictions, he seemed to be very disgusted with the tournament and even the dinner. In history, Artis rarely saw the knights or heads of the Arryn family frequently participate in the tournament. It seems that the Arryn family, who value honor, does not think that the honor of the tournament is worth their risky pursuit. Perhaps Artis's rejection at this time is related to some mysterious inheritance of this ancient bloodline.

Artis stood up and looked out the window.

"Dong" There was a slight knock on the door, and Ange's voice came from outside, "My lord, the Prime Minister is calling you."

"I know." Artis replied briefly. He hasn't stepped into the Red Castle for a long time. As the Duke of the Vale who holds real power and the commander of the gold cloaks of King's Landing, it is his choice to take the initiative to avoid the government. Moreover, although the Red Castle flies the ice wolf flag and the crowned stag flag, this castle has always made him feel unsafe.

He walked out of the bedroom, and the horses and blue-robed guards were already waiting in line. Ange came over with the horse, and Attis climbed on top. "Go to the Red Keep." He gave a brief order, then raised his whip and rushed out.

"Go!" The voices of the blue-robed heavy cavalry came from behind, and they all headed for the Red Keep.


Edard Stark looked at the people of the riverland under the high platform of the Iron Throne with some helplessness. The petitioning crowd swarmed in front of the throne room. Varys looked at the scene in front of him with a rather novelty, showing a mysterious but very annoying smile to Eddard. The women of King's Landing and the witnessing nobles of the royal territory leaned on both sides of the throne room. From their expressions, it was clear that they were pointing and talking. Most people looked at the petitioning people who were dressed in tattered and dirty clothes with disgust.

The noise was endless, and Eddard couldn't stand it. He said, "Okay, be quiet!" The throne room stopped instantly, and everyone looked at Eddard sitting on the Iron Throne. The old man in front of the petitioning crowd was so scared that he knelt down quickly, afraid to look up at Eddard.

"How do you know it's the army of the Arryn family?" Varys asked the petitioners when he saw that everyone stopped talking.

The old man pointed and gestured, "Blue falcon flags, groups, and foreign accents."

"They also brought blue shields." said the thin woman behind.

"Not only that," said the old woman next to her, "they even raised a big eagle."

"Hahahahaha!" This made everyone in the throne room laugh.

"Everyone get up," Eddard ordered. He never believed that the kneeling people could tell the truth. "Get up and speak."

The petitioners hesitated, "Didn't you hear? The Prime Minister asked you to get up and speak." Varys waved his hand and smiled apologetically at Eddard.

What exactly is hidden in the smile of the octopus spider? Eddard didn't understand at all.

"Who told you that the blue falcon is the banner of the Arryn family?" Eddard asked this seemingly irrelevant question and looked into the eyes of the petitioner. Only sincere gazes can dispel lies, Eddard thought.

The petitioner's eyes were not strange at all. He looked into Eddard's eyes and asked puzzledly: "Uh, Prime Minister, haven't you heard of the Eagle of the Valley?"

The old woman asked in confusion: "The Prime Minister doesn't know this?"

"Don't be rude to the Prime Minister!" Kingsguard Ser Alys Odheart scolded, and the petitioner immediately lowered his head, and the old woman even stumbled and almost fell.

Eddard stopped Alys and said: "Don't do this, Ser Alys."

"They set fire to the village," the girl said with tears in her eyes, "and killed my mother, and didn't even spare Benben."

Wallis sighed sadly, "Oh, poor child, why did the gods create this evil karma?" He seemed to be trying to comfort the girl, "Don't worry, child, be strong. Is Benben your brother? I'm so sorry."

The girl looked at the fat eunuch in front of her with tears, "Bengben is my puppy, and my father left it to me before he passed away."

"Oh~" Wallis put his hand on the back of his hand sadly and looked at the Prime Minister.

"Duke Attis will be here soon, and I will ask him personally," Ed stood up, "Everyone, step aside."

Ser Arys of the Kingsguard stepped forward, a man in gold robes rushing forward with a spear in hand. The petitioners left the throne room, and the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed.

"Everyone can see that this group of commoners have got it wrong." Lord Beric Dondarrion walked up to the Prime Minister. He had been among the crowd watching.

Young Ser Loras Tyrell echoed: "Ser Attis is a great knight and could not have done this, I swear to the gods in heaven."

"Duke Attis may not be like this, but there is no guarantee that his group of proud vassals will not retaliate." Grand Maester Pycelle, who had been silent, said.

Ed looked at the old bachelor and asked, "Continue, Lord Pycelle."

"Ahem," Pycelle started with his classic cough, which Eddard already knew after spending so much time with him, "you know, the accusations in Riverrun are already known to all," He glanced at Varys and said, "I didn't mean to say that, Lord Varys, you have to keep the secret of the Red Keep."

Varys shrugged, "I can only do this if King Robert doesn't get angry in front of everyone, Lord Pycelle."

"Okay." Ed said impatiently. The things he originally wanted to focus on were unable to fully concentrate on the investigation in the face of a series of changes in the kingdom.

Pycelle bowed slightly and said: "The accusations in Riverrun are known throughout the country. I think even the knights in the valley will hear about this accusation regardless of what happens outside the valley."

"That makes sense." Varys agreed.

Earl Berry frowned, "If the people of the valley really want to do something, how will they get out of the valley? Will the Knights of the Blood Gate send their troops out of the valley for no reason?"

"Lord Beric Dondarrion may not know something," Pycelle turned to Lord Beric and said, "Duke Attis once accepted King Robert's military order and sent troops to sweep the Moon Mountains. To wipe out the mountain clans, there is a thousand valleys. The cavalry are arranged outside the Blood Gate, I'm afraid..."

"I think it's a frame-up," Wallis shook his head. "Who would fly the banner of the lord when they rob?"

"Proud, I think," Pycelle looked at the eunuch, "Lord Varys may not have read the history of the valley. Their Canyon Knights are quite like running wolves."

"Running Wolf?" Ed frowned slightly. He didn't know why there was such an analogy.

"Ha," Grand Maester Pycelle said rather awkwardly, "In academic discussions, doctors of history like to describe the unrestrained and free valley knights in this way, although I don't know how the closed valley gave birth to this group of knights... "

Before he finished speaking, young Loras Tyrell shouted happily: "Duke Attis is here!"

Several people looked towards the door of the main hall. Attis Arryn walked in slowly. He did not look at the people discussing, but focused his eyes on the empty Iron Throne. The sound of metal clashing came from him. Come, the scabbard rubs against the silver chain mail of Attis, and the falcon-winged helmet is worn on the body. This fully armed appearance is rarely seen in King's Landing Ed, even if Attis is seen wearing armor, He was also mixed in with the cavalry in King's Landing in the valley. He was wearing plate armor and a huge helmet. Outsiders could not tell where Attis was in the cavalry.

"Attis," Ed called to him.

Attis walked up to Ed and nodded slightly, "Sir Ed."

Pycelle and Varys, including Lord Beric on the side, all consciously remained silent. Sir Loras looked at Attis quite excitedly, with some envy in his eyes.

"Attis," Ed said solemnly, "the lower reaches of the Red Fork River..."

Attis directly interrupted the Prime Minister, "Lord Ed," he looked at Ed firmly, "I already know it, and the whole city knows it."

"Damn it!" Ed cursed, there really were no secrets in the Red Keep.

"I am going to return to the fiefdom and gather the army." Attis said bluntly.

Earl Berry frowned tightly. As an earl, he didn't expect Attis to say "call the army" so straightforwardly. This is the Red Keep, this is King's Landing, and the Iron Throne is still here.

"Attis," Ed said with a frown. Attis's choice made him quite angry. The conflict between the West and the Riverlands was already at an all-time high. If the valley crosses the river again... "This will only make things worse." ,child."

Attis sighed after hearing this. He looked directly at Eddard and said to him: "Eddard Stark." Eddard was stunned. Attis never called him by his first name. "King Robert, King of Kings." Hand, Prime Minister, Guardian of the North," Attis said word by word: "My duty is not to stay in the Red Keep, but to stay by your side." He pointed at the iron pattern of the blue falcon on his armor, "I am the Duke of the Eyrie, the Guardian of the Vale. I will not allow lies and groundless accusations to damage the honor of my family and the people of the Vale. I must react, Lord Stark."

Hearing these words, Ed seemed to feel that millions of words were stuck in his throat and could not be uttered. He looked at Attis, who had been calm and focused on the overall situation, feeling helpless and speechless. If it were him, he probably wouldn't Be indifferent, otherwise the vassals will only feel that their lord is weak. The experience of Tywin Lannister's father "The Laughing Lion" has fully demonstrated the consequences in history.

Loras's smile became even brighter after hearing this. All wise leaders in history have acted decisively, and Duke Attis has become more and more like a legendary knight.

"I'm afraid..." Pycelle looked at Attis and said tentatively.

Varys shook his head and expressed his helplessness, "If the Duke insists, I'm afraid no one in the world can stop it. When our dear King Robert hears about this, he will definitely reconcile."

"King Robert has not yet given instructions," Attis said. "The knights of the Vale will first take care of the security of the Riverlands for Riverrun and hang all the bandits pretending to be from the Vale."

Pycelle frowned slightly. Attis did not declare war on the Riverlands as expected. It would be difficult to keep the queen's matter a secret. If the valley water could not be removed in advance, how would the lion face the Lu family's coalition forces.

"If we are searching for bandits," Loras said suddenly excitedly, "if possible, Duke Attis, I am willing to go with you."

"A hero comes from a young man." Varys said leisurely and praised Loras Tyrell.

Ed took a deep breath, "Attis," he asked, "can you promise not to expand the war and only punish criminals on behalf of the Iron Throne?"

"Not only on behalf of the Iron Throne," Attis shook his head, "On behalf of me, but also on behalf of the Vale itself." But he did not agree. Although he was not willing to cause trouble under King Robert's rule, the behavior of the Tully family Even if he could endure it, the nobles of the valley would not be able to endure it.

"Can I go?" Loras looked at Attis longingly.

Attis raised his eyebrows slightly. He had not noticed the young Tyrell in front of him. He had only seen Loras's outstanding performance from a distance in the tourney before, but had not observed him up close.

"Loras," Ed said, "I respect your bravery, but this is not related to the knight's dream, but to the laws of the kingdom and..." Ed looked at Attis, "and the honor of the nobility."

Attis smiled slightly. He understood what Eddard meant, but he looked at Loras, "Ser Loras, it may take a lot of time to go to the Riverlands. I don't doubt your bravery, but Lord Renly Still in King's Landing, is he really willing to let you leave King's Landing?"

Loras wanted to refute when he heard Eddard's words, but when Attis talked about Renly, he frowned and fell silent.

"Lord Beric," Eddard looked at Beric Dondarrion, "I hope you can lead fifty people to follow Duke Attis and assist the Duke of Vale on behalf of the Iron Throne to go to the Riverlands to suppress the bandits."

Attis nodded knowingly, and the compromise and deal between the Iron Throne and the Valley came to an end at this time. Earl Berry was like a supervisor in the military camp, supervising the behavior of the Valley, and took him to the military camp in the Valley, also in Tell the vassals the attitude of the Iron Throne, and calm the restless hearts of the radicals who want to hit Riverrun at this time. And the actions in the valley are also protected by legal principles. King Robert is not dead yet, and the game of the nobles is still on the table. They must not exceed the rules at any step, so as to protect themselves and the valley.

Lord Beric Dondarrion lowered his head and replied: "As you command, Lord Eddard."

Attis smiled and looked at Berry, "It's time to hit the road. The sins are waiting to be punished, Lord Berry."

The blue flag was waving under the gate of King's Landing. Passers-by looked up and saw the Crescent Falcon as if they were really on the blue sky, soaring freely between the open world.

Attis stood on horseback in front. Countless people looked sideways at this sung knight, a suspect in the crimes of the Riverlands, and the powerful Guardian of the East. Their hearts were filled with either admiration, suspicion, resentment and jealousy. But no one dared to say anything, they just looked sideways silently and silently walked around this group of fully armed valley heavy cavalry, gossiping and gossiping could only be passed on to those around them afterwards.

"Words are like the wind, sir." Xiu Fu looked at Attis. He knew that the remarks about the Duke of the Valley in the tavern had already reached Attis's ears. Seeing that Attis was indifferent, Ange also said: "This is not your home, sir." He pointed to the northeast, "Eyrie City is your home. The people there trust you, and the sky there is You can fly freely."

Attis did not directly respond to these meanings. Instead, he looked at Angei with a smile on his face, "When did you start quoting poetry? Your words seem to be included in Bachelor Ruben's Valley Travels."

An Gai blushed slightly, "Don't be ridiculous, sir, I can't read."

"You often go to Flea Bottom in King's Landing. Which girl will recite poetry to you?" Attis said to the people around him, causing everyone to laugh and booed Ange.

"Anya? Which lady? Or the girl from the north?" Weimar raised her mouth and asked in a deliberately sultry tone, which again made everyone laugh.

"Nonsense," Ange had already become familiar with young aristocratic masters like Weimar, but his face turned red uncharacteristically when faced with his joke, "I am the master's attendant, how can I leave even half a step?"

"I beg to differ." Attis also imitated Weimar's weird tone and said to everyone.

A pleasant atmosphere lingered among Attis and his group. The valley knights wearing curved helmets behind them were all smiling, but their usual silence prevented them from changing their figures, and their masks blocked their smiles. .

"Duke Ed is here," Xiu Fu reminded.

Attis and everyone turned to look, and saw dozens of Northern Wolf Troopers guarding Ed and rushing in front of them.

"Attis!" Ed shouted, but Attis noticed a pair of small hands and erratic feet sitting behind Ed on the horse. When his face was revealed, Attis didn't even say anything to Ed. Say hello, but first lost his voice: "Arya?" Just as he asked, Arya's direwolf followed from a distance, and the horse that Attis stepped on instantly became restless.

"Yes," Eddard smiled, "King's Landing has no room for my little daughter. I just found her in the sewers."

Arya looked up at Attis with a big smile on her face. Her dark cloth was stained with sewer mud. "Brother Attis, I'm going back to Winterfell!" she said cheerfully. .

Attis looked at Ed, "You can find Arya in the sewers, sir. Where is Sansa?" He was thinking at this time, if you think King's Landing is in danger, you should send both daughters out of the city.

Eddard shook his head helplessly, "It was Robert's idea to bring them to the North. Now think about it," he sighed, "This is completely wrong. Sansa is at Joffrey's place whenever she has free time. She She seems to be obsessed with Cersei and has been following the queen. I have long proposed to let the two of them go home, but she was unwilling no matter what. "

It might not be a good thing to go with your daughter in everything... Attis thought to himself.

"She's possessed by Joffrey's broken-hand prince!" Arya shouted. After hearing this, Ed looked at Attis helplessly and said, "Do you remember our proposal, Attis?"

Attis looked at Eddard and heard him say: "I can't educate my daughter well in King's Landing. Help Arya meet some people in the valley. This child likes to wield swords and guns. Lyanna told me... The daughters of the Waywood family in the Vale are similar to Arya, taking her to see the world in the Vale, hoping that there, "Eddard looked at Arya, "she can receive the education of a lady and a warrior."

"As long as warriors, father," Arya touched the direwolf's head with her hand, "no ladies, King's Landing will raise ladies, and Sansa will be fine here."

"I'm afraid there are rumors..." Attis carefully recalled the several granddaughters of the Waywood family, and frowned and told Ed, but was interrupted by the latter.

"I trust you, Attis," Ed said. "Even if there are rumors and accusations, I still trust you. I believe you have sacrificed a lot for the honor of the family, Attis."

Ed approached Attis and said, "Take her away from here. I will make arrangements for Sansa. When things are over in King's Landing, I will pick up Arya from the Vale. The journey to the north is long and there are frequent wars in the Riverlands. The Vale must be safe." Yes, Attis.”

Attis looked at Ed's sincere eyes and understood that Ed was not lying, but really wanted to entrust Arya to him.

"I am flattered, Lord Eddard," Attis knew what this meant. "I will take care of Arya and send her safely north when this is all over."

Ed showed a smile, Sansa received the most formal lady education in King's Landing, Arya longed for freedom and knights, and the valley was safe and cared for by Attis. And Artis is the eldest son of Jon Arryn. No matter who makes some unfavorable remarks to him, including Caitlin, Eddard unconditionally trusts his adoptive father's son and believes in the "high as glorious" Arryn family. Winter is approaching, and he must make plans early. Sansa and Joffrey are engaged, and there is no progress in the case of the queen left by Jon. If it turns out to be a mistake, even if Joffrey has a bad character, he can only give up. According to his king's arrangement, if the truth were revealed, Sansa would be sent home early. Robert wanted Sansa to stay in King's Landing, so he could only arrange this.

"Thank you, Attis..." Ed said solemnly to Attis, "Duke Arryn, let Arya live a free life. I believe that the Mingyue Mountains are big enough."

Attis looked at the lovely Arya, "Of course," he thought of the giant's spear that shot straight into the sky, "Arya will definitely like it there."

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