Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 58 Black Fish Returns to the River

The snow line in the distance was clearly visible in Brynden's eyes, and the Blood Gate scouts imitated the signal sounds of birds and sparrows in a regular manner.

Once, Brynden held his breath and held his bow and arrow horizontally under his body. His lips moved slightly, sending a signal to the archers behind him. They understood and moved in the mountains and forests, hiding deep behind the grass and rocks.

Twice, Brynden slowly pulled the short bow and listened to the noise in the distance.

"After crossing this mountain, the Blood Gate where the old eagle is imprisoned is right in front of us."

"No one has approached that city, and those who approached died."

"They didn't find us, we are very hidden."

"Who thought we could attack the Blood Gate directly?"

The archers of the Blood Gate pulled the short bows in layers, aiming the arrows at the wild people gathered in the distance. Brynden exhaled hot air and moved the longbow forward.

Three times, the signal sound of the Blood Gate scouts sounded quickly, like the sound of a parrot jumping.

"Shoot!" Brynden gave the order, and the archers behind him shot arrows one after another, falling like meteors at the wild men chatting in front.

Screams were deafening, Brynden quickly drew out his long sword, swiftly climbed over the layers of rock, and the black chain mail stood tall in the sight of the wild men of the mountain clan, and the black trout was captured in the wild men's vision like the symbol of the god of death.

"The black fish guarding the gate!" the wild men exclaimed in shock.

The archers behind Brynden also drew out their short swords and round shields, and pressed towards the poorly equipped wild men.

"Kill him," the leading wild man was hit by several arrows on his leather armor, coughing up blood and looking at the bloody gate soldiers who were coming forward with swords.

The remaining wild men gathered together, shouting like the roar of shadow mountain cats and rushing forward, and the stone axes and short knives in their hands fiercely chopped on the round shields of the bloody gate soldiers.

Brynden rushed into the battle, holding his long sword against the wild man's axe, pulling out the arrow from his quiver and stabbing it into the wild man's throat, then shifting his direction, holding his long sword across the wild man's chest, and instantly splashing scarlet blood on the rocks in the forest.

"Kill!" The fighting sound of the Blood Gate soldiers rang out again, the short swords flashed with silver light, the weapons intersected, and the sound of metal collisions resounded through the valley, startling many creatures in the mountains, birds flew up, and mountain rats ran away.

Brynden's long sword swept away the wild man's machete, kicked the enemy down with one foot, and the sword ridge hit the wild man's head heavily. The staggering wild man fell on his back on the hard rock, and the blood stained the stone, staining it with red and black stains.

The wild man leader shouted and swung his axe, and the helmet made of animal skeletons looked particularly terrifying. Brynden breathed slightly and looked calmly at the wild man leader who rushed over.

An arrow pierced the leader's wide-open eyes like a meteor, and a scream of pain came out of his mouth. Brynden was not slow and cut the leader's throat with a sword, killing him.

After several minutes of excitement, Brynden looked at the four bodies lying on the ground, walked forward sadly, touched the last remaining warmth on the soldiers' bodies with his hands, and closed the eyes of a soldier who had not closed his eyes. These thirty archers were all scout guards brought from the riverlands after he broke up with his brother Hoster, because he was responsible for leading the vanguard scouts of the riverlands at the beginning, and these people were the most elite reconnaissance scouts in the riverlands.

Brynden has decided not to be a Knight of the Bloody Gate anymore, so he will never lead the soldiers of the Vale. The casualties of the Vale people will make him feel ashamed of Jon Arryn's trust and care for him, and Blackfish will not accept it.

It seems that they are used to the silence of the Bloody Gate, or the silence of the valley. In addition to enjoying the natural sounds of the mountains and forests and the shouts of the knights' duels, the thirty scouts they brought from the riverlands seem to have integrated into the valley, and there are few passionate roars even in battle. Brynden looked at his guards, some of whom had gray hair, and felt bitter in his heart. It has been a long time since he returned to the riverlands, and it has been a long time since his guards returned home.

Even during the reign of Duke Jon Arryn, the Bloody Gate was rarely open. This opening refers to both outsiders and guards stationed at the Bloody Gate. It is also the norm for the Bloody Gate not to be allowed to enter and exit. Moreover, Duke Artis has always insisted on the valley restriction order that the Bloody Gate passage is not open to the outside since he came to power.

Brynden looked at the soldiers lying down, and these sacrificed warriors could only return to their hometowns and be buried in the valley.

"Sir," the scout said, "where are we going next?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the scouts looked at him. They were very close to the Blood Gate at this moment. They had returned to the starting point after going around the mountains. It was time to fulfill Blackfish's promise to return to the Riverlands when he took them into the valley.

Brynden looked at the scouts with enthusiastic eyes and smiled softly, "Blood Gate, let's go home."

An unknown emotion fell on the stunned scouts. They looked at each other, and many of them were in tears, but they did not choose to laugh loudly to celebrate. This was still in the valley, and the threat of the wild men in the Moon Mountains was still there. The scouts' instinct made them restrain their inner emotions.

Even so, joy and sadness could be seen from the expressions of the veterans in the Riverlands at the same time. Brynden smiled with relief. He thought that the war in the Riverlands was tense, and the conflict between him and his brother Horst should also be settled.

He retracted his sword, looked into the distance, and no longer hesitated.

“The most urgent task is to cross the Trident, force the old lady of the Hean family to surrender, and capture Harrenhal!” Earl Eustace of Longbow Hall pointed to the map and said.

"Crossing the river is too risky. The water in the lower reaches of the Trident is so strong that cavalry cannot be sent across." Lyonor Corbray, Earl of Heart City, shook his head. The Trident River is mostly a small ferry, and it is impossible for a large army to set out. He pointed to the north, "The Frey family has been repeatedly ridiculed by Old Trout and is also jokingly called the 'late' Frey. If the Twins are persuaded to open the ferry, the entire Riverlands will be waiting to tremble under the iron hooves of the Vale cavalry."

Nester Royce lowered his head and said nothing. He looked at the terrain of the Trident River. After hearing Lyonor's words, he immediately spoke, "The king once fought a decisive battle with Rhaegar Targaryen at the Ruby Fork. This is a shallow ford on the Green Fork River. The army can also cross the river from here."

"Again, Duke Artis has not returned yet. We can't decide to conquer the Riverlands privately, so we can't choose a ferry." Jon Grafson, the eldest son of Earl Gerald Grafson, said.

"My God," Lord Lyonel Corbray yelled, "Why are you clamoring to ease the conflict? Those who are waiting and waiting are all from Seagull Town? Especially Grafson!"

Jon Grafson frowned, "I didn't say that there is no war, but the time has not come yet. No one knows the situation of the Westerlands and the Riverlands in the Golden Tooth City. If it is just a grudge between the two families, King's Landing can still tolerate it, but if the Vale cavalry bleeds out and invades the Riverlands, no matter what the reason, King Robert will definitely order reconciliation. At that time, Duke Artis may punish you for greed!"

"What are you talking about?" Lyonel looked at Grafson's eldest son heir angrily.

"Enough!" Yohn Royce finally spoke, and everyone could only temporarily put aside their emotions and look up at him, "We just got the news that the Bloody Gate Knight 'Blackfish' Brynden Tully has abandoned the seal and left the Bloody Gate."

"Great!" Eustace clenched his fist and smashed the map, "The Tully family's bastard has finally left the Valley. I have long wanted to expel him."

"That's right!" Voices of response and approval came one after another. The nobles of the Valley have long been dissatisfied with the Tully family's control of the Bloody Gate, the gateway to the Valley.

"Heh!" Yohn sneered, "If I remember correctly, everyone here has challenged the Blackfish in the early years."

The nobles of the Valley often value honor. When they heard this, those with thinner skins had already blushed, especially Earl Eustace.

"Gather your people, rush to the Bloody Gate, and wait for the order of Duke Artis!" Yohn's iron-blue face tightened, looking at everyone and giving an order.

About the update, the group friends' long-awaited call, today's second chapter

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