Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 65 Valley Strategy

On the edge of the Moon Mountains, at the foot of the Giant's Spear, the Moongate Castle, the clan fortress of the Arryn family, stands tall and tall. It is the first choice place for the Arryn family to escape the winter. The cold air of the Narrow Sea passes through the baptism of the valley and then reaches the interior of the Arryn Valley. Instead, it became warm and humid, bringing warmth and moisture, showers and warm sunshine to the Gates of the Moon.

Previously, due to the order of the Iron Throne, many levies from the valley nobles and thousands of valley knights gathered here. An army of nearly 15,000 people gathered here, and under an order from Attis, the valley was removed from defending the coastline. In addition to the deployed soldiers, a steady stream of knights and soldiers from various castles and territories rushed here. The feud between the big and small lords was deep, but under the call of the Aylin family's crescent falcon flag, they did not hesitate at all. , some even put aside the ongoing war and rushed to the Gate of the Moon for recruitment, decisively choosing to turn the past wars into jade.

Nestor Royce stood at the gate of the city. He stood behind his cousin Jon Bronze. Although he was superior to almost all the nobles in the valley in terms of official title, after all, he was personally appointed by Jon Arryn. As the High Steward of Erin Valley, Attis did not annul this appointment even after he succeeded him as Duke. But the situation is different now. Duke Attis's order to gather troops to target the Riverlands has spread throughout the entire valley army. Some nobles and knights even held banquets overnight to celebrate their correct decision to become kings. .

Military command became necessary at this time. In peacetime, the High Steward of Arryn Valley could be under one person, but in times of war, with Bronze Yohn standing in front, no one was qualified to surpass him.

The nobles of the valley were arranged in order of prominence and stared into the distance in silence. Their lord had already arrived from King's Landing. The newly built stone road in Arryn Valley was more convenient for carriages to travel, but most of the valley knights and fantasy-loving nobles The boy was more willing to believe that the famous "Valley Eagle" Lord Attis Arryn came riding a horse.

The facts did not disappoint them. The heavy cavalry of the Arryn family, wearing curved giant helmets, plate armor inlaid with gold threads, wearing sky blue cloaks, and holding the blue and white flag of the Crescent Falcon, lined up in two rows and surrounded them. Looking at Attis Arryn, who was walking slowly at the front, the outline of the falcon's two-wing half helmet seemed to inlay light. The dazzling light gathered on the edge of the helmet, symbolizing the falcon embroidery of the Arryn family. In front of the breastplate, the sword left by his father Jon Arryn stood on his waist. He looked calmly and majestically at the valley nobles who greeted him in front.

Yohn Royce was the first to kneel down on one knee, and everyone behind him also knelt down after him. A few young nobles raised their heads slightly, as if to further witness the grace of Attis Arryn.

Attis walked up to Jon, glanced at Jon's downcast face, turned over and dismounted, put his palm in front of Jon's forehead, and said softly: "Long time no see, Count Jon."

Yon put his hand on Attis's and stood up steadily, looking at the young man he had watched grow up with a slight smile on his face.

"There is yellow sand on your face, Count Yohn," Attis smiled slightly and said to Yohn, "This cannot be seen by the younger generation of Canyon Knights."

Jon opened his chapped lips, and a faint laugh came from his closed lips. As everyone behind them stood up, Attis hugged Jon tightly.

After Attis let go of his arm, Yon looked at Attis' face and said, "Your body is getting stronger and stronger, and you finally have someone to talk to in this huge valley."

"For the Eyrie!" a young knight shouted, and Attis glanced at him, Harold Haddon, the third heir to the Eyrie.

"For the Eagle's Nest City!" a group of knights behind them shouted.

Attis turned his head and waved not far away. Syrio and Arya galloped over on their horses, followed closely by the direwolf.

"Oh my God." Harold Haddon looked at the direwolf in surprise. When the wolf rushed over, the nobles exclaimed.

"The little daughter of the Wolf family, the Prime Minister asked me to take good care of her." Attis said to Jon.

Jon rubbed Arya's face with his beard affectionately, causing Arya to duck for a while, and laughter came from behind him.

"Your father and I are old friends, and the Royce family and the Stark family are family friends. You can live here with peace of mind." John didn't care about the little girl's avoidance and said to her with a smile.

Attis walked into the Gates of the Moon, followed closely by Nestor. The speaker at the Gates of the Moon did not say any nonsense this time, but immediately reported the situation to Attis, "The Vale of Arryn behind the Gates of the Moon." , the army gathered by vassals large and small has reached nearly 20,000. These days, I have been strengthening the construction of the road in Aylin Valley. Although the project is huge, the effect is good so far. The materials and grains from Seagull Town and Runestone City that can be maintained by the army are transported here. At least it’s unimpeded.”

"The heir of Earl Grafson is in charge of the logistics of the army here, mainly the convoy transportation in Seagull Town, so the responsibilities of the logistics officer are also placed on him." Nester continued.

Attis continued to move forward and said to Nestor: "You will be responsible for the logistics of the army. Let Earl Grafson's son go with the army."

"Yes," Nestor nodded in agreement. He called on the soldiers in the city to move out of the way. "The main hall of the Gates of the Moon is inside. Jon wants to invite you to participate in the military meeting. He means that the army cannot be put on hold here. We have to go out as soon as possible.”

Attis nodded slightly, "Just place Arya Stark in the Gates of the Moon. There is no need to go to the Eagle's Nest." He thought of Lysa Tully.

"Oh, yes," Nestor replied immediately, "At your request, young Master Robin has lived in the hot spring garden of the Gates of the Moon for a long time. Lord Yohn has been responsible for his education before. You see..."

"Let's solve the marching problem with Yohn first. Robin will see you later." Artis said decisively without hesitation, and then walked into the main hall of the Gates of the Moon.

The main hall of the Gates of the Moon reflects its military style everywhere, with murals of swords and shields on both sides, and a falcon flying in the crescent moon above the main seat in the middle of the main hall. The blue and white corrugated floor is similar to that of the Eyrie. On the ceiling, there is a large mural of the former hero "Eagle Knight" Artis Arryn riding a giant eagle and fighting King Robert Royce with the Giant's Spear. The spectacular scene is not inferior to the Iron Throne of the Red Castle.

Atis sat on the main seat and watched the nobles of the valley sitting on the long table one after another.

Jon came in a hurry, obviously having a good chat with the little wolf girl from the Stark family. Harold Hatton stood behind him and sat down with him.

"So," Artis looked at the long table of the Moon Gate Castle, which was full of people. The representatives of the most important and powerful families in the valley were either the heads of the families themselves, such as Jon of the Royce family, Beneda of the Belmore family, Royce Cowart of the Cowart family, Eustace of the Hunt family, and Jon Lindley of the Lindley family; or the heirs of the family, such as Morton Waywood of the Waywood family, Jon Grafson of Seagull Town, and Jasper of the Redford family...

Of course, there were also heads of families and heirs who appeared at the same time. The two brothers of the Corbray family who didn't get along with each other, Earl Lyonel Corbray of Heart City, and Lynn Corbray, the owner of the Valyrian steel sword "Lady of the Empty" were all present.

Artis walked around the crowd, "Who will start first?"

Everyone turned their eyes to Yohn Royce. Bronze Yohn did not show any humility and stood up directly. "Duke Artis, all the knights," he pointed to the river terrain standing on the long table, "Before Duke Artis arrived, we prepared for the rainy day and discussed the army's marching plan in advance." Yohn put one hand on the Twin River City in the upper reaches of the Green Fork River, and the other hand on a low beach near the Salt Pan Town.

"The result of our discussion is that in order to avoid being attacked by a large group of riverland soldiers halfway across the river, a small group of valley cavalry will enter the riverland from the Ruby Beach and Saltpans Port to harass the riverland army near Harrenhal and attack its baggage and logistics. The other group is the main force of our army, crossing the river from the Twins and attacking Riverrun directly," Yohn glanced at Artis, "In short, first bite all the towns and villages east of the Green Fork, and then seek to cross the river."

Lionel Corbray nodded in approval, "In any case, it would be best to teach the Tully family a lesson by attacking Riverrun, at least let the old trout bring his daughter down the tower to apologize in person, if possible..." He glanced at Artis.

"In an emergency, we need to speak quickly." Artis said lightly.

Lionel nodded, "The Valley Knights of the Valley hope to gain honor and reward in this battle. Moreover, our Valley has been trapped in the Blood Gate for a long time. This is not only a natural barrier to protect us, but also a shackle that restricts our progress and honor. If we can't get an open area for the Valley Knights to gallop, no matter how brave and strong they are, they will lose their place in this continent."

The Earl of Xinsu City directly represents the most radical side of the Valley lords, exposing his ambition nakedly. He drew a big circle east of the Green Fork River, "If we can control half of the land in the river, not only will there be an extra piece of fertile land for growing food for the winter, but also the Valley Knights will no longer be constrained by the Blood Gate and can move freely."

"It's a bit ridiculous, Earl Lionel," Jon of the Grafson family said aloud. He looked up at Artis, lowered his head and whispered, "Duke Artis, please forgive me for being rude."

Artis nodded slightly, and he didn't need to speak at this time.

Jon Grafson said immediately, "King Robert is still here, and Lord Stark is still on the Iron Throne. This idea is undoubtedly a provocation to the authority of the Iron Throne. I don't suggest a big fight, let alone that we take the lead before the Westerlands make a big fuss. If we want to fight, we must wait until the Westerlands take the lead before leaving the Valley. You know, we are not in a hurry. The Tullys have no ability to defend the territory east of the Trident. At most, they can stop us from crossing the river on the west bank of the Green Fork. So we don't need to be too anxious about what is in our pocket. Let's wait and see the attitude of the Iron Throne first, and then take it slowly."

"How can it be so good?" Earl Eustace of Longbow Hall frowned. "If we wait for the king to mediate, the Westerlands will have the same idea as us, waiting to see who will make the first move. Will we have the opportunity to intervene in the Riverlands and win honor for Duke Artis? Besides, I heard that the Westerlands have been at war with the Riverlands, and the news of Edmure Tully's victory has spread throughout the Riverlands?"

"That was a minor fight, a village conflict involving less than a hundred people. What's the meaning of victory?" Jon Grafson smiled disdainfully, which caused the nobles, even Eustace himself, to smile.

"Twins..." Nestor looked at the marked castle on the long table with a little worry. "Although the Frey family has a feud with the Riverlands, it is a relationship between a lord and a vassal after all. If we can't take it by trickery and can only attack by force, the loss will not be small."

"I agree." Jon Grafson looked at Nestor and nodded.

Everyone fell silent, either looking at the map carefully or looking at Attis, trying to find some information from his expression.

Attis closed his eyes slightly, and when he found that everyone stopped talking, he opened his eyes, "Nothing to say?"

It was still Jon, "I advocate immediate battle. The knights of the canyon have been stationed here for too long, and they need to make achievements."

"There is no rush to fight, and diplomatic mediation is the main thing for the time being." Jon Grafson did not want to talk back to Jon directly, but no one spoke at this time, so he had to come forward himself.

Attis took a deep breath. In fact, the decision had already been made. He stood up and said: "Gather the army and prepare for the bloody gate immediately to fight Tully."

Even the Grafson family, who did not agree to fight immediately, stood up solemnly at this time and shouted with others: "For the Eyrie!"

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