East of the Stone

The Gates of the Moon is actually much larger than the current Eyrie, the castle of the Arryn family, but it seems very ordinary compared to the castles of other guardian families. Roland Arryn I, the fourth King of the Valley, who decided to build the Eyrie at Giant's Lance, had visited the towering tower of the Citadel, Casterly Rock, which was built on the entire mountain in the West, and other magnificent castles in the riverlands that were still under construction when he was young.

Compared to these castles, the Gates of the Moon, the castle of the Arryn family, seemed extremely shabby and ordinary, so he had the idea of ​​building a castle that was in line with the characteristics of the Arryn family and was extremely majestic. He decided to build a real eagle's habitat across the Giant's Lance.

The Eyrie overlooks all the fortresses in the known world. It may not be as magnificent as Casterly Rock, not as majestic as the towering tower, and not as large as the many castles built on land in the Riverlands, but anyone who has gone through untold hardships to pass through the Bloody Gate and the four castles to reach the Eyrie can declare that he has come to the top of the world, and can overlook the entire Vale of Arryn, can see the green fertile fields where lakes are inlaid like gems, and can see countless trickling streams passing through the valley, over the mountains and ridges to the distant fog.

However, due to the terrain, living in the Eyrie in the winter is a painful thing. Most of the time, the Arryn family will choose to go down the mountain to the Gates of the Moon at the foot of the mountain to avoid the cold. It is precisely because of this purpose that the guardians of the Gates of the Moon in successive generations, who are actually the successive heirs of the Arryn family, have continuously expanded the hot spring garden in the Gates of the Moon to help avoid the cold.

In order to avoid the influence of Lysa Tully on his younger brother Robin, Artis arranged for Nestor to take Robin to the hot spring garden of the Gates of the Moon. After finishing the meeting to discuss strategy with the lords of the Vale, he walked into the hot spring garden.

It is called a hot spring garden, but it does not mean that there are hot springs everywhere, hot mist and erotic music everywhere. The hot spring only exists in the center of the garden. A pool of hot springs is surrounded by stone walls. The heat comes from nowhere, so it is similar to the hot springs in Winterfell, but in comparison, the hot springs in the Gates of the Moon are much smaller.

Artis walked through the corridors, and heard the barking of the dire wolf Nymeria and the laughter of Arya and Robin in the distance.

Arya was teasing Robin with a purple flower picked from a cliff on the way here, shouting "You don't have it! You don't have it!"

Robin jumped anxiously behind the wolf girl. It seemed that his epilepsy had recovered well under the care of Maester Comon. At this time, he looked anxious and excited, but he did not have an attack.

"Robin." Artis shouted behind him.

Obviously, the child did not hear it at all, and ran farther after Arya.

"Robin!" The attendant looked at Attis with a pale face and bowed to him with apology, "Duke Attis, Master Robert is too lively and active."

Attis frowned slightly, "You shouldn't let him run all day, his epilepsy..." Attis sighed slightly and waved his hand slightly. The attendant secretly sighed and turned away.

There are many stone benches in the hot spring garden, but sitting on them is not hard and uncomfortable, but very soft, as if you can sink into it, very comfortable.

Attis sat on it, and the open-air hot spring in front of him splashed spring water, and hot mist floated up.

"You are back." A familiar voice came from behind. Attis turned around and a short-haired face full of heroic spirit appeared in front of him, "Sister Mia." Attis smiled.

Mia Shidong, still with the familiar tall and thin figure, her clothes do not have any characteristics of a lady, a short sword hanging at her waist, leather boots up to her knees, messy charcoal black hair, bright deep blue eyes, wearing a tight cloth robe, if ordinary people take a glance, they will probably just think she is a handsome young guard.

"It's amazing," Mia Shidong looked at Artis Arryn sitting on the bench in a gorgeous dress, "Before, you were just... a small follower of our Griffin Gang, guarding the warehouse..."

"'Falcon Brother'?" Artis recalled the time he spent in the Moon Gate Castle, and the mercenary game he played with Mia and Nestor's children.

Mia stretched her legs excitedly, "Do you remember? It's amazing!"

The scenes in his memory appeared in Artis' mind one by one, including the fierce battle of "guarding the warehouse", the orderly command of "catapult attacking the city", and the scenes of fighting wits and courage with cats in many warehouses of Moon Gate Castle...

"I always remember it." Artis raised his head slightly. That was the happiest and most relaxing time during the days when he went back and forth between Moon Gate Castle and Runestone City. Since Mia Stone was born, she was placed in Moon Gate Castle by her father and raised by her peasant mother. According to her father, King Robert often came here during his days in the Eyrie, holding Mia in his arms and swinging in the sky. At that time, Robert was really happy, but Ed always looked at the happy Robert with a little sadness.

"Robert always lives in the present, and Ed always lives behind something, whether it is Brandon, family responsibility, personal honor, etc." said his father.

"Little Robin...are you taking care of it?" Artis asked.

Mia nodded, "Yes, Lord Nestor gave him to me, saying that he was too squeamish, and I..." Mia blushed slightly and said, "I have a bad temper, and I can teach him a lesson."

"How is the treatment going?" Atis asked. He was quite curious because Robin's time in King's Landing was not short. He had no involvement in his own education. His greatest contribution was to imprison his doting mother to prevent the two from getting close.

"Be like a human being," Mia curled her lips slightly, "I trained him as my squire."

"I remember that you wanted to be a knight since you were a child." Atis said.

Mia sighed indifferently, "Until I realized that I was a girl."

The two of them inadvertently got close to each other. Mia looked up at Atis, with a slight smile on her lips. Her slender figure and curves appeared in front of Atis under the tight cloth robe.

"Atis!" Arya's voice came from behind. Atis retracted his gaze and turned to look over.

Robin was just like a monkey, but now he became timid when he saw Artis, muttering, "Brother."

Artis walked to Robin, reached out and touched Robin's black hair, and whispered, "How are you, Robin?"

Robin glared at Artis's back, and when he turned around, he found that it was Arya who was making a face behind him.

"Very good!" Arya seemed to have aroused Robin's interest. He was no longer timid when he spoke, and instantly returned to his original appearance. "The hot springs in the garden are layered, and I can jump from the upper layer to the lower layer!" Robin raised his hands and gestured a jumping action, "Little wolf girl can't!"

"I can, I will show you soon!" Arya said provocatively to Robin.

Attis's face darkened when he heard it. It would be bad if Ed heard it, so he could only cough to cover up the embarrassment.

"The place for girls to bathe is not here, do you want to soak in the hot spring?" Mia patted Arya's head and asked.

Arya looked at Mia's outfit with surprise, "You are a warrior? A female warrior!"

The little wolf girl turned her head and said to Attis excitedly: "Father really didn't lie to me, and Aunt Lyanna didn't lie to him either. I can become a knight in the Vale!"

"You can't be a knight!" Robin immediately retorted.

Arya didn't care about Robin's words, but just grabbed Mia's arm with both hands, "Hot spring? I've been to the hot springs in Winterfell, I don't know how this one is."

Mia smiled slightly, "Come with me." She winked at Attis slightly, and then took Arya away.

Robin held the purple flowers that Arya had picked before in his hand and watched them leave.

"Hey, you won?" Attis asked when he saw the flower.

"The little wolf girl lied, she picked it in the garden!" Robin said dissatisfiedly.

Attis shook his head, "Maester Komon is here to teach you to recognize the family emblem, come with me, and see how many you can recognize." He ignored Robin, who was manic after hearing this, and directly grabbed his arm and left the water garden directly.

Attis soaked himself in the hot spring, enjoying the feeling of the hot air moistening his whole body. The muscle soreness from the long journey was greatly relieved. He closed his eyes slightly and sighed. The water was rippling slightly. Attis sat on the stone steps covered by the hot spring. The surface of the stone steps, which had been soaked in water for a long time, was soft and easy to float. The stone chips even floated on the water surface of the hot spring.

After a while, Attis walked out of the hot spring, put on the robe that An Gai had put in advance, wrapped himself up and walked out of the hot spring room.

The flowing moonlight was very intoxicating. Most of the nobles lived in the military camp outside the Moon Gate Castle. Although the Moon Gate Castle was large, it seemed quite crowded with too many knights and servants. Besides, no one wanted to disturb Attis's rest in the Moon Gate Castle.

In the corridor of the hot spring garden, Attis did not rush back to the bedroom, but looked at the mist rising in the distance until the mist covered the new moon outside the window, and an owl stood on the treetop.

This is similar to the emblem of the Arryn family, Attis thought.

"Attis?" Mia's voice, she looked at Attis in front of her with a little shyness.

Attis looked at Mia, her short hair was wet, she was wrapped in a white cloth, and her right leg was exposed outside the white cloth.

Mia and Attis walked into the bedroom together and stayed awake all night.

Add Attis's youthful past

Enrich the character's experience

And the childhood sweethearts are natural...

The heroine is not yet determined, but the master is not without a lover

Is he a scumbag? The master is a duke!

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