On the school grounds of the Red Fort, the piles of gold-robed corpses turned into hills, and the flames were raging into the sky.

Qiao Li's face was covered with dust and blood stains, and he leaned against the wall in embarrassment, closing his eyes and concentrating.

The northern soldiers Eddard Stark brought from Winterfell were exhausted and gathered together in twos and threes, looking at each other rather dullly.

Ed sat on the steps in front of the burnt Prime Minister's Tower, stroking the giant sword "Ice" in his hand.

He still hasn't figured out the situation.

Ed desperately recalled that day, when the golden robes escorted Janos Slynt, who had been away for a long time and had not returned, to be tried by him. During the trial, the golden robes collaborated with Janos to rise up. These golden robes were unfamiliar to him, and their faces Very strange, obviously not the group that frequents the Red Keep.

Ed thought of the three hundred gold robes that accompanied Janos Slynt when he went out to suppress bandits.

"Damn it!" Ed cursed, his palms shaking with pain. He looked at the bandage wrapped around his palm, and traces of blood appeared on the bandage.

Where is Robert? During the time he was trapped in the Red Keep, he was thinking about where Robert was and where his king was all the time.

Also, where is Sansa? Sansa

"Lady" walked up to Ed with blood stains on her face, retracted her sharp front paws, held Ed's knees, and licked Ed's face with her tongue, making a "wuwu" sound in her mouth.

"Thank you, lady." Eddard put his arms around the direwolf. If it hadn't been for Sansa's wolf, he might have died in the Red Keep along with the burnt Hand Tower.

"Master," Qiao Li came over, holding a bucket in his hand, "the well in the Red Castle is intact. Fortunately, these damn golden robes did not poison the water. I will take some people to collect the water."

Eddard surrounded the warriors he had brought from the north, with a tired look on his face. But when he saw Eddard's eyes, he cheered up and nodded to the Duke of Winterfell.

"Jory, take a few people with you, and I'll go get the water with you." Eddard stood up. He wanted to set an example, as the Stark family has always done.

Jory nodded, turned around and asked the guards to lift the bucket, and followed Ed to the depths of the Red Keep.

The "tick-tock" sound of the water well was particularly loud in the narrow and damp corridor of the Red Castle. The light in front of Ed and the guards gradually dimmed, and darkness occupied most of them.

Ed stopped, drew out his sword, and pointed it forward.

Qiao Li and others also put down their buckets, drew out their swords, and looked ahead warily.

There was a person in the darkness with his back to Ed and a brown cloak on his head. The man turned around and took off his cloak, "Duke Stark, you have suffered."

After hearing this, Ed looked intently and frowned, "Varys? Why are you here?"

At this moment, Varys no longer had the flattering expression he always showed at the Royal Council. He looked at Eddard with a serious face, "Duke Stark, the situation has changed. I must talk to you."

Ed was silent. He looked at Varys with full vigilance in his eyes.

"Cersei is such a fool, why do I have a daughter like this?"

Lord Tywin's voice echoed throughout the main hall of Casterly Rock.

Tyrion stared, pretending to be bitter, and looked at Tywin with an angry face in surprise.

Kevan remained silent, knowing it was best to listen in the presence of a roaring lion.

The bachelor lay on the back of the chair, pursed his lips and remained silent.

"I have made arrangements for the king to lead the army before, so why bother with it and say that Ed Stark murdered the king? Who in Westeros would believe such an accusation?"

Tywin sat on the main seat angrily and took a deep breath.

"So, was King Robert killed by a wild boar?" Tyrion smacked his lips and asked intentionally or unintentionally.

"Of course it was an accidental death," Kevan said.

The maester rubbed his hands, "King Robert is extremely brave and courageous. He is also the first person in the history of Westeros to choose to face the wild boar alone." He nodded, as if to express himself. Persuasive in general.

"He can indeed do it." Tyrion did not deny it and looked at his father. Since he could arrange for the king to lead the army in advance, it meant that he could know in advance that the king was about to die.

"Attis Arryn didn't believe this news at all. Harrenhal sent two thousand valley cavalry to King's Landing. The King's Road between Harrenhal and King's Landing is wide and easy to navigate. The king's army is no match." Tywin said .

"Ed Stark being framed will do no good to the West at all, it will do more harm," Kevan frowned and said, "There must be troops in the North. Renly ran to Highgarden at some point. I heard that in Raising an army, Cersei targets the relatively unimportant Eddard Stark, literally."

"You're so stupid, uncle, there's no need to be reserved," Tyrion took a sip of wine with a smile on his lips, "So," he sat upright, even though his feet were still in the air, "What should we do about this King's Landing situation. "

Tywin rubbed his temples and tapped the table, and the sound of the table reached everyone's ears, "Cersei controls Eddard's daughter, the eight-clawed spider controls the secrets of entering and exiting the Red Castle, and the king leads the army to capture King's Landing and the Red Castle." The siege is so tight that Stark's men cannot escape."

"I think," Tyrion looked at Tywin, "since my good old sister has acted like this, Casterly Rock has to bite the bullet and follow my wise sister's ideas for the time being. It is best to use Sansa to blackmail the Prime Minister. Force him to confess, put on black clothes, and prevent the North from moving south. "

"Sansa Stark, this girl can be released back to the North after Eddard Stark arrives at the Wall and is sworn in as a Night's Watch, or Joffrey can marry the girl to solidify King Robert's pre-emptive arrangement, so that We can at least stabilize the northern border for a while," Kevan said.

The bachelor nodded, "Northerners have always been straightforward and follow the style of the ancestors. This is especially true for the Stark family as a guardian family. Lord Eddard pays attention to honor. This kind of treatment should be feasible. If you are familiar with history, everyone will understand ”

"King Joffrey was crowned by the Seven Gods in the cathedral and made you the Hand of the King," Kevan said. "But King's Landing is in such a situation that the army of the West is often attacked on its way to King's Landing by the Vale people who support Ed. This is almost It’s just an isolated city and there’s almost nothing you can do.”

"The Arryn family values ​​honor, just like the Stark family. What reason does it have to control King's Landing and oppose the new king?" the bachelor said. "Their family's motto is 'Higher than Glory'."

Tyrion smiled contemptuously, "I don't know what the Arryns really thought in history, but Attis Arryn, I think I know him quite well. He may not pay much attention to the glory represented by the truth. As long as there is a veneer of honor.”

"In short," Tywin said, Tyrion and the others immediately fell silent and looked at the hand of the new king, "It may not be possible to pass the army from Casterly Rock to King's Landing, but at least we can pass one person, one person who will help us control the situation in King's Landing. "People, at the same time," Tywin said with a grim look, "people who stop Cersei from being stupid."

"Such a person is not easy to find," Tyrion muttered, but saw Tywin and uncle Kevan looking at him, "What? Me?"

"Yes," whether it was an illusion or something else, Tyrion even saw a smile on Tywin's face, "even if it is sealed again, a dwarf can get in."

The bachelor chuckled. This must be a joke.

Tyrion stared at Tywin, wanting to question in his heart, it doesn't matter even if he is captured by the valley people, after all, you are willing to let it go, right?

"You are capable enough for this task, Tyrion." Uncle Kevan's words comforted Tyrion.

Tyrion nodded, "Okay, let's see how I help my dear sister." He jumped out of his seat, sipped the sweet wine, and walked out.

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