Earthy Superstar

Chapter 311: : Quirks

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Zheng Yanzi: "It's not what I think? Do you know what I think? I think you are good friends, right? Is there any other relationship? Could it be..."

Li Tiezhu said, "You are right, we are just friends."

The corners of Zheng Yanzi's mouth slightly twitched, can't you still be able to pull you if you can't beat you? However, there is something wrong with you.

I want to tell Shochikuer!

Let her pay attention to the class enemies around Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu rolled his eyes, things are getting more and more complicated!

The two players over there were panting, but no one agreed. In the end, because of the score problem, they clamored and got off the stage, and no one was convinced.

Li Tiezhu continued to work as a sparring partner with Zheng Yanzi, and the whole afternoon passed.

It wasn't until five o'clock in time that Zheng Yanzi started to pack her rackets and towels. She often trains for a whole day. This kind of intensity is just a warm-up at best. It is normal to play a tennis match with high intensity for three hours. Physical strength is very important.

Li Tiezhu is okay, sweating is very comfortable, more comfortable than dancing.

Lengba and Zhao Liya were already getting a bit of a sign of heatstroke. After playing a round, they bought shaved ice and waited in the shade. No one wanted to go first and got on the bar.

Everyone took a shower and walked out of the gym. Zheng Yanzi left with her equipment on her back.

Li Tiezhu was going to send Lengba to board the plane, and Zhao Liya quietly followed Mimi, and she wouldn't give you any space. If you suffocated you, you would suffocate you to death.

Lengba's eyes were particularly resentful, and Li Tiezhu couldn't laugh or cry.

Finally, when night fell, Li Tiezhu and Zhao Liya waved goodbye to Leng Ba and her assistant sister Yun.

After boarding the plane, Lengba gritted her teeth: "A rabbit is not a human being!"

This trip went all the way...return without success.

After leaving the airport, Zhao Liya looked at Li Tiezhu with a smile: "Silly Zhu! Get the money quickly, WeChat."

Li Tiezhu picked up the phone blankly, in WeChat.

The hot pot is about to stand and eat. Send a WeChat transfer of 0.5 yuan. Note: Move cat money.

Here again?

Li Tiezhu patted his forehead, Zhao Liya had slipped into the taxi. Hand skating, biu, Li Tiezhu accidentally clicked to collect the money.

Oh no!

Hit with a rabbit, bah... With Zhao Liya's must-have personality, she will definitely show Lengba a screenshot, and maybe even post it to Moments.

The cat will be angry, what should I do? Although it is not important for her to be angry, she still feels distressed.

Li Tiezhu decisively chose to "surrender", and sent a screenshot of himself to Lengba, and left a message: "I accidentally clicked to collect the money, don't be angry cat! Also, don't be familiar with Ya Ya, she is not long. The older child."

The cat is on the plane. If you can't see the phone, let's go home first.

Li Tiezhu soon returned to his new home, Old Man Li was cooking a big meal, and Aunt Liu knitting sweaters on the sofa.

Li Tiezhu turned around in the house: "Why did you remove the protective fence again?"

Aunt Liu: "Last time it was stolen, your old man was very irritated, so he demolished it."

Li Tiezhu also wondered, this is a new community, and it stands to reason that the law and order shouldn't be so bad! He guarded Aunt Liu and asked questions, worrying about the iron egg in her belly: "Have you often gone to the hospital for checkups recently? Are everything okay?"

Aunt Liu was knitting a small sweater, she was so cute and bleeding: "Check every month, it's okay. You don't have to worry about us, study hard and work hard!"

Li Tiezhu nodded: "Such a small dress, don't you want to wear it?"

Aunt Liu: "You know what a fart, you weren't this tiny when you were a kid, just like a puppy."

Li Tiezhu scratched his head and said, "About how many months are you born?"

Aunt Liu: "It's almost Chinese New Year, at the end of January next year."

Li Tiezhu rubbed his hands: "That's good, that's good... At that time, I can still guard his birth."

Aunt Liu glanced at Li Tiezhu with emotion. This is a good boy, unlike the calamity thief Liu Xiaohua...I don’t know how the calamity thief is doing in the crew and whether he has been bullied. I haven’t contacted him for almost two months. , The mother and daughter are both grudges, never contact each other actively.

Li Tiezhu understood, and said: "Xiaohua is pretty good. We played mahjong last night and videotaped with her. She is now the little overlord in the crew, and she is very prestigious."

Aunt Liu: "When I came back, I interrupted her with my feet."

Li Tiezhu smiled. Of course, Aunt Liu never talked aloud and felt sorry for Liu Xiaohua. He said, "Right! Have you found Xiaohua's school? High school."

Aunt Liu smiled and said, "Your hairless head teacher helped find a relationship. Xiaohua is still in the high school of that school, thanks to you..."

Li Tiezhu nodded. Before leaving, he must thank the little prince against the wind.

Then Li Tiezhu opened the suitcase and took out all kinds of things, except for a pack of socks, the rest were bought for Aunt Liu. The old man doesn't have many problems except he doesn't like to wash his feet. Aunt Liu was pregnant with a child in her forties, and she suffered a lot. Li Tiezhu didn’t understand, so she asked people for advice and sold a bunch of supplements, such as bird’s nest, isinglass, and donkey-hide gelatin. .

Always a mind.

Aunt Liu took a look, lowered her head and continued knitting sweaters, and wiped her eyes secretly. It would be nice if her own evil hand was so sensible! Yes, Tie Zhu is also his own child now, which is fine.

Before long, Li Fugui came out carrying it, **** his apron, and shouted: "Eat and eat! I'll get wine."

Four dishes and one soup, stir-fried fatty intestines, small fried chicken, garlic sprouts, stir-fried lotus roots, and a carp soup. Although it is not rich, but it is also delicious, after all, the old man's craftsmanship is called domineering! Li Tiezhu is far inferior to him.

Li Tiezhu's face was greasy when he ate, Li Fugui was sipping his wine in his glass, his eyes were inevitably red, and he was eighteen in the blink of an eye, and he was in college.

I haven't seen it two or three times a year after this trip.

It is not easy to think about these years, hey! Ever since his mother left, Li Fugui has been working everywhere to make money and repay the money. Later, when he went out to work on the construction site with someone, he was worried about Li Tiezhu, so he took Li Tiezhu with him and walked from south to north, east to west.

The clothes and pants were washed and repaired by this old man, and when he was sick and hurt, it was also his old man seeking medical advice.

Ever since he was a child, Li Fugui has never flushed with Li Tiezhu, let alone beating or scolding.

Li Tiezhu had a fight with someone, so he was protecting his child, and tossing over and over again, my child was the most honest and couldn't do it first. Li Tiezhu committed a crime in school. He dared to quarrel with the teacher, so you will protect the rich kid's child. My baby is so good, you only know to bully him.

His own children were silly when they were young. Li Fugui was very worried. He wanted to make more money and live for a few more years. There would be no regrets when he watched him become a family and give birth to a baby.

Who knows, fate made a big joke.

Not only did Tie Zhu become smarter, he also became a big star. He couldn't spend all the money he earned. He also went to the Spring Festival Gala. The most important thing was that he also found a beautiful girl named Gray Gil who is also a big star. Friends...everything has changed.

Gone are the poor days of the two fathers and sons squeezing in the leather huts of the Gongti subway.

Two days ago, when I went to Hong Fund to donate money to the private house, Sister Zhou was still saying that Tie Zhu is a good person with good rewards.

Sometimes, Li Fugui suspected that it was a dream, for fear that it would be empty after waking up, so he was always worried about gains and losses, and he dared not drink too much.

After Li Tiezhu had eaten enough, he poured himself a glass of wine and touched the old man.

Li Fugui hesitated to speak but stopped.

Li Tiezhu looked at him in this way, and found that in the past year, the old man... has become more prosperous, and his mental state has improved a bit. It's really an old tree that has sprouted new sprouts... ahem! In short, everything changed for the better after marrying Aunt Liu.

In the end, Li Fugui couldn't help but say: "You have a lot of tuition for a year?"

Li Tiezhu: "Nortel? Fifty thousand, self-care for board and lodging."

Li Fugui almost choked, "Ah! So expensive? Your school is not formal?"

Aunt Liu gave Li Fugui a piece of banana-flavored sausage: "You know a shovel, it is one of the best schools in the country, is it not formal? You are an old hat, you can't afford it! Tie Zhu, study hard."

Li Tiezhu nodded: "I see, old man, you can do less work if you can do less. If you can't do it, you can resign as a request. Take good care of your aunt and Tiedan. I can't afford you. I tell you, After this concert, I made tens of millions."

Li Fugui's wine was spilled, and he quickly took a sip: "Lengildo? Isn't it legal?"

Li Tiezhu: "This is not enough, because it's the first time I have a concert. The overall ticket price is set very low, but later those scalpers made a lot of money. For example, Liu Xiaohua."

Aunt Liu: "I will interrupt her with my feet, hum!"

Li Fugui also persuaded: "Don't fight, don't fight! Let others see it, and thought it was my stepfather's black heart..."

A meal is very harmonious, but also very fascinating. There are many things. The father and son who were once close can no longer communicate. There is too much gap between them and they cannot be crossed.

Seeing the old man sometimes embarrassed and sometimes at a loss, Li Tiezhu was a little sad, but overall he was happy. After all, after Li Tiedan was born, the old man had no time to hurt the spring and the autumn.

After the meal, Li Tiezhu was going to wash the dishes, but was forcibly stopped by Li Fugui. He said that Li Tiezhu's hands are now very precious and those who engage in art should not do rough work. His old man rushed to wash it, and Li Tiezhu was still a little uncomfortable.

Aunt Liu has gotten used to it: "Don't care about him, let him work more, so as not to gain weight and get bad health... Hey, there is something, Auntie would like to ask you for a favor."

Li Tiezhu helped Aunt Liu sit on the sofa and said, "You said, our family won't talk about two things."

Aunt Liu was heartbroken: "It's about your old man, you told him not to hide private money."

"Huh? This... I give him money, but he doesn't want it."

"It's not that I abused him. Originally, I didn't intend to control the money. He insisted on letting me control, let me control the money, and he hid the private money. Do you think something is wrong? Every time I clean the house, It makes me very embarrassed to find that two or three lumps of money."


Li Tiezhu suddenly felt a little confused, the UU reading old man still has this quirk?

Aunt Liu was also very speechless: "He hides his private house money and donates it besides buying cigarettes and wine."

"This is because my family has been helped before..."

"I know! I don't want him to donate money, he can just take care of the money, we have you now, and don't worry about the money. I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out..."

Li Tiezhu thought to himself, my old man is not a pervert! Will you do such a thing?

"I'll wait and ask him."

"Yes! I asked him he just wouldn't tell me anyway, it was very troublesome, I went to bed, and you guys should rest earlier."

"Okay, you slow down..."

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