Earthy Superstar

Chapter 312: : The truth is so terrible

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The peanuts were poured on the coffee table, and Old Man Li stretched out his hand and held it down, looking at the direction of the master bedroom like a thief, and seeing no movement, he carefully fastened the peanuts in the plastic bag. Then, he tiptoedly moved the small plastic stool, sat on the side of the coffee table, poured two or two sorghum wines for Li Tiezhu and himself, and his mouth cracked to the back of his head with an arrogant smile.

Li Tiezhu suddenly felt a little bit sour. No matter how good Aunt Liu was, she couldn't be better than his own father, old man, how could life be so miserable?

He said: "Old man, you don't want to be like this, I will give you money, give her money, okay? I see you like this, I..."

Old man Li: "Hush! Be quiet."

Li Tiezhu felt even more uncomfortable: "Hi! I have ignored you this year."

Li Fugui: "It's up to you to be a hammer, to live your personal life, not to mix with my affairs, I am comfortable."

"Why do you let Auntie take care of the money, and what are you doing with your private money? I don't want your money."

"Hey! You don't know that. She was divorced because of domestic violence, and she didn't get a penny. She brought a baby and committed sin... I gave her money in order to give her a sense of security. ."

"Then why do you save private money?"

"It's fun, you don't understand. Before, when your mother was still there, I fought her wits and courageously. She never found the private money I hid! Tell you, I'm a master. You got married the next day, Come to consult me, buy two catties of local wine and buy some braised vegetables. If the old man is in a good mood, he can show you two tricks."

Li Fugui was a little floating, as if I was hanging from the sky.

Li Tiezhu's teeth can't be heard. He still remembers that when he was digging the vetch cellar when he was a child, his mother dug out a penny and buried it intimately. Once again, the old man went out to work, the roof leaked, and a lump of money fell. Mom waited until the weather was clear and dried the money, then wrapped the money in a lump and put it back into the tile.

It can only be said that the old man has a good fortune in his life, and the two good women he met were both heart-warming and good women, and couldn't bear to embarrass him.

Li Tiezhu asked, "Then Aunt Liu didn't control you?"

"Cut! I said going east, she didn't dare to go west, just her brain, can you fight me? She can't think of where I hide my private money!"

Li Tiezhu only felt his face hurt for a while, but his face hurts for his own old man, under the sofa cushion, in the toilet tank, on the ceiling of the house, in the tea, in the back cover of the TV...I know all about it.

Slap on the face!

I've discovered it a long time ago, but I'm embarrassed to tell you. You are embarrassed and smug.

Li Tiezhu had to change the subject: "So, are your feelings still very harmonious?"

Li Fugui ate a peanut, you can't imagine the happiness of an old man.

He smiled and said: "We are in harmony! I told her to pose, huh! You are still young, I won't tell you so much, I will teach you later, at this stage you should read more tutorials...Anyway, we are pretty good. Yes, don't worry about it."

Li Tiezhu nodded silently, I understand, I really understand, I was forced to understand by a cat! Old man, you can't even imagine my happiness!

Dididi, one of the joys is here.

Li Tiezhu picked up the phone and saw that Lengba had arrived in the East China Sea. When the phone was turned on, the message exploded: "What do you mean? Another 50 cents? Why is she bullying me? Are you the one with her? I'm dead!"

When Li Tiezhu was thinking about how to comfort Lengba, Lengba sent a transfer message.

The captive cat transfers 0.1 yuan, remarks: money for playing with rabbits.

Then another message was added: "I'll receive it right away! Right away! She's worth a dime! I want to take a screenshot to humiliate her!"

Li Tiezhu had to collect the money. You can go to a rivalry with me. I don't know anything about it... Presumably, there is another **** contest between the two, right?

Here, the old man Li looked at Li Tiezhu all of a sudden, "Your old man is very elf, not like you."

Li Tiezhu pointed out the window: "You sprite, you were stolen by someone with a protective fence?"

Old man Li calmly took a sip of his wine, walked to the door of the master bedroom and listened, then walked back and said in a low voice: "We used to sell steel bars to the boss, do you still remember?"

Li Tiezhu: "I know, it's just that we are often short of catties and less weighing our Gou Mazi, who runs a hardware decoration shop, and the lady ran away with someone else."

Old man Li: "Yes, it's him. This fence is what he forced me to settle. I said at the time, if I was pretended to be stolen, he would pay me twice. Then, pretend, hehe... I was stolen again. ."

Li Tiezhu: "What a coincidence?"


"Unexpectedly? That thief came to steal that day and wrote a note to laugh at you."

"How can it be a coincidence!"

"Wow, you mean..."

"Shhh! I made five thousand yuan in this matter! I donated three thousand the day before yesterday, huh! He also slapped Gou Mazi in the face, and he strayed to me and dismantled the aluminum alloy fence."

Damn it!

The truth is so terrible? !

The old man was still crying, right? Acting skills...

Li Tiezhu felt a pain in his head, old man, Nima, you are suspected of extortion and false police.

But he can only praise: "Awesome!"

Li Fugui shook his head and shook his head: "Boy, you have to learn. When you get married in the next day, be more flexible, otherwise, tsk tsk... you won't be able to save your private money."

Li Tiezhu: "They don't care about my money, it's different."

Li Fugui: "They?"

Li Tiezhu: "I mean Zhuer, you have heard (wrong)."

When Li Fugui touched Li Fugui, he was said: "Yes! Zhu'er is a good girl, as beautiful as a fairy daughter. She is kind to you and can climb trees... In short, you have to treat her well and fight for her. , See the parents early."

Li Tiezhu took a sip of wine and smacked his lips: "You're afraid it's not crooked wine, it's so spicy! Besides, we are still young."

"What a crooked wine, this is authentic sorghum wine! Ba Shideban! You Guiergou driving motorcycles don't understand science."

"The Moutai and Wuliangye I drink are not as bad as this."

"Extravagance! Waste!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Tomorrow we will go back to our hometown, and I will tell your second and third uncles to be ready, and all the people in the village are invited to have a banquet for a day! My cub, Li Tiezhu, is admitted to college!"

"If you want, buy a better wine."

"Buy Maotai."

"Old man, I can afford Moutai, but I'm afraid it's a bit extravagant."

"If you want to be extravagant, my baby has been admitted to college. Shouldn't it be extravagant? A lot of money for a bottle?"

"About fifteen."

"Oh! Gou said, robbing money, what about Wuliangye?"

"It's more than three hundred cheaper."

"That's it. Well, will Zhu'er come anytime? You two are admitted to the same university together and celebrate together."

"She can't come. I will bring her back for the New Year. By the way, my brother is born."

"Yes, she must also celebrate in the house..."

Li Fugui would consider it for others, but the point is that the Songzhuer family doesn't feel proud to be admitted to Nortel at all. Nortel doesn't want it. Both Chinese and Shangxi are vying for it. Moreover, the old man, the mother, is now in Australia to escape the heat, leaving Shochikuer alone as a hot dog in the crew.

The two fathers drank for a while. The peanuts and wine were almost consumed. Li Fugui took Li Tiezhu and said, "Take care of Liu Xiaohua. Many, help."

Li Tiezhu nodded: "She is my sister, don't worry."

But in my heart, she still needs my care? They started to take care of work for me and Songzhuer! Just kidding, Zhou Xingxing Tamer, is this title a false name?

The next day, Li Tiezhu asked Zhang Xiaomeng to prepare a Wrangler. He personally drove the old man and the pregnant Aunt Liu back to his hometown.

Another day, the old Li's family held a 30-table banquet in the village to entertain relatives and friends in and out of the mountains.

The village party secretary came to drink in person, sat with Li Fugui, and praised Li Tiezhu for winning glory for his hometown, and for building roads and medicinal material bases in his hometown. Li Fugui was so happy that he drank high if he didn't pay attention.

The second uncle shook his head and said to Li Tiezhu: "The old party secretary is really good at drinking!"

The third uncle sneered and said, "That's because Zhu'er is not here, otherwise, I promise to let him drink the pendulum."

This is a psychological shadow.

However, Song Zhuer was also interested, knowing that Li Tiezhu was hosting a guest at his hometown today, and taking time out of his busy schedule to make a video call to Li Tiezhu, she had to take a look at the spectacular scene.

Shochikuer: "Wow! Marriage is nothing more than this, right? Are you doing such a big deal?"

Li Tiezhu also blushed a little: "I also think it's a bit exaggerated, but the older generation has to be so neat, what can I do? Not many of our villages are admitted to college, but every family celebrates this way... My old man still thinks I asked you to come too, and I pushed it out."

Song Zhu'er immediately went crazy: "Why? Why don't you let me come? If I come, the party secretary must have fallen! I can do it alone!"

Li Tiezhu: "Hush...Don't talk nonsense, you are suspected of participating in the subversive movement."

"Humph! Miss you."


"Uh what huh? You just don't want me, I know. But, hahaha...Yaya told me that she blocked you and the cat for a day and night, laughing at me! Yanzi is the cutest, do you know her? You actually asked me to hold you tighter, saying that Lengba and Zhao Liya had no good intentions for you."

"My fault, okay? I'm all to blame..."

"Heh! Zheng Yanzi is reluctant to part with you herself, and she is ashamed to talk about others! Tsk tsk!"

"She and I are brothers."

"Tsk! Scumbag!"

"What are you... someday in Kyoto? I will kill you."

"What day are you?"

"August 30."

"Then I will be there too. You don't know, I'm walking sideways in the crew now, do you know why?"

"Because you are red!"

"No! Because of your sister Liu Xiaohua! Oh my god, that's pretty good. Let Xingye fan her to buy shaved ice, can you imagine?"

"Why... why?"

"Liu Xiaohua said because the weather is too hot."

"What did Master Xing say?"

In the video, Song Zhuer looked around, quietly said: "Master Xing said, puff...Master Xing said, he asked someone, there is no outdoor air conditioner...puff hahaha..."

Li Tiezhu was dumbfounded: "Huh? How can there be outdoor air conditioners?"

Song Zhu'er: "Master Xing admitted to Liu Xiaohua's mistake. He had to fan a fan without buying an outdoor air conditioner."

"He fan, who directs the show?"

"Old Monster Xu directs the play! He is the director, and Master Xing is only the producer, responsible for controlling the money and quality."

Li Tiezhu was dumbfounded, but Liu Xiaohua was so domineering?

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