Earthy Superstar

Chapter 374: : To perfect you

The voice of Zhao Liya's piano and the unique brisk melody of this song really caught people's ears. The audience was pleasantly surprised and responded with huge and warm applause.

Don't dream of empty hate for a long time~

Burn the paper ash and bury the smoke willow

Everyone was surprised at the singer's lounge.

Sun Nan: "Wow~"

Li Zijian said: "This song has something..."

Han Hong: "It looks like there is a hot pot."

Li Tiezhu: "???"

Everyone knows Zhao Liya very well, knowing that she can write songs, and she has written many good songs, but this one still surprised everyone. This is the best one of her songs so far.

This is a song that will allow her to stand on top of her composing song, a national style song that is completely out of the influence of Li Tiezhu.

You can draw conclusions by just listening to three sentences.

Zhao Liya came here clearly prepared and sang very devotedly:

Yu Xianhuo Zhiya

Flawless under the withering

Is the price of reaping the answer

The afterglow is stained with the far traveler's hair

He shed his hands

Under the bridge


Pass by

Palm engraved

Remember in the next life

A drop of ink drips from the smoke in your eyes~

In front of the live screen, the audience watched this beautiful girl who could kill 99% of the actress in a second, singing this beautiful song, many people were intoxicated, especially the male fans of Zhao Liya. It's almost crazy.

Therefore, the barrage must be wonderful:

"Yaya is the best! It sounds better than Li Tiezhu's song!"

"Successful kicking!"

"I love this song so much."

"Singing and writing songs is so good, she is like Xiaoxian's daughter..."

"The words of this song are also beautiful, and the artistic conception is far-reaching."

"This issue is wonderful."

"Song Zhuer: Sing Li Tiezhu to death!!"

Unlike Li Tiezhu, Zhao Liya has almost no black powder, no way, she is the kind of beauty that even girls would like, without making them jealous.

Li Zijian closed his eyes and listened to the song, and couldn't help but sigh: "The words are filled in really well..."

Han Hong: "This is her best original song! I want to sing it all."

Li Tiezhu: "Although she is not bald, she has grown stronger."

The barrage immediately cursed Li Tiezhu: "You are bald! Li Tiezhu, your whole family is bald! Three generations of baldness!"

Of course, there are still serious people wondering: "Which part is bald?"

Zhao Liya’s forehead was already sweating, because the next part is the hardest part. Whether the high-pitched part of the imitated electronic sound can be used to beat Li Tiezhu depends on the performance here:

Ruo Buddha said

No worries

Let go of attachment

Phaseless and colorless

How can I go along without being surprised

I don't even think of you

Hate and lifelessness are always in the sea of ​​bitterness, prisoners

New Cuitu left the flower shadow in the middle

Lovesickness is useless to laugh at the old league

What do I want

What do I want

Bang bang bang—


The audience applauded and screamed spontaneously.

After singing, Zhao Liya took a deep breath and raised her eyebrows, and then she smiled, smiling very brilliantly, like a swaying white lotus.

Coincidentally, Song Zhu'er in the audience also screamed and jumped up. This black and evil white lotus rabbit finally defeated Li Tiezhu!

Love to hear!

At least she thinks so, she prefers Zhao Liya's "Mangoss".

Backstage, Li Tiezhu shook his head straight. The melody of this song is the kind of song that will be highly popular, so the bet in this issue...

And Liu Wanyun, who was far away in the capital of Shu, was sobbing and staring straight at the TV: "Is my girl so good already? Why do I, a mother, don't know at all? She wrote this song? You and Your dad didn't help her?"

Zhao Muye didn't take any more sneak shots. He hugged his wife and said, "You know my level..."


"Uh...My dad didn’t help. Like you, he didn’t know that Yaya wrote this song. She only listened to the demo for me and asked my opinion. My opinion is very simple, so she can write it with confidence , She is the best genius!"

"Why? Why? She listened to you, why didn't she listen to me?"

"I'm afraid that you will hit her. You've been hitting her talent since childhood. She is afraid of you. And... Yaya hates little yellow ducks the most."

"Really? Why do I... never know?"

"Because you haven't heard her thoughts, you keep emphasizing what you want her to become."


At this moment, Liu Wanyun finally ran away in tears, crying almost to suffocation.

Because she missed her daughter's entire childhood and adolescence. When she realized that the mistake was that her daughter had grown up, she was about to fly away from the nest, flying to her own distance, far beyond the eyes of her parents.

She remembered the song "Listen to Mother's Words" sung by Li Tiezhu again. Was it persuading the child? Watch your mother again, right?

Some regrets, it's hard to make it through life.

At this time, the applause and cheers on the TV gradually weakened, because Zhao Liya spoke:

"This song is dedicated to my mother. I can't go to kindergarten at the age of three, so I can only practice piano every day at home. At the age of five, I almost broke my fingers when I was playing the piano, and there were tears on the keys. I was eight years old. There is a pen pal. He gave me a panda stone and she lost it... Sorry, Li Tiezhu. At the age of 14, I wanted to learn to paint and was beaten home by my mother. She said that I can only play the piano in my life. Nothing else is promising. At the age of sixteen, I heard a song "A Man Like Me". I cycled the single all night and signed up for the competition the next day... Then, I just Became a singer. And before participating in the competition, my mother said that I would cry back, but I didn’t, I won! I’m a good voice runner-up! My album is No. 5 on the bestseller list! So, between my mother and me I won in the "war"!"

Few singers would say so much after singing, but she did, with a cathartic momentum, and the show crew did not interrupt her.

Liu Wanyun cried even more sadly, and her daughter finally turned upside down.

How much does she hate this mother?

At this moment, she figured out that the hardest thing in life is...I am for your good.

The audience was stunned, and the live screen was filled with barrage of various viewpoints.

Singer lounge.

Huang Liangling: "Zhao Liya is so pitiful."

Sun Nan: "Many people who study music are like this! Childhood is very difficult."

Li Zijian: "I am not. I only started to learn music by myself in college. After a few scribbles, I made the combination popular..."

Han Hong: "What did Yaya's mother say? It was really cruel to her, but she also loved her very much."

Li Tiezhu shrugged and said, "We can be pen pals for a long time because we talk to each other. She said how ruthless her mother was. I told him who I was bullied every day."

On the stage, Zhao Liya paused for a while, and then said: "I always feel that I hate my mother until today I listened to Li Tiezhu's "Listen to Mother". I want to say to my mother, I'm sorry, I have misunderstood you, thank you You, I love you!"

Liu Wanyun cried and nodded, feeling lucky that her daughter has really grown up, and she understands her painstaking efforts.

Zhao Muye quietly deleted the video, so there is no need to send it to his daughter.

Zhao Liya gritted her teeth and said: "But, Mom! I really don't like little yellow ducks, so please don't buy me little yellow duck slippers, little yellow duck dolls, little yellow duck pillows and little yellow duck quilts. It’s something weird, okay? It’s terrible! The little yellow duck everywhere in my life is about to cast a psychological shadow on me! Also, thank you Li Tiezhu for this new song today, which made me think a lot. I especially like it The lyrics in it are too classic..."

Everyone stretched their ears, which sentence?

Zhao Liya pointed her finger at Song Zhu'er in the audience: "It's the phrase,'Kids listen to mother's words, and fall in love later', tusk... Xiu'er!"

The audience laughed, Li Tiezhu's face crackled.

Shochiku's teeth: "It's your shit?!"

Zhao Liya bowed and stepped down and was kicked by Song Zhuer, and then the two small arms jumped towards the singer's lounge, arrogantly arrogant.

Gu Daji came to the stage to do the final presiding work.

On the other side, the singers got up and hugged and praised the two new beautiful girls.

After Song Zhu'er hugged other people, she hugged Li Tiezhu, and then took a bite.

Li Tiezhu blushed, wiped his saliva secretly, and was laughed at by everyone again.

Zhao Liya came to Li Tiezhu and opened her arms: "Thank you, Silly Zhu!"

Li Tiezhu's face turned redder.

Song Zhu'er pushed Li Tiezhu, Zhao Liya hugged Li Tiezhu briefly, and then separated.

Then everyone started to praise Song Zhuer's song, after all, this song is really good. Not to mention the beautiful melody, the lyrics are extremely poetic and intoxicating.

Afterwards, Gu Daji came back after hosting the show, and everyone was chatting very happily. As for Han Hong's previous unanimous xenophobia, no one mentioned it.

Zhao Liya is too cute and very talented, the main reason is...her grandfather dared not provoke her.

The old guy can take care of the short.

When the singers were chatting, Song Zhu'er peeled the orange snake skin and walked around, came to Li Tiezhu and lay on his stomach, and fed him oranges.

Everyone saw this scene, and there was no point breaking in tacit understanding.

Li Zijian is different: "Did Zhuer come to be a music partner? Or came to visit the class? I suspect you are here to disintegrate Li Tiezhu's fighting will! Now that the kick club gang has started playing Thirty-Six Strategies?"

Song Zhuer: "What thirty-six strategies?"

"Beauty tricks!"

"Hey hey...what nonsense, uncle's vision is really poisonous."

Li Zijian: "Huh?"

Unexpectedly, this little girl is not so thick-skinned!

Liang Tian was bored: "Should I change with Song Zhuer? Let me be a music partner for Zhao Liya, let you get tired of being together."

Li Tiezhu's face was red: "It's live broadcast, get out."

Song Zhuer handed the orange to Li Tiezhu, jumped back to Zhao Liya's back, hugged Zhao Liya, and said to Han Hong, "Auntie, Li Tiezhu scolded me again."

Han Hong glared at Li Tiezhu, and Li Tiezhu hurriedly smiled.

Han Hong said: "I hope the audience will work hard to let Li Tiezhu cook hot pot for everyone in the next issue."

Some interactions between singers were played straight, and a live voting session and random interviews were also put on, and then the program group entered an advertisement.

Fifteen minutes later, UU reads www.uukahnshu. The statistics of all the votes on com are completed, and Hong Bo has taken the stage again.

There were originally talking and laughing singers, take it seriously.

Hong Bo poured a glass of Mount Chitose: "I heard that Zhao Liya and Li Tiezhu made a bet?"

Song Zhu'er raised his hand: "Yes! Rabbit... If the Yaya kicks the hall successfully, Li Tiezhu will cook hot pot for everyone here next time."

Hong Bo changed his old style and didn't take a sip of water: "Really? Tie Zhu? Then it will make you perfect! Zhao Liya succeeded in playing in the stadium. It is a pity that another singer is leaving the stage."

The singers were shocked and looked at each other.

Zhao Liya is even more ecstatic, and I can do what Li Tiezhu can do!

Then, she was hugged fiercely by Song Zhuer, and there was a huge confrontation, regretting to lose.


(There is one more four thousand words later! Thank you for your support!)

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