Earthy Superstar

Chapter 375: :upgrade

Sun Nan applauded everyone with a strange expression, thinking, why is this evil? Successfully kicked the gym again? Another newcomer who debuted last year! Are the newcomers so strong now?

He didn't dare to give pointers to Zhao Liya, the old troll was too ferocious, and her singing skills were indeed better than Li Tiezhu, plus it was an original song.

Obviously you can sing old songs, but you have to sing original songs. What's the picture?

Huang Jingling was nervous while applauding. What a mess, she didn't perform very well this time! Will not be eliminated by this little girl?

Gu Daji was full of joy, because he liked this song and Zhao Liya a lot.

Hong Bo finally drank a sip of water: "Thank Chitose Mountain for supporting this show. I have already got the voting result of this season's kick-off competition. Zhao Liya succeeded in kicking the gym. How do you think she ranks in number?"

Sun Nan: "Fourth?"

Huang Jingling: "Third, I think she is very good this time, she should be able to enter the top three."

Hong Bo: "It is correct to be in the top three, so which one of the top three is it?"

Gu Daji: "I guess second!"

Sun Nan: "It's impossible to be number one again, right?"

Why do you want to say it again? It's because Li Tiezhu, the first kicking singer, directly kicked out the first place, overpowering the veterans in the audience.

Hong Bo smiled weirdly: "Teacher Sun Nan has good eyesight, you guessed it."

Sun Nan: "Huh?"

He thought he had heard it wrong. Judging from his appreciation, Zhao Liya’s song is nice and catchy, but it is just an ordinary saliva song without deep connotation and singing skills... these audiences I don't know how to appreciate it!

This time it was Zhao Liya's turn to get excited, and she took the initiative to hug Songzhu'er and came to a confrontation.

Song Zhuer also waved his fist at Li Tiezhu in the air: "Humph!"

The barrage was shocked:

"What kind of fairy operation is this?"

"Last year's good voice was indeed the strongest one, and the other years were champions in the first three releases."

"Zhao Liya said she didn't sing well."

"This song is super nice, it's ok first."

"Congratulations to Li Tiezhu for cooking hot pot next time."

In the capital city of Shu, Liu Wanyun wiped away her tears and jumped up: "Niezha! I actually took the first place in Tie Zhu from my house!"

Zhao Muye rolled his eyes, isn't his daughter not fragrant? Li Tiezhu grabbed it every day.

Gu Daji clapped and nodded again and again: "The song is written very well and sung very well. The first one deserves it! It feels better than Li Tiezhu. Right? Tie Zhu."

Li Tiezhu: "What you said is correct."

In fact, the two of them have a very good relationship in private. In these few issues, Li Tiezhu and him are the most familiar, after all, they are both "fashionistas".

Li Zijian seriously commented: “Yaya’s song is very novel, the song is well written, and the lyrics are better. Very good! Tie Zhu’s song today is better than Ya Ya’s, and he sings well. It’s just too innovative and there is a problem with audience acceptance..."

Han Hong later realized: "That is to say... we are set for Li Tiezhu's hot pot!"

Hong Bo said: "It's okay to eat hot pot, but one of you in public may not be able to eat this hot pot."

Everyone calmed down again, yes, if Zhao Liya succeeded in kicking the gym, one person would be eliminated.

This is the cruelty of the show!

If you get cheap, you must be good, Zhao Liya and Song Zhuer went into a silent state one after another, silent. Obviously, they took advantage today, one is the advantage of newcomers, and the other is the advantage of originality.

Hong Bo scanned the crowd and said, "Except for Zhao Liya, who thinks that his performance today can be ranked in the top three?"

Of course, no one is embarrassed to say that they can make the top three, this show is very uncertain, and it is easy to be beaten in the face.

Hong Bo: "The second place is a male singer... Brother Nan."

Sun Nan straightened his black suit, smiled and stood up and waved to the singers on the left and right, full of confidence.

Hong Bo: "Third place, congratulations again to one of the male singers...Li Zijian."

Li Zijian stood up calmly: "Thank you, the audience, thank you for the ink marks of Director Hong Bo. Ah! I am actually also nervous today. It may be that the kicking singer is too strong today. So, I actually didn't sing well... …"

Sun Nan nodded his head again and again, indeed he didn't sing very well, as an original singer, he couldn't ask for too much.

Li Zijian: "However, what I want to say is that Li Tiezhu’s song "Listen to Mother" today did not make it into the top three, which is a pity. I personally like his song today. Thank you Li Tiezhu for bringing us a good song. Original."

Li Tiezhu quickly thanked: "Thank you uncle."

Li Zijian: "You're welcome, it's all my own, and I have to blow it."

Hong Bo continued: "Next, we will announce the sixth place. This name is not very good, but at least it means safety. The sixth place is..."

The singers who are not in the top three are a bit contradictory and don't want to be sixth, but they have a little hope to be sixth.

Hong Bo: "The sixth place is Mr. Han Hong."

He didn't dare to think about this.

Han Hong smiled bitterly, wondering whether it was dissatisfaction with the ranking or dissatisfaction with his performance.

Other singers expressed surprise.

Li Tiezhu was a little flustered, what's the matter? Aunt Han Hong sings so well and is only sixth, so am I going to eliminate it?

Immediately afterwards, Hong Bo began to think again, and the announcement of the fifth place was delayed for a full three minutes before being announced.

"...The fifth place is Li Tiezhu."

Li Tiezhu's hanging heart finally let go. I don't know why, he never mind being eliminated by this show, but he just doesn't want to be eliminated by Zhao Liya and Song Zhuer.



"It's hard to say in a word."

"This ranking is too much."

"A waste of good songs."

Hong Bo: "Now only Huang Jingling and Gu Daki are left. In other words, you are fourth and seventh respectively, and the seventh of them will temporarily leave this stage..."

Huang Jingling nodded blankly.

Gu Daji also nodded, then raised his hand to signal that he had something to say.

Hong Bo nodded.

Gu Daji picked up the microphone: "I actually had a foreboding, it should be me who was eliminated."

Huang Jingling: "How come? You are the host..."

Gu Daji said, "Nothing is impossible. Actually, I might not be able to eat this hot pot, Li Tiezhu, you owe me this."

Li Tiezhu: "I will invite you alone next time."

Gu Daji said: "No need, discount it. If I get eliminated, write me a song and trade offline like Brother Ji."

Li Tiezhu: "Ah...good."

Gu Daki finally said: "First of all, I want to thank this show for inviting me. I have had a great time in these six episodes. With the help of millions of teachers in the bib, Mandarin has made a little progress... In short, I have not Regret."

Han Hong: "It feels like saying a last word. You are not dead yet. It doesn't have to be you."

Gu Daki smiled and shook his head.

Hong Bo had another suspense, and finally said: "Gu Zai's premonition is right, he is seventh."

The answer is revealed.

The singers were surprised, complaining, hugging and comforting Gu Daji.

Barrage was even more arguing, obviously not satisfied with the result.

Sensual Han Hong's eyes are red again: "I shouldn't have come to this show, every episode is like a life and death, very uncomfortable..."

Huang Jingling forcibly concealed her joy: "But, what should I do if the host is gone?"

Hong Bo: "Choose another host."

After tossing some scenes of human affection and sophistication, Gu Daji was about to leave, and pointed at Li Tiezhu remotely: "New song!"

Li Tiezhu patted his chest. When you come back in the next issue, I will sing it for you!

In other words, Li Tiezhu has already decided that no matter what keywords he draws, the new song in the next issue will be written for Gu Daji. This is actually very difficult, because the keyword itself is a limitation. As for the characteristics of Gu Daji's voice, the difficulty coefficient soars.

Sun Nan couldn't help thinking, isn't Li Tiezhu really fighting alone? Take this challenge? Do you know how to write songs?

Li Zijian's idea is exactly the opposite, which once again proves that Li Tiezhu is a genius.

After Gu Daji left the stage, the remaining six singers began to pick keywords.

Sun Nan drew the "flower": "Is there a flower as dark as mine?"

Zhao Liya drew "Little": "Can I sing "Little"? Of course not, I will write another one."

What Li Zijian got was... "Mom", and couldn't help but smile: "Tie Zhu, I got your exclusive keyword, do you want to exchange it?"

Li Tiezhu rolled his eyes and vomited. He stretched out his hand and drew a keyword "sun".

Huang Jingling "she", Han Hong drew "back".

Hong Bo said: "After we have selected the keywords, we will proceed to the last item of this issue and choose another host."

All the singers, look at me and I look at you. Once again, I became silent. Being a host is a chore. The money does not add a point, and I have to do more beforehand and delay singing.

At the time of the stalemate, Song Zhu'er raised his hand: "Let Li Tiezhu come on! He can turn this show into a cross talk show."

Hong Bo: "Uh..."

Are you sure you are ruining this show? Li Tiezhu’s younger sister sang this year’s good voice until it was about to close, and Li Tiezhu came to ruin my new show again?

In fact, Hong Bo's favorite is Li Zijian.

Li Zijian said: "I also think Li Tiezhu is the most suitable. He is handsome and smart. The key is to speak well."

Shows the irony.

Li Tiezhu scratched his head and said, "Uncle praised...I'm just handsome..."

Han Hong made a decision: "It's you!"

Hong Bo had no choice but to admit his fate: "Then, congratulations to Li Tiezhu for upgrading to become the new host of "I Am a Singer"..."


"Some of them will play in the next issue, and Li Tiezhu will be the host."

"Is there any problem with him being the host?"

"There is a big problem."

"Anyone who has watched his concert thought they were watching a cross talk show."

"This is the highlight of this show, right?"

"Blindly guess that Li Tiezhu will be the host, and the ratings of the show will rise again."

The sixth issue of "I Am a Singer" is over. Some people are happy and some are worried. Li Tiezhu is the one who is worried. While writing a song, he has to become familiar with the program process and the singer's information. It will become very busy.

The "dew marriage" between the singers and the music partners broke again, and everyone packed their things and went back to each house to find each mother.

Song Zhu'er and Zhao Liya removed their makeup, slapped around out of the TV station building and returned to the hotel.

Zhao Liya raised her hands and surrendered: "Thanks for the invitation, zoo or something, I refuse to join, I am not a pervert."

Shochikuer tilted her head and looked innocent: "Aren't you?"

Zhao Liya: "Am I?"

Song Zhuer: "Hey~ You are so humble that the rabbit hit you!"

"Is this really humble?"

"Isn't it? You are so perverted, when you openly humiliated the cat on the show last year, did you not remain unchanged?"

"I was fighting back in self-defense!"

"Do you believe it yourself?"


Song Zhu'er sneered, and was about to chase, when suddenly he saw two people waiting for the bus, one fat and one thin. It was Sun Nan and his agent Wulin. Wulin is not wearing sunglasses now, the sunglasses are pushed on top of his head, and his eyes are not good when he looks at Song Zhu'er.

Song Zhuer laughed.

Zhao Liya: "What are you laughing at? Nan Ge is good!"

Song Zhu'er didn't say hello to Sun Nan either. Anyone who said bad things about my pillars was an enemy. She watched the live broadcast with her mobile phone in the background. The words he and Yehenara really hardly called old artists.

Song Zhu'er said to Zhao Liya: "It's so ugly! No wonder you have to wear sunglasses."

Wulin suddenly became angry. He walked towards Song Zhu'er and was caught by Sun Nan. Sun Nan said, "Song Zhu'er, I don't care what you usually do, but you still have to have a minimum of respect for the seniors in the circle?"

Who is Song Zhuer? Iron head baby!

She stretched out her little finger and pulled out her ears: "I heard you right? Nam! Brother!!! An agent is considered a senior in the circle? Is he an entertainer? Besides, you have been in business for more than 20 years. It’s been more than ten years since my debut, and I’m also an old artist! In terms of seniority, you are higher than me, but you are also limited? Of course, you are old until late, and I respect you. But it’s not all cats and dogs around you. Worthy of my respect!"

Sun Nan was speechless.

Wu Lin said: "What kind of music do you know? The fifth person in your family, our Sun Nan is second, and we will make a judgment."

Only one period.

Song Zhuer: "That's original..."

Zhao Liya covered Song Zhu'er’s mouth and smiled at Sun Nan: "Uncle Nan, don’t mind, she just has a problem with her head, don’t be familiar with her. Did you know? She’s the kind of people who walk their dogs without leashes, She will bite each other with dogs, what do you do with her in common knowledge?"

Sun Nan: "Yes, let's go."

Zhao Liya nodded repeatedly and pointed to Wulin: "Okay, Uncle Nan. You... please tie a rope to it, it's uncivilized."

Which one is strong in arch fire technology?

Tussack is not a white lotus, but a black-bellied master.

Sun Nan's smile still froze on his His face was uncertain, and he was **** by this dead girl.

Wu Lin was even more angry. If he hadn't been caught by Sun Nan, he would have rushed to beat the woman.

"Huh? Are you here?"

Li Tiezhu ran over with a silly smile: "Old man, did you have a very good chat with Yaya and Zhu'er? They are both very cute. Why don't you go for a supper together? I'll treat you!"

Sun Nanqiang resisted his anger and said, "No, we just had a very happy chat."

Li Tiezhu: "Really? Wow! I can't see that you have no generation gap with them. You are so old."

With that, Li Tiezhu took Song Zhuer with one hand and Zhao Liya away.

Sun Nan froze in place, grinding the alveolar back.

Wu Lin: "Damn! You deceive people too much, don't avenge non-gentlemen for this hatred!"

(Today's 4D update is complete)

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