Earthy Superstar

Chapter 380: :not interested

The sisters even set up a group, a group that excluded Li Tiezhu. Li Tiezhu used a peek at the screen and saw that the WeChat group was called Magic Zoo, which included Maozi, Erha, Tuzha and Xiong Er.

Li Tiezhu couldn't understand why these girls, who are not familiar with each other or even hostile, would form a group? is it necessary?

Is necessary! necessary!

For example, now, when Li Tiezhu is facing a new challenge, the four sisters in Magic Zoo have unfolded their energy to collect information for Li Tiezhu, let the rabbit hit the army division, and Song Zhuer decided to make judgments and instructions... …

In short, it is a very complex but very efficient system.

Tuzha and Xiong Er didn't know how they were incorporated, but the two did not leave the organization after scolding their mothers. Instead, they worked very hard.

The bad identities of some people at this reception were collected by Tubo, and Xiong Er discovered that someone who was hostile to Li Tiezhu also participated in the reception hosted by Ali Dad.

Li Tiezhu was confused, so Lengba asked the uncle security guard, and the uncle blushed and stammered.

After Lengba thanked the uncle, he took Li Tiezhu directly into the hall.

After checking Li Tiezhu's invitation letter, the guard politely escorted them into the elevator to the second floor.

"As soon as you enter the door, there is an elevator. What kind of weird structure is this?"

Li Tiezhu couldn't help but complain.

Lengba shook his head: "I don't know, the capital bosses have many guild halls, each of which has a different style. I have only accompanied the boss of Huayou twice, and I still have the light of sister Mi. Outside we He is a glamorous star, but in the eyes of the big guys... heh!"

The outside of the hall looked cold, but there was a cave inside. Li Tiezhu was stunned as soon as he walked in, thinking of the idiom he had learned in elementary school-golden and brilliant.

This is a European-style banquet hall, huge and extravagant. In addition to dozens of guests with female companions, there are also many male waiters in tuxedos and waitresses with **** and thighs exposed.

Should I call the waiter?

In Li Tiezhu's lacking little head, he couldn't think of any other words.

A waitress performed a European-style etiquette at the elevator door and said: "Welcome to Mr. Li Tiezhu and Ms. Leng Ba, please..."

Li Tiezhu: "Thank you female master."

The waitress staggered, held back a smile, and continued to lead them forward.

Lengba has always been thick-skinned and didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said, "Master, please be careful not to fall, the ground is slippery!"

The waitress said weirdly: "Thank you."

She took Li Tiezhu and Leng Ba to register and sign in, and then took them into the venue. The scene seemed very chaotic. It was a group of men in suits and women in expensive evening dresses, drinking and chatting together in groups, as well as a dozen foreign devils.

In Li Tiezhu's eyes, this scene is like herding sheep on the hillside of his hometown, one by one here and there, bleating while grazing.

Lengba brought two glasses of red wine from the waiter and walked slowly in her arms with Li Tiezhu. She knew that Li Tiezhu had never seen the world, so she wanted to help him and not embarrass him. This was the main reason why she came to be a female companion. , Is also the consensus of the zoo.

After all, if Songzhuer came, Tuzha was afraid that she would be a flying kick when she met Luo Feiyan and lifted her skirt.

In the entire zoo, the cat is the most docile. With three smiles, she introduced to Li Tiezhu in a low voice: "The Western-style cocktail party is a social occasion. It's just the beginning. It's very scattered and free, so don't worry, the master, it's no big deal, just treat it as a buffet."

Li Tiezhu: "Okay, I have eaten the buffet."

Most of the people here didn't know Li Tiezhu, but almost everyone knew about him. When someone raised a glass to him, Li Tiezhu responded accordingly, drinking and smiling.

Leng Ba: “Today’s reception was roughly attended by three kinds of people. One was a big capital, one was a well-known actor, and the other was a trader in the entertainment industry. For example, Long Sidney, the godmother of domestic entertainment, specially created Little fresh meat flow idol."

Li Tiezhu nodded. He remembered that Xiao Zhen had cooperated with her.

Not far away, a familiar person raised a wine glass to Li Tiezhu.

When I finally saw someone I knew, Li Tiezhu took a sip of his wine and nodded in greeting: "Cat, why are the waitresses so beautiful? They are also good-looking, like models. They are also in the circle?"

Lengba was a little lost, her smile a little stiff.

Li Tiezhu followed her gaze and saw that it was Young Master Wang, who had just toasted to Li Tiezhu distantly, beckoning to Li Tiezhu, motioning him to pass.

Lao Wang is still a very good scum.

Li Tiezhu had a good impression of him, so he took Leng Ba and walked over. Leng Ba's expression became even more weird, with hatred and fear, but he still obeyed Li Tiezhu's choice.

There were three crooked nuts beside Wang Dashao. When Li Tiezhu came over, they all smiled and nodded.

Li Tiezhu came over and said, "Pharaoh, why are you here?"

Today's Li Tiezhu is also in a suit. Although he is not handsome, he is tall and straight.

Wang Dashao looked up and down at Li Tiezhu a few times: "Tsk! He looks like a dog in a suit. Why can't I come? My dad was once the richest man!"

Li Tiezhu: "Lin did not come?"

Wang Dashao: "He is not qualified. Do you think all the newcomers are strange things like you? Come, let me introduce to you, these three foreign dogs want to get to know the "Godfather of Far East Fashion" Ain Pera."

Li Tiezhu was taken aback, did he curse the foreign dog face to face? So sturdy?

Wang Dashao: "Don't worry, they don't understand Chinese. ¥#%&*¥#……"

Then, there is a period of fluent English.

The three foreign dogs spoke to Li Tiezhu one after another, their eyes were sincere, and they also raised their glasses to salute.

Wang Dashao briefly translated: "These three are from the European fashion circle. This time they are here to open up the Chinese luxury goods and fashion market. They said that if you are ready to set foot in the fashion circle, you can cooperate with them. That's about it. Li Gou, ignore them, I just meet them, and I don’t have much friendship."

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "Fashion circle? It's just a group of brain-dead people, what am I doing in this circle? Are you in the fashion circle? King dog."

Wang Dashao's exquisite female companion was startled, called Wang Dashao Wangdog?

Wang Gou also shook his head: "I don't mix in the fashion circle either. Who is the decent person in the fashion circle? The fashion circle is also called fashion?"

"Fashionable can enter the fashion circle?"

"Can those who enter the circle be fashionable?"

Li Tiezhu and Wang Dashao clinked glasses and smiled at each other:


Lengba didn't hold her back, laughed out loud, and cursed in front of the three foreign dogs. These two people are also really cheap.

Wang Dashao looked at Lengba, frowned and thought about it, and said with a little surprise, "Are you Lengba? Are you Lengba?"

The last sentence is for Li Tiezhu.

Lengba: "..."

Didn’t you chase me back then? Although it's a bet, what's the matter just recognizing it now? Am I so recognizable?

Li Tiezhu nodded, and whispered to Leng Ba, "He is just like me, his face is blind."

Wang Dashao punched Li Tiezhu: "Not bad! Good at playing."

Li Tiezhu: "It's not what you think..."

Wang Dashao: "I understand!"

"You know a hammer."

"Look, you are so excited, you are exposed! You are exposed."


"Don't worry, I'm better at playing than you, and I'm happy!"

Lengba's face was reddened, but she caught a glimpse of the female companion of the opposite Wang Dayo at her with envy.

Then, Wang Dashao sent away the foreign dogs in a few words, and Li Tiezhu and himself walked to the fruit stand next to them and took a platter.

Li Tiezhu was also blind, and looked at Wang Dashao's female companion: "Is this... the one from last time, or the one from last time?"

Wang Dashao: "Neither, can internet celebrities bring this here? Isn't that ashamed? Unlike you, the popular little flowers around you have cards."

"Then this one? Don't tell me?"

"What's there to introduce from the organization?"

"Which organization? The benefits are so...magic?"

"Dongyue Club, thin horses. Members have it. It's not uncommon. Hello, the second-class thin horses serve tea and water like they do, and the high-level ones will be distributed to everyone to raise."


"Do you... have a say in you?"


Li Tiezhu really didn't feel right and arrogant, after all, the zoo was quite large.

The thin horse still smiled happily and fed apples to Wang Dashao.

Lengba couldn't help but said: "The gap between people and people is bigger than people and dogs, the main...pillar, the capital circle is terrible."

Wang Dashao: "That's right! That's why I came up with the circle of mixed entertainment."

"I think too! It's a pity that I failed."

A woman's voice sounded.

Li Tiezhu looked at it, and this time he was not face blind because he was deeply impressed by this woman.

Luo Feiyan walked over with a well-behaved and cute male companion: "Li Tiezhu, you talk about you, don't I just want to be a simple and clean entertainment circle? You have to target me and force me to return to the capital circle. It's really damning. !"

Speaking of the grievances a year ago, she did not gritted her teeth, but rather calmly.

This is nothing.

Apart from Song Zhu'er's forced harassment call, there are not many things that can arouse her real anger.

Li Tiezhu is the heart-hearted master: "You were the one who bullied me first, of course I have to fight back."

Wang Dashao also said: "I said at the time that you couldn't deal with Li Tiezhu. I didn't believe it. Who could blame him if he was sanctioned in the end?"

Luo Feiyan shrugged and banged the cup with Li Tiezhu: "It's careless. In the future, there will be opportunities to make the move. You are now in the position. We must be the enemy. However, if there is a chance of benefit, we can also cooperate and don't die too fast. Oh, the wind hasn't been very good recently."

After speaking, she left, and turned around after a few steps: "Tell your woman not to call me, otherwise I'm not welcome."

Then, she went to talk to a few foreign dogs happily.

Li Tiezhu: "Her is also sent?"

Wang Dashao shook his head: "It was raised by her herself. She just debuted this year and was operated by Long Sidney personally. It is very popular. You are so afraid that you are not a fake artist. The news in the circle is not clear to me."

"Are you a commission for discipline inspection."

"Hello brother Xiao Zhen is the Disciplinary Committee and the Disciplinary Committee of the entertainment industry! Two days ago, he personally ran to tear Hua Tianyu and said that he was engaged in a love triangle that was immoral, and he asked him to write a review and apology to the public."


At this time, a man who was not tall and handsome came over. He was distinctively dressed in a black Tang suit and cloth shoes, with extraordinary bearing: "What are you talking about so happy?"

Wang Dashao respectfully said: "Good for Mr. Ma!"

Leng Ba smiled as if: "Mr. Li Tiezhu realized later, this is a one-sided understanding: "Hello Dad Ma! "

Ma Jieke laughed and said, "Tie Zhu, congratulations on upgrading! But you have to thank me."

Li Tiezhu: "Huh?"

Ma Jieke said again: "Are you interested in a guest appearance in my movie?"

Li Tiezhu: "How much is the estimated box office?"

Majieke smiled freely: "Micro-movie, what box office do you want? I'm not interested in money."

Li Tiezhu: "I am not interested in micro movies."

Ma Jack was taken aback: "..."

Lao Tzu was at his home court, unexpectedly encountered a gangster who was even worse than me?

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