Earthy Superstar

Chapter 380: : Metamorphosis

(It was 379 in the previous chapter, which was wrong.)

Mentioning the sleeves of the Tang suit, Dad Ma revealed an inexplicable fighting spirit on his face: "Tie Zhu, don't be too ambitious about being a person or doing anything. Do you think that your movie is so popular that you won't be able to watch the micro movie anymore? Ah, aren't you still planning to make a TV series?"

Li Tiezhu shook his head, don't know how to answer, do you want to tell you that the magical animals made me say that? No matter who you meet or say, you are not interested.

Majieke said again: "So, are you not interested in me anymore?"

Li Tiezhu thought for a while before he said, "I'm busy. I'm working as a host again as a singer, and I'm preparing for the filming of "Soldiers Assault", and I have to set up a personal studio. I don't have time."

Ma Jack: "I will let you have time. I will tell Ma Penny directly, you are scheduled to play my micro movie."


"Ah what? I'm helping you."

"What's the difference between you and your children who have lost a fight and told their parents?"

Li Tiezhu muttered.

Majieke smiled with creases on his face: "Hahahaha...I'm not a kid, you are. Okay, I'll go around, Xiao Wang, help me greet Li Tiezhu well."

From the beginning to the end, Majieke didn't say a word with Lengba, it was not about patriarchalism, but the level was different, there was nothing to say. If it were the former Li Tiezhu, President Ma would not speak to him, it was meaningless.

Wang Dashao: "Don't worry, Mr. Ma, I will cover him."

When he left, Li Tiezhu scratched his head and asked Wang Dashao: "Did he not join your organization? There is not even a female companion around him."

Wang Dashao’s female companion is shocked, does Li Tiezhu look at the problem like this?

Wang Dashao said: "He is one of the leaders of the organization. I am the one who sent them. He has always been a maverick. You should go and run a trick for him."

Li Tiezhu: "That's not right! Why did Luo Feiyan and President Ma say that I was upgraded?"

"Didn't you build a studio?"

"Yeah, it was confirmed long ago, but it was suddenly upgraded today, saying that it is independent of penguin culture. What's wrong?"

"Independence from penguin culture means that your studio and penguin culture within Penguin are almost equal. If you belong to penguin culture, then you are still an ordinary artist and a low-level player in the entertainment industry. But now you are an intermediate player. Player, although you are not the biggest shareholder in the studio, you are also one of the bosses, like Yang Mi."

"What is the advanced player?"

"Our big capital and the super giants of your master are advanced players. Artists are just the best of the company, and the company is the best of the capital."

"Whose horse is capital?"

"Don't tell! Don't tell... Advanced players are also players! Game dealers are the best players. Game dealers can customize game rules and delete numbers at any time. Therefore, advanced players don't dare to go too far."

Wang Dashao said in detail. If he had been before, he would not have said this to Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu wondered: "Why should Penguins treat me so well?"

Wang Dashao: "Because Ma Jieke, he said that you want to thank him. Some time ago, he and the Huayou invested by him were planning to dig you to work as a studio and focus on movies. They talked with your agent. You should know. Capital’s vision is always the most poisonous. They have all seen that you are the next king, and you are all-powerful."

Li Tiezhu was very surprised: "I'm so good? Why don't I know?"

"Because you are stupid! In this big circle, the people who can mix to the top are all people with excellent eyesight. Think about it. But take care of it. Will pie fall in the sky?"

"will not."

"Looking closer, when I was chasing Lengba, I was so **** off by you, why didn't you bother you? In addition to not being interested, the main reason is to see your potential and it is worth making friends. Otherwise? Do you think you Is his elder attractive to Lao Tzu?"

"That's not guaranteed..."

"Go! Go over there and defeat the big guys in the entertainment industry. They are not pure artists, they belong to the entry level for advanced players."

Young Master Wang was very frank, and after speaking what should be said, he took his thin horse and left.

Li Tiezhu was still picking his head.

Lengba made a supplementary explanation: "Low-level artists are managed by brokerage companies, middle-level artists are used by economic companies, and high-level artists are in charge of the company. Benmiao was just promoted to senior artist by Jie Mi this year. You count, but your job The room attributes suddenly improved, causing you to suddenly become an intermediate player-merchant. This is why the four of us established a group. I didn’t elaborate to you because I’m afraid you won’t understand it for a while, but now it’s all about it. Good too."

Li Tiezhu: "I didn't want to become a vampire."

Leng Ba: "Businessmen are not vampires, capital is. Anyway, you are actually pushed up by various forces. You can't play at all by yourself now, so we are quite worried, but this is necessary to become a superstar. Roads, such as Zhou Xingxing, Cheng Dalong, etc., all came this way."

Li Tiezhu said, "Well, you can teach me more."

Briefly communicate, Li Tiezhu took Lengba to the left, where there are many entertainment industry bigwigs and capital spokespersons.

"Hello Teacher Li Xiaojie!"

"Well, have you practiced recently?"

Although they only met for the first time, Li Xiaojie was obviously no stranger to Li Tiezhu. In fact, he had only heard about it before, but an hour ago, the news that Penguin suddenly forcibly helped Li Tiezhu to the upper position had spread to the ears of the bigwigs in the industry. Naturally, someone also provided them with information and information about Li Tiezhu.

As the top "commercial product" of the entertainment industry, the two most important are the film. One is the influence of actors and the other is the strength of capital.

Except for a few low-cost movies that occasionally break the rules, the rest is nothing more than a combination of capital and influence. Even if low-cost movies break the rules, they will soon be incorporated, strengthening the "rules" and increasing the difficulty for latecomers to break the rules.

For example, Ning Shitou, Xu Shanzheng, Fang Bo, and others, and Wang Baobao, changed from "the young dragon slayer" to "evil dragon" naturally.

Li Tiezhu: "Practicing is just out of order and blindly practicing."

Li Xiaojie nodded: "When you have time, talk to your uncle for advice and advice. Master, it's hard to say..."

After a few words of courtesy, Li Tiezhu found Wu Jing again: "Hello Teacher Wu! I watched your "War Dragon 2" and I like it super invincibly!"

Wu Jing also reached the top with this summer's "War Dragon" 2 and became the highest-grossing action actor in China. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a World War I. Although he was also very famous before, this battle allowed him to upgrade from an intermediate player to an advanced player.

Artists becoming advanced players are no match for real big capital, but they have their own unique advantages. Artists themselves are capital. Li Tiezhu is still far away, and his name is a small sign at best.

Wu Jing: "Hello Lengba, your drama is quite popular recently! Boy, are you saying this now? I asked you to play "War Dragon 2" before, why did your agent push it?"

Li Tiezhu: "Ah? Is there any? I don't know."

"Your agent said you want to take the college entrance examination, not taking the show."

"Oh, yes, I did say that, because I'm relatively stupid, I need to endorse more."

"Okay, I heard that you are going to make a military TV series? Is there any role in the scene, I can make a cameo?"

"I think... yes! I'll call you then! Thank you."

"Thank you, everyone is responsible for propagating strong soldiers."

"Yes Yes Yes…"

"Okay, go, the old man is waiting for you."

Wu Jing knew about Li Tiezhu, patted Li Tiezhu on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

Li Tiezhu nodded gratefully, took Lengba to Hong Dabao, and bowed respectfully: "Master."

Lengba was a little timid: "Good old Mr. Hong!"

Hong Dabao is one of the action directors of Attack on the Path. He combed his head with a big back, and glanced at Lengba, who was extremely good-looking and stunning, and looked at Li Tiezhu in an agitated manner:

"If you don't study well, just pick up your master's stinking faults! The vision is better than your master's."

Lengba's face was flushed immediately, and he didn't dare to argue. Of course, he couldn't argue. The real bigwigs in this circle are all human beings and have experienced many weird things that are not easy to deceive.

Li Tiezhu didn't understand, thinking that Hong Dabao said he loves to show off. He said, "My master said he learned from you, you are the best."

Hong Dabao: "...Damn! Yuan Lou, this idiot is talking about everything!"

In fact, compared with Jackie Chan, Hong Dabao's "car repair story" is not inferior, even slightly better.

Lengba was shocked, the master was too shocked, right? Does this guy dare to top?

"Puff ha ha ha..."

The other old man laughed, really unable to hold it back.

Hong Dabao glared at each other, pointed at the old man and then at the slightly younger man next to him, and introduced to Li Tiezhu: "This is the instructor of Yuan Pinghe, and this is the instructor of Cheng Dong. They are all Xiangjiang's top action instructors. ."

Li Tiezhu hurriedly bowed and saluted, calling him senior.

Hong Dabao suddenly talked to Lengba: "Girl, this kid is missing a string in his head. Since you are already..., help him to slip a little bit, don't let him get muddled. It didn't matter before, but now that he has erected a hill, the tree is bigger. He will definitely catch the wind, and I don’t know if he can stand it."

Lengba wanted to quibble, but seeing the sharp eyes of the other party, she persuaded: "Definitely, surely...I will definitely try my best."

Actually, it's so unruly in this circle, especially between men and women.

Cheng Dalong, Hong Dabao, UU reading, which one is not like this?

For men and women, only low-level players are extremely lethal. For example, Huang Moubo has limited lethality against mid-level players. For example, Wu Moubo has no lethality against high-level players. "My face is blind" is a perfect ending!

Unable to refute, reasonable.

At Li Tiezhu's step, if he can stand firm, the matter of men and women will not cause a devastating blow to him, but if you want to be truly "invincible," you need to climb another layer.

Then, Li Tiezhu went to Yan Zidan, Tony Zhen and others to greet him, showing the humble attitude of the younger generation.

In fact, this reception was boring for Li Tiezhu, but it was also a necessary process. The seemingly dull social field actually witnessed Li Tiezhu's second rise. The first time was when he became popular in the good voice battle, and the second time is now, he has officially become an intermediate player in the circle.

This is a transformation.

At least, this is an achievement that Songzhuer, Lengba and others have not achieved yet.

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