Earthy Superstar

Chapter 381: : Someone wants to **** you

After that, some people in the film industry who knew and did not know came over to greet Li Tiezhu. Lengba generally knew each other and introduced Li Tiezhu one by one.

After socializing, Li Tiezhu found that he was tired, and laughed whenever he met. When others mentioned an idea, he said that he was not interested. It was also quite tired, much more tired than moving bricks.

Lengba sneered: "How do you feel? In the future, you will have to take your different female companions to many, many cocktail parties like this."

Li Tiezhu frowned. Why is this happening? If I don’t let me move the bricks, I will endure it. Singing, variety shows, and making movies are also okay. What the **** is this kind of boring cocktail party?

This is business. After all, the entire pan-entertainment circle is just a business.

A business that has been exquisitely packaged by art.

So, this reception is actually a reward for the people who accompany him to make movies and play with Mr. Ma. He gathers his huge contacts together, so that everyone can get to know each other and find opportunities to do business.

Several film investors came to talk to Li Tiezhu about new movies, nothing more than to make him the youngest actor in history, with a box office of more than tens of billions and so on.

Li Tiezhu answered in the same way: "I am still young, and there is still a lot to learn. I am not interested in these at the moment. Thank you for taking good care of me."

A foreign dog was different. He walked over to Li Tiezhu and said, "Ain Peila·Li ¥&%#*¥*……"

Lengba: "His name is Aix and he is the director of Cobialen Films. He asks if you would like to go to Hollywood in the US. He can guarantee that you will become the best actor and have the opportunity to win the Oscar! I heard you Without knowing his skills, he might be the next Bruce Lee..."

Li Tiezhu: "Sorry, I'm not interested..."

The person also said: "The company can help you get a U.S. green card, or even a U.S. citizenship. As long as you agree, the company will tailor three top blockbuster movies for you."

Li Tiezhu: "Are you crazy? I'm a newcomer, not Wu Jing."

The director shook his head: "NONONO... you don't know how popular you are in the West. We believe that as long as you make an action blockbuster in the U.S., you will definitely get a hit at the box office!"

Li Tiezhu: "I'm not interested."

The foreign devil babbled again for a while, almost frothing at the mouth.

Li Tiezhu: "Ah...I'm not very interested."

Tell you a hammer, the foreign dog finally rolled his eyes and politely said that Goodbye is gone.

Lengba was also tired of translating, and took a deep breath: "Master! Are you really that hot? How do I feel that these movie owners treat you as Tang Seng meat? Of course, they just want to eat you, with very little purpose. purely."

Li Tiezhu: "Aren't you the same?"

At this time, a man with a shaved head like Li Tiezhu but with a much higher value than Li Tiezhu came over and said with a smile: "How is it? Does it feel great to be crazily pursued by everyone? I haven't been subjected to this for a long time. Get paid, even if I am the director of this play..."

Shrugging self-deprecatingly, the man took a sip of Martell.

Leng Ba greeted Wen Lizao first.

Li Tiezhu said: "Hello Mr. Wen, I have watched a lot of your TV series, and Zhou Xingxing's "Journey to the West: Conquering the Devil"."

Wen Li shook his head early: "It's all over, so enjoy the moment! Hold on, don't float like me. But... I really envy you."

Li Tiezhu: "Ah...I'm not interested."

Wen Lizao: "Huh???"

He really envied Li Tiezhu. Although it was a coincidence, he broke into the ranks of intermediate players in a year, unlike him...

The story of this person has already been heated up in the circle, so there is no need to taboo.

In fact, in the past two years, he was in the limelight and vigorously. He jumped to the top of the line for a long time. As a result, he died in the last part of the road from a junior player to an intermediate player. Although now relying on Li Xiaojie's support, he has restarted his career, but it is not as good as before.

No, as a director and screenwriter tonight, not many people say hello to him.

Human feelings are nothing more than cold and warm.

Li Tiezhu said, "I don't know. Anyway, I don't understand anything. Why are you looking for me?"

Wen Li smiled early and said, "It's nothing, it's just that so many capitals from the Southern and overseas branches are looking for you. I want to persuade you not to go the wrong way. But don't overestimate their morality, I have a deep understanding."

Li Tiezhu: "Thank you."

Wen Li left early.

Leng Ba said in a low voice: "It is reported that he was involved because he refused to cooperate with the Southern Department. It happened that he cheated himself at that time..."

Li Tiezhu: "So, those who came to me just now are actually in the same group with Luo Feiyan?"

Lengba: "It's not a group, but it's on a rope."

"But, there was someone who has been President Hua just now..."

"Isn’t President Hua from the Southern Department? His status is much higher than Luo Feiyan. The Star Master was scolded by Hua Tai by name. Master, you are good, keep your duty, and you can’t be tempted by others. Can tempt you."

Although he didn't understand the depth of it, Li Tiezhu still had to admire the "I'm not interested" policy set by the magical beasts, and it really worked.

Li Tiezhu and Lengba huddled in the corner. She was teased for a while, and received a WeChat message from Zhang Xiaomeng.

At the same time that Li Tiezhu was attending the reception, Zhang Xiaomeng was negotiating with Penguin and several related parties. The issue of the equity distribution of Li Tiezhu's studio was unexpectedly smooth.

The result is one two three four.

Zhang Xiaomeng and the studio's high-level executives hold 10% of the shares, and entertainment capital such as Huayou and Xingmang holds 20% of the shares, Li Tiezhu 30%, and Penguin 40%, but Penguin has absolute control.

The studio is under the jurisdiction of the Penguin Headquarters, but without the name Penguin, it is directly called "Li Tiezhu Studio". This is Penguin's biggest compromise. Huayou and other companies also stated that they will never poach Li Tiezhu, otherwise they will bear extremely high compensation and legal liabilities.

The reason why I gave Li Tiezhu so much is because Penguin didn't want to give other capital too much, and other capital didn't want Penguin to dominate.

This was the result of compromise, and Li Tiezhu made an unexpected profit.

Penguin was a small loser this time. Due to the negligence and short-sightedness of the senior Penguin culture, they ignored the value of Li Tiezhu and did not pay enough attention to it. The studio was established too late and attracted wolves.

These wild wolves didn't care about Li Tiezhu's liquidated damages at all, and wanted to dig and play. Fortunately, Li Tiezhu's nostalgia, penguins can continue to dominate.

Li Tiezhu didn't know anything about these things, and even now he saw that he had 30% of the shares, he felt dreamy.

Are they all fools?

Obviously pay me a salary, but I have to give me shares.

what! funny.

Rich people are really kind!

Lengba glanced at her mobile phone. Shochu's sent some materials and negotiation details inside the zoo group. She was sweating coldly. Is my master so fragrant?

Apart from other things, there is one that Lengba feels very right, and that is:

"In the movie circle now, there is no actor under the age of 40 who can play, except for Li Tiezhu, who emerged this year. He not only represents the future, but also represents omnipotence! This is 30 years after the movie star of Hong Kong. It hasn’t appeared before, even Jay Chou has been crippled in the movie.”

President Ma came over again: "Have you received the news?"

Li Tiezhu: "Huh? What? I'm not very interested."

President Ma was taken aback, and said: "I took the ten major sects to besiege Guangmingding with 30% of your shares and helped you take it down. Don't you thank me?"

Li Tiezhu: "Really?"

Lengba nodded towards Li Tiezhu.

Ma Jieke suddenly lacks interest. It is interesting to engage in Mapponi, Li Tiezhu is boring, Penguin is refreshing, Li Tiezhu is boring: "Forget it! We just want to prevent Penguin from getting into the entertainment industry. Now that the Ten Martial Arts and the Demon Sect support you, what are you afraid of?"

After speaking, Ma Jieke left. He didn't like talking to Li Tiezhu, that would be a slut!

Same-sex repulsion really makes sense.

The cocktail party lasted for an hour, and Ma Jieke took the stage to give a speech for half an hour. He made a whole lot of poignant talks, saying that he was making movies just to train a few more Li Xiaojie, Li Xiaojie nodded repeatedly.

After the speech, some activities about the movie "Gun Su Dao" started, and then it was fun activities.

I don’t know what the specific name is, Li Tiezhu said it’s called a fun activity.

Some people go to karaoke in groups, some drink in groups, some taste red wine and smoke cigars, most people go to the casino on the top floor, and some go to play mahjong for low-level fun.

Li Tiezhu was dragged by Hong Dabao to play mahjong, and Yen Zidan and actor Hua Zuo were also "competitive" on the same field. Although this Hua Zuo is unknown, his status is not low. He is the future successor of the Hua Family Group. Huaqiang's son.

As for the female companions, of course they were sitting aside and helping to serve tea and hand over the bargaining chips.

He played Xiangjiang Mahjong. Li Tiezhu learned a new lesson and lost a lot of money, but Hong Dabao helped him and gave Li Tiezhu a lot of chips to play hard. While playing mahjong, Hong Dabao still educates Li Tiezhu painstakingly. There is no way, he can only be bothered by the master who doesn't care.

"We also came At first we did stunts and stand-ins, and then we ran superstars, and then became the leading role. It took more than ten or twenty years before we were qualified to start classes at Lishantou. I and your master are the same. After the start of the class, I led the crew to continue making movies. It was another ten or two decades. Only then did I have the confidence to start a company and engage in investment..."

"You are better than us! But you are also more dangerous than us, because your foundation is unstable, and the ground will shake when something happens. Fortunately, you are cautious and not clever, so you won't be messy."

"Suddenly ascending to a high position is not necessarily a good thing. If you have something, ask your master... Forget it! Give me a call, he is not reliable."

"Don't think too much about things in your studio. It doesn't matter if the bosses fight with the gods. Shoot your scenes, sing your songs, and be good to you. You will never fail."

"By the way, you and this girl, or other women, remember to hide it, at least for now."

Li Tiezhu was immediately embarrassed, and Lengba looked at the others with a guilty conscience.

Hong Dabao said: "Zi Shan is a wise man, and Zuo Tsai is sensible. The other women are thin horses and have strict mouths. Don't worry. There is one thing that is very important... Li Tiezhu, are you offending someone again? Someone wants to **** you recently."

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