Earthy Superstar

Chapter 383: : New script

In fact, there are returning performances in the basic period of Gu University, so the host does not have to change this period, but Hong Bo still did. He simply hopes to bring greater changes to the show. He knows that the audience loves to watch Li Tiezhu, and Gu Daji doesn't mind.

So in the past two days, apart from doing new song arrangements and rehearsals with the teacher of the program group, Li Tiezhu is still memorizing lines.

"Provoke the king? Stick singer? Singer? Never heard of it."

Li Tiezhu doesn't even chase Chinese stars, let alone the singers of Bangzi Country.

Therefore, when he saw the message of the new replacement singer, he was at a loss. I have never heard of it. What should I say when hosting?

In the rest room, Gu Daji was sitting next to Li Tiezhu, and said, "What are you doing so much? Then just follow the table book. How is the new song written for me?"

Because he has been eliminated, he did not come to rehearsal on Friday morning.

Li Tiezhu said: "Okay! It's time for me to rehearse. Let's listen to it together? It's a Cantonese song. I can't pronounce it correctly. You can help me correct it."

Gu Daji was immediately moved. This kid knew that Chinese was not good, so he wrote Cantonese songs intimately?


Gu Daji rubbed his hands with excitement. He hadn't released a new song for many years, and the music scene almost forgot him. If you can get a song like "Exclusive Memory"... Forget it, it's almost OK.

You can’t ask Li Tiezhu to write a song every time, right?

With anxiety and expectation, Gu Daji and Li Tiezhu went to rehearsal for a new song together. When they went, they were full of expectations, but when they came back, they were only shocked.

Sure enough, it is another masterpiece.

This song is like writing about Gu Daji's mental journey over the past two decades. He cried when he heard it.

The first thought is that Li Tiezhu is really a genius.

The second thought is, why should he give such a nice song to others?

Sure enough, the idea of ​​a genius cannot be estimated, so thank you. From the beginning of this song, Gu Daji has completely regarded Li Tiezhu as his own brother. He is so magnificent, it is no wonder that he can be like a fish in the circle.

Li Tiezhu's singing ability controlled the song, but his pronunciation was inaccurate, and Gu Daji also helped him correct it verbatim.

In the afternoon, Li Tiezhu had no rehearsal because... he was going to buy vegetables and cook hot pot.

Mango Terrace also has food shows, so you don’t have to worry about having no place to fry hot pot ingredients, not to mention pots and pans.

The process of Li Tiezhu’s making hot pot was also filmed and played at the beginning of the show.

While preparing the dishes, Li Tiezhu said, "I lost the bet! It made me unable to rehearse in the afternoon, so I had to prepare hot pot. So gambling is harmful! Everyone should take warning. This hot pot is to see Lao Gu off. , Firstly, new singers are welcome to join."

Staff: "Do you already know who the replacement singer is?"

Li Tiezhu repeatedly cleans his hair belly: "Of course, I am the host in this issue. This singer is the king of singers! And an international friend. But I don’t know. Besides, I don’t know if he can eat spicy food. What I cook for them is Very spicy hot pot! Mandarin duck pot? It doesn't exist!"

Live barrage:

"Li Tiezhu is really poisonous."

"Strangely, it turns the singer into a food show."

"This show was so touched that I drooled down."

"It's crooked nuts that make up for this issue?"

"Eating hot pot for a foreigner singer, Li Tiezhu is so yummy!"

"Brother Serious never let me down."

The scene turned around and came to the airport. The staff received and interviewed the new singer, who was a slightly mellow middle-aged uncle.

Zheng Yuanchun, the national treasure of Nanbang, has a charming voice and super high singing skills.

After saying a few words, Zheng Yuanchun sang directly, and he was indeed extremely powerful on the spot.

Next, there are the pictures of other singers, who have expressed their opinions on the southern country singer. After listening to his singing, everyone praised the festival and fully recognized the strength of the other party.

The singers arrived in the lounge one after another, and went into their respective lounges to rest or put on makeup.

At this time, in the entertainment version of Old, an unknown editor published an article "Superstar or Giant Scam?" "The Untold Story Behind Migrant Worker Li Tiezhu Jumping Red."

At the beginning of the article, it was stated that Li Tiezhu was born in a remote rural area, had not received any music education since childhood, and had very poor academic performance, so he had to pay more for high school before entering.

Then, I "interviewed" several Li Tiezhu's high school classmates. They said that they never knew that Li Tiezhu could write or sing. They questioned Li Tiezhu's ability to write so many good songs.

Then, after turning around, he began to talk about Penguin's entertainment industry layout. Penguin lacks everything, but lacks a top star. Thus, there was Li Tiezhu. A top entertainment flow capital, and a soil bun who knows nothing, it hits it off. Through the soil flavor packaging and massive navy forces to guide public opinion, Li Tiezhu was topped by the hot search in the first audition. Later, a music creation team of more than ten people was formed, and Li Tiezhu was labelled as a "wild original singer", and he went all the way to win the good voice champion.

Finally, through an interview with a musician who resigned from Penguin, I learned that the musician also wrote songs for Li Tiezhu. Usually, a large group of people collectively created the first draft after one person took out the first draft. Finally, Li Tiezhu signed his name and took away all the copyright. .

In summary, Li Tiezhu's songs were written by others, and he was just a fake creator forced by Penguin.

The logic of this article relies almost entirely on speculation, and the evidence relies entirely on compilation, without any substantive evidence, forcibly came to the conclusion that Li Tiezhu is a big liar.

It stands to reason that this kind of side-by-side sand sculpture articles do not have much spread. After all, most readers have normal intelligence.

There have been similar articles before, but they didn't have much interest.

But this time it was different. Almost half an hour after the article was published, before the live broadcast of "I Am a Singer", it suddenly spread all over the Internet. Especially the bib is the hottest, after all, this is also the place of the old wave.

Many bib big Vs and public names began to forward and comment frantically. Some people called Li Tiezhu out to apologize, some clamored Penguin to stop polluting the entertainment industry, and some people called for the entire network to block Li Tiezhu.

Just because of a fabricated article?

No, this is just the beginning.

Soon, more "black materials" about Li Tiezhu appeared:

Li Tiezhu forced the "I Am a Singer" program group to squeeze out Gu Daji and become a host himself in order to gain more traffic and shots.

Li Tiezhu was suspected of cheating in the college entrance examination. He also compared Li Tiezhu's composition for the first year of the college entrance examination with the composition of the college entrance examination. The ghost knew how they got the composition of Li Tiezhu for the college entrance examination.

By doing charity money laundering, Li Tiezhu made nearly one billion in a year.


Information of this kind is overwhelming, and after a series of professional promotion, it spreads wildly on the Internet.

At this time, Li Tiezhu and the staff moved six hot pot hotpots to the lounge. They did not know the rumors on the Internet. After all, after the CCTV gold-plated body and the iron head baby fought against the boxer last year, there has been no negative news about him for a long time. Discredited.

After placing the dishes, Zhang Xiaomeng found Li Tiezhu with a solemn face. Although he was very busy in setting up the studio, he would still accompany Li Tiezhu during the live broadcast, just like other singers' agents.

"problem occurs."

Li Tiezhu put the freshly killed Huang Lading on his plate, and said in doubt: "What's wrong? Brother Meng."

Zhang Xiaomeng took out his mobile phone to show Li Tiezhu: "Someone is doing things again. This time the boxer is more fierce than last time. It is not like a person or a company targeting us. It is more like an organized and premeditated action. Fake news is spreading on the Internet, how do we respond?"

Li Tiezhu thought for a while: "Ignore it."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "If you ignore it, they will only be more arrogant, we must respond! Forget it, I will go to Song Zhuer..."

Li Tiezhu said: "You can discuss with her, but I still have this opinion. I will ignore it and wait until they all come out before responding. If you respond too early, I'm afraid it won't be clean."

Zhang Xiaomeng thought Li Tiezhu was stunned, but he didn't expect him to be stronger than himself, so he nodded.

The show continues.

Han Hong also learned about Li Tiezhu from his agent, yelled at him, and finally powerlessly said: "Damn! How are these capitals more disgusting than shit? Isn't it enough to discredit me? Tie Zhu is doing some charity, and they are also black? Don’t you just want Lao Tzu to help them launder money? Go fuck!"

Of course these will not be cut into the show.

After complaining, Han Hong worried about Li Tiezhu again, and then she sniffed: "Hot pot!"

So, her round body flexibly got out of the room, leaned on the railing and looked at the six hot pots below, and shouted: "Tie Zhu, you have made a lot of it, all of them are red pots?"

Li Tiezhu: "Ang! Let them make their voices dumb, and we will win!"

Han Hong: "You need something! I'll tell them to come down and eat hot pot."

Then, Han Hong knocked on the door one by one, and brought a dozen people down to eat hot pot. Li Tiezhu also brought Gu Daki over, who was about to return to the show.

There are a total of eight singers and eight partners. The reason for making six hot pots is because there are no people sitting on the other side of the table for the convenience of the program crew.

The hot pot was very enthusiastic, and the Nanbang singer was very spicy, but Gu Daji was so blushing that he didn't dare to move his chopsticks.

After eating for about an hour, everyone broke up. Li Tiezhu directly picked up the microphone and prepared to take the stage to host.

At this time, the barrage of the live screen is quite unfriendly:

"Li Tiezhu got out of the entertainment circle!"

"Trash artist, everyone resist."

"It's disgusting to take the songs written by others and pretend it everywhere."

"I said earlier that this dog can't write songs."

"what happened?"

"Li Tiezhu his team composed more than a dozen composers for him."

"Where did you see it? Fake?"

"There's another black brother."

"It is black that what Li Tiezhu has done himself? The navy logic is really powerful."

"Brother Zhengjing has offended people again?"

"The bib big V has shown evidence, how do you navy wash them?"

"Li Tiezhu murderer! Go to die!"

"I'll go, can you talk nonsense about this?"

Immediately before Li Tiezhu took the stage, he also saw the barrage of "Murder" on the live broadcast, and he frowned. This time it looks different. Is there a new script?

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the seventh stage of "I Am a Singer" broadcast by the title. I am the new host Li Tiezhu."

He is still very calm.

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