Earthy Superstar

Chapter 384: : Getting stronger

It makes sense that there are many reds.

Li Tiezhu’s mentality has always been very good, so his host performance is still very stable: "...Today's first singer to compete is a male singer. He did not have enough time for rehearsal because he has to cook hot pot. Plus he is right. Cantonese is not very familiar, so I hope you will bear with me when you listen."

The audience applauded, and at the same time they wondered, didn't Li Tiezhu want to write songs by himself? How can you sing Cantonese songs?

Li Tiezhu explained: “Because I said before, this new song in this issue was given to Gu Daji, so I wrote a Cantonese song. The key word I picked in the last issue was'sun'. I will bring you Here is "Red Sun"."

The audience cheered, and they were all curious about what it was like Li Tiezhu sang Cantonese songs.

The live barrage was murderous:

"Red Nima Day, get out!"

"Li Tiezhu go to death."


"This thing is really disgusting."

"It's the team that writes songs again, it's shameless to make a name for yourself."

"No matter how good it sounds, I don't like it!"

"Penguin is as disgusting as ever."

"Hehe, today this situation seems familiar!"

"You scold Penguin on the Penguin platform, don't look at you!"

"Li Tiezhu is in trouble again."

"Curious, what did the serious brother do?"

"Second Uncle Li Tiezhu is a village tyrant. He robbed other people's land to grow medicinal materials and forced them to death."

"I heard he was hanged."

"Don't believe it, it's all on the Internet."

Li Tiezhu couldn't see these real-time barrage, and sang a song seriously:


Fate is bizarre even though twists and turns

Even if fate threatens you

It's not fun to be a man

Don't cry

Shouldn't give up

I wish to be with you forever


"It's so good! It's so good to listen to this song!"

"This is like a song written by the same person? Lie to a fool!"

"Can you write Cantonese songs if you don't know Cantonese?"

"Li Tiezhu blew himself up!"

"The truth is revealed."

"It should be a Cantonese-speaking creator in the team. Penguin is really rich."

"Does anyone care about the death?"

"I said it's a village tyrant, who dares to control?"

"A very wonderful song, but it's all navy."

"To be honest, there are usually not so many barrage in good voices. Where do these trumpets come from?"

"The navy is whitewashing Li Tiezhu again!"

"I'm really convinced, this time the scale is quite large, the routine is also advanced, watching the show."

Li Tiezhu sang very steady:



Fate is bizarre even though twists and turns

Even if fate threatens you

It's not fun to be a man

Don't cry

Shouldn't give up

I wish to be with you forever

After singing, the applause was very warm, because this is another good song, even if this is the first time Li Tiezhu sang Cantonese.

Li Tiezhu said: "As mentioned in the last episode, if Uncle Gu Dagi is eliminated, I will write a song for him, so I wrote this song "Red Sun." For the Internet saying that I squeeze out Lao Gu, It’s too much. I’m not that good. But there are even more powerful ones. Before I came to the stage, I saw a barrage saying that I was killing someone. I was shocked at the time, and when I recalled it carefully, I couldn’t remember what the netizen said. Which one it is, too many to remember. What is the most interesting barrage right now? Does anyone know?"

The audience is there, and some will watch the live broadcast with their mobile phones.

A front-row audience said: "Some people say that your house is a village tyrant!"

Li Tiezhu: "Oh!"

Another said: "Say that you wrote a song to Gu Daji is a cat crying and a mouse fake compassion."

Li Tiezhu: "Yeah!"

Another said: "The latest news! Liquor pen is out again. He said that Penguin Capital forced him to admit that he was slandering you. The evidence was made by Penguin. You still copied his song."

Li Tiezhu: "Huh~"

Li Tiezhu smiled. The host is cool and can control the rhythm. Even if the director's assistant raises a placard to remind him to continue the singing process, he didn't see it and said:

"These are just appetizers. The audience, whether live or in front of the live screen, enjoy their performances. Don't forget to listen to the songs carefully. Clumsy performances must not overwhelm the guests. I believe the audience will have their own judgment. The singer is an evergreen tree in the Chinese music scene, an old and respected artist, and I would like to ask this old man to bring you a song..."Petal"."


"Too arrogant! This is a blatant provocation!"

"Dare to be so mad after being exposed to composing fraud? Do you treat the audience as a fool?"

"What a fool you are, jumping up and down, how much did you take?"

"Li Tiezhu's navy is biting."

"Fuck! Watching a show is really disgusting."

"Yes, Li Tiezhu is so disgusting, let him be the host for a good show."

"Say you disgusting!"

"Another Li Tiezhu's dog."

"Li Tiezhu's navy logic is really good, and Li Tiezhu doesn't break the law to kill."

"It makes a billion dollars a year by cheating.

"I just can't figure it out, there are fans too."

The performance continued, followed by Sun Nan, Li Zijian and Zhao Liya. Zhao Liya brought another new song "Jiangnan Moon", which is still a national style song, well written and well sung.

In the back, Gu Daji returned, Han Hong, Huang Jingling and replacement singer Zheng Yuanchun sang in turn.

Li Tiezhu did not digress anymore, and concentrated on his role as a host. Even when he gave the thank-you speech, he didn't win votes for himself.

The audience went to vote, and Li Tiezhu also returned to the lounge.

Huang Jingling: "Tie Zhu has worked hard! How did it feel to be a host for the first time?"

Li Tiezhu: "That's it, I don't know if I can add more money."

The other singers also hugged Li Tiezhu.

Zheng Yuanchun even gave a thumbs up, Ji Ligulu said a great deal. His music partner Xiaoliu translated: "Brother Yuanchun said that the songs you wrote are really good, and he also said to cooperate with you if he has the opportunity."

Li Tiezhu politely said: "Thank you! Thank you!"

Sun Nan suddenly asked: "Tie Zhu, what's the situation with live barrage? A good show was distorted by them, and there were few discussions about music."

The tone is very concerned, but vaguely reveals dissatisfaction.

Li Tiezhu: "When I came back, I chatted with Director Hong. He said that the ratings of this issue have not risen much from the previous one, but the barrage is more than three times the previous one. This is the situation!"

Sun Nan asked again: "Then what they said is true or not? Are your songs written by yourself? Do you have a team?"

This is a bit too straightforward.

After speaking, Sun Nan added: "This kind of thing can't be avoided, can't we just clarify it directly? Isn't it Tie Zhu?"

Li Tiezhuxin said, I have to thank you so much?

Zhao Liya said: "How to clarify?"

Sun Nan was speechless, he was just arrogant, and he didn't really want to help Li Tiezhu clarify.

Song Zhu'er jumped out and said: "What are you afraid of? My Tie Zhu walked along the way, is it still less hacked? This time it is obviously organized and scripted. I know that you are all watching the live broadcast now and are slandering. The barrage of the pillar. I tell you the iron-headed baby, I am not scared! Just let the horse come!"

The director has not yet come, and no one can control Songzhuer.

Sun Nan smiled slightly.

Song Zhuer suddenly pointed at Sun Nan: "Brother Nan, do you think Tie Zhu is a liar?"

Sun Nan was embarrassed: "Of course I hope Tie Zhu is not..."

After the last episode ended, Song Zhu'er and Sun Nan directly scolded each other, and now the dialogue is really subtle.

Han Hong complained that Sun Nan didn't open which pot or not, and worried that Song Zhuer would tear it up with Sun Nan directly on the show, and interrupted: "I know Li Tiezhu's strength. There is nothing to question about this."

Li Zijian, who has a high EQ, followed up: "I hope that Li Tiezhu is a fake, so that the pressure of a creator like me is not so great, but this is impossible. There is a genius in this world. The song "Red Sun", I watched him write it myself. He was very busy last week. I started to write the song at the rehearsal on Thursday. I gave him a disc I like and watched him write this song on the tablet. ."

Li Tiezhu nodded: "I like to use a tablet to compose music, which is convenient."

Li Zijian: "I'm also learning. In terms of composition, I learned a lot from Li Tiezhu. It doesn't matter how old you are, you can learn from whoever is good. It's not shameful. What do you think of those black Li Tiezhu...The brain is not fully developed , Hard spraying seems to be inferior. Blacks like you can't afford the price, so you have to practice more and improve your professional standards. This is the case in every line. Your salary will increase if you have a high level. You have to come on!"

On Tucao, Li Zijian is still very professional.

Huang Jingling and other singers immediately applauded. It was so showy that Sun Nan was also forced to applaud.


"Li Zijian is also Li Tiezhu's running dog!"

"Song Zhu'er dare to choke Sun Nan hard, which shows how hard Li Tiezhu is backstage."

"too dark!"

"Li Zijian is really shameless, actually kneeling and licking a newcomer."

"Never watch this show again..."

"Songzhu's so cheap."

Soon, Hong Bo came, and did not mention the barrage, as usual, he used his words and stopped ** to announce the ranking of the current qualifying competition.

Zheng Yuanchun first, Han Hong second, Li Zijian third, Huang Liangling fourth, Zhao Liya fifth, Sun Nan sixth, and Li Tiezhu seventh.

That's right, Li Tiezhu sang the original "Red Sun" and got the last place.

For a while, the live barrage was hi:

"Zhugou is seventh again, I'm so ridiculous."

"My decent brother is either number one or number seven. Basic exercise."

"Very nice song, go to Penguin to buy it tomorrow."

"You can repeat a single song."

"It feels a pity to give it to Gu Daji, it's time to sing it by myself."

"Li Tiezhu's navy army is really terrible, even the seventh?"

"Deserve to be seventh!"

"We will continue to scold in the next issue, those audience members will not dare to vote for Li Tiezhu."

"Seventh in two periods, weed out him."

"Just block this and save it until the next issue?"

"It's a big mess, it will definitely be blocked."

"Can you wash it even after it's killed?"

"The way of heaven is reincarnation, who is forgiven by the heavens, Li Tiezhu is dead."

This episode of the show ended in a miasma. Li Tiezhu didn't feel much about the last one. On the contrary, the black Li Tiezhu on the Internet was hilarious.

That night, the rumors on the Internet intensified and became extremely vicious. Although it is a deliberately fabricated false information, the three of them become tigers. If the lies are repeated a thousand times, they may be regarded as truth.

In the evening, Li Tiezhu, Song Zhu'er and Zhao Liya gnawed duck necks in the Song Zhu'er hotel room.

Li Tiezhu asked, "Zhu'er, how much information has the zoo collected? What are your thoughts?"

Zhao Liya flushed her face with a swipe: "I just saw you in danger and came to help out with ideas. I don't want to join your zoo. You are talking nonsense!"

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