Earthy Superstar

Chapter 325: : Something

For a while, Lu Yu was a little panicked, and for the first time met someone who said she was unprofessional. Speaking of being angry, indeed angry, but Li Tiezhu himself had scored three points for himself, saying that you were not professional and didn't seem to mean to slander him.

Because Li Tiezhu's eyes were extraordinarily sincere, as if he was as sincere as saying that you have a big head.

The audience couldn't help laughing, and the barrage was even more hilarious:

"Li Tiezhu, what a hero sees is the same!"

"Be reasonable and serious brother is really real."

"He is really low on himself, so he never plays big cards."

"The music scene is not an art circle, it is too good."

"So, the man who advertises royal music is still in the pop music world in the final analysis."

"Really ironic."

"Li Tiezhu, who is so popular, admits that he lacks professional ability, but some regard himself as a master of art..."

"What's your last name in the Chinese music scene?"

"Surname life?"

"Bah! LSP!"

Lu Yu: "Then what kind of host do you think is a professional?"

Li Tiezhu: "I'm not the host, how do I know?"

Lu Yu: "Do you think you are a professional singer?"

Li Tiezhu: "Of course not! I'm just a singer. I used to be an actor. I rely on a few good jobs to support myself. I just got lucky to write a few good songs. Everyone just likes to listen to it, that's all. The real The singers should be teachers like Tengger, Mao Min, and Han Hong. Their professional skills and attainments are really not comparable to those of ordinary singing. The gap is bigger than you and Zhao Xiangzhong. I am like this. It's like a blacksmith, who hits a sickle and hoes, and they sell well, and they are master swordsmiths."

Lu Yu: "In other words, you and I are the same kind of people, we are to bring entertainment to the audience, they are a higher level, and what they bring is real art."

Thinking about it this way, Lu Yu was not so angry anymore. If he could be more popular, it would be nice to be less professional.

Li Tiezhu said: "Obviously, we are a kind of people, that is, the kind of people who are interested in audiences. They don't need too good professional ability to achieve good results."

Lu Yu nodded deeply, yes, I just brought my own halo.

Li Tiezhu added: "The most important thing is that our kind of foundation is too poor, and it is impossible for us to become real professionals in our entire life."

Lu Yu choked: "..."

My foundation is not bad! I learned it, not like you.

Li Tiezhu didn't realize it, and said, "So, what I can do is write more songs. I don't have to sing these songs by myself. It might be better to sing for better people."

Lu Yu: "But they all say that you are a genius. If you work hard, you should be able to reach the level of a top singer, right?"

Li Tiezhu: "There is absolutely no such possibility! My'talent' is limited to song writing, and singing is far behind. Moreover, I personally don't like music that much, just because I make money... In the future, I will also work in film and television and Variety shows have limited energy and energy. After all, a person who is not a true lover cannot become a top master."

Lu Yu: "What you said is a kind of harm to the whole music world, do you know? You don't like it very much, and you write and write songs in order to make money, and then you swept the music world and suppressed all the singers. At the beginning, is this appropriate?"

Li Tiezhu: "So, in the future, I will devote my energy to variety shows and film and television. If I do my best to write songs and sing, wouldn't it be more bullying?"

Lu Yu: "Uh..."

Li Tiezhu made another cut: "I don't like being bullied, and I don't like bullying others."


Lu Yu can only say: "Wow~"

She felt as if her heart had been stabbed. How could someone pretend to be unrestricted on my show? But! What he seems to be saying is also the truth.

After debuting for a year and a half, two albums and dozens of songs have swept the entire music scene. For a long time, many songs have been brutal and dominated the charts. The old and newcomers in the music industry can't breathe, and many newcomers are abused and crying.

It can be said that Li Tiezhu's debut was the pinnacle, almost invincible.

Li Tiezhu: "My music professional ability is actually not that good. You don't seem to be able to talk anymore. Let's change the topic."

Lu Yu: "Okay, let's talk about variety shows. Many singers or star stars don't go into variety shows very much. Why are you on the contrary? According to the statistics of the show group, the variety shows you have played include "Super Sound" and Including "I Am a Singer", there have been more than fifty issues in the past year and a half. Do you know what the concept is? In other words, you have an average variety show every ten days. Why is this?"

Li Tiezhu thought for a while: "If I were not on variety shows, I wouldn't be here today."

Lu Yu: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Li Tiezhu: "Why do I go to variety shows so often? Didn't you invite me? Why do you invite me and not others? You know better than me, don't you?"

Lu Yu: "Because you are popular, because you have gimmicks, can you increase the ratings and program effects?"

Li Tiezhu: "Then you invite me, what is the picture?"

Lu Yu: "Because the audience wants to see it, they have been looking forward to your visit for a long time, and they always leave me a message..."

Li Tiezhu: "That's right! The audience is the uncle, they love to watch."

Lu Yu: "However, there are still many celebrity audiences who also like to watch, but they can't be invited, and they can't be invited to spend money. They are all busy improving professionalism and preparing works. Do you have no troubles in this regard? "

Li Tiezhu: "Not at all, because I am not professional at all, but I am the most professional in variety shows. Because I am good at doing things. It was not because of the song at the beginning, but because I did stupid things with Qin Tao. Well."

Lu Yu: "Are these things you deliberately? For the sake of popularity."

Li Tiezhu: "How can it be, it just happens that we didn't know that the camera was shooting us secretly. Teacher Guo said that he really wanted to accept me as a disciple, and Teacher Yu Qian also said that Qin Tao and I were born with a funny temperament, so, I'm already very professional in variety shows."

Lu Yu: "Then can you make the audience laugh with one sentence?"

Li Tiezhu: "Your request is a bit playful in innocence, yes! Give me a smile, Lu Yu wants to see it!"

This stupid grandson wants such a big laugh!

The audience laughed instantly, the spontaneous kind, even the directors were happy.

Lu Yu was a little at a loss: "Huh? Really! Why are you so powerful."

After talking about variety shows, Lu Yu started talking about film and television again, and Li Tiezhu's steel head was never soft.

"They asked me to act and I went, what are you afraid of? Real actors don't know how to act. One, two, three, four, five, six, ABCDEFG..."

"What does the 5 billion box office have to do with me? Except for the rabbit, those two movies are all good. Hey, just play!"

"Master Xing has indeed asked me to be the male one, a new movie. Why are you looking for me? Ask him to go."

"What pressure does it have to make a TV series by yourself? There is no pressure."

"Penguin Movies and TV really helped me a lot, but they have no other options! You said a multiple-choice question, asking you to choose A, choose A, or choose A, what do you choose?"

"The Best Newcomer Award is an encouragement. It's not a spur. Who is going to win the award when making a movie? Of course, earn the box office first!"

"Say my acting skills are not good? If my acting skills are good, why should I go to Nortel? The tuition is so expensive."

The film and television talked quickly, because Lu Yu was so miserable for every sentence, I couldn't think of any more tricky questions, so the topic jumped to life again.

Lu Yu became sharp again in an instant: "Did you get beaten when you were a kid?"

Li Tiezhu: "Ah, I am often bullied."

"I mean, did your parents beat you?"

"If you don't fight, my parents are reluctant to hit me because I have been bullied enough outside."

"Wow... I really envy you."

"Huh? Do you envy me being beaten when I was a kid? You haven't been beaten? It stands to reason... shouldn't be!"

"I mean your parents don't beat you. Then will you kill pigs?"


"Did you often eat meat when you were young? I think you are so strong."

"I don't eat it often."

"Why? Is the meat bad?"

"No, it's to protect animals. They only have one life."

"Uh... but you still kill pigs! And, shouldn't it be because you were poor when you were a child and can't afford meat?"

"Heh! You still know."

The audience applauded again. Really, this host can't get used to it, or she can ask questions you doubt about life. Fortunately, Zheng Jing's answer is always so crooked and does not give her any loopholes.

Barrage also praised Li Tiezhu:

"What a question, isn't the meat tasty?"

"Is this a question someone asked?"

"I was often beaten when I was a kid. Wow, I really envy you."

"Lu Yu's brain circuit is too problematic."

"Li Tiezhu is good!"

Lu Yu said again: "It should be the most difficult time when your mother passed away? How did you survive? Ordinary people, I'm afraid it would have collapsed long ago?"

Li Tiezhu: "It's very difficult, but you can't die, right? Then you can only live."

Lu Yu: "If your mother knew about your achievements today, she would be very happy?"

Li Tiezhu thought to himself, why are you upset? Is she going to cry?

Lu Yu: "Is it possible to cry? Tears of joy!"

Li Tiezhu, my mother doesn't have that much shit, she must be so happy that she can't close her mouth every day if she wants to live.

Without giving Li Tiezhu a chance to speak, Lu Yu looked at the camera and concluded: "I believe that the sum of happiness and sorrow in a person's life is the same, and as much happiness can be gained from as much pain as he has experienced."

Li Tiezhu couldn't bear it anymore: "You are too naive, with such a big head, do you think the question is so simple?"

Lu Yu: "Am I wrong?"

Li Tiezhu said, "You just haven't been beaten by life, and some people only have sadness."

Lu Yu: "Really? I don't believe it!"

Li Tiezhu: "Do you believe it or not!"

The audience began to applaud again, believing it or not, I hope that every time Lu Yu says this, the guest will answer this way.

Lu Yu had to change the topic a sensitive topic: "The first time you met Song Zhuer was on a show, didn’t you? Did you fall in love at first sight? You hadn’t graduated yet. Puppy love?"

Li Tiezhu seriously thought about how to answer, and don't teach bad children.

Lu Yu directly concluded: "So, the most unexpected love affair of this century appeared. The worldly vision and rules failed to restrain their goodwill towards each other... They attracted each other, surpassed all difficulties and obstacles, and finally left. Come together."

Li Tiezhu tilted his head, wondering: Why don't I know that there are difficulties and obstacles? Am I amnesia? It’s not the kind that we fall in love, okay, so it becomes that kind of simple model?

Lu Yu: "Have you ever thought about getting married? Will Song Zhu'er have children?"

Li Tiezhu: "If it's not for infertility, as a woman, Zhuer should have this function!"

What are you asking?

She can still hold her position as the host of this show, which is...something!

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