Earthy Superstar

Chapter 436: :Record-breaking

Qin Tao: "Am I tender or not my master?"

Li Tiezhu: "You're still tender, don't go back and explain yourself. You have this idea! You don't have to be Teacher Nenlu. The main thing is that you have to improve yourself, you know?"

Qin Tao: "What are you improving?"

"Talk about the professional skills of cross talk!"

"I'm all a comedian, why should I improve?"

"That said, cross talk is the same as singing. The threshold is inside the door. He is a ladder up the mountain. You have to climb up. People outside the mountain will not see you because it is blocked by the wall."

"Did the dog crawl?"

"Dog crawls too!"

"Then do you climb?"

"I do not need."


"The position of my brush is good! You brushed it out outside the door, I am different, I was on the top of the mountain as soon as I came out. Even if I move, I will go downhill."


Five hundred viewers laughed at Li Tiezhu, even though he was telling the truth.

Qin Tao: "Oh! Good fellow, really shameless. You said that your debut in the music scene is the peak?"

Li Tiezhu: "Well! I'm the same in the cross talk world."

Li Tiezhu gave himself a thumbs up.


Qin Tao: "You know, Teddy in the cross talk world!"

Qin Tao said in his heart, more than Teddy in the cross talk world? The pick-up world is also a human-shaped Teddy, see one...

Li Tiezhu: "You are Teddy! Besides, I will smoke you."

Qin Tao: "Then change the subject."


Qin Tao glared: "Don't hush me, this guy hurts people! I asked him if he had anything to do with standing on the top of the mountain."

Li Tiezhu: "Yes! Fight."

Qin Tao: "Oh! You didn't know how to fight before?"

Li Tiezhu: "It's not that I can't, because I have been bullied since I was a child, and I know how to cry."

"What did they do to you?"

"They beat me."

"How did you fight?"

"Come here and I will tell you."


Qin Tao nodded and leaned over to listen to the details.

Li Tiezhu slapped his hand.


Li Tiezhu: "Just fight like that!"

Qin Tao was stunned, why did he beat me again? Still in front of so many people? Eh? Why did I say it again?

The audience didn't expect it, and immediately burst into laughter.

Backstage, Yu Qian: "Fuck! Beat my apprentice?"

Guo Gangde: "High-level cross talk, often only requires the simplest way of performing."

Yue Yupeng: "Good fellow, fortunately, I didn't tell me this paragraph."

On the stage, Qin Tao finally came back to his senses, covering his face: "Why are you hitting me?"

Li Tiezhu: "Didn't you ask me how to fight? I'll show it to you."

Qin Tao: "Who wants you to demonstrate?"

Li Tiezhu: "You are lucky, I have never been attacked."

"Fortunately, you never died!"


"What's right?"

"That's how I was beaten. When I was a child, I was bullied by children older than me. Then I started fighting with them, accumulating a little bit of experience, and finally became stronger! Now, my master may not be able to beat me!"

"Ah! Such a self-improvement?"

"Of course, if you do a line of love, you say cross talk, of course, you have to work hard to improve yourself, just like you take care of a sow."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"I have a video on my phone. Do you think you're kidding about the postpartum care of the sow? It was taken on a feature machine before, and your dad forced you to take care of the sow. I trembled..."

"Hey! Stop it."

"Posted, everyone can go and like it."


Qin Tao said: "Your uncle! You... Do you want to know how to deliver a sow?"

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "I don't want to!"

Qin Tao failed to retaliate, and said: "Do you know cross talk? Just let me improve? I think my level is quite high."


Li Tiezhu: "I don't understand cross talk, but I know that cross talk is amused. Can you make the audience laugh with one sentence?"

Qin Tao: "I can't, can you?"

Li Tiezhu: "Give me fun!"

The audience didn't know why, and immediately laughed. Another big sister laughed so badly that everyone had laughed. She never stopped, her voice was quite loud.

Qin Tao opened his mouth wide: "This is fine too? It's that simple? So will I!"

Li Tiezhu: "You come one."

Qin Tao: "Give me fun!"

The audience was indifferent, and even the eldest sister stopped laughing.

The audience is quiet.

Li Tiezhu: "Do you see the difference? This is the talent. If you don't have the talent like me, you have to learn and practice!"

Qin Tao: "I'm not convinced! You talk about me first, then of course, they won't laugh anymore."

Li Tiezhu: "Let me say one more thing, they are still laughing, especially the eldest sister, do you believe it or not?"

Qin Tao shook his head, his face trembled with fat, "Impossible!"

Li Tiezhu pointed to the eldest sister: "Give me fun!"

Big sister: "Puff ha ha ha..."

The audience was also amused by her magical laughter, and they all laughed.

Qin Tao is a little suspicious of life: "Give me pleasure!"

The eldest sister stopped, and so did the audience.

Qin Tao: "This will not be the childcare you arranged? Sister, you can also have fun with me! Why doesn't she laugh?"

Li Tiezhu said, "Look at me."

After speaking, Li Tiezhu pointed at the eldest sister, and then hooked his finger.

The eldest sister rolled her eyes again with a smile, she couldn't stop the car.

Qin Tao: "What's the situation?"

Li Tiezhu: "Happy!"

Big sister: "Box box box box box box..."

Qin Tao scratched his head.

Li Tiezhu said, "This is called talent."

Qin Tao: "I don't believe it. If you are able to make me happy, I believe it, and then I will try to improve myself."

Li Tiezhu: "I can't make you happy yet?"

Qin Tao: "I can laugh a lot."

Li Tiezhu: "You have to laugh at a word."

Qin Tao: "I can hold it."

Li Tiezhu: "If you have the ability, do you drink saliva in your mouth first?"

Qin Tao: "I, I..."

Song Zhu'er immediately took a bottle of mineral water he hadn't drunk and threw it onto the stage, Li Tiezhu steadily caught it.

Li Tiezhu unscrewed the bottle cap: "Come on, everyone tell him to drink!"

The audience shouted: "Drink and drink!"

Qin Tao had to take a big sip and held it in his mouth.

Li Tiezhu said, "Don't point at me, because you will definitely smile and face the audience."

Qin Tao said vaguely: "Hurry up."

Li Tiezhu smiled slightly and even made a set of preparatory actions to stretch his muscles.

The audience also held their breath, expecting Qin Tao to smile, but Qin Tao was prepared, how could Li Tiezhu make him laugh with just one sentence? Don't you have to hold it back?

Li Tiezhu slowly stretched out his finger to point to the older sister in the audience: "Give me fun!"

The eldest sister kicked her legs: "Box box box box box box..."

Qin Tao: "Puff...cough cough cough..."

This guy broke his defenses and almost choked to death on the stage. Li Tiezhu was not funny. It was the older sister below that made him intolerable.

Li Tiezhu: "Admit it! This is the gap in talent, your have to even! Have you taken it?"

Qin Tao: "Take it! Take it! I'll go back to learn from the teacher."

Li Tiezhu: "It's not about letting you learn to bite, first learn to talk and sing."


Qin Tao: "Will the teacher do this too?"

Li Tiezhu: "No?"

Qin Tao: "Go, let's ask my master to go."

Li Tiezhu: "Ask Teacher Guo, he can understand your wife."

With that, the two of them bowed and ran away.

This ending is more abrupt.

Backstage, Yu Qian smiled bitterly and was played again.

Guo Gangde exclaimed: "I understand! Taozi, your wife can be white."

Li Tiezhu came to the backstage and let out a sigh of relief. He was tired after talking about three paragraphs, because the next two paragraphs were improvisational and it was not easy.

Guo Gangde: "Tie Zhu, listen."

Li Tiezhu rolled his eyes.

It turned out that the applause in the venue continued for a long time, and some people shouted that Li Tiezhu had returned.

Can't return anymore, delaying Teacher Guo's training.

However, the audience won't buy it.

As a last resort, Guo Gangde personally took Li Tiezhu back to the scene again. He didn't say anything, and jokingly asked Li Tiezhu to sing half a song, which was regarded as an end to Li Tiezhu's performance.

With Guo Gangde's appearance, the audience finally did not let Li Tiezhu return, and the cross talk of Yunde Society continued to perform.

However, because of Li Tiezhu and Zhuyu in front, the response of the first two pairs of performances was not very good. It was not until Guo Dalin and Qin Tao that the atmosphere turned around. Today, Da Linzi is also very open and performs very well.

The stage is performing, backstage, Guo Gangde keeps flicking Li Tiezhu.

"Tie Zhu, look at how much the audience loves to see you! You have this talent, so let's just say cross talk!"

Li Tiezhu: "No, no, no! They just want to be fresh, and when the freshness is over, I will be exposed. I don't know anything about cross talk."

Guo Gangde: "No! You know better than Teacher Jiang! Cross talk is cute and fun, this is the root, everything else is imaginary. Come to me, I will open a special session for you!"

Li Tiezhu tilted his head: "Opening a brick factory? Although I like it, I haven't moved bricks for a long time. Are you tempting me?"

Guo Gangde wiped his face and thought for a while: "Ah! Are you talking about a brick factory that burns bricks? That's not impossible!"

Li Tiezhu: "Otherwise? Is there a brick factory?"

Yue Yupeng couldn't listen anymore: "Master said that he will open a special cross talk show for you."

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "Then it's not necessary. I want to open a cross talk show at any time. The kind of national tour, every 50,000 people start, your theater is a little smaller..."

Guo Gangde was speechless: "Ah...why did I forget this?"

Teacher Yu Qian took a sip of wine and gloated: "You are a widow taking a bath-you are insulted!"

Guo Gangde blacked his face and touched his heart: "Is it this look?"

Li Tiezhu couldn't help laughing.

In terms of talent, Guo Gangde is even better.

In general, Li Tiezhu's cross talk debut today is still very good. He has returned four times in a row and has already set a record for rookie cross talk. Ordinary newcomers, it's not bad to be slammed down, how can they return?

After the performance Li Tiezhu was treated by Teacher Guo again. After drinking half a catty of wine with Yu Qian, he took a taxi back to Song Zhuer's house.

As soon as she walked in, Aunt Lin served Li Tiezhu a bowl of sober soup.

"Thank you mom!"

"This kid, doesn't even have an assistant by his side? Your studio is unreliable."

Aunt Lin complained to Song Zhu'er because she knew that Song Zhu'er was in charge of the major events in Li Tiezhu's studio, because Li Tiezhu had no brains.

Song Zhuer said: "Good news! The second episode of "Soldier Assault" tonight has a record ratings. Brother Meng called me to report, Tie Zhu, guess what's the broadcast rate?"

Broke two records in one night?

Li Tiezhu drank the warm sober soup: "50 million?"

Song Zhu'er looked disdainful: "The domestic ratings record for "Change the Pig" is 63 million. Guess again!"

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