Earthy Superstar

Chapter 699: : Acting explosion


   is the unanimous reaction of almost everyone who saw Liu Xiaohua's performance.

   The instructors all sat upright, the audience was silent and completely absorbed, and some of the actors in the backstage exclaimed.

   Meng Zuoyi: "My God! I think she plays better than me!"

  Ni Wushuang gave her a blank look. Although you graduated from Nortel, do you have any acting skills? You only have skill!

   Dong Sisi held his fat face: "I'm going, it's too good, right?"

   Walnut nodded: "Li Tiezhu is still great, and the tens of billions in box office can't be due to luck."

   He Xichang face red, even if he can't act, but he is not blind, he is still ashamed. Liu Xiaohua couldn't be so good by himself, it must be because of Li Tiezhu's guidance, he was too awesome.

   Before he thought that S card could give him self-confidence, but now he is extremely guilty and ashamed. If Liu Xiaohua doesn't have an S card in this performance, he will be a laughing stock. Liu Xiaohua got an S card for his acting skills, and he is still a laughingstock.

  At this moment, he finally understood. In the storm just now, it was...Li Tiezhu who helped him.

   And Zhang Linlin is already numb, he also graduated from theater, this level of performance, to be honest, he is still far away...

   Liu Xiaohua's performance is too subverted her past image, the acting is real and delicate, and the short opening acting is shocking.

   This made many people who wanted to see her jokes hurt their faces.

   For example, Guo Xiaosi put his chin in his hands, touched his nose, and then crossed his chest, but felt awkward. Even if he is strong and good at sophistry, he can't hold it anymore.

   He really couldn't bear to retaliate. Li Tiezhu was too shameless. Forget all those hard-hearted things before, and finally said plagiarism in public, it was no different from slapped in the face.

   But, Liu Xiaohua’s performance made him very embarrassed...

   I’m Guo Siwei, I’m panicking now, everyone helps me pick her up, wait online, very anxious.

   When the show was broadcast, the barrage was stunned:


   "Fuck, fuck..."

   "Hammer, this is not a fake Liu Xiaohua!"

   "Where are the good comedies?"

   "Scared me!"

   "Itchy girl acting as aunt is too shocking."

   "Tear eyes."

   "She is really seventeen years old?"

   "The makeup is good."

   "That sentence of justifiable defense scared me, so desperate..."

   "If you don't give S card, it's just for playing!"

   "@何西畅, some talents can't be smoothed out with hard work!"

   "@郭四维, does your face hurt?"

   "Some people say that serious brother can't direct the show, puff!"

   Liu Xiaohua’s performance has just begun. In the dim interrogation room, her face with sallow skin and greasy hair always wore a faint weird smile:

   "He drank some wine that day and hit me again. There was a knife next to him. I picked it up and stabbed him twice. Anyway, either he died or I died."

   The tone is very plain.

   Li Tiezhu: "Where did you escape after that?"

   "I didn't escape, I have been living in this city."

   The dialogue between the two promotes the continued development of the plot. There are not many lines, but they can always tell a lot of stories. This section is far from the original movie, but no one thinks it is acting, nor does it feel unreasonable.

   "Did you kidnap the little girl?"

   "I didn't abduct Lingling, I was afraid she would starve to death, so I brought her back."

   "She is not called Lingling, she is Zhang Peixin."

   In the next few dialogues, whenever the policeman played by Li Tiezhu corrects the girl named Zhang Peixin, Zhao Chunyan will stubbornly call her Lingling again, with a lot of sentences.

   The program team specially gave Guo Siwei who was watching in the audience a shot. In the two-second shot, he blinked his eyes four times, and he blinked his left eye, but his right eye did not move much, which looked a bit strange.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "...Besides, all women who have children are eligible to be mothers?"

   "If you don't have children, you can't be a mother."

   Zhao Chunyan, who had been stubbornly "verbally confronting" with the police just now, was stunned, her eyes suddenly hollowed out, and her expression stunned, and she was stunned for a long time.

   Police: "As far as we know, you are not fertile..."

   The actors in the backstage were also quiet. Some actresses covered their mouths, and some had red eyes.

   "How does she usually call you?"

   Zhao Chunyan thought for a while, and bit her lip: "Usually...maybe, when I'm hungry, say..."

   Suddenly, Zhao Chunyan's expression became playful, as if imitating a child: "Hey, I'm hungry."

   She laughed: "Then I will give her some noodles. When it is cold, she said, eh, I am cold, I will give her a dress."

   Zhao Chunyan's head crooked, and she was a little proud: "This is all a title, right? Hello? Huh?"

   After speaking, she smiled wryly and lowered her head and twisted her fingers.

   "Do you know how she answered this question?"

   Zhao Chunyan raised her eyes and lowered her eyes, smiled with a guilty conscience, and shook her head.

   "Lingling said she called you mother."

   Zhao Chunyan's agitated fingers stopped, as if he had pressed the pause button, and then raised his eyes with a confused and verifying look, confirmed it, and then smiled, smiling happily, raising his hand and wiping tears:

   "This kid..."

   Tears were held back, she bit her lip, the muscles on her face twitched.

   From asking how Lingling calls her, it has always been a long shot without switching between them. At the beginning, it was a mid-range shot. As the plot progressed, the camera slowly advanced and turned into a close-up of the face.

   A few seconds later, the policeman: "Lingling said she wanted to see you, do you see me?"

   Zhao Chunyan smiled, lowered her head and shook.

   The music starts and the performance ends.

   "Papa Papa......"

   There was very warm applause at the scene, and everyone was applauding.

   Liu Xiaohua, who was still in handcuffs, laughed, and couldn't help but laugh like that: "Brother?"

   Li Tiezhu's hand appeared in the camera, thumbs up.


   "Liu Xiaohua acted so well, she cried."

   "It's a very natural and detailed performance. It's so substituting."

   "I lost my mind."


   "The only one crying."


   "Gosh, what has she experienced? How did she act like this when she was seventeen?"

   "Those who graduated from Nortel's show at the scene, are they blushing?"

   "Is it still my itchy girl?"

   "Her acting skills are really good!"

   "My God, it's so shocking."

   "That hey broke my defense..."

   "Lingling calls you mommy."

   "The last paragraph, when I refused the children to see it, it was absolutely amazing."

   "This is a super long shot!"

   "The eyes are super playful. Very good!"

   "Go on, Xiaohua!"

   "Her play is very wide, I said."

   "I have to take the eyes of the star."

   "Comedy is the most test of acting. In fact, comedians have very good acting skills."

   "The script that was seriously revised is too grounded, and the lens design is also awesome."

   "Li Tiezhu didn't show up face-to-face during the whole process."

   Most of the backstage actors also look at the gods, which is completely unexpected. Even if the person who expects the most from Liu Xiaohua because of Li Tiezhu's talent, she thinks it would be great if she can dedicate her acting skills at the level of TV dramas. But now, her acting skills are completely film-level.

   There are many male actors who came out directly and shook their heads in admiration.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Walnut is applauding: "This kid is too talented."

   Meng Zuoyi: "The acting is so good, I also want to cooperate with Li Tiezhu, is he too good?"

   Dong Sisi was stunned, still wiping tears: "God..."

   "This is a live performance!"


   "The acting is bursting!"

   Many people also turned their heads to see He Xichang's reaction on purpose.

   He Xichang was also shocked. To be precise, he was frightened and dumbfounded. Because even he can see that this is the best performance so far.

   Zhang Linlin is also dumbfounded. Can an inexperienced person act so well?

   The directors also kept applauding.

   Er Xiaobao: "Awesome!"

   Zhao Yanzi: "I like it very much."

   After finishing speaking, he glanced at Guo Siwei with a slightly strange look.

   Guo Siwei pretended to applaud calmly, without seeing emotions.

   Dong Dapeng also clapped his hands on stage: "Let's invite Liu Xiaohua and Li Tiezhu."

   Liu Xiaohua walked out with a bright smile, followed by Li Tiezhu in police uniform slowly.

   The applause sounded again.

   Dong Dapeng patted Liu Xiaohua: "Just calm down! Everyone knows that Xiaohua is always cute, and so are her short videos, including the movies she plays."

   Zhao Yanzi: "When she laughs, she is very comedy, and when she loses her face, she is very sad."

   Liu Xiaohua bowed and smiled happily: "Thank you."

   In order to show the sense of vicissitudes and realism, her teeth were also yellowed, her lips were also chapped, her face turned sallow, and her eyebrows were painted out.

   Dong Dapeng: "I hope the directors like her performance."

   Zhao Yanzi: "I think the acting is very, very good! I like it very, very much! The processing is also very advanced! And I specially checked her age, 17 years old, right?"

   Liu Xiaohua: "It’s eighteen next month."

Zhao Yanzi: "At the age of seventeen, you can be so inclusive, and you can convey the surging of your heart to the audience through not very rich facial It's so rare! I didn't even pay attention. In the end it was a long shot. When I realized it, I was even more pleasantly surprised. Because your face has changed from close-up to close-up from beginning to end. I am not stray or crooked at all. This is a test of acting skills. "

   Liu Xiaohua is a little bit shy, praise me for looking good, hehe.

   Zhao Yanzi: "Moreover, your lines are very nice. Although you have an accent, it is so true and uningenious."

   Liu Xiaohua is even more shy, praise my voice is nice, alas, I am a singer...

Zhao Yanzi: "The most important thing is that there is no chance of NG for such a long play. You act like this from beginning to end, but... it can't be better anymore. Do you understand what I mean? I like her performance very, very, very much. And style! And she is also a comedian, I think it is very powerful, an actor can switch freely between the two poles, this has to be used in the words of Director Triumph, it is called God reward you for food!"

   His eyes narrowed with a triumphant smile.

   Er Xiaobao nodded frequently.

   Liu Xiaohua was so embarrassed that she exploded and praised me for being attractive. Who doesn't know?

   She stamped her feet ashamedly: "Thank you Aunt Zhao."

   Zhao Yanzi's happy smile suddenly turned into a wry smile: "I...I'm done, next one."

   Li Tiezhu slapped his head: "I want to be called Auntie Mentor."

   Liu Xiaohua: "Thank you, auntie mentor."

   Zhao Yanzi, who had already shut up, couldn't help it: "Xiaohua, the only stumbling block in your life is your brother!"

   Liu Xiaohua: "And my mother."

   Zhao Yanzi: "..."

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