Earthy Superstar

Chapter 700: : Not revenge

The actors in the backstage burst into laughter. After all, Li Tiezhu and Liu Xiaohua sang together too strangely. Moreover, Liu Xiaohua's frequent beatings are also known to the entire Internet.

   Zhao Yanzi couldn't help but laughed out loud.


   "She laughed so funny."

   "Little Flower is amazing."

   "How many extraordinary things did Zhao Yanzi say?"

   "I really like it."

   "Nonsense, I don't like this kind of acting, do you like the performance of dead flesh facial paralysis?"

   "It can be said that the evaluation is very high."

   "It's really for God to enjoy food."


   "It's okay for Li Tiezhu not to speak."

   "Shente, there is still my mother."

"Killing me!"

   "Liu Xiaohua is seventeen years old, dog head!"

   "I really can't blame her mother for being beaten up. I owe it too much."

   Li Tiezhu put the props police hat into the big bag he was carrying. This is the pocket for the props. The reason why he carried it was because there were both of them inside, such as mobile phones.

   He shook his head, Liu Xiaohua went home and interrupted three bamboo sticks at once, absolutely.

Er Xiaobao laughed for a while before stopping and saying, "I like it very much too! I don't know much about you. I heard that I was a comedian when I met in the background. I was really shocked. The original play, you change him No, you didn’t act according to him, so the whole character is different. I just changed an audience because you have changed the original scene!"

   Liu Xiaohua jumped with excitement, turned around, and gave Li Tiezhu a scorpion to wave his tail, and kicked Li Tiezhu on his knee.

   Li Tiezhu didn't hurt, even his hands were itchy. He finally understood Aunt Liu somewhat, and couldn't help it!

   Everyone laughed again, this is a real treasure.

   Li Cheng needs to nod his head again and again, obviously very much in recognition of Er Xiaobao's evaluation.

Er Xiaobao is very serious: "I think this scene is not so easy to win among the many heroines I have worked with. So you are talented. Your score is very high."

   Liu Xiaohua looked forward to it, high score? How high? S card?

   Other directors also looked at Er Xiaobao. The most nervous one was Guo Siwei, and his left eye blinked strangely.

Er Xiaobao said: "I said... the Golden Dragon Film Awards, sometimes it doesn’t require too many dramas. You can be nominated for one drama, and you can win the award, you see your brother acting. Just look at this drama, I Think...I will give you one hundred points."

   Guo Siwei breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't just an S card.

   Liu Xiaohua is also very happy. In her opinion, this is much more important than the S card. Anyway, the S card has no gold content.

   Li Tiezhu shook his head slightly, and another one to kill, Liu Xiaohua did not act so well, but the contrast was too strong for people to ignore.

   Er Xiaobao finally added: "I think you have a chance to win the Golden Dragon Award."

   Liu Xiaohua was so excited that she covered her face... snickered.

   Li Tiezhu took out a tissue from his big pocket and handed it over, only to see Liu Xiaohua's face burst into laughter, roll his eyes, I thought you were crying.

As soon as   'er Xiaobao's words came out, the backstage actors exploded and collectively applauded.


   "This evaluation is too high, right?"


   "Golden Dragon Award..."

   Winning countless talents, Walnut smiled and said: "She is indeed too spiritual!"

   Huang Yi squeezed out an ugly smile, not knowing why it felt a little stiff.


   "Er Dao has the highest evaluation in history."


   "Er Dao has shown a few shadow queens, it's impossible to have a bad vision."

   "Inner drama is really amazing."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Wow wow wow wow..."

   "What kind of monsters are the Li Tiezhu's people?"

   "I haven't gone to film school. I'm a really talented actor."

   "Xiaohua is the same as Tie Zhu. She amazed the world when she debuted. I'm talking about acting."

   "S card! S card!"

   "Don't! S card is not worthy of her."

   "Fuck! Guo Siwei is here!"

During the show, Guo Siwei leaned back in a chair and said: "Liu Xiaohua, you are very relaxed and confident in your performance, and you deal with it extremely life-like. We say this is a life-flow performance. He actually tests an actor very much. For a few moments, it made me feel that I actually believed that I was watching a documentary. I used to chat with many actors who acted well..."

   Let's go! Let's go!

   "I think Liu Xiaohua's good point is that there are a few moments, which is a particularly natural reaction. This kind of just right handling is one of the best among young actors."


   didn't even feel like it? Didn't pick a thorn?

   Even the actors in the backstage found it incredible, and some people showed doubts about life.

  The bullet screen looks like this:


Li Chengxue went on to say: "Slacking is a manifestation of self-confidence. Your performance is too lax. Let me give some of my views and suggestions. I play more police officers, and usually suspects don’t dare to look directly at the police...Of course, this is not you. The fault is that Li Tiezhu didn't notice this detail."

   Li Tiezhu: "Huh? I've never been arrested, I don't understand."

Li Chengxue: "Uh... forget it, even if someone like you is arrested, you dare to look into the eyes of the policeman. Xiaohua will pay attention to some small details in the future. If you don't look at the policeman a few times, you have to look. At that time, that glance was the most shocking."

   Li Tiezhu nodded repeatedly, which really makes sense.

Finally, it was the turn of the director Triumph. He said: "The three directors have talked about it. Liu Xiaohua's performance is very good, and the changes in the emotional and progressive rhythm are very good. You have never learned to act, no Maybe he understands this, and Li Tiezhu, as far as I know, he didn't have much class at Nortel. He is also half a tank of water. The two of you can act like this purely because of talent. This is something you can't learn!"

   was suddenly taken aback by CUE’s Li Tiezhu, and quickly put back the half-struck sweater that he had just taken out of his pocket: "Huh?"

   Zhao Yanzi: "Hahahahaha..."

   Liu Xiaohua gave Li Tiezhu a sideways glance: "Listen to the teacher's grandfather's speech."

   Li Tiezhu: "Oh."

   Dong Dapeng smiled and asked: "Tie Zhu, you are bored, do you want to knit sweaters on stage?"

  Backstage, another group of actors laughed and turned, what are they doing? Do you want to play sweaters on stage? Deep well ice it! That's right, when this product was selected, Lengba asked Lengba to help pick up the popsicles. What can't you do?

   Zhang Linlin's eyes were blank, and he thought to himself, is Li Tiezhu a master of psychology? Starting from letting Lengba take the popsicles, imperceptibly enslaving his mind? horrible!

   Li Tiezhu said: "No, I just want to see if it is crushed, things are a bit messy."

   Dong Dapeng: "You can knit a sweater if you want."

   Zhao Yanzi encouraged: "Yes! We are a very enlightened show, you can knit it. You said you will be a guest assistant, but your face is not revealed. The audience must have never watched it. Let’s show everyone a sweater."

   Li Tiezhu: "You have to add money."

   Triumphantly: "Plus!"

   Dong Dapeng is speechless, add wool!

   Li Tiezhu took out the sweater and knitted it. Anyway, I am not the one who wants a face.

   The applause sounded again, it's not a big deal to see the excitement.

Triumphant smiled and continued: "However, I think when the police asks, do you know how the little girl calls you, you should raise your head and stare at the policeman. You want to know what she calls you too much. This time around. The play was designed by Li Tiezhu, right? Why did you keep her head down and just look at it? She didn't seem too eager."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Li Tiezhu knits sweaters skillfully. He is a little dazzled to watch. After thinking about it, he said:

   "I think she will have a guilty conscience and fear. She dare not expect that there is a child in this world who will truly love her. She doesn't long for answers, but escapes."

   "Papa Papa......"

   There was applause.

Triumph frowned, thought about it, and shook his head: "That's because each director has a different understanding and the direction of the role he wants to create is different. Your idea is also right. You have been domestically abused since you were a child, and then you have been so miserable all your life... …Then I have no doubts. Overall, very good!"

   The four directors and Mr. Li Chengxu unanimously gave high evaluations. It can be seen that strength is visible to the naked eye.

   Dong Dapeng: "Thank you directors, we have to invite..."

"Wait a moment."

   Guo Siwei said with a smile, "I have one more thing to add, it's about Li Tiezhu, I don't know what I can say?"

   Everyone looked at Li Tiezhu.

   Li Tiezhu: "Say! I said you have a lot, and it's your turn."

Guo Siwei waved his hand: "I am not retaliating against you, but I think you, as the director of the previous paragraph, did not do a good job. The first is that you deliberately did not appear on the scene, hoping to draw the audience's attention to Liu Xiaohua. I used too much force on my body, because a scene without an opponent is not good. This is why I just said that I’m watching a documentary, because this kind of documentary usually only has the perspective of the prisoner."

   Zhao Yanzi immediately smiled disdainfully, so she was really messy.

   Li Cheng needs to habitually raise his head and look down at Guo Siwei.

   Li Tiezhu lowered his head and counted the stitches: "Twenty-eight, twenty-nine... ah, yes. Other people can act as assistants, I can't, otherwise the audience will watch me act."

   Guo Siwei: "……"

   Zhao Yanzi laughed forward and backward: "Hahahaha... it makes Er Xiaobao smiled extremely playfully.

   Guo Siwei: "I, I, I just give advice, it doesn't matter if you listen to it or not, I think no matter how you frustrated me before, in this matter, I'm just doing my mentor's accusation."

   Li Tiezhu did not lift his head: "Okay."

Guo Siwei: "The second point, uh... the policeman you are playing is not as good as Liu Xiaohua in the connection of lines. There are a few places where you are too in a hurry and haven't given enough time to pass on Liu Xiaohua's emotions further. Push it to the next rhythm point."

   Li Tiezhu: "Yeah."

   Guo Siwei: "……"

   What the **** is that?

   asked triumphantly: "I don't agree with what Xiaosi said, Tie Zhu, tell me why."

   Li Tiezhu: "In a realistic interrogation, the police would never give her time to perform."

   nodded triumphantly.

   Guo Siwei: "But this is a drama, a work that has been artistically processed...Let's go, let's go... Art comes from life, but it is definitely not a copy of life."

   Li Tiezhu: "Yeah."

Guo Siwei was itchy with anger: "The third point, I think it was the failure of the whole scene. I didn't say it just now because it was not Liu Xiaohua's problem. She acted perfectly. The police kept saying that the girl was called Zhang Peixin at the beginning. But suddenly he changed his name to Lingling? There is no logic!"

   Li Tiezhu finally raised his arrogant head and glanced at Guo Siwei.

   So this grandson didn’t understand it!

   Fuck! He also praised Liu Xiaohua for so long!

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