Earthy Superstar

Chapter 701: : This maggot burns his head

The police had always emphasized the girl's real name and asked whether Zhao Chunyan was abducted. It was his duty and job, and there was nothing wrong with it. But when I asked about it, the police were also moved, so they changed their name to Lingling. This was a change from professional to personal identity.

Therefore, there is no problem of character mutation.

In this plot, the police is the one who has the advantage of information asymmetry. He knew in advance that Lingling liked Zhao Chunyan and also knew that Lingling said she was Zhao Chunyan's mother.

The change of name is to let Li Tiezhu play a policeman without the camera, use his lines to mobilize the audience's emotions, and deepen the recognition and sympathy for the role of Zhao Chunyan.

There is no problem logically, and no flaws emotionally.

When the show was broadcast, many people on the barrage during the first half of the performance complained that there was a problem with the three views of the police, but then the voice disappeared because everyone understood it.

But... Guo Siwei didn't understand it, and he took the change of the police name as a logical bug, which was plausible.

This is very embarrassing.

It can be said that ninety-nine out of a hundred people can understand, and the remaining one is inattentive.

The actors in the backstage looked weird.

"What is he talking about?"

"Are we looking at two different versions?"

"This is Director Guo!"

"I really take it now..."


Zhao Yanzi, Er Xiaobao, and Kaixuan all showed very strange expressions-a strange thing has been mixed into us!

What is the reading comprehension ability of a "famous writer"?

Li Cheng needs a laugh, and then starts... applause! Awesome! Director Guo is really awesome! Bragging every day, in the end, such a simple scene, you are such a director, you don’t understand it?

Lao Li is very happy, the variety show is really interesting.

Driven by him, some audience members also began to applaud, and others shouted in applause, which was full of sarcasm.

Guo Siwei's goal is very clear. There is no need to quarrel with Li Tiezhu. As long as Li Tiezhu is overwhelmed by his professional ability, all his ridicule and ridicule will turn into the complaints of the weak.

He couldn't see the expressions of other people, heard applause and cheers, and thought he had grasped the point and got the audience's approval.

Therefore, there is still some complacency.

Only I caught this loophole, and the other big directors didn’t see it. Am I smart?

Dong Dapeng and Liu Xiaohua were already dumbfounded.

Li Tiezhu hesitated to speak but stopped.

The sweater in my hand can't be beaten anymore, and I froze. Is the instructor of this show at this level?

What am I talking about?

Could you tell him the main content of the trick again? The kind for elementary school students?

Seeing Li Tiezhu's "dumb speech", Guo Siwei smiled generously. Acting in front of me? You are too naive, he waved his hand and said:

"Did you never expect to have such a big BUG? Li Tiezhu, it's okay. The new director always makes all kinds of mistakes. It is inevitable that there will be problems in many inconspicuous places. We are all in You don’t need to be too discouraged when you keep making mistakes to grow up. Although this logical bug is fatal, it does not affect Liu Xiaohua’s performance. She did a great job."

Li Tiezhu: "Thank you!"

What can I say? Whatever you say, don’t want to explain it to you! I am so uneducated that I can read movies and TV, okay?

Guo Siwei's desire for expression is very strong. It has always been this way. It may be the reason that he has to look up to others physically, which makes him have an inexplicable fanatical paranoia of wanting to occupy the commanding heights in viewpoints.

He said: "If it were me, I would deal with it like this. The police's line is'Zhang Peixin said she called your mother', and when speaking, you should have a doubtful or even suspicious tone, especially the accent, the line The accent, pay attention, this is the most important! The accent should be placed on the word'calling you' to strengthen the mood of suspicion, because this is not in line with the police's perception."

After listening to Zhao Yanzi, she quickly rubbed the goose bumps on her arm, which was extremely embarrassing. Hurry up, shut up, and you are so embarrassing and conspicuous to point you?

Er Xiaobao's smile was very weird, he lowered his head and dared not raise it, for fear of laughing out loud.

Triumphantly, the old Yinbi held his hands, admired Guo Siwei's wonderful performance of slapping himself in the face at close range, and nodded and smiled from time to time, which made Guo Siwei more confident.

Li Cheng needs to stretch his hand to cover his face, unable to see. Although he despises Guo Siwei the most, he does not have the evil taste of triumphant victory.

The actors in the backstage could feel the extreme embarrassment across the screen, and the atmosphere was very strange. A group of people looked at each other, winked their eyebrows, smiled awkwardly, and just didn't talk.

Li Tiezhu felt embarrassed for him, if this continues, this guy will die on the spot!

Therefore, Li Tiezhu prepared to give him a step: "The police actually knew in advance Lingling's name for Zhao Chunyan, otherwise the police would not ask this question..."

Guo Siwei thought Li Tiezhu was quibbling: "Don’t make excuses! Wrong is wrong! And I don’t care if you will follow my advice, because you are hostile to me. Everyone knows that I’m just doing my best. The duties of a mentor."


High profile!

Guo Siwei is very satisfied with this paragraph, he feels that he has won.

You see, he is hostile to me, but I guide him regardless of previous complaints! I am several levels higher than him!

snort! Fight with me!


"I am so embarrassed that I have committed cancer!"

"Goose bumps in one place."

"What kind of comprehension is this? Still speaking so confidently!"

"Little Four didn't understand the plot."

"Is this Nima a film director? A writer?"

"If I wasn't a fool, I would almost believe it..."

"Li Tiezhu didn't stun him, he stunned himself to death!"

"This is a master."

"It's more lethal than plagiarism."

"I forcibly taught Li Tiezhu how to write lines, ah! I can't take it anymore."

"The scene of the death of a large company!"

"Sure enough, it was the head stepped on by Hashimoto Daiki!"

"The foot of Hashimoto Dahui's out of bounds was found, in Guo Siwei's brain."

"Ordinary heart, China has five thousand years of history, and sooner or later there will be such a fool."

"Hahahaha! This bad show, what good is it for you to laugh at me after menopause?"

"Steal your aunt's towel as a hat."

"Looking at Brother Seriously's expression, he was so embarrassed that his face cramped.

Li Tiezhu's expression suddenly became a little worried: "..."

Guo Siwei laughed: "Because of the problem of the title, the role of the policeman has not stood up at all. Therefore, whether acting or directing, especially writing scripts, we must strengthen our logical thinking ability. In this regard, we writers There will be more advantages. In the future, you must pay attention to humility, lower your posture, and learn more!"

Li Tiezhu bowed deeply, "Thank you, Director Guo! I took it!"

Guo Siwei was shocked, why didn't he resist? Is this served? Attitude one hundred and eighty degrees? Am I so good? Does he even know how to quibble? I don't feel much sense of accomplishment.

The actors in the backstage laughed awkwardly. I'll take it forever. Li Tiezhu will always be fascinated!

They all thought that Li Tiezhu would counterattack back with justification. After all, Guo Siwei made the lowest-level mistake in this matter, and it was easy for him to win. However, Li Tiezhu did the opposite and took it straight away? ? ?

This sentence convinced...

The lethality is not great, and it is extremely insulting!

Father, like son. This is far too much damage than being hard-hearted. Guo Siwei is completely dead. Even if he doesn't know it now, he will definitely know after the show is broadcast. Moreover, it is foreseeable that for many years from now on, this matter will be turned out to be ridiculed and lashed out, which is several floors higher than not apologizing for plagiarism.

I took Li Tiezhu's sentence and completely stunned Guo Siwei to death. He died quite well.

The shame of Guo Siwei's life, book it!

Therefore, many actors smiled and said: "I'm taking it too!"

Guo Siwei didn't know he had become the clown in the eyes of everyone, and smiled and said: "It's okay for you to have this attitude. I also walked this way step by step. You can study with a low profile and humbly!"

The audience burst into laughter.

Guo Siwei's current performance is more ridiculous as he is more excited and pretended, which fully explains what suicide is.

It’s like playing an undercover game. Everyone draws tea, and he draws urine. Others say this thing is yellow, strong, delicious, refreshing, and must-have every day. He said that I drank it when I was a kid. It smells a bit offensive.

Li Tiezhu just wanted to step down soon and put an end to this embarrassing situation, and obediently said: "I will work hard, teacher!"

Guo Siwei nodded deeply, as expected to be me!

Completely surrender the opponent!

The barrage is full of malicious swipes:

"Thank you, Director Guo, I took it!"

"I will work hard, teacher!"

The show fell into a brief silence for a while. After Guo Siwei did not speak, no one spoke.

Li Tiezhu looked at Dong Dapeng: "It's time for the host to speak."

Dong Dapeng: "Ah! Oh, yes...Thank you for your wonderful comments, and also thank Liu Xiaohua and Li Tiezhu for their wonderful performances. Next, we will invite Walnut and Huang Yi from the previous round of Final score."

Hu Taoer and Huang Yi and Liu Xiaohua were put in a group, and one of the three had to be eliminated unless the S card was hard protected. This is why Huang Yi saw Liu Xiaohua's wonderful performance in the background and his expression was very stiff.

In the end, this group of Walnuts got an S card of Director Triumph, but Liu Xiaohua didn't get it.

Er Xiaobao said: "Liu Xiaohua's performance today is 100 points, but I can't give this S card yet. Because your starting line today is higher than others, and your brother will change the script and direct the play for you, although There was a'BUG', right? Hahaha..."

Zhao Yanzi covered her face and smiled: "Ha ha ha..."

Guo Siwei looked down at them strangely, and then looked down at Kaixuan in doubt. What are they laughing at? Like a mockery.

Triumphantly said to Guo Siwei: "The vision is unique."

Guo Siwei smiled: "It may be that he writes too much, so he naturally pays attention to the logic of character behavior."

Nodding triumphantly, you are so amazing!

Er Xiaobao continued: "Liu Xiaohua, I will keep this S card for you. In the next game, if you perform well, I will give it to you."

Liu Xiaohua bowed: "Thank you! Can I write my name on the S card first?"

Er Xiaobao: "..."

Dong Dapeng: "That's too much! Xiaohua, you have already been promoted, let's perform well. You all say that you are good at comedy, why don't you tell us a joke at the end?"

Liu Xiaohua was originally a living treasure, so she opened her mouth and said, "There is a caterpillar who insists that he is not a caterpillar. Why?"

Dong Dapeng shook his head, naturally others didn't know.

Li Tiezhu curled his lips: "This maggot is burning his head."

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha is in a trance..."

The audience burst into laughter.

Only Director Guo Siwei, with his linen curly hair, looked at a loss, this...Where is the laughing point?

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