Earthy Superstar

Chapter 702: : Liu Xiaohua I covered it


"Fuck, fuck!"

"However, the old man is uneducated, and he walks the world in one sentence."

"It's a **** thing!"

"This maggot is burning his head..."

"I laughed so hard, more."

"It's not that a family doesn't enter a house! Liu Xiaohua is so magnanimous!"

"Guo Siwei's life shame!"

"That's too right, the maggot burns its head and pretends to be a caterpillar."

"Little Four is going crazy!"


"I've become a fan, itchy girl is so fucking!"

"Isn't Xiaohua afraid of being targeted in the show? Too shameless?"

"Can be cut into the feature film, what do you think?"

"What are you afraid of? I was coaxed by the star for crying."

"This is the coolest variety show I have ever seen!"

The actors in the backstage were shocked. Everyone was used to scolding and scolding in the circle, but still admired Li Tiezhu’s meritorious service. He felt that the phrase "I served" was the pinnacle of the man. I didn’t expect more. Awesome.

What a special sentence, this maggot is burning his head!

After the burst of laughter, Meng Zuoyi fluttered his big wavy hair and showed a weird expression: "Li Tiezhu's **** charm! He is the kind of man with the smell of meat all over his body..."

The men and women next to her looked down at her in shock, but she was not afraid, and licked her lips.

Because the backstage actors' ridicule was too rampant and their words were too sturdy, the show crew did not dare to cut their pictures into the feature film, especially Meng Zuoyi's posture of wanting to eat people, it was too vain.

Later, according to a cameraman who did not want to reveal the size: I was so **** the spot.

It wasn't until the three actors started to leave the stage that Guo Siwei reacted from the laughter of the audience behind and the weird eyes of the other three instructors. That guy cursed? !

He was trembling with anger at once, but he couldn't openly curse, otherwise he would be convinced that he was a maggot.

Guo Siwei said coldly: "Since I was a child, my mother taught me the principles of being a human being. You must be a good person, a good taste, a good character. Your joke is very tasteless."

This is his last stubbornness.

But this kind of painless, uninspiring counterattack was useless, because "this maggot burned his head" would kill him in one blow.

At this time, Liu Xiaohua and Li Tiezhu, who was carrying a large bag, had already stepped off the stage and had no microphones. Hearing that Guo Xiaosi was still pressing, Liu Xiaohua was not convinced, turned around and charged towards the stage:

"Hi mom! Isn't that the dog who is still not convinced?"

In the blink of an eye, her mellow and luminous brain had already drilled out of the tunnel.

The staff were shocked, something is going to happen!

Fortunately, Li Tiezhu's eyes were quick, and he grabbed her big braid.

Liu Xiaohua was like a wailing bittern egg: "Ah, it hurts..."

Li Tiezhu: "Okay, let's go."

He knew that Liu Xiaohua said the joke just now to retaliate against Guo Siwei, because since Guo Siwei started to attack Li Tiezhu, Liu Xiaohua grinds her teeth and creaks. This Nizi is a nonsense guy, so Li Tiezhu just said the answer first, so as not to let Liu Xiaohua give the audience a reputation for disrespecting the director.

But who knows, instead of surrendering, Guo Siwei dared to launch a counterattack.

Of course Liu Xiaohua's violent temper cannot be tolerated.

Being dragged by Li Tiezhu to the backstage, Liu Xiaohua still looked fierce, and shouted towards the stage: "Hapi! It's not your mother who taught you how to behave, it's me, Liu Xiaohua!"


The accompanying staff laughed, this girl is so energetic.

Someone backstage filmed this scene and secretly posted it online.

In the first few days, everyone didn't feel much, only thinking that Liu Xiaohua had a fight with someone on the show. But when the show was broadcast, it would be very interesting to read Guo Siwei's words that his mother taught him to be a human being.

Two weeks later, after the program was broadcast, it caused a big shock in the entertainment industry and the entire network. Guo Xiaosi was directly autistic, and I heard that there was a violent conflict with the program team. However, he did not dare to break the contract, so he could only hold his nose and continue to participate in the program.

The impact of the big shock is many, the most direct is the top few in the hot search.

"This maggot has a hot head!"

"Li Tiezhu: I take it."

"Brother Seriously angered Guo Xiaosi for plagiarism."

"Li Tiezhu'beaten' Guo Siwei."

"A big accident in "The Actors in Place"!"

"Itchy girl acting and convincing the gods."

"A director who can't understand the play?"

Then, Guo Siwei began to spoof wildly on the Internet.

The most outrageous thing is a picture of an emoticon pack. The shortest one of a group of maggots burned his head, holding a bottle of Jieeryin in his hand, with the words: "Have you taken it?", the other maggot: "Serve Can I get an S card with this bottle of medicine?"

Since then, when online groups mocked Guo Siwei, they have had three famous lines.

"I served it!"

"This maggot is burning his head."

"It's not your mother who taught you how to behave, it's me, Liu Xiaohua!"

Especially the last sentence, one arrow hits the heart.

Before long, such a scene appeared on the stage of the unwilling Yunde Society.

Guo Gangde gave Yu Qian a quick brainstorm: "Ask, there is a caterpillar who insists that he is not a caterpillar. Why is that?"

Yu Qian: "Because it is abnormal?"

"You are a pervert!"

"I'm talking about a biological metamorphosis. A caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly. It's not a caterpillar!"

"No, not the answer."

"That is?"

Guo Degang looked at the audience with a smile.

The audience collectively shouted: "Because... this maggot is burning his head!"

"The surname is Guo! Your uncle!"

Yu Qian picked up his shoes and rushed to Guo Gangde, and the audience started to applaud.

After finishing the fight, Yu Qian put on his shoes and said, "That's it! Your surname Guo owes you so much!"

Guo Gangde covered his face: "You don't need to like the surname Guo, but please allow the surname Guo to exist! Okay? We have an s card!"

Facing the ridicule of public opinion from all directions, Guo Xiaosi posted a miserable post on Weibo:

"I finally saw the power of online violence! It is the maggots that no one sees full of feces spraying! I have always had a good sleep quality, and have been insomnia for several days! Do you really want me to die to make you happy?"

Shochikuer happily replied: "Don't brag. You sleep well when you were a kid? Why didn't you grow taller? Did Hashimoto Dahui step down? @郭四维@橋本大辉hashimoto-daiki"

Even Hashimoto Daiki, an international friend who was gradually whitewashed by the little four, was very inexplicable, and posted a Weibo: "Small horses, Guo Sang! So my feet didn't land on Mars. Yo West~"

Then there was a period of scolding, and their fans and navy all came to an end, which was called a miasma.


Of course, these are all things to do. After the game, Liu Xiaohua, who was promoted smoothly, checked into a hotel where the players stayed under the arrangement of the staff.

Li Tiezhu was not qualified. Besides, he had to return the car to Lengba, and drove by the way.

Guo Siwei found the director and producer of the program group as soon as the program ended. When asking them to cut the film, they must be "fair and just", and don't cut out clips that are not good for him for the sake of gimmicks.

The program team told him that Li Tiezhu is the first brother of Penguin, and of course we have to give him the best editing treatment.

Guo Siwei lowered his request and let the plagiarism and maggot burn his head be removed.

The program team actually didn't want to offend people, so they agreed.

Guo Siwei also said that he did not want Liu Xiaohua to advance to the next round.

This makes it very difficult for the program team to deal with. Does Li Tiezhu's face not be given to him? That's my own brother! However, the mentor also seems to be very important. How to do it?

At this moment, the staff sent a message:

Zhou Xingxing drove a pickup by himself, dragged a large car to the hotel where the actors were staying, and moved one by one to Liu Xiaohua's room. It was almost...moving in half of the villa!

Guo Siwei froze on the spot, Li Tiezhu couldn't afford to provoke, this one couldn't provoke even more.

The program team stopped arguing with Guo Xiaosi. The director and producer went directly to the hotel. Zhou Xingxing’s status has nothing to say. More importantly, if he can be brought to the finals as a special director, then It makes a lot of money.

Originally, Zhou Xingxing refused decisively when he first asked, but now he cares so much about Liu Xiaohua, it seems that there is another chance!

When the director and producer came to Liu Xiaohua's room in the hotel, they were dumbfounded.

Liu Xiaohua's original ordinary room has been replaced by Zhou Xingxing's own money into a suite, two bedrooms, the master bedroom as the bedroom, and the second bedroom as the study.

Potted plants, swings, refrigerators, snack racks, yoga mats, treadmills, induction cookers and mandarin duck pots were placed in the living room.

In the study are computers, game consoles, projectors, and Barbie dolls.

The master bedroom... Zhou Xingxing didn't allow others to come in, and he didn't step into it himself, only Li Tiezhu could go in.

There were many people on the scene. In addition to the diligent Zhou Xingxing, the impatient Liu Xiaohua, and the hardworking Li Tiezhu, there were also male actors such as Zhang Linlin and He Xichang who helped move things. In addition, there was also Zhao, who had worked with Xing Ye. Yanzi, and Er Xiaobao, who is also a giant of Xiangjiang.

Of course, there was Guo Xiaosi who followed.

Zhao Yanzi smiled and said, "Master Xing, are you too kind to your daughter? Aren't you afraid to spoil her?"

Er Xiaobao shook his head slightly, and his relationship with Zhou Xingxing was very common, but he was convinced of the talent of this man, and, although he was not a good person, he did not play yin.

Zhou Xingxing said: "She is not my daughter, and I am not her father. She is afraid of her father, so don't talk nonsense in front of her."

Zhao Yanzi was a little embarrassed.

Zhou Xingxing explained: "In fact, The director team showed me Xiaohua's play today. I felt very distressed when I saw it. You don’t understand, she seems to be smiling all day long and amusing everywhere. People laughed, in fact, she was very bitter. When she was very young, she and her mother were beaten up by her father domestically, and they were often beaten up and bruised. She told her mother to let her go, as far as possible, so that the person could not be found. She won’t be able to beat her anymore. And, Xiao Hua said, she went to her mother when she grew up, when Xiao Hua was only five years old. Otherwise, why do you think she will act so well tonight? That Zhao Chunyan and the little girl, she both experienced……"

Suddenly, everyone around was quiet.

Li Tiezhu nodded next to him. He knew all this, so he also knew that it was not easy for a girl. He was a bit stupid, but it was very distressing.

Liu Xiaohua was a little shy and kicked Zhou Xingxing: "Old Zhou!"

Zhou Xingxing ignored her and continued: "Fortunately, her mother loves her very much and finally took her away. Although she is also hitting her now, it is actually a skin trauma, because she is too naughty. But it's a naughty child that is promising. What's the point of being a stupid like Li Tiezhu?"

Everyone: "Uh..."

Zhou Xingxing finally said: "As for Xiaohua, if I want to live on this show for more than 20 days, I will just help her bring something to her. Anyway, I bought it for her. However, don't bully her in the show. I will be in the final. I'm coming too. Liu Xiaohua will cover me!"

Everyone looked at Guo Xiaosi, who was covered with only a measure of hair in the corner.

Obviously, Guo Xiaosi was stunned, and no matter how big the grudges were, he could only hold back.

This is really true-it's not your mother who taught you how to behave, it's me, Liu Xiaohua!

Have the ability to just pick me!

The director and the producer looked at each other, nodded in unison, and instantly tore up the "verbal agreement" with Guo Xiaosi, and cut out everything that should or shouldn't be cut!


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