Earthy Superstar

Chapter 706: :Feeling

On the day when "The Good Songs of China" ended, Li Tiezhu was forcibly dragged to the company by his manager Zhang Xiaomeng to hold a small meeting about his new album.

"Congratulations on winning the championship again, Tie Zhu."

"So so so."

"What do you say about the new album? At least you have to go out before your global concert in the summer."

"The song is written!"

"Have you written it yet?"

"hold head high!"

"Fart! Only eight songs?"

"Only eight?"

"Yeah! What do you think?"

"I thought there were more than a dozen songs."

"Where are there so many?"

"I'm on "Chinese Good Songs"! I won the championship. I also wrote songs on other shows!"

"You have a good song in six issues. There are six songs in total. In addition, there is a Grammy song "Kissing Goodbye" and a masked singer "Dislocation of Time and Space". Isn't that eight?"

"That... is a little bit less!"

Sitting in the office of the towering CBD building in Kyoto, Li Tiezhu looked at Zhang Xiaomeng opposite with melancholy.

"The Real Man" is a show that needs to be closed for shooting, and it takes about fifty days of shooting and training in total. Therefore, before this, Li Tiezhu needs to make a list of songs for the third chapter album, and then you can help him prepare the accompaniment and arrangement so that he can release, as soon as he comes back, he can start recording the album directly.

However, I encountered a rather embarrassing problem.

Only eight songs have been prepared for the new album.

What album is the eight songs released?

By convention, half of the album requires three to fifteen songs, but who is ashamed to only take three out to make people pay? Isn't this shameful and conspicuous? Therefore, the general album is ten songs, and occasionally there are one, two or three songs, which is conventional, basically no less than ten songs.

Li Tiezhu has only eight songs now, at least two songs short of it.

Zhang Xiaomeng said: "You have been too tired for the past two years, so take it easy. Then, I will find someone to write you two songs..."

Li Tiezhu: "No! How can you sing other people's songs on your own album?"

Zhang Xiaomeng said: "Why can't it? Do you think everyone can write songs?"

Li Tiezhu disagreed, because he knew that singing other people's songs was meaningless, and singing other people's songs didn't have any music achievement value bonus, so it's better to write it yourself!

"Forget it, I'll write it myself, there is still time."

"Is a week enough?"

"Half a day is enough."


Zhang Xiaomeng is also speechless, no way, who makes his artist a genius stupid?

After confirming his plan for writing songs, Li Tiezhu left, leaving Zhang Xiaomeng to continue working as a dog. In almost three years, he hasn't been idle. The agent is always more tired than the artist, especially the quasi-holding agent like Li Tiezhu.


A week later, Zhang Xiaomeng came to Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer's cottage, because Li Tiezhu was going to the west to "enlist" the next day.

Although it is only a variety show, the planning of "Real Man" is based on realism and hard work, and even received official praise. Although it has not yet been recorded, it has already made people feel its style.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaomeng must come to meet Li Tiezhu and have a good chat.

This show only allows the artist to bring an assistant, and when recording the show, that is, during training, the assistant is not allowed to be there, only people from the show group are allowed to be on the scene. The challenge of this show is not small.

After inquiring about Li Tiezhu's various aspects, he learned that he was ready, and even fought two fights with Fan Xiaohuang two days ago and won both times. Zhang Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Zhang Xiaomeng began to ask about the music album; "Have you written the two new songs?"

In the living room, Li Tiezhu was drinking milk and eating beef stew, in order to replenish his body.

He said: "The words of the song...I forgot."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "..."

Normal mind, normal mind! Don’t your own artists have always been so unreliable? Nothing to fuss about.

Zhang Xiaomeng tried to squeeze a smile.


Several people next to Zhang Xiaomeng laughed out loud and couldn't help it.

These are the advance team sent by "Real Men". To be precise, they are here to record the VCR. They are used for task introduction at the beginning of the show. This is also a normal operation.

Li Tiezhu: "They are?"

Zhang Xiaomeng: "It's the film crew of "The Real Man" who came to shoot the VCR. Leave them alone, you really forgot to write the song? Special, it will be recorded right away..."

Li Tiezhu chewed the beef and said, "Then I will write two poems at random."

Zhang Xiaomeng stomped: "It's too late to shit! You will be leaving tomorrow..."

Li Tiezhu: "It's too late, it's too late."

Next to him, the proprietress Song Zhuer, who was dozing off with dark circles under her eyes, nodded frequently.

She was a bit miserable recently, because Li Tiezhu worked hard to exercise for a real man. She was the exercise equipment. She was practiced miserably by Li Tiezhu every day, and she couldn't bear to see the cruelty. Maozi, fox and Xiong Er are far away in the sky, and there is no way to withstand the harm for her. The only person around him, Tuzha, has also come to a relative, and he has no time to greet relatives to accompany her to be practiced.

Song Zhu'er: "There is still one day, too late."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "Do you think he is a god? Well, he is a god, it is indeed too late..."

Li Tiezhu: "I will write two more poems, right? I will write to you now, I will think about it."

In April, the Kyoto warbler flies long, windy and sandy, and you can't see your fingers. That's right, sandstorms and smog are starting again. Li Tiezhu wears a mask when running in the morning, which affects his breathing.

Sister Mi and Lengba should like this kind of weather. Their visual distance is less than five meters. They can wander around the streets at will, and they are not afraid of being seen.

Zhang Xiaomeng: "Now?"

Li Tiezhu looked at his agent in surprise, my God! Since my debut, you have been with me for almost three years, so you don’t believe me? Don't you have any compelling points? I'm trying to force it! Shameless!

The cameraman of the "Real Man" crew had already turned on the machine, and several cameras shot Li Tiezhu violently.

Could it be that the man in front of him is super **** again?

Siguo Yisi!

Li Tiezhu: "Then... if you don't believe me, then I'll do all the work..."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "Don't show off! Please, write a song seriously!"

"I do not."


"A song... "The King Called Me to Tour the Mountain"... Hey..."

Li Tiezhu suddenly smiled.

Zhang Xiaomeng was shocked: "No! Don't mess around!"

Song Zhuer suddenly cheated her body. Although she has been miserably tied recently, she is always full of vitality: "What song is it? Listening to the title of "The King Asked Me to Take a Tour" is the type I like, hehehe..."

So it makes sense for Song Zhu'er to end up with this ghost with legs crossed. She is obviously not good at fighting, and there is no other animal support by her side. She dares to often provoke Li Tiezhu. If you don't die, who will die?

A staff member of the real man said: "Teacher Li Tiezhu, can you sing a few words to patrol the mountain?"

Li Tiezhu's serious face: "It's "The King Asked Me to Tour the Mountains", a beautiful narrative song, listen well, hum..."

Zhang Xiaomeng covered his face instantly, he could smell the royal engine.

Shochikuer is happy, my man is a cow.

Li Tiezhu began to sing:

The king told me to patrol the mountain

I turn the world around

Beat my drums and beat my gongs

Life is full of rhythm

The king told me to patrol the mountain

Catch a monk to make dinner

The water in this mountain stream is incredibly sweet

Do not envy mandarin ducks do not envy immortals

After singing, all the staff of the real male show group were dumbfounded, and Li Tiezhu was really extraordinary.

Zhang Xiaomeng exploded to death, ah, I'm dead, slumped on the sofa, are you sure you want to use this song to release an album?

Song Zhu'er is the happiest. She has a unique aesthetic. She feels that this song is so good to hear the explosion, and it sounds so wet: "Good, good... it sounds good! Isn’t the little monster called Xiao Zuanfeng? I told you He is familiar!"

Li Tiezhu was a song of the copied system, and was startled by Song Zhuer: "Do you know this monster? Are we not parallel planes? How come aura is revived?"

Song Zhuer: "Ahaha, Zhuzi, you are so humorous, I am Nezha! Of course I am familiar with the Journey to the West."

Li Tiezhu smiled awkwardly: "Ahahaha...It turned out to be like this, it scared me to death."

Zhang Xiaomeng is even more speechless, does this Nima still have an allusion? !

real or fake?

The shooting was really difficult. The staff all laughed, not laughing, but happy. Tie Zhu's song is interesting! Also, this was written on the spot, right? Make a lot of money, make a lot of money! This show is another big gimmick.

Song Zhuer was still making noise: "I really like this song! Tie Zhu, you will keep writing this sand sculpture style song in the future, okay? I'll sing with you!"

Li Tiezhu: "Forget it, I don't want to sing with you, your singing is too loud."

Song Zhu'er tilted his head to kill: "Hey hey... there are outsiders, don't talk nonsense, shhh! Let's go quietly!"

Li Tiezhu: "What do you want? I say you sing badly!"

Song Zhuer: "Ah...this..."

The staff were dumbfounded.

Zhang Xiaomeng: "Puff!"

Although some of this filming was cut off, it still appeared on the "Real Men" program. After all, Li Tiezhu's interview shots were of course much larger than those of other guests. This is normal.

Barrage was very satisfied with Li Tiezhu's advice:

"What the **** is this?"

"I'm afraid it's not cheating money to release eight songs!"

"Isn't this writing songs on the spot?"

"Li Tiezhu, if it doesn't work, you just wait until the show is over before you write a song, don't perfuse your fans."

"Does serious brother take time to write a song? He only needs his hand, his right hand is fine."

"is coming!"

"Let us collectively witness Li Tiezhu's new original song..."




"The king told me to patrol the I will take a turn around the world... it sounds good!"

"The tune is fine, what the **** is the lyrics?"

"Please! Li Tiezhu, can you be more serious?"

"The first eight songs are all classics, so what else? Li Tiezhu is not allowed to write two mediocre songs to make up the number?"

"How can Li Tiezhu be mediocre?"

"Genius, refuse to compromise!"

"come on!"

"Take gun medicine, right? How can serious brother be serious? Wait and see, the next song can't be serious!"

"Impossible, this must be suppressed first and then raised! The next classic poem."

Li Tiezhu said to the camera: "The last song of the new album is called..."

Zhang Xiaomeng interrupted: "Stop! No hurry, no hurry! Let's write after thinking about it."

Li Tiezhu: "Do you still think about writing songs?"

Zhang Xiaomeng: "..."

Song Zhuer: "That's right, isn't it enough to write a song and sing it? How can it be so difficult? Come on Tie Zhu, you know the style I like."

Li Tiezhu nodded deeply: "This song is called "Uneasy", do you want me to sing a few words?"

Zhang Xiaomeng covered his head in despair.

The real men's staff members are scumbags, nodding their heads, and shamelessly praise Li Tiezhu's arrogance.

Li Tiezhu said twice and sang:

Oh oh

Ah oh eh


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh


After singing a few sentences, Li Tiezhu looked attractive and looked around.

The real male staff members were all stupid, turning their heads to look at Zhang Xiaomeng, Zhang Xiaomeng was also dumbfounded, staring at Song Zhuer, do you translate?

Song Zhu'er is also numb, this...what is it? Also... It's so funny!

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