Earthy Superstar

Chapter 707: : Interview

Li Tiezhu is a sand-sculpted version of "Uneasy" that is sung. This is another version that comes with the system and is fresh and lovely.


【Ding! If the host is not serious, 1 point is deducted for seriousness. 】

Damn it!

This is such a stupid system that even deducts seriousness, which is unexpected.

Li Tiezhu's face turned green. Like the few people around him who heard his magical singing, he looked like... was disgusted by his own singing.

Song Zhu'er applauded: "Okay! It's so nice!"

Zhang Xiaomeng and several staff members looked at Song Zhuer at the same time, let's be your own!

Everyone could see that Li Tiezhu didn't sing seriously, and he was inexplicably happy.


"Li Tiezhu hasn't come out of "The Good Songs of China" yet, right? What about setting smoke bombs?"

"I laughed……"

"The new album is definitely not this song."

""The King Asked Me to Tour the Mountains" is enough to say..."

"Brother, stop showing off!"

"Please sing a good song."

"Suddenly want to buy an album."

"It doesn't matter, the first eight songs are all classics, and the last two songs are nothing to let him free himself."

"So the royal engine is Li Tiezhu's true style?"

"Why do I like these two songs today?"

"This "Uneasy" sounds so uneasy to me."

"Download! Make it into a wake-up alarm clock."

"Brother, you are so hard!"

"Hahaha... Li Tiezhu was disgusted by singing himself."

There are fourteen issues of "Real Men", each two hours long. In this era when entertainment is king, not to mention the final quality, at least it can be regarded as a lot of money. You should know that many variety shows have only one hour in real time except for the placement of advertisements and the appearance of cuteness and stupidity.

Before the feature film, there is still an hour-long lead film, which is actually the VCR of the six guests who participated in the recording of the show. Only by letting the audience get to know the guests first, can they be better substituted.

For the six guests, theoretically, each of them is about ten minutes, but there is no doubt that Li Tiezhu's time is longer than the others.

It’s not because he is the most popular, but because he is the most provocative. It is not appropriate to delete any part of the recorded footage. Anyway, the audience also loves to watch him, so he simply left it. The duration is close to 20 minutes, and even Li Tiezhu sings "Uneasy" randomly. Also kept.

Then came the part of the individual interview, Li Tiezhu alone faced the program group's questions.

Miss staff sister: "Li Tiezhu, why did you participate in the show "Real Men"?"

Li Tiezhu: "Didn't you invite me to go?"

"Uh... this this..."

"Don't be nervous. Is this the first time you record a show? Relax. I'm a person who gets along well."

"Ah! Thank you! Well, what else do you know about this show?"

"It should have been understood, but you said that for the sake of suspense, you don't provide specific program links and information at all. Blame me? Where can I find out?"

" not count just now, do it again. Faced with the invitation from the "Real Men" program group, would you like to go?"

"Didn't all the contracts have been signed? Can I go back?"

" has nothing to do with the contract, would you like to go?"

"Yes! Very willing."

"Why? Is there any particular reason?"

"You gave too much money, much more than other shows. Thank you!"

"Except for money?"

"There are advertising endorsements! And a lot of money."


"Huh? Why is it stuck again? It's okay, don't be nervous, I'll wait for you to adjust your condition. Come on! You can."

"Puff...I can't..."

The cute-looking and fleshy-looking staff knelt down, a little mad, how do you interview this?

Several other staff members also cast sympathetic glances at him.

Li Tiezhu smiled and waited patiently for the other party to vent and adjust. He is really a newcomer with fragile psychological quality. It is not easy. I want to give him enough patience to let him feel the warmth of the world.

"Mengmeng stand up!"

The program team put this segment into the pilot film. Although the program crew broke down, this is very Li Tiezhu, isn't it? If his interview is too serious, it would be too serious.

Mengmeng's young lady didn't stand up, she seemed desperate.

Li Tiezhu came over very friendly, helped the young lady, took the inscription card in her hand, and smiled warmly: "Don't be discouraged, be brave! Let me help you interview myself, and cut the voice of my question later. Drop it, just replace it with your voice."

Miss sister is even more confused: "Ah..."

Li Tiezhu made a WINK and said, "Don't worry, the average host is not as good as I am. You can also learn from it. Everyone says I am a natural host."

Miss sister: "..."


"Little sister is so miserable!"

"Debut is defeated."

"Li Tiezhu, didn't you realize that it was your own problem?"

"God, you asked me to go."

"See myself interviewing myself again."

"The program team even cut out this paragraph, which is also a show."

"I don't know how Miss Sister feels when she sees this passage."

"The show team whips the corpse..."

There are even more dogs in the program group. The next interview was recorded in two paragraphs. Li Tiezhu sat on the left and asked all the questions, then sat back on the right to answer them in turn. The program group did not replace the voice with the young lady, but edited two Li Tiezhu together, one on the left and one on the right, one question and one answer, so the magical picture was born.

Li Tiezhu: "Excuse me, Mr. Li Tiezhu, what do you think about participating in this military defense program "Real Men"?"

Li Tiezhu: "It's a great honor to participate in this program. Every boy has a military dream, and I am no exception. I once thought about going to the army when I was admitted to college, and I would go on to college after leaving the army. However, the situation did not allow me. His dream has become a contractor. Now I can realize my dream of the military camp, I am very, very excited."

Li Tiezhu: "What made you want to be a contractor?"

Li Tiezhu: "Because... my grades may not be admitted to university, and it seems that it is very difficult to serve as a soldier without a degree..."

Li Tiezhu: "Then you are now admitted to Peking University, you can also take a leave of absence to join the army!"

"No, I asked, I should become a literary soldier when I join the army now, I don't want to..."

"Do you prefer to be a real soldier on the battlefield?"

"Yes, no. The main thing I do is to sing and dance. Oh, I don't know how to dance. It's boring to sing when I enter the barracks."

"The next question, this show is said to be very tired and very bitter, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, I can eat any bitterness, but I'm worried that if I'm too stupid, I'll be dragged down."

"Really? You are so humble."

"It's not humility, it's the truth. I don't have any titles or abilities other than tens of billions of movie stars and big singers. I often make mistakes and shame, um...I am still very worried."

"Did you know that many soldiers are your fans?"

"do not know."

"Because of "Soldier Assault", many soldiers admire you as the King of Soldiers, and many recruits joined the army after watching this TV show."

"Ah... I'm sure I won't let them down."

"In addition to training, the program will also conduct military exercises with other troops. Are you looking forward to it?"

"Especially looking forward to it. It would be better if we can actually fight."

"Actual combat is impossible, Mr. Li Tiezhu, you are not worthy."

"Ah, yes."

"Do you know those guests are with you?"

"I only know Du Haibo from Xiangnan Station and Yuan Heng, the second sister's husband. These two people are on the scarf every day @我, Shenjingbing, they all know that I have a grudge with the scarf. Anyone who is serious uses a scarf."

"The last question, what do you think of your performance on the show?"

"Of course I am a very good one! Hmm!" (This sentence was replayed repeatedly in later shows, used to slap Li Tiezhu in the face, slap.)

"Okay, thank you Mr. Li Tiezhu for accepting this interview."

"Wait a minute, I have another question."

"you say."

Li Tiezhu said, "Am I serious about joining the army? Will I give my family the "Glory House" card? My dad wanted it especially. He was so happy when he heard that I was on this show, so he called my second uncle. Go to the ancestral grave to see if there is any blue smoke."

Li Tiezhu: "It's a pity, not really."

Li Tiezhu: "That's really a pity...My dad asked my second uncle to burn a military uniform for my mother, and burned one for me by the way."



"Why doesn't Li Tiezhu frustrate himself?"

"The Glory House is okay."

"It is true that many people joined the army because of "Soldiers Assault" last year and this year."

"Li Tiezhu must be the king of soldiers!"

"Looking forward to a face slap."

"What is the operation for Li Tiezhu to burn the uniform? He is not dead."

"This particular operation numbs me."

"Old Li's family are all talents..."

The interview is over, and there is the next link to check Li Tiezhu's luggage. Song Zhuer pushed Li Tiezhu's box over and opened it for the show crew to shoot.

Some autistic young ladies asked: " was it the luggage you packed for him?"

Song Zhuer shook his head: "He cleaned it himself. Sometimes when I go out, he helps me to pack my luggage. I don't know how to do it. I still lose everything. Buying vegetables and cooking, cleaning, making beds, and tidying things is not what a boy should do. Is it?"

Miss Sister: "Ah...that, do you want to bring the thermos too?"

Li Tiezhu: "This is called the WIN Cup. If you take it, you will win it. I will bring it to these programs with good sound and good songs. It has been with me for many years."

"Anything like this?"

"Very clever. We call on our athletes to also protect the WIN Cup, including winning or not losing!"

The influence of this show is not small, and it has exploded many celebrities.

Hexagonal warrior Ma Liu's scarf: "Believe it, believe it, I will bring a vacuum flask for the Olympics."

Fan Xiaopang: "I don't believe it!"

A long time later, Fan Xiaopang who lost the ball was heartbroken: "I regret not believing Li Tiezhu~"

The recording is almost done, Zhang Xiaomeng jumped out: "Only one assistant can be brought? Who is it to let? Heiwaer or dull?"

These two bodyguards have been responsible for protecting Li Tiezhu since the beginning of the year. Not only are they first-rate professional, they also cook delicious food.

Li Tiezhu thought for a while: "None! They are crooked nuts, and they are also foreign military veterans. They cannot be allowed to contact our country's military secrets."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "If you record a show, you won't have access to any secrets."

Li Tiezhu: "Uh..."

Song Zhuer: "You can't take them there, it costs money! There is no need to protect Li Tiezhu for these two months, let them go back to the United States for vacation, and pay half the salary."

Li Tiezhu felt right: "Right! Right!"

And Heiwaer and Manduner, who are basking in the sun, are still thinking about going to the mysterious and wild Eastern Army to meet the world, then... but the army of the First Division of the American Cavalry!

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