Earthy Superstar

Chapter 711: :man

The program that the audience sees is skipped, and many of the intermediate processes are invisible to them. Therefore, the audience’s perspective is directly from the dormitory to the training ground, but it is not.

After leaving the dormitory before arriving at the training ground, many things happened.

The squad leader led six people to gather downstairs, and then walked towards the training ground. Before fetching munitions and equipment, he had to complete a physical fitness test.

Yuan Heng: "What is the physical fitness test?"

Liu Yuan: "Is it a direct five-kilometer cross-country?"

Du Haibo: "Don't scare me, I can't run 500 meters..."

Zhang Yifeng said, "It's not that exaggerated. Tie Zhu has filmed military scenes. Tell me about it."

Li Tiezhu: "I know a **** about the script I wrote. Didn't Brother Xi have been a soldier?"

Guo Xiaoxi: "I am a literary soldier, and I don't know anything."

Squad leader Jin Wu: "Quiet! Turn to the rear right and go..."

It may seem like a simple task, but it is actually quite complicated. At least, it is much more complicated than the squad leader's usual task, because there are dozens of people in the program group.

There are two robots in the program group shooting in front and back directions. There is a drone in the air, along with a few photographers, directors, producers, and other things, as well as guest assistants.

That's right, it's an assistant. Although you can only bring one, there is not much difference between one assistant and ten assistants. If there are more people, it will be a pomp.

Among the six artists on the scene, except for Li Tiezhu, each one brought an assistant.

At this time, Liu Yuan's assistant came and fed the frozen yogurt. This was a chubby sister who took care of Liu Yuan in every possible way. However, being training makes Liu Yuan very embarrassed.

"What are you doing?"

Squad leader shouted, and stared sharply at Liu Yuan.

Sister Fat gave the monitor a sideways look, and then handed out a bottle of yogurt to the monitor backhand: "Hey! Fortunately, I brought a small car refrigerator, which is kinder to my family, otherwise his fans will scold you when the show is broadcast."

Squad leader: "..."

Fat sister: "Ice, take it! Why is it rude to this kid?"

Liu Yuan's face is red and his ears are red: "Sister Yu, go, I won't drink. This is in military training. Don't let this happen."

Fat sister: "What military training? Don't you just record a program? People are not allowed to drink milk? Sponsored by the program group! Ili pure fruit yogurt."

Liu Yuan slapped his face with a slap: "..."

The assistants of other people were not idle either. Guo Xiaoxi's assistant handed him sunglasses, fearing that the sun would be too dazzling. Yuan Heng's assistant was concerned that he shaved his face and hurt his face. Du Haibo's assistant gave him Huoxiang Zhengqi water, worried. He had heat stroke, and Zhang Yifeng's assistant was showing him mobile phone messages.

The staff of the program group didn't stop it either. They just felt that this section was just a transition after all, and it didn't matter whether it was used or not, and it wouldn't be a big deal to let the artists relax a little bit.

Li Tiezhu had some dramas for a while, just tossing around in the dormitory, it made him excited, just like a real recruit enlisted in the army.

As a result, the work was broken as soon as it came out.

At this moment, his not smart little head also wanted to understand that they were not separated from the real recruits, and even enlistment and training were separated. Obviously, they were treated differently.

He can imagine that the next "military career" is also a reduced version.

Although he was enlisted in the army for fifty days, it was only forty days without the time spent on the road and rest. Forty days, even recruit training is not enough, let alone other...

It's just a variety show after all.

Especially after seeing the assistants "carrying pot of pulp", I felt even more regretful.

Seeing that the squad leader was not picking up, the fat sister changed hands and handed it to Li Tiezhu: "Give it to you, my sister likes you very much! Help me out during training."

Li Tiezhu stood upright: "Report!"

The squad leader Jin Wu, who was so annoyed, came back to his senses. In fact, if the recruits were normal, he would get angry early, but these assistants and staff made him understand that this was just recording the show. The most important thing is that he has no experience with girls, so he is a bit at a loss.

Jin Wu: "Say."

Li Tiezhu pointed to the fat sister: "Report the monitor, someone seduce me!"

Liu Yuanzheng wanted to persuade his assistant, but was completely defeated by Li Tiezhu: "Uh, uh, uh..."

The other artists also laughed.

Fat sister: "I hate it~"

Jin Wu's face twitched slightly: "Don't say strange things."

Li Tiezhu: "She used yogurt to seduce me. Fortunately, I am determined to follow the party! May I ask, what should I do if this happens?"

Jin Wu: "I don't know what to do, because I haven't met before, what do you think should be done?"

Li Tiezhu: "Let me just say, prepare for push-ups!"

Bang bang ......

Li Tiezhu took the lead to get down, then Liu Yuan. He didn't pick up the assistant's yogurt from beginning to end, followed by Guo Xiaoxi, Yuan Heng and Zhang Yifeng.

The monitor was a little moved, and Li Tiezhu helped him out. In fact, he is only in his early twenties. Where has he seen these artists, assistants and show crews? He was just arranged by his superiors to perform the task, so when he met the fat sister, he was immediately stunned.


Jin Wu also got down: "I didn't lead the team, I will do it with you."

Holding the Huoxiang Zhengqi water bottle, Du Haibo smiled awkwardly: "What's wrong? This is a huh? Why did you push up?"

After talking about trouble, Du Haibo also fell on the ground.

Yuan Heng: "How many?"

Guo Xiaoxi: "Yes, monitor! How many push-ups?"

The assistants were all girls, and they were stunned. They looked at each other, this is...what kind of look? They couldn't enter the male dormitory just now, so they didn't know about doing push-ups.

Jin Wu: "I don't know. Ask Li Tiezhu."

Li Tiezhu: "I don't know, until the assistants leave, one or two..."

Li Tiezhu started doing push-ups, and the others could only keep up.

A few girls scolded and left, basically all scolding Li Tiezhu, you idiot, pretending to be a Nima, and I even slapped myself on your photos.

"Eighteen, nineteen. Get up!"

Li Tiezhu took the lead to stand up, his face is neither flushed nor short of breath. What is the difference between doing push-ups and drinking water?

Jin Wu: "Li Tiezhu's performance is very good. Others should reflect on it. This is a soldier. Are you here on vacation? You have to be served by someone? Do you have to prepare a sedan chair to carry you for training? Huh?"

No way to deal with women, Jin Wu never tried to deal with men.

Others are silent, it's like this in the circle, besides, isn't this just a show? Li Tiezhu? He is an alien, a superstar who doesn't even bring a special assistant.

Jin Wu asked again: "Why didn't Li Tiezhu's assistant come to make trouble?"

Yuan Heng: "Report! He has no assistant."

Squad leader Jin Wu was also taken aback: "Well, why is there no assistant?"

Yuan Heng: "Report! Because it costs money to ask an assistant."

Jin Wu: "..."

Others laughed, the answer is very Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu said, "The report is because I think I have hands and feet and don't need an assistant."

Jin Wu: "Very good!"

Worthy of being my idol, although Yazi, who is not very smart, is different from these few, especially Yuan Heng, who looks like a thorn.

After the episode, Jin Wu took everyone on to the training ground.

Yuan Heng asked Li Tiezhu: "You really don't have an assistant? You haven't always?"

Liu Yuan: "Without an assistant, do you remember your work schedule?"

Du Haibo: "Usually buy a milk tea and book a ticket or something, who will help? Who will take care of you when filming?"

Because this passage was not recorded, the monitor Jin Wu didn't care about them either. The chief said that it is enough to show the style and discipline of our army in front of the camera. There is no need to be too strict in life. This group of people is not worth his military effort. They are not worthy.

Li Tiezhu: "Squad leader, don't you care?"

Jin Wu: "So... why don't you have an assistant?"

Li Tiezhu: "Uh...I have hands and feet. Wouldn't it be okay to buy a milk tea? It's not a high paraplegia. I still need someone to take care of it?"

Jin Wu: "Yes!"

Liu Yuan said: "Brothers, let's go back and talk to the program crew and our assistants, let them not make trouble, let us train well and strictly. It is estimated that I will not be a soldier in this life. I am just like Tie Zhu. So cherish this opportunity very much."

Li Tiezhu: "Yes, please also ask the monitor to strictly ask us not to treat it as a program. I feel it is a humiliation."

In the end, the artists reached an agreement to let the program group improve the discipline and quality of training.

Du Haibo has no say in this.

This segment was not broadcast, on the one hand because it is not important, and on the other hand, it will affect the image of the artists after the broadcast. What will the audience think when they see assistants in the military camps serving tea and handing water? In addition to admiring Li Tiezhu, I am afraid it is a verbal abuse of the other five people.

After a while, the squad leader brought six artists to the training ground, which was a wide grass.

They saw the instructor of their recruit company, thank God, he was so fierce.

"Du Haibo! What are you looking at? When I speak I hope everyone will look into my eyes."

"Liu Yuan, can't you stand straight?"

"What did Guo Xiaoxi do? You used to be a soldier. I hope you don't let me look down on you."

"Yuan Heng, don't shake! The habit of shaking your feet, don't bring me to the barracks."

In an interview later, Liu Yuan said: "The instructor frightened me. He gave me the feeling that he wanted to eat all six of us."

Then I talked about the idea of ​​everyone coming to serve as soldiers. Yuan Heng said, “Because I think boys are handsome when they serve as soldiers!”

Li Tiezhu: "Puff..."

The instructor who was originally angry suddenly became stunned: "Li Tiezhu, get out of the queue."

Yuan Heng gloated at Li Tiezhu.

Instructor: "What are you laughing at? Li Tiezhu."

Li Tiezhu: "Because you become an adult after you are eighteen years old, you will be a man when you become an adult, and children are called boys."

Instructor: "Are you a man?"

Li Tiezhu: "Yes!"

Instructor: "Yuan Heng, are you a boy or a man?"

Yuan Heng scolded Li Tiezhu Shen Jingbing in his heart, and said: "I am a man and a boy."

The instructor was speechless and looked at Li Tiezhu: "Help him realize that he is a man."

Yuan Heng was taken aback, do you want Li Tiezhu to beat me?

Li Tiezhu had a peculiar thinking: "Hua Tianyu is the kind of boy who is milky in his milk."

Yuan Heng immediately stood up straight: "Then...I am a man!"

You are talented Tianyu, your whole family is Hua Tianyu. How much his wife likes Hua Tianyu, how much he hates that stuff, thanks to Li Tiezhu's sanctions against it some time ago.

He was grateful to Li Tiezhu in his heart. Recently, his wife didn't pay much attention to the King of Hua Ge. Otherwise, he would be a little worried when he came out as a soldier for two months.

Of course, this paragraph was cut off on the show.

Instructor: "Be louder."

Yuan Heng: "Man!"

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