Earthy Superstar

Chapter 712: : Operation Red Sea

"Li Tiezhu, very good, ten push-ups."


After Li Tiezhu finished the push-ups and returned to the queue, it was Du Haibo's turn.

Du Haibo: "I...usually have to be protected by girls. Now I will continue to strengthen myself and strive to develop six-pack abs. Over!"

The artists including Li Tiezhu and Zhang Yifeng were all suffocated in pain, and Liu Yuan shook directly.

Instructor: "Do you have no abs?"

Zhang Yifeng: "Reported that he has only one abdominal muscle and a whole one on his stomach."

Liu Yuan: "Puff..."

Li Tiezhu: "Report! Du Haibo's abdominal muscles are just united and not separated."

Liu Yuan: "Goose, goose... I'm sorry, I just can't help it, goose goose..."

The instructor glared at him fiercely.

Liu Yuan: "Report! I applied to do ten push-ups, goose goose..."

After ten push-ups, Liu Yuan finally stopped smiling, which was too uncomfortable.

The next step is the physical fitness test. Abdomen endurance, turn-back running and sit-ups. The so-called end abdomen is to lie on the ground, raise your legs forty-five degrees and hold them together. The turn-back run is a five-by-ten-meter turn-back run, timed.

Du Haibo collapsed during the abdomen session, and Liu Yuan and others were exhausted but completed it. Teacher Zhang Yifeng, who is three times the age of Li Tiezhu, completed it.

Li Tiezhu did it even more easily, and felt that it could be used as a warm-up exercise for future fitness.

Five times ten meters back and forth, the performance gap is not generally large.

Zhang Yifeng passed 29.03 seconds.

Du Haibo failed for 30.10 seconds.

Guo Xiaoxi passed 25.22 seconds.

Yuan Heng passed 24.10 seconds.

Liu Yuan passed 22.02 seconds.

Li Tiezhu 20.33, qualified.

In fact, the so-called 30-second pass line is the pass line for female soldiers. It can be seen that the instructors have already given them a lot of face, but this is not enough. Teacher Zhang Yifeng is really old and dare not exert too much effort. There are only a few, Du Haibo... the physical fitness that can only be used as a display after marrying a wife is no wonder, no wonder he has to come for training.

The same fat man, why is the gap so big?

Li Tiezhu thought of Qin Tao, that guy...was thinning day after day.

It should be Du Haibo's girlfriend who has fighting skills but no advanced juicing skills.

Finally, there was the sit-up session. Du Haibo, Zhang Yifeng, and Guo Xiaoxi failed, Liu Yuan and Yuan Heng also just passed, and Li Tiezhu took a ride on Juechen, did 142 in two minutes, and even the instructors named and praised them.

Then, Du Haibo vomited, vomited on the spot, tired.


"This show is real enough! It looks good."

"This show is really too difficult for Du Haibo."

"Don't come if you can't stand it."

"too weak."

"Brother is still serious about cheating, one hundred and four in two minutes, which is also outrageous."

"Shochikuer: Heh heh... I handed it over."


"Are you the devil in front?"

"Shen Mouchen: I'm too difficult!"

"Du Haibo eats too much, right? I keep watching him eating."

After the physical training, when it comes to receiving the military supplies, which are in fact like washbasins, cups, toothbrushes, towels, military uniforms, etc., but they can’t hold up everyone’s excitement.

I was tired to death, and now I feel like I have earned something.

However, before picking up the items, the height and weight must be measured, saying that other military uniforms and medical records will be reissued in the future.

Anyway, the audience liked to hear that this time, the height of the male artist and the weight of the female artist have always been the best gossip.

Guo Xiaoxi, Yuan Heng, and even the elderly artist Zhang Yifeng stumbled on their height. What they reported to them and what they wrote on the encyclopedia was short and heavy.

It was everyone’s most curious Du Haibo. He said: "I am 183 tall and"


Everyone laughed, including the instructor and the monitor.

In fact, the instructors and squad leaders of the recruit company get along well when they are not training. Those who can be selected to bring recruits are all top players. Not only are they strong in military skills, they are also smart, especially if they can play. The recruits are not just for fun. NS?

Du Haibo touched his stomach: "Weight 85 kg... right?"

Let's take a look at the result, good fellow!

He is 179 in height and 93 kg in weight.

Du Haibo: "...There is an error in this thing, right?"

Li Tiezhu: "You are so wrong!"


The instructor also laughed: "I announce that Li Tiezhu has unlimited fire power during non-training hours, so he can do whatever he wants, and I love seeing you most!"

Li Tiezhu was flattered: "You can also watch TV?"

Instructor: "Our special forces not only have a TV, but they also have a computer and a smartphone. It's similar to the old A in "Soldiers Assault"...Hey! I cut off that section just now!"

Li Tiezhu: "Are you from the Special Forces? Which unit?"

Instructor: "Delete! Keep quiet, next one, Liu Yuan."

Everyone showed expressions of surprise and admiration, applauded and expressed their respect, Special Forces!

After all, this section was not cut off. Of course, it was also sent to the military for review in the film and confirmed that no leaks could be broadcast.

Of course, the instructor must copy the confidentiality regulations when he goes back.


"Damn! From the Special Forces?"

"This is too powerful, right? I can't tell at all."

"The instructor is twenty-eight years old and the monitor is twenty-three years old, which can already explain the problem."

"What do you mean?"

"I envy them..."

"The squad leader of the recruit company is generally the deputy squad leader, and the instructors are at least the platoon leader."

"Are they good at Li Tiezhu?"

"Fighting is not necessarily true, but the military ability is definitely more professional than Li Tiezhu."

"This show is kind of interesting."

Then, Liu Yuan went out: "Liu Yuan, height 185, weight 70."

Instructor: "I'll talk about it after you think about it."

Liu Yuan: "Uh..."

The squad leader couldn't help it anymore: "You don't seem to be as tall as an iron pillar."

Liu Yuan: "Brother Zhu, how tall are you?"

Li Tiezhu: "Height 181, weight 75."

He belongs to the muscular but not big type, and he can't be seen clearly in his clothes.

The other few were suffocating and laughing. The child didn't know it. The first few were beaten in the face. Don't you know how to be honest?

As a result, Liu Yuan is 180 tall and 69 weight, and Li Tiezhu is 181 tall and 75 weight.

Liu Yuan: "Will this episode be broadcast? I didn't lie. I used to wear shoes. Who is serious and weighs every day?"

Li Tiezhu said: "I just do it every day. As an actor, of course you have to pay attention to your own weight, and you can adjust when you receive a fat or thin character."

Liu Yuan: "Instructor! I applied not to stand with Li Tiezhu."

Instructor: "The application is rejected."

Liu Yuan: "..."

Du Haibo: "Instructor, you are so handsome! It feels a lot like Li Tiezhu's temperament. It's so stunned. It's nice to have an interesting instructor like you."

Instructor: "Thank you! I must train the six of you to unite like your abs."

Du Haibo: "..."

Instructor: "Do you think I'm handsome now?"

Liu Yuan: "Now I think the squad leader is more handsome, like suspect Wu, with the most profiled face."

The squad leader felt a huge insult: "Get ready for push-ups!"


After ten push-ups, everyone glared at Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan said blankly: "Before I came here, I always had a question. After all, it is a peaceful age. Why did our troops practice so hard? I don't know too much."

Squad leader: "Keep your troops for a thousand days and use them for a while."

Liu Yuan was still at a loss, and everyone talked verbally to help him resolve his confusion.

Finally, Li Tiezhu said: “Because there is no peace at all now, there has never been peace before, and neither is peace in the east, south, or west. We think that peace is just because our troops can deter them. If we relax our guard for a moment, we will soon. I was bitten by a group of wild dogs, that's how I feel."

Instructor: "Yes."

Li Tiezhu also said: "The instructor of my freshman military training has worked as San in the snow-capped mountains and valleys."

The instructor smiled: "Then he will give you military training, it should be a vacation."

Li Tiezhu: "Yeah! He said the same thing. Later I asked him a lot of professional questions when I filmed "Soldier Assault." Now, I want to make a military movie again!"

Liu Yuan raised his hand: "I want to act! No matter how good you are."

Du Haibo: "Just shoot the movie version of "Soldiers Assault"!"

Squad leader: "Yes!"

It is time similar to a tea party. Everyone is sitting and chatting. The monitor is always smiling and very easy-going. Although the instructor is cold, he is not rigid.

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "No! Fried rice is boring, I'm going to make a war film about overseas special forces."

Yuan Heng: "Similar to "War Dragon 2"?"

Li Tiezhu said: "No, it's not the same. He is personal heroism, strictly speaking, it is an action movie. I want to make a more realistic and tragic military movie, probably fighting abroad to rescue Chinese people kidnapped by terrorist organizations. Blockbuster! I want to make a blockbuster for the first time!"

When others say this, they may be laughed at, but everyone will not laugh when Li Tiezhu says it. Because, although he is only twenty, he has already proven himself with box office and works, tens of billions of box office, three starring movies, one animation, he is confident.

Liu Yuan was a little envious.

The two real soldiers, the instructor and the squad leader, have their eyes lit up. At the end of the year, the army will organize movie watching again. It was the last time "Things about the Rabbit That Year".

Zhang Yifeng said: " too difficult, right?"

Guo Xiaoxi: "Aren't you talking about making a sequel to "People on the Road"?"

Li Tiezhu: "That will be filmed next year, and Master Xu Shanzheng will not be available this year. I want to make a war movie in the second half of the year. I have thought of the name "Operation Red Sea"."

Of course it was a good movie found by the system father, but Li Tiezhu only saw the introduction and the clips, and now he can't afford it.


"Li Tiezhu deserves to be red!"

"Fuck! Serious brother finally made a military movie, a must-see!"

"Must see!"

"It should have been like this long ago, what comedy do you make?"

"I will chase whatever Li Tiezhu shoots."

"Doesn't this guy still have global concerts? Are you tired?"

"Isn't he always not afraid of hardship? How can he look like the picture-cutting stars now..."

In the end, everyone dragged a heavy footstep and returned to the dormitory with the items they had received. Only Li Tiezhu was alive and kicking. He also asked the squad leader if there was a gym in the recruiting camp. He looked dissatisfied and made the other few hateful.

The squad leader seemed to like fitness too. After eating with six recruits, he went to the gym with Li Tiezhu to exercise.

When he arrived at the gym, Li Tiezhu finally saw the other soldiers, and then... was surrounded by photos, and didn't have time to exercise.

No way, there are only two types of soldiers in the gym, one is veteran and the other is recruit.

Some veterans like Li Tiezhu, and most of the recruits were inspired by Li Tiezhu's "Soldier Assault".

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