Earthy Superstar

Chapter 721: : Super popular

   Chapter 715 Super Popularity

  "This is a battle of disgrace in the history of the U.S. Army's war, and later escaped by boat."

   "I have watched the cartoon of that rabbit, and it is true."

   "So that animation is real?"

   "Is there really such an army in the world? It's incredible. This is not something that humans can do."

   "I admire this army so much."

   "No! Guys, we didn't lose in the Korean War."

   "Nan Bang has been driven to the sea, we helped them to fight back to the 38th lane."

   "It's the same over there, Beibang was almost driven across the river, and it was still back to the 38th line."

   "We occupied Pyongyang."

  "They also drove the captured tanks into Seoul."

   "So the U.S. feels that it has not lost, and China also believes that it has won. In fact, it has its own reasons?"

   "But they held an Olympic Games for Captives of Nations."

   "Ah this..."

  "This is what the Chinese often say: it is not very lethal and extremely insulting."

  So, it is difficult to get a unified understanding of the dispute over the outcome of the war. After all, the butts are different, but when it comes to the Captive Olympics, they really won. The magical rabbit never disappoints.

Anyway, "The Real Man" has exploded in the West, at first because of Ai Enpera Lee, because "Kung Fu" has just been screened in Beimi, and later because of this mysterious and powerful force. Record.

  A lot of crooked nuts, every week, pinch the time to watch Reui Erman punctually, and gradually gave birth to a group of crooked fruit fans who support the army and love the party.

   Then, strange posts appeared on the Internet:

  "How can I join Crooked Nuts?"

   "Is the fighting power of Chaney Rippei Posi Rai Bori Ami related to Eastern magic?"

  "If Wall Street is captured, will those giants be sent to labor reform?"

  "How can I establish a base in the Andes?"

  "We have a huge security company. How can we learn from the guiding ideology of building the branch and strengthen the transformation of the company?"

  The last question was raised by Sleepy Dragon and Feng Baobao. This question has troubled them for a long, long time. Once they thought that with a security company, everything would be fine. Later, it was discovered that this security company had no cohesion in the loose sand, which was far from enough. They did not learn the essence of the East.

   However, they are at a loss as to what to do.

  An anonymous answer woke them up...First of all, you have to have a thought plan.

  So, Sleepy Dragon began to draft the doctrines of Ainpelaism. That’s right. It’s shameful to think about it. It’s been more than a year since it was founded, and there is no program, and he blushes...

  As always, as long as it is a variety show of Ai Enpela, Sleepy Dragon and Baby Feng will organize core members to watch it together and try to learn something from it.

  The great Ai Enpera will never record shows for money, he must want to give us some enlightenment.

  In the screen, one after another shirtless soldiers poured ice water to challenge the severe cold, and their blood was surging.

  Domestic barrage is even more profound:

   "It makes me cry."

   "Too bloody."

   "I came here after watching "Soldiers Assault", tears."

   "It turned out to be the Changjin Lake troop!"

   "After listening to Li Tiezhu's history, I was deeply shocked."

   "All killed..."

   "Today's flourishing age is not easy to come by."

   "Our soldiers are bloody."

   "This special is the real man!"

  After the training, the company commander gave a compliment, and then everyone was taken back to the dormitory to prepare for the joining ceremony, and then...Li Tiezhu contributed a lot of laughter. It is hard for the scumbag to introduce yourself or memorize the oath from the heart.

  Afternoon, there is a passionate ceremony for entering the company, awarding armbands, and awarding guns.

  Then it’s training. The Hero Company is an anti-tank infantry. Each squad has one machine gunner and two anti-tank gunners.

  Li Tiezhu and the new Wu Litao were pulled to contact the operation of the anti-tank rocket launcher, under the guidance of the deputy squad leader.

   "It's so heavy! Li Tiezhu, are you that heavy?"

   "It's okay, it's over twenty catties."

   "I feel that my one is heavier than yours. I have two bullets."

   "Who doesn't have eggs yet?"

   "I'm talking about missiles, no, what bazooka shells. I'm sinking to death!"


   "You are so good, you will cover me later."

  "How to cover?"

   "Just teach me, I only trained for one day, recruit training, I can't do anything."

   "I... I don't know how."

   "You are so humble! They all say you are arrogant, all rumors."

  Wu Litao talked with Li Tiezhu all the way, I don’t know why he always felt that it would be better to follow Li Tiezhu, after all, Li Tiezhu was so good in "Soldier Assault".

  When I arrived at the training ground, Wu Litao made a lot of mistakes, and was trained by the class deputy to run back and forth, exhausted to death.

  Li Tiezhu is steady, because his actions are simple, he only needs to kneel and carry the bazooka.

   Then, Li Tiezhu also overturned, and was once again possessed by Xu Sanduo.

  The height of the rocket launcher was too high, and Li Tiezhu was a little flustered. The upper and lower parts were as fierce as a tiger with one pass, and finally made Wu Litao laugh.

   "So you can't even ask for it."

   "Puff, goose, goose..."

When the deputy    was interviewed by the program team later, his dream was shattered:

"When I knew that Li Tiezhu was coming, I thought, that's not the end? He is so strong, the king of soldiers! Doesn't that directly kill me? There must be many training programs, military actions, etc., in all aspects...should be I can’t compare with him, I should learn from him. However, when he came to train, was all at once. Xu Sanduo was my goal. He...makes me desperate."

  The deputy squad watched Li Tiezhu frantically playing with the rocket launcher with a sad look on his face. He was full of ambiguities and couldn't help but want to say: You deceived me!

  Wu Litao adjusted the bazooka bracket for Li Tiezhu again, and couldn’t help but whispered: "Xu Sanduo is not acting! You are Xu Sanduo!"

  Li Tiezhu: "Shut up, don't make me laugh, goose, goose..."

  Deputy: "Li Tiezhu, is training funny?"

  Li Tiezhu: "The report is not funny."

  Class deputy: "Then what are you laughing at?"

  Li Tiezhu pointed to Wu Litao with dark circles under her eyes: "Report, this person is so funny, he is on my point of laughter."

  Wu Litao looked dazed: "Are you still embarrassed to say me?"

  Deputy: "Li Tiezhu! Seriously, you also grow up on others' laughter."

  Li Tiezhu: "Goose, goose, goose..."

  Class deputy: "What are you laughing at?"

  Li Tiezhu: "This bazooka is too light, it always floats, goose goose..."

  He really didn’t know why he laughed, nor was it all because of Wu Litao, but more because of his embarrassment. In short, he couldn’t help it.

  Class deputy: "……"

   Then, Li Tiezhu was fined to squat carrying a bazooka.

  Wu Li Tao was overjoyed and sat down and watched gloatingly. It turned out that I was still very good, at least compared with Li Tiezhu.



   "Did I let you sit down?"


   "Then why are you sitting down?"

   "Huh? Yeah, why did I sit down! Thank you class deputy for reminding me."


   Then, Wu Litao began to do push-ups with his back on his back.

  Looking at Li Tiezhu who was squatting crazily, the class deputy's melancholy face was filled with confusion, that kind of complete undisguised confusion.


  "Stop the program, just laugh!"

   "Happy to death."

   "The deputy is too miserable."

   "The idol is broken!"

   "The expression of the deputy squad leader is really hurt..."

   "I can only say...Li Tiezhu's acting skills are too good."

  "A song will be given to the deputy squad leader when he wakes up from a dream."

   "Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao, two men who are on the point of laughter, even dislike each other?"

   "The king of soldiers has become a rookie."

  After training in the afternoon, we ate dinner, and everyone gathered in an auditorium to do a good job and start the nightlife of the barracks-Lago. He was so happy that he couldn't hear what was singing at all. It was louder than his voice, and the model command of each company commander, just like fighting.

  The atmosphere arrived, Li Tiezhu also booed, and then...

  "Li Tiezhu, come one!"

   "A lot of three, come one!"

  Li Tiezhu went straight on, without any delay, first came a song of Gangqi Lianlian Song:

   "There is a truth, without telling, the soldiers should go to the battlefield..."

  Many soldiers sang along.

  And then another song "Chasing Dreams and Hearts".

  "Where is the world full of flowers? If it really exists then I will definitely go..."

  All the soldiers sang along.

  This song, in this time and space, was specially written for this heroic army. They have always been proud of this song, so they sang it hoarse.

  In the singing, the program aired an interview with Li Tiezhu.

"Ah... I was very touched. During the training of the army, I met some veterans. They all watched "Things about the Rabbit That Year" and some recruits. They told me, Xu Sanduo, we watched "Soldiers". "Assault" came to the soldier. I... I feel like I'm here to pay off the debt... I should practice, so that if someone tells me this way in the future, I will at least not be ashamed."

After walking out of the auditorium, several other artists were very envious of Li Tiezhu.

  Zhang Yifeng was even more upset: "Why? I also played a lot of soldiers, more than you, why they only remember you three more?"

  Li Tiezhu: "Maybe because this character resembles everyone the most."

Guo Xiaoxi nodded: "Yes! Teacher Our roles are mature soldiers, even officers, and ordinary soldiers don't feel anything. Xu Sanduo is different, and his role is growing. "

  Liu Yuan: "Today I really felt that Zhu Ge's popularity in the army is simply... a superstar!"

  Wu Litao: "Aren't you red too? Those female soldiers blush when they see you, why no one likes me? I'm also an idol."

  Li Tiezhu: "An idol who grows up on a laughing point? Puff..."

  Wu Litao: "Where am I funny? I have idol baggage, yo~Skr~"

  Li Tiezhu: "Speak up! The last freestyle guy has been arrested."

  Wu Litao: "What about nunchaku?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

  I have to say that Li Tiezhu is also the first time he feels his popularity. He has always known that he is very popular, but when he came here, he realized that he was already so popular and so popular in the army.

  At the same time as being proud, an unspeakable sense of responsibility also rises.

  (End of this chapter)

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