Earthy Superstar

Chapter 722: : Singles

   Chapter 716

After returning to the dormitory, Li Tiezhu was still in some kind of unknown excitement, which originated from the shock in the depths of his soul. It turned out that being an artist can influence so many young people...their ideals and struggles arise because of me, this This inexplicable sense of pride made Li Tiezhu feel panic.

   Wu Litao also panicked and raised his hand: "Report! Squad leader, can I go shit? It's been all night!"

  The squad leader’s face cramped, and he was so amused by his own livelihood soldiers tonight's Lage: "Go, remember to bring..."

   Wu Litao ran away in a hurry.

  Squad leader: "Remember to bring paper..."

  In the dormitory, the monitor is teaching everyone to organize the housework, and he also asked Li Tiezhu to teach everyone to fold the quilt. I have to say that although Li Tiezhu's other military skills are broken, the level of quilt folding is still very good and belongs to the professional level.

  The sleeping dragon Aoting, who was watching the show as a core member of the American organization, suddenly turned his head and looked at the bedroom next to him. His quilt was rolled up on the bedside like trash.

  At this moment, he realized!

  Starting from this day, Ai Enpela teaches one more rule. All people who join the organization from top to bottom must receive training in folding quilts and tidy up the house, and conduct random checks.

  After a while, the instructor wearing white gloves came to check the housekeeping. Well, I didn’t say anything. Soon there was a squat in the house, and the housekeeping didn’t do a good job of doing push-ups.

  "Li Tiezhu! Brother Zhu——"

  Wulitao’s shout came from outside.

  No one answered.

  The instructor carried his hands on his back: "I just said how to look sparsely. It turns out that there is one missing. What about the others?"

  Squad leader: "Report! Wu Litao went to the toilet."

  The instructor didn’t speak, so I can’t force it back. Maybe it’s not finished.

  "Liu Yuan! Yuan anyone? Squad leader!"

   Still no one answered.

The instructor called the soldiers doing push-ups and said: "I don't check whether your quilts are folded properly, because I know it takes a process, but you can't even wipe the dust off? Is it difficult? "

  Yuan Heng: "Report! You are here before we can wipe it."

  Instructor: "Don't make excuses for me! There is only absolute obedience in the army! When we assembled tonight, I said that I did not say that I should check the internal affairs? Why not do it when I said that?"

  Yuan Heng: "……"

  Squad leader: "Report! It's my problem. I didn't organize everyone to clean up in time."

  Li Tiezhu: "Report! The quilt we learned first..."

  The instructor has to train people, the door opened.

In between, Wu Litao wrapped his jacket around his waist, dangling his crotch and pouting his hips, standing at the door: "I've been calling for a long time, why no one pays any attention to me? I only remembered when I was halfway... Yeah? The instructor also Are you here? Rare tourists, rare tourists..."

  Obviously, these trousers did not dare to lift up, because they did not wipe their buttocks, so the jacket was bare.

  The five artists were all held back, but the monitor did not hold back: "Puff, hahaha..."

  This squad leader is hard to say. When he is severe, he is harsh, but the laugh point is really low, far inferior to the squad leader Jin Wu of the recruit company.

  The instructor looked at Wu Litao and asked the monitor: "What's the situation?"

  Squad leader: "Hehehehe... he didn't bring paper with him in the toilet."

  Wu Litao looked at the crowd, and pointed at the cameraman: "Don’t take it! Take it off if you take it. This passage cannot be broadcast. I have the burden of idols."

  When he was covering his clothes with one hand, the clothes almost fell off, which made him feel agitated, so he hurriedly covered his hands, but...

  The pants fell to the ankle.

  The instructor Ye Nianjun couldn't help but said, "Resolve it."

  The squad leader laughed like a goat: "Ha ha ha... Li Tiezhu, bring him paper, ha ha ha ha..."

  Li Tiezhu was taken aback, is it me for Mao?

The four artists next to    couldn't help laughing anymore.

  Li Tiezhu: "Can I give him the nunchaku to wipe his butt?"

  Squad leader: "Hahahahahahahahaha..."

  The deputy squad leader and the four artists turned to look at the squad leader, right? Is it so funny?

  Wu Litao: "Don’t laugh! Shit is also a very serious matter, I am...this is dealing with internal affairs!"

  Squad leader: "Ohhhhhhhhh..."

  Instructor: "No nonsense!"

  Li Tiezhu pinched his nose and handed Wu Litao a small packet of tissues.

  Wu Litao opened her mouth to bite the tissue, covered her crotch with her clothes, and retired.

  The instructor shook his head, pointed to the direction of Wu Litao’s disappearance, and asked: "Look...what do you think?"

  Li Tiezhu: "Report, we discredited the hero army!"

  Instructor: "Just know! I hope you learn your lesson and don't make the same mistake again..."

  Trained again, and Wu Litao came back.

  The instructor asked: "Wu Litao, how do you feel about what happened just now?"

  Wu Litao stood upright and said loudly: "Report! Shit is cool for a while, there is no paper crematorium!"

  The instructor pointed to the ground: "Ten push-ups."

  Wu Litao: "Oh."


   "I'm a **** good guy! Too great, right?"

   "Wu's hard to say!"

   "This squad leader's laughter is too wise."

   "Shit is also tidying up the house?"

   "This feature can also be broadcast? She died on the spot!"

   "This show... cattle."

  "What's the situation? What kind of soldier should this kind of person be?"

   "Really don't be true, when the recruits are assigned to the company, they are much more exotic."

   "This is very real, there will be many strange things in the life and training of the troops."

   "Xu Sanduo exercises with eggs, haha!"

   "Can't Wu Litao wait for it to dry naturally?"

   "This guy is on fire!"

   sent off the instructor, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and started to clean up the house.


  At the same time, Du Haibo also returned to Shonan Station. He had no new work arrangements, but he still came to Station. In the rest room, while telling his girlfriend how awesome he was in the army, he waited for Teacher He to invite him to dinner after get off work.

   "Really? You ran five kilometers in the middle of the night?"

   "Of course, in fact, it is not far from five kilometers, just ten laps of the playground."

  "Not far yet?"

  "Not far! Although I am fat, I have strength."

   "Then did you shoot?"

   "There are people all around, what kind of guns are you shooting? Besides, don't you come back to find you? Why do you need to shoot?"

   "I said a real gun."

  "Oh! I hit it! I fired five shots and 45 rings with live ammunition. The squad leader only hit forty-nine rings. Yuan Heng, Liu Yuan and the others have more than 30 rings. Tsk..."

   "Then why are you back? Didn't you say you want to lose weight?"

   "I just don't think the troops are interesting. The training intensity is average, so I should come back and practice by myself."

   "In this case, I might be the king of soldiers."

   "Forget it! Do you think you are me?"

After a while, He Ling came out after the meeting: "Haibo is back?"

  Du Haibo: "Thank you, Teacher He, let’s do this, I’m sorry, thanks for your help."

He Ling looked at Du Haibo: "Let me just say it straight. The saving of the "Real Man" contract is not about me helping you, let alone your father's influence. But... Li Tiezhu said he wanted you to leave. "

  Du Haibo died on the spot, and just brag with his girlfriend.

  Her girlfriend lowered her head and did not speak, pretending not to know.

   Du Haibo embarrassed: "Why... why?"

He Ling: "Two things, the two things you have done, I already know. Therefore, he said that no one has any reason to object to letting you go, and you should know that it is not easy to get him on this show. I won’t offend him for you. things more than you think."

   After finishing talking, He Ling turned and left. He was very angry. After stepping on the hat for the first time, he apologized to Li Tiezhu and said a lot of good things. But who knows, this guy hid Li Tiezhu's shoes the next day, and the camera captured them all!


  Perhaps because of the love of sending papers with shit, Wu Litao got closer and closer to Li Tiezhu. After finishing his housework, he entangled Li Tiezhu to talk. It's too early to turn off the lights, and it's time for rest now.

  Wu Litao: "On the training ground during the day, what you said about this unit is true? Is it really that awkward?"

  Li Tiezhu: "Of course it is true! They have been to Seoul more than sixty years before you. Why? Not convinced? You can look for some books or documentaries."

  Wu Li Tao So troublesome! It's too difficult for a silly **** like, let me tell you something, it looks like you are very researching. "

  Li Tiezhu: "I'm a fool too."

   Wu Litao: "Impossible, you look so smart and wise..."

  Li Tiezhu: "Then you are really a fool."

   "The song you sang when you played nunchaku in the morning..."

"You do not deserve."


   "I said you don't deserve that song, I won't give it to you, I will sing it myself."

   "Goodbye! No loyalty."

  "Who knows you so? Tell you about loyalty?"

   "Squad leader, Li Tiezhu used swear words and punished him to do push-ups."


  This Wu Litao is really a bitch! I won't send him paper next time.

  After ten push-ups.

  Li Tiezhu looked helplessly at Wu Litao who came up again: "What are you doing?"

   Wu Litao: "I want to challenge you!"

  Li Tiezhu: "I don't accept the challenge."

  Others watch the excitement.

  The squad leader is also a good person, with a rude face: "Wu Litao, what do you want to challenge Li Tiezhu?"

  Wu Litao flicked her long hair: "Fight!"

  Squad leader: "……"

  Li Tiezhu: "……"

  Others immediately booed and applauded, and Wu Litao is not afraid of death, of course they are not afraid.

  Wu Litao smiled and said, "Are you scared? I practiced martial arts since I was a child, and I practiced much earlier than you, you are half-hearted!"

  Li Tiezhu: "Really?"

Wu Litao: "To tell you the truth, I almost joined the national team when I practiced martial arts when I was young. Later, when your master Cheng Dalong invited me to shoot "Railway Flying Tigers", many of my actions were done in one go. , More beautiful than the action director, Jackie Chan is full of praise. Have you seen that movie?"

  Li Tiezhu shook his head: "I don't watch bad movies."

  Wu Litao: "Ah..."

  The squad leader smiled and slapped his thighs: "Hahahahahaha..."

  A few others are watching the monitor As for? As for? It's funny, but you're too exaggerated, right?

  Liu Yuan said: “However, Li Tiezhu’s kung fu is not a fist, he KOs a WWE professional player.”

  Yuan Heng: "Yes! Handsome!"

  Wu Litao: "So, don’t hit your knees and elbows, etc., this is a wounding action..."

  Li Tiezhu: "Challenge is okay, what to bet on?"

  Wu Litao's eyes rolled: "Let's go head-to-head, we will bet on your "Nunchakus"! I won, sell this song to me, if I lose, let you sing it."

  What a **** shame! Let me sing for you? ? ?

   Li Tiezhu is not fooled: "If you lose, shave the shortest inch of your head, and then call me Master for the rest of your life."

  Wu Litao was lost in thought. Of course he didn’t want to face him, and morality was also something that didn’t exist. The question was what benefit could be gained by being shameless.

  (End of this chapter)

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