Earthy Superstar

Chapter 727: : The Demon of the Mushroom House

  Chapter 721 Mushroom House Big Demon

  Soaking the feet is a habit developed in the army, because after a day of training, you can’t stand it if you don’t soak your feet. Just like gas bombs, it has a variety of flavors.

  The monitor ordered everyone to soak their feet for 20 minutes every night, otherwise they were not allowed to go to bed. Among them, Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao were the most stinky, and they were taken care of. They also added vinegar to soak their feet.

  As for the foot odor, Li Tiezhu insisted that it was not his own pot. He felt that it was infected by others. Wu Litao refused to accept it. He firmly denied that he had infected Master.

  The problem is that Li Tiezhu didn't expect him to come up on his head at all. He always felt that no one was infected when he was in the East China Sea.

  "Master, I want to eat the rice you cook. Yi Xing said that your cooking is better than Huang Sanshi."

  Wu Litao, who was lying on the bed looking in the mirror, suddenly sighed.

  The guest house is a two-person room, so Wu Litao naturally lives with Master.

  After more than ten days of military training, the inch-head Wu Litao has also been tanned, but it is still as stinky as ever.

  Li Tiezhu was packing his luggage: "Are you going to "Mushroom House" with me?"

   Wu Litao shook his head: "No, I have been sleeping here these three days."

  Li Tiezhu: "Are you afraid that you are not here to scold netizens? It hurts to be idle."

   "I don't scold them, I really sleep, I spent money to ask a lot of navy soldiers to help me scold me, the firepower is fierce!"

   "It's good to have money."

   "That is! Others mix in the entertainment industry to make money and be famous. I am different. I am here to help the poor!"

   "I will introduce Li Zhixuan to you in the future, you two should be able to talk."

   "Your roommate who plays Wu Zhe? I don't like it, it's too much."

   "He said the same to you!"

   "Then his eyes are not good. Me! A real man in the entertainment industry! No one is like me! Including you, Master."

   "That's true, your dog says it is like a hapi, it's so reckless."

  Wu Litao was praised by the master, so he couldn't do it.

  Nobody cares about the goods, the brokerage company is owned by my own house, I am the boss, and I can do whatever I want.

  He is very popular in the circle, and the fan group is also raised by his own money, otherwise he will run away early. The resources are even more dependent on money, but he is not the super rich second-generation Wang Dashao, and his ability to pay money is limited. On this show, he went to Xiangnan TV to smash it. He never smashed it, but fortunately someone quit.

   After the commander of curse was on the hot search, he was backed by Master again, dominating the headlines for a week in a row, making Wu Litao happy to fly.

  It is said that the reporters and paparazzi are trying their best to interview Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao, but they can’t find them in person and are so anxious.

  Where can Dock Litao be idle?

   After making such a big move, he wanted to be more of a show, so he played live Douyin.

"I scolded Trump. I'm right. The Chinese will scold him! What's wrong with the swearing? Do you think the U.S. people are very civilized? They are all bandits. If he is in front of me, I will use double interception. Hit him! Hit him to whiten his eyes..."

   "I am handsome with a small head, right? I lost a bet and shaved! The eye circles are not dark anymore, of course it is because the face is tanned, are you stupid?"

  "I was recording a military program recently. I trained in the army for half a month. I took my stupid master with me. I performed the best, and the company commander praised me."

  "Does the anti-tank infantry know? I am, specializing in tanks!"

  "I killed two tanks by myself in the military exercise. It's amazing, right? My master can't do it. He has a problem with his IQ. Haha, he got lost as soon as he got on the battlefield..."

   "Why call him Master? Because... he is handsome."

  "Am I blind? I think Li Tiezhu is so handsome and handsome, can I not be blind? Hehehe...he went to take a bath, we whispered him, he couldn't hear him."

  "Your master is behind you? Huh? Cough cough...Master is early in the evening, don’t you have a rest? Supper? I’ll give you some takeaway..."

  Having a humble horse, the fans in the live broadcast room laughed and **** instantly.

  Wu Litao, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, is still very convinced of Li Tiezhu, because...

  Can't beat it.

  There is a reason why Li Tiezhu is respected wherever he goes.

  No, the "companion" who is going to the mushroom house tomorrow will call: "Hello? Tie Zhu, I'm Yue Yupeng."

   "Brother Yue, what's wrong?"

  "Aren’t you calling to order food? Ask for your opinion."

  "Go to death! Don't you understand?"

   "Don't you?"

   "Brother Yue, why do you still love them?"

   "Brother, I feel sorry for you, I guess, you will cook again when you get there."

   "Uh... Oh, how come I forgot this..."

  So, after a discussion, the two of them each called to order.

  Ring Ling Ling...

  Yue Yupeng called first, Zhang Zifeng and Peng Yuchang answered.



  "Hello, hello, this is the mushroom house. What do you want to order?"

   "How do you know I want to order?"

   "Because all the people who call are ordering food."

   "Uh... I want to eat... I was a little nervous the first time I came to this show, can I say who I am? Or just leave a suspense? Surprise you?"

  "Leave a suspense, Brother Yue, we didn't even hear that you would say cross talk."


   "Also, this is not the first time you have come. You were lazy last time you threshed."

   "I, I... I have amnesia, okay?"

  Peng Yuchang has gone bad, Zhang Zifeng snickered aside.

  Yue Yupeng was so embarrassed that he talked a lot. After chatting for a long time, he forgot to order.

  Peng Yuchang: "Brother Yue, hurry up and order, the phone bill is quite expensive."

  Yue Yupeng: "Ah, right? That's fine, let's eat dumplings tomorrow."

  The order was successful.

  The two brothers and sisters just came out to report, and the phone rang again.

  He Ling smiled and said, "This phone is frequent enough. There won't be a lot of people coming tomorrow, right? I'll pick it up."

  "Hello? This is the mushroom house."

  "Whatever your house, I want to order!"

   "Why are you so aggressive? Ordering a dish is like ordering a firecracker."

   "What is your service attitude?"

   "Do you love coming or not."


   "If there is nothing else, I will hang up."

  He Ling said with a smile.

   "Don't! Wait, I ask, no, I think about it."

  On the other end of the phone, the voice is a bit faint.

  He Ling: "Go ahead if you ask."

  Peng Yuchang: "Who is it?"

  He Ling: "Wuli Taotao, but he shouldn't order food, as if he was forced to make a phone call. Isn't this just asking for instructions?"

  Zhang Zifeng: "He who is so sturdy, will he be afraid?"

  He Ling: "If you want tofu in brine, one thing will drop one thing."

   Soon, Wu Litao spoke again: "Ah, I want to eat that chicken stewed mushrooms, I want wild mushrooms in southern Yunnan."

  He Ling: "Good! Taotao, please tell him, come early, there is a lot of work in the field, besides... we are waiting for him to cook, and other guests have ordered a lot of dishes."

  Wu Litao: "I am not Li Tiezhu."

  The first few people on the phone laughed crazy, and these two fools immediately broke the conversation.

   Over there, Wu Litao said: "Master, I have tried my best. The enemy is too cunning to deceive!"

  Li Tiezhu said: “Don’t blame you, we have spies by our side, and the entire program group is theirs.”

  The end of the phone smiled even more, especially Peng Yuchang, who smiled extraordinarily arrogantly.

   hung up the phone, Wu Litao said: "Peng Yuchang laughed so mockingly!"

  Li Tiezhu calmly said: "That's because I was not there."

The   program team took this scene and placed it in the feature film. At the same time, a screenshot of Peng Yuchang’s arrogant smile was accompanied by an exclamation mark—the big monster is here!

  It's too simple. The "Real Men" program group shoots and edits directly, and then sends it back to the station. Anyway, it's from a TV station.


   "Finally waiting for you! Serious brother!"

   "The mushroom house looks better again."

  "Welcome Tie Zhu back to the mushroom house."

   "It's with Yue Yupeng again, they have a very strong relationship."

   "Peng Yuchang was terrified, right? Haha..."

   "These two are coming to the mushroom house to talk about cross talk."

   "Why is Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao together?"

   "It's another one who doesn't have internet access at home."

  "Look at the Millennium Kill."

   "Taotao, is this feeling out of love?"

   "Chased from "The Real Man"."

   "Will Songzhuer come?"

   "Three and a half years ago, during this show, Li Tiezhu met the girl who caught the frog."

   "Time flies so fast, Li Tiezhu and Song Zhu'er both have children."

   "From 2025, this year Li Tiezhu took his son to participate in "Where Is Dad?", dog head."

   "Have you crossed? It's 19 years now!"

  By the time this issue of "Mushroom House" was broadcast, "The Real Man" had already been aired for two episodes. Du Haibo withdrew, and Wu Litao had been apprentice to Li Tiezhu. Of course, the most classic Millennial Kill was definitely the most memorable for the audience.

  The next day, ten o'clock.

  The sun in southern Yunnan is already very hot. This is completely different from the northwest. You have to wear a sweater at night.

  Li Tiezhu and Yue Yupeng were pushing boxes and walking lazily on the country road.

  Yue Yupeng: "Huge sleepy! Can I just go to sleep when I get there?"

  Li Tiezhu: "You can lie down on the roadside and sleep, and you can get some oil."

  "Aren't you sleepy? How early did you come here?"

  "We departed at five o'clock in the morning, the plane was at 6:20, and we arrived in Kunyang at 8:30 and went to the seafood market. Didn't you let me come early and come with you? Otherwise, I will definitely come here with a meal."

   "What's delicious to buy?"

   "The Eighth One."

  "Do you want to drink the stew? Get some mung beans together to clear away the heat and relieve the heat."

  "Chen Chichi may disagree."

  "What does it have to do with him? Is this... his relative?"

  Yue Yupeng looked innocent.

  Li Tiezhu thought for a while, then thought about it again: "Almost it is."

  Yue Yupeng punched Li Tiezhu and gave him the box: "Help me carry it. This road is bumpy. I bought the box newly."

  Li Tiezhu carried two boxes in one hand and Wang Ba in the other, and headed towards the mushroom house.

  Soon the two of them entered the small courtyard of the mushroom house.

  Little H and Little O ran over.

  Li Tiezhu: "Go away and sit down."

  The two dogs leaned aside and sat down obediently, not daring to move. The big monster of the mushroom house is here, and they are at risk of incarnation of food.

  Li Tiezhu glanced at the two dogs: "It's getting fatter and fatter."

  The eyes of the two dogs turned around, and the faces of the dogs trembled with fear.

  Huang Sanshi and Zhang Zifeng came out to greet them.

  Huang Sanshi: "Yue Yue, how did you come in the morning?"

  Yue Yupeng: "I was afraid that it was too hot at noon, so I didn't sleep all night."

  Huang Sanshi: "Quickly, go into the house and sleep."

  Li Tiezhu: "I didn't sleep long last night."

  Huang Sanshi: "Hurry up, put things down, and go to the kitchen to chop chicken."

  Li Tiezhu: "……"

  (End of this chapter)

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