Earthy Superstar

Chapter 728: : Aura

   Chapter 722 Aura

  Yue Yupeng looked at Li Tiezhu with a smile on his face: "Zizi, I don’t have any chicken, hehehe..."

  Li Tiezhu weakly said, "I ordered it."

  Yue Yupeng: "Hahaha! Hum...happy."

  Huang Sanshi patted Yue Yupeng’s fat Yuan on the back: “Don’t disturb Tie Zhu’s work, go up quickly. It just happens that they haven’t gotten up yet, so you go to sleep with them.”

   is talking about He Ling, Peng Yuchang and Hu Xu who are still asleep.

  Li Tiezhu: "Doesn't it need to be so early for stewing chicken?"

Huang Sanshi said: "What do you want? Didn't you see that we were all hungry? I just finished five kilometers and didn't eat breakfast, and my sister Zhang Zifeng. When I was growing up, you can't get some chicken noodle soup or something? "

  Li Tiezhu: "It's also roar~"

  Zhang Zifeng suddenly felt sorry for Li Tiezhu, but she didn't stop it, because Tie Zhu was really delicious underneath, and she drooled thinking about it.

  Yue Yupeng came to the bedroom upstairs and greeted Mr. He and others who had just woke up.

   Teacher He: "Are you alone?"

  Yue Yupeng winked his eyebrows: "There is another one. I will cook noodles in chicken broth downstairs, hahahaha..."

  He Ling: "Hahaha..."

  Peng Yuchang: "Hahaha..."

  Hu Xu: "Who?"

  Huang Sanshi: "Hahaha..."

  Hu Xu was the same year as Zhang Zifeng. He is 18 years old this year. He is a young actor and has little experience in the entertainment industry.

  After a while, Huang Sanshi came down from the upper floor, and heard Zhang Zifeng in the kitchen grinning.

Huang Sanshi said to the camera: "I'm telling you that this Li Tiezhu looks honest and is actually honest, but it happens that there is a relationship with women. Girls are very happy to be with him. It doesn't make sense. You Look at Song Zhu'er and Yang Feiyue. They have no resistance at all. Zifeng is young and has no resistance. I have to beat the mandarin ducks, no, watch rationally."

  After speaking, Huang Sanshi walked into the kitchen.

Li Tiezhu just blanched the old black-bone chicken and stewed it in a casserole. Mushroom bought two chickens, an old black-bone chicken, and a four-month-old three-yellow chicken. Of course, the old chickens can be distinguished by the level of Li Tiezhu. It is really impossible to look at the color. .

  Not far away, Zhang Zifeng smiled happily on the table.

  Li Tiezhu: "Mr. Huang, how many people eat noodles?"

   Huang Sanshi ignored him and walked to Zhang Zifeng with the kind smile of his old father: "Sister, why are you laughing so happy? Bastard! Where is the bastard?"

  Zhang Zifeng: "Brother Tie Zhu brought it."

  Huang Sanshi smiled: "Tie Zhu, you have grown up! If you are polite, you know that you bring your own ingredients. The soup at night is gone, Laogui soup!"

  Li Tiezhu was at a loss: "The tortoise is not an ingredient, it was Chen Chichi who asked me to send it."

  Huang Sanshi: "What does it have to do with him?"

   "He said that Tianba was dead. It's a pity... I also regret that I didn't eat any meat."

   "Shut up and continue."

   "Should I shut up, or should I continue?"

  Li Tiezhu looked innocent.

  Huang Sanshi: "Go on."

Li Tiezhu said, "Last night, Brother Chi Chi heard that I was coming to the Mushroom House, so he called me and said no matter what, let me bring you a bastard. Tianba died young, he was in distress, and he felt very painful. It was uncomfortable. He also said that life is a very miraculous thing... Well, he wants to say something with depth anyway, but his brain capacity is limited, so he is blinded when he talks. In short, he decided to send another move to the mushroom house. Ba! Ang, that's the bastard."

  The relationship between Li Tiezhu and Chen Chichi, Deng Chao and Luhani is still very good. It is normal for him to be the client.

  Everyone understands, Tianba is dead and there is another move.

  Huang Sanshi glanced at the tortoise: "Huh? Dongba or Wangba?"

  Li Tiezhu: "It's Dongba!"

  "When will he get another TUA? At that time, the Tianba Doba TUAs will be gathered!"

   "I don't think it will be needed in the short term."


   "Teacher Huang, to be honest, if you are well raised, Dongba can send you away."

   "What the hell? Hahaha..."

   "I'm really well raised, Dongba can send us all away."

  Li Tiezhu looked serious.

  Zhang Zifeng on the side has already beaten the table with a smile, tears rushing, is it okay to send it away?

   Huang Sanshi stroked his chin: "Where did you buy it? Pet shop?"

  Li Tiezhu: "I bought it at the seafood market. The boss said this tortoise stew soup is the most nutritious and the meat is also tender."

  Huang Sanshi: "It can be seen! It is indeed a talent. Why not?"

  Said this, Huang Sanshi smiled strangely and looked at Li Tiezhu.

  Li Tiezhu also smiled: "Wrap it on me! The program group deleted the paragraph just now, just as Dongba never came!"

  Zhang Zifeng smiled and rushed to the glass tank containing the tortoise: "No! You are too much."

  Huang Sanshi: "Sister, why are you anxious? They all say that the tortoise can live for 10,000 years, I don't believe it."

  Li Tiezhu: "If it doesn't die, there will be no TUA."

  Zhang Zifeng: "You are too cruel! I will protect Dongba!"

  Li Tiezhu: “Actually, I have stewed it to eat, and then put the tortoise shell in the tank, and the audience will not be able to see it without taking a close shot.”

  Huang Sanshi gave a thumbs up: "Yes, yes, yes! Tie Zhu, you deserve to be challenged infinitely!"

  Zhang Zifeng hugged the tank and ran away.

  Li Tiezhu made a hand rolling on the chopping board and asked Huang Sanshi: “Why are you calling me to the Mushroom House again? I’m currently recording "The Real Man". Time is tight."

  Huang Sanshi said: "I know. It's mainly my sister who took the Nortel exam this summer. I passed the art exam. I don't know if I'm sure of the culture class, so I will draw you to be a role model for her."

  Li Tiezhu: "Indeed, I still have a say in diligence."

  Huang Sanshi took a sip of chicken soup: "You think too much, just let her see that a fool like you can be admitted to Nortel, she doesn't need to be nervous at all?"

  Li Tiezhu: "The chicken is not cooked yet, don't drink soup, beware of diarrhea."

  Huang Sanshi smiled: "I am an iron stomach!"

  Li Tiezhu shrugged and found that the "Mind Damage Skill" in the system had turned orange, which was the second highest activation level.


   "This mover looks alive!"

   "I can take you away if you are raised, ha!"

   "Is TUA OK?"

   "It really is Chen Chichi's style."

  "TIANBA Doba TUA!"

   "Send this family away, it's too much..."

   "Li Tiezhu is also a showman."

  "Is it a sea turtle bought at the seafood market? It doesn’t look like it!"

   "These two men scared their sister."

   "Siha and the four brothers, Deng Chao has never been to the Mushroom House."

At ten thirty, Li Tiezhu ordered five bowls of noodles. Huang Sanshi, He Ling, Peng Yuchang, Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xu each had one bowl, and Yue Yupeng didn't care about him when he slept.

  Hu Xu is very polite: "Thank you Tie Zhu, don't you eat a bowl?"

  Zhang Zifeng: "Leave him alone, he uses a basin for noodles."

  Hu Xu: "Huh?"

The    basin is exaggerated, but the basin Li Tiezhu took out is not much smaller than the basin. It can hold a whole pound of noodles, and it will be cooked quickly, plus the fried chicken and bean sprouts.

  Li Tiezhu chuckled and started eating, and Hu Xu, who was watching the small bowl of noodles, almost fell out of her eyes.

   can be called, the storm is inhaled!

  Peng Yuchang said: "Brother, are you afraid? The first person in the entertainment industry! His apprentice Yang Feiyue is the second person in the entertainment industry!"

  Huang Sanshi: "That's why we like Tie Zhu. You can eat one more bowl when you eat with him."

  Hu Xu: "No... I have a stomachache."

  Li Tiezhu ignored anyone, holding a large pot of wind and wind, finished eating noodles in three minutes, then raised the pot to dry the soup, wiped his mouth, and said, "Who is that, wash the dishes."

  Peng Yuchang, who was eating noodles, immediately stood up: "Okay! Zhu Brother, go take a rest."

  Li Tiezhu: "Who else..."

  Zhang Zifeng raised his hand: "I looked at the soup in the pot! Don't worry, brother."

  Li Tiezhu nodded, and walked to the door with toothpicks in his mouth. Two dogs squatted outside waiting to eat.

  Li Tiezhu: "Get out!"

  Little H and Little O twisted their butts and ran, and ran out of the courtyard in the blink of an eye.

  When passing the lantern, Li Tiezhu said: "Don't **** you everywhere!"


  The colorful lights flapped their wings and flew to the courtyard wall, their buttocks facing outside.

  This is the aura of the demon!

  Hu Xu with noodles in his mouth, everyone was stupid: "Wow! This is too cool!"

  He was outstanding in Huang Sanshi's new TV series "Little Parting" last year, and he became the object of Huang Sanshi's care. He was similar to the previous Zhang Zifeng. It is true that the young man has spirituality, but... I have never seen a world as big as Li Tiezhu.

  Huang Sanshi smiled and said: "What's this! The mushroom house, Li Tiezhu castrated pigs on the spot the year before, and they gave us a roast suckling pig."

  Hu Xu was young a few years ago, and filmed all the year round. He didn't watch any variety shows, so he was stunned.

  Zhang Zifeng said: "Fortunately, I will not be there that season, otherwise I will be scared to death."

  Peng Yuchang: "You don’t know, many pictures were cut off by the show crew. I was beside me, and Tie Zhu’s methods of castration of pigs were superb, and even the methods of castration of boars and sows were not the same..."

He Ling said: "Isn't this normal? Tie Zhu is a bitter child. However, he hasn't been a resident guest for two seasons. Why are the animals in the family so afraid of him? It makes sense that two dogs recognize people. What's the matter with the colored lights?"

  Huang Sanshi smiled deeply: "This is the breath of a cook! It is the most terrifying existence in the animal kingdom, UU reading haha! Do you see any animal who is not afraid of me?"

  He Ling: "It makes sense!"

  After eating, He Ling took three young people to the pond to pick water chestnuts, Huang Sanshi stayed in the kitchen to cook soup, and prepared the ingredients for the chicken stew and mushrooms by the way.

  Li Tiezhu went to sleep upstairs. Although the mushroom house is brand new, he is not unfamiliar at all.

  In fact, Li Tiezhu is always familiar with him everywhere.

At twelve o'clock, Yue Yupeng stretched his waist and woke up. He saw Li Tiezhu who was sleeping next to him, and said in a daze, "It's almost four years, so fast! I brought the eliminated Li Tiezhu to the mushroom house more than three years ago. At that time, it was the same as yesterday. I still fished in the river with him..."

  Tipple walked out of the room, Yue Yupeng yawned and went downstairs, and said to Huang Sanshi who was facing each other:

"Mr. Huang, Tie Zhu is really not easy. He was recently recording "Real Men" on Xiangnan TV. He was beaten in the army for half a month, and the people were all black. The first time I saw him sleep in the daytime, it’s true. Yes, he was always full of energy before, and he should be really exhausted."

  Huang Sanshi: "It's also the first time I saw him take a nap during the day. Will you make dumplings?"

  (End of this chapter)

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