Earthy Superstar

Chapter 733: :show

Li Tiezhu just dared to say, and he was not afraid of Huang Sanshi being angry. After so many years, Huang Sanshi knew that Li Tiezhu could not speak. He is really angry, but it's useless to be angry. Li Tiezhu is never afraid, so he always does it.

Huang Sanshi looked around at the laughed person, and laughed himself: "There is no moon outside now. Guess if it was eaten by me?"

Peng Peng lifted his head from Huang Sanshi's shoulder, his face was sullenly smiled, and he suffocated a sentence: "Tengu eats the moon! Pouch goose, goose, goose..."

Huang Sanshi's backhand was a slap, followed by an old punch.

"Let your tengu eat the moon, tengu! Tengu! I will kill you tengu..."

"Ohhhhhh! Master, forgive me...ahhhh..."

Everyone was almost laughing at first, but Peng Peng was beaten to death again. This guy is really a little expert! Seeing that Li Tiezhu saved his dog's life, he played "suicide" again.

Li Tiezhu was speechless. Fortunately, it was not my apprentice, all of my apprentices were smart.

Zhang Zifeng smiled and raised his head, his head hitting red on the edge of the table, he held Li Tiezhu's shoulder next to him, and said, "Brother Zhu, Goose Goose, how did you hold back your smile? Hahaha..."

Li Tiezhu proudly said, "Look, I've pinched my thigh. People who tell jokes can't laugh."

After beating Peng Yuchang for a while, Huang Sanshi finally relieved his breath, with a radiant face, greeted everyone to play the game together.

Huang Sanshi: "What are you playing? Xiao Yueyue."

He Ling and Shao Gang also looked at Yue Yupeng.

Li Tiezhu was surprised. Wasn't Teacher He leading the show before? He knows the most, what will Yue Yupeng do?

Yue Yupeng smiled: "So, can I perform a magic trick for everyone? I hide in the next room, and you just point to a bottle of three bottles of milk..."

The magic show began. No matter which bottle everyone pointed, Yue Yupeng could guess it, or guess it without pointing it.

A few young people were scared, especially the younger sister and Zhou Qian, who were a little skeptical of life.

After that, everyone felt that there was an undercover reminder, and each round had one person leave. After a few rounds, Yue Yupeng was still able to guess right, proving that there was no undercover, and the atmosphere was a bit strange for a while.

Zhou Qian leaned close to Yi Xiaomao, and his expression became weird: "It's scary!"

Yi Xiaomao nodded.

Peng Peng looked at Zhang Zifeng: "I have goose bumps."

Zhang Zifeng grabbed Li Tiezhu's sleeve: "Brother, I'm afraid."

Li Tiezhu: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of milk?"

Zhang Zifeng: "...When you say this, I am really not afraid. You are the atmosphere terminator!"

Over there, Peng Yuchang quietly used the microphone to ask the program crew who is an undercover agent. Obviously, the program crew did not give him an answer, and said that he was an undercover agent, which caused his mentality to burst.

Yue Yupeng leaned his hips, admiring the shocked expressions of the audience, took a sip of wine, and smiled even more proudly: "Hahaha...Is it irritating? The magic show I specially prepared for this show, great, isn't it? I prepared the whole thing. Three years! Huh! Playing games in the mushroom house back then, I became the stupidest one. This year I made a comeback and counterattacked!"

Huang Sanshi said, "Are you still playing? If I were you, I wouldn't play anymore. I would like to change to a different one, and don't look at his trouble here."

He Ling: "If you don't play, don't play anymore!"

Yue Yupeng's expression changed: "You can't afford to lose. Tie Zhu, are you curious? How did I do it! Isn't it amazing?"

Li Tiezhu: "Not curious."

Zhang Zifeng: "Puff~"

Yue Yupeng: "No, how can you not be curious? Every time I can point it right, isn't it magical?"

Li Tiezhu: "Not magical."

Yue Yupeng: "..."

Huang Sanshi smiled happily: "Hahaha! Tie Zhu is still reliable, that's it, it will kill him."

Zhang Zifeng said to Peng Yuchang: "Brother Zhu is really not curious!"

Peng Peng: "I don't believe it, he pretended it. Ah! I see! Li Tiezhu is an undercover agent! So he is not curious."

Li Tiezhu: "You have a pit in your head, right?"

Peng Peng: "He is in a hurry, he is in a hurry! Hahaha, that's him."

Li Tiezhu immediately pointed at him, and everyone said he had a problem.

In voting, everyone except Zhang Zifeng voted for Li Tiezhu.

He Ling asked: "Sister, why don't you vote for Li Tiezhu?"

Zhang Zifeng said, "Brother Zhu never lied. He said that he was not an undercover agent. That is certainly not the case, and Teacher Yue can still guess it when he is away. On the contrary, you all laughed treacherously."


Li Tiezhu was suddenly awakened.

Huang Sanshi: "Tie Zhu, you said you are not an undercover agent, then why don't you wonder why Yue Yue can point it right?"

Li Tiezhu: "You are not curious, such an exciting game, you actually go to bath? With teacher Huang's aggressiveness in the extreme challenge, it is absolutely impossible to bow your head in the IQ, will not go to the bath, and will not ask not to play This game is over, you are the one who knows the bottom line."

Huang Sanshi smiled and said, "So, have you started biting me?"

He Ling: "Eh~ I think Tie Zhu is right."

Shao Gang: "I think Teacher Huang is okay, and Li Tiezhu is also very suspicious."

Huang Sanshi clinked glasses with Shao Gang: "Drink one, we are a hundred years old together."

He Ling also joined: "Let's join me too, add me to one hundred and five!"

Watching them finish drinking in silence, Li Tiezhu said, "Shall we young people have a drink, too?"

Peng Yuchang, Zhang Zifeng, Zhou Qian, Yi Xiaomao and Li Tiezhu, five people toasted, Zhou Qian and Zhang Zifeng drank drinks, and the other three were all Erguotou liquor.

Yue Yupeng also took the cup to join in the fun, but was pushed away by Li Tiezhu.

Yue Yupeng was wronged: "What are you doing?"

Peng Peng: "Brother, you are too old, we are young people."

Li Tiezhu: "It has nothing to do with age, it has to do with position, so Brother Yue, do I have to make it clearer? I am not curious about the magic that refers to things, because I know it and I can do it."

Yue Yupeng looked at He Ling, Huang Sanshi and Shao Gang who were also excluded from the circle of young people, and suddenly became flustered with unnatural expressions.

Huang Sanshi smiled: "Haha! He really knows."

The four young men looked at Li Tiezhu curiously, looking forward to his answer.

He Ling: "But, I don't believe Tie Zhu can point to things."

Yue Yupeng straightened her back again: "Yes! Would you like to try one?"

Li Tiezhu took a sip of wine, got up and went to the next room.

This time, Yue Yupeng personally fingered the bottle of milk in the middle, and solemnly asked everyone not to talk later.

"Li Tiezhu, come out and point it out, if you can point it right..."

"The middle bottle."

As soon as Li Tiezhu walked into the room, he blurted out, never thinking about suspense.

Yue Yupeng: "Huh??"

This time, it was Huang Sanshi, He Ling and Shao Gang's turn to be shocked, especially Huang Sanshi, holding a few pieces of paper and preparing to go to the toilet.

The three of them are Yue Yupeng's undercover agents.

Just now, when Li Tiezhu summoned the young people to drink, he gave a hint, except for Yue Yupeng himself, the other three were undercover. They used "you, me, him" when they spoke to remind Yue Yupeng from left to right.

When the show was broadcast here, there was a retrospective, and Yue Yupeng invited three people to do undercover scenes.

And the four young men were also surprised, how could Li Tiezhu too?

Peng Yuchang said: "I see, there is no undercover in this game. What other skills are there."

Others are at a loss.

Huang Sanshi's eagerness to win again, said: "No, there must be something tricky, do it again, this time I'll point it out."

Li Tiezhu went to the next room again, and said when he came out, "You didn't mean anything."

Huang Sanshi: "Huh? No, I'll stroke..."

Li Tiezhu spread his hands: "Look, this is what Teacher Huang's aggressiveness is. He doesn't even use the toilet, so he has to tell me clearly."

Everyone laughed.

Huang Sanshi: "Do it again, I will be able to guess it again."

It came again, and Li Tiezhu guessed it again.

Huang Sanshi began to doubt life: "No, no..."

Li Tiezhu: "Brother Yue's technique is too low-level, I am only called high-level."

Yue Yupeng was not convinced: "Why are you inferior?"

Peng Peng: "There are so many people in total, you get three undercover agents to give you tips, isn't it low-level?"

Yue Yupeng: "How did you know?"

Zhang Zifeng's eyes widened: "Three undercover agents? No wonder!"

Zhou Qian: "Yi Xiaomao, Teacher Shao Gang, and Peng Peng."

Peng Yuchang: "It's not me."

Li Tiezhu said: "It's not him, it's the three elderly people who have just clinked glasses. So, the upper level is all undercover, and no matter how hard the lower level works, it's no use."

It suddenly dawned on everyone that it was no wonder how to get people out of Yue Yupeng could guess right.

Huang Sanshi was anxious: "No! You do it again, I guess the young people here are your undercover agents, I want to see how you respond to the secret codes."

Li Tiezhu said: "You take away all of, take away everyone. If you point out, I can still guess it."

Therefore, only Huang Sanshi was left in the room and pointed to the milk on the right. Li Tiezhu walked in and said:

"The bottle on the right!"

When everyone returned to the room, they saw Huang Sanshi sitting on the pony tuck and scratching his head, with a look of dissatisfaction.

Yue Yupeng: "Brother Zhu, how did you do it?"

Li Tiezhu: "Advanced magic! I won't tell you old people, I will tell my sister quietly later."

Zhang Zifeng nodded excitedly: "I must be tight-lipped."

Li Tiezhu: "So... let's go to the next one? Art performance!"

Yue Yupeng: "Don't! It's necessary to reveal the answer!"

Shao Gang: "That's right, otherwise I can't sleep at night."

Li Tiezhu: "I won't tell you. You can wait to watch the show, then you will know."

As a result, Li Tiezhu did not reveal the secret, and forcibly switched to the preparations for the art performance.

Zhang Zifeng couldn't wait to pull Li Tiezhu to the door: "Brother! Tell me."

Li Tiezhu whispered: "I told the camera in the next room that the director team would knock their heads off without telling me the answer."

Zhang Zifeng covered his mouth and laughed wildly: "Hahahaha..."

Li Tiezhu: "Which side they are pointing, the camera will lean to which side. If they are not pointing, the camera will face the ceiling."

Zhang Zifeng bounced back: "Report! I will too, I want to try."

So, Mr. Huang, who had just walked to the door of the bathroom, once again pinched the tissue and walked back. I didn't believe it, so he pointed to the middle.

Ten seconds later, Zhang Zifeng came back and smiled brilliantly: "The middle!"

Huang Sanshi: "..."

The mentality is exploded!

He Ling, Shao Gang, and Yue Yupeng also collapsed, but Li Tiezhu showed up instead.

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