Earthy Superstar

Chapter 734: : Your cross talk is not advanced

Others tried it twice, but they were all guessed by their sister, and they couldn't help but wonder about life together. Why? She and Li Tiezhu really didn't care, how did they guess it?

There must be something wrong.

Huang Sanshi went to the toilet, and the moment he sat on the toilet, he suddenly realized that Li Tiezhu could cure diarrhea!

If it weren't for him, Huang Sanshi couldn't hold back for half an hour. Sure enough, human potential is endless.

The living room was ready, and when Huang Sanshi came out, Peng Peng gave a very broken warm-up performance, the singing was very magical.

In fact, it was mainly for the purpose of implanting a blunt advertisement for the rice fan. Peng Yuchang sang the song of a half-thousand teacher and also used the fan to blow his head. His already worrying hairline floated.

Yue Yupeng saw... his expression was even more constipated than Huang Sanshi: "What's this?"

Huang Sanshi: "This ad placement is really hard! Haha..."

Li Tiezhu said, "The electric fan looks good, but it's a bit bothersome."

Peng Yuchang, who stepped off the stage with a fan, suddenly smiled: "Yes! My neck is about to break. No wonder Teacher Banqian sings and sweats everywhere."

Li Tiezhu: "Of course, as we all know, singing is a personal effort."

Yi Xiaomao and Zhou Qian nodded their heads. This is not just a joke. Real singers know that singing is indeed a thing that requires strength. This is why those little fresh meats are not worthy of the name of a singer.

Peng Yuchang ostentatiously said to Zhang Zifeng: "How about? Isn't the handsome guy handsome?"

Zhang Zifeng made no secret of disgust, and leaned against Li Tiezhu: "Brother, you stay away from me, you can't stand you."

Peng Yuchang: "Don't you think it's burning? Especially the flowing hairstyle!"

Zhang Zifeng: "Huh~"

Li Tiezhu said: "Your hair style just now looks like my high school head teacher."

Peng Yuchang: "I know, the little prince against the wind! The year you debuted, he also became popular on the Internet, and now I still have his emoji package in my phone."

Li Tiezhu said seriously: "Now he has got his hair transplanted, because he saw me arguing with Xu Shan about the second half price in the program group. Teacher Ni found the dean of our school, and the two went for hair transplant together. I went back a year ago. I've seen it, that the same as it really is."

Peng Yuchang: "Hahaha! Isn't it just real hair? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Li Tiezhu: "You can also find a like-minded person... the second one is half price."

Zhang Zifeng and Zhou Qian laughed.

Yi Xiaomao blushed, took a sip of Erguotou silently, then looked at Huang Sanshi: "Actually, Peng Peng and his apprentice have a lot of fate on their hairline, so they can form a team of apprentices."

Huang Sanshi: "Maomao, I don't have hair loss."

Yi Xiaomao lowered his head shyly: "I know, when you were young, you were like a Qing dynasty..."

Huang Sanshi: "..."

He Ling: "Teacher Huang, if you and Peng Peng are considering hair transplantation, our program team can pay for it."

Li Tiezhu: "Aren't you stupid? Next year, I will be a sponsor for a hair transplant hospital. If you don't spend a penny, you can earn an extra."

He Ling looked at Huang Sanshi: "Brother Zhu makes sense, you think about it."

Huang Sanshi stared at Li Tiezhu speechlessly, this one couldn't be beaten.

Peng Yuchang smiled slyly: "Master can also endorse laxative products!"

Huang Sanshi moved like a fat rabbit, and he rushed over with punches and kicks, cool! This apprentice is so filial that he can relieve Laozi at the critical moment every time.

Zhang Zifeng has already laughed helplessly, what's wrong with brother? Worry about the world?

Why, since Brother Zhu came, he has been so abnormal? Although it's usually cheap, but it's not like that!

He Ling smiled and pulled Huang Sanshi away, and then let Shao Gang preside, and the theatrical performance continued.

He can guess something, because the Internet has been saying in the past two years that the mushroom house without Li Tiezhu is not a complete form, and Peng Peng's sense of variety and life skills are far worse than that of Li Tiezhu. Although Peng Peng has a good relationship with Li Tiezhu, it is inevitable that he still wants to be longer and shorter. Therefore, after Li Tiezhu came, he worked harder than usual, too hard.

And every time Huang Sanshi beats Peng Peng, the timing is just right, just at the critical point where the audience finds Peng Peng's "out of control", and let the smile replace the embarrassment, which is worthy of the old world.

Peng Yuchang was also very desperate. He was doing a show with an industry, but the audience always compared him with Li Tiezhu, and he could only work hard and work hard.


"The next issue should invite half a thousand teachers to come!"

"What's this singing?"

"Xiao Yueyue was stunned, ha!"

"Laughing crazy."

"My sister just wants to be beautiful alone, avoiding Peng Peng."

"Peng Peng has released himself."

"Tie Zhu is still thinking about the problem thoroughly, and next year, let's take a hair transplant endorsement!"

"Then invite Xu Shanzheng, Zhang Jianwei, Chen Sipei, and Meng Feiquan, right?"

"The picture is so beautiful I dare not look at it..."

"Poor boy, beaten again."

"Teacher Huang is very irritable today."

"Seriously, this is really not to blame Teacher Huang, that's it!"

Shao Gang introduced the three judges of the Mushroom House Caotai team, Huang Sanshi, Li Tiezhu and Shao Gang himself. There are six actors, and they performed three shows. Peng Peng and his sister talked about cross talk, Zhou Qian and Mao Mao sang, and finally Yue Yupeng Talk to He Ling for a cross talk.

The main reason why Li Tiezhu was made a judge was that he didn't prepare the show. Of course, it was fine for him to be a judge. Whether he was a cross talk or singing, he had achievements.

The younger sister and Peng Peng performed first, and a cross talk was quite smooth. However, it was obvious that the younger sister’s admiration had to perform better and more self-acting, and Peng Peng’s amusement was more difficult.

Then Zhou Qian and Yi Xiaomao collaborated to sing Yi Xiaomao's new song "Don't Ask", which can be called a fairy-level cooperation, and Li Tiezhu has been applauding.

After singing, the two bowed.

Zhou Qian and Yi Xiaomao looked at Li Tiezhu at the same time, to see what he said, this was the treatment of the big brother.

Li Tiezhu said: "It's perfect!"

He Ling said, "I haven't heard enough yet! It's so nice, it's heavenly! Huh? Tie Zhu, in fact, everyone has always said that Qian Qian and Mao Mao are your clones, and Yi Xiaomao has your creative talents, Zhou Qian What do you think of having the same talented voice and singing skills as you?"

Li Tiezhu thought for a while and said, "In fact, Mao Mao's ability to write songs is very strong, but there is still a gap between me and me."

After all, I am trying to force it! Not worthy of pride.

Yi Xiaomao didn't feel humiliated at all, and he nodded with conviction, "Yes, it's a far cry."

Li Tiezhu added: “However, Zhou Qian’s voice and singing skills are better than me, especially his singing skills. He is at the perfect level. I have actually been learning from him all these years. When I debuted, I had no singing skills at all. His debut is the pinnacle. In terms of singing skills, our good voice in that year, he deserves to be the number one."

This evaluation cannot be said to be low.

Zhou Qian was a little excited, but he was not humble, and only laughed.

In fact, he was not the first to be targeted in "Super Good Voice" back then, but Li Tiezhu had just gone up, and Zhou Qian had no background and resources, so he could not be strong, so he was buried.

Now, Li Tiezhu's super high evaluation is actually just rectifying his name.

After retiring, Yi Xiaomao offered Li Tiezhu a glass. Had it not been for Li Tiezhu's death, Mao Mao would have been pressed down by the two judges.

Zhou Qian said, "Thank you."

The younger sister sat on the back with her legs in her arms and looked at the three with blinking eyes. She felt that the relationship between the three was a bit strange. She was a good friend, but she was a little in awe of Brother Zhu.

Finally, Yue Yupeng and He Ling talked about cross talk. There was nothing to say. The performance was perfect, but the stem was a bit old.

After Huang Sanshi and Shao Gang finished their comments, everyone looked at Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu: "Very good, thank you."

Yue Yupeng looked disgusted: "You lie! Tie Zhu, when have you been hypocritical?"

Li Tiezhu: "Brother Yue, isn't this giving you face?"

Yue Yupeng pouted: "No! I want you to be the purest you, Li Tiezhu who took me down to the river to catch fish!"

After speaking, he gave Li Tiezhu a heartbeat.

The whole audience was booing.

Li Tiezhu's face blushed, so disgusting and greasy. Why didn't you notice this before? It must be because I was not smart enough before.

"Okay! Since Brother Yue is shameless, then I will seriously criticize..."

"Criticism? Tie Zhu, you are floating, the one next to me is a brother from Yunde Society."

He Ling said.

Li Tiezhu pretended to say, "Isn't the first brother Yundeshe me? Brother Yue has to go back a little bit."

Everyone: "Oh~"

Yue Yupeng: "Yes, I am a primary school student in the cross talk world."

Li Tiezhu said again: "This elementary school student is big enough."


Li Tiezhu: "You guys had this cross talk just now. It's quite satisfactory. You can't fault it, but it's not elegant enough or tasteful. Have you heard the royal cross talk?"

He Ling: "..."

Huang Sanshi clapped his thighs and happily. Here comes the counterattack of the good voice trio, which is the first time in three years.

Zhou Qian twisted Yi Xiaomao's arm, and Maomao shivered with pain.

"What are you doing?"

"Let me see if I am dreaming."

"Then you screw yourself."

"I'm afraid of pain."

On stage, Yue Yupeng asked, "Excuse me, what is royal cross talk?"

Li Tiezhu said: "It is elegant language art, no three vulgars, no ethical stalks, no spoofs. This is elegant. In addition, you must master the rhythm of language and emotion. Have you seen the engine? Sudden, rhythmic! So , To sum it up is... the Royal Engine."

Yue Yupeng: "Is it a tractor? Suddenly..."

Li Tiezhu: "That's right, but this tractor is a royal tractor. It's... advanced! Have you passed your studies?"

Yue Yupeng nodded: "It's abolished, it's abolished, and it's abolished in school!"

Huang Sanshi, He Ling, and Shao Gang The three have a pretty good relationship with the two judges, so they don't know what to say at this time. Especially Huang Sanshi, he also took his daughter to the scene to support Li Tiezhu.

Peng Peng shivered behind, afraid to speak. Brother Zhu is too awesome, right? Can this be broadcast?

Zhang Zifeng stared at Li Tiezhu's profile, his eyes were full of stars, Zhu Ge was mighty and domineering!

Yue Yupeng is not afraid to offend the big names in the music scene, anyway, he doesn't mix in the music scene: "Is this kind of cross talk still funny?"

Li Tiezhu: "Of course you can't be funny, you must be serious and elegant, positive, and inspiring."

Yue Yupeng: "This is not the same as the song, is there anyone listening to it?"

Li Tiezhu: "As long as the song is elegant and doesn't sound good, someone will listen to it. This is called royal high-end music."

Yue Yupeng: "Ah...fuck you! The cross talk is too funny if it is not funny, and the song is too beautiful if it is not beautiful!"

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