Earthy Superstar

Chapter 748: : Shame

(The last chapter was eaten, and it was not well written anyway, so just don't. The content of the last chapter is roughly "Labor Army", Li Tiezhu and others assembled to the tank unit to accept a new round of tempering.)

After a while, everyone was there, and several artists were taken to the tank training ground by the cadres. This was the first time everyone saw a real tank at such a close distance, and it was inevitable that they were full of curiosity.

Yuan Heng didn't explode, staring at the chariot and couldn't look away.

Liu Yuan's eyes were glowing, shaking with excitement.

Wu Litao is even more exaggerated, his saliva is almost flowing down, the rich second generation has driven all cars, but has never driven a tank.

Li Tiezhu was relatively calm, because... he reacted slowly, and when he was finally ready to be surprised, the instructor spoke and interrupted Li Tiezhu's emotions.

"I am your chief instructor, Du Bo." A middle-aged officer said to the group of recruits with a smile, "What you see now is the main weapon and equipment of our unit-tanks!"

Li Tiezhu finally had a chance to express his emotions, sticking out his tongue and licking his chapped lips, said silently, "Fuck!"

There is no sound, but the mouth shape is in place.


"Li Tiezhu is relatively calm!"

"I thought that serious brother would be the most excited."

"He just hasn't reacted yet."

"The expressions of Liu Yuan and Wu Litao, a child seeing an excavator."

"Li Tiezhu said something **** it!"

"Type 96 tank!"


"Big guy with more than forty tons, domineering!"


"No one found it? The chief instructor is a colonel!"

"The forty-one-year-old colonel is good enough."

"This time the specifications are too high, right?"

"Tie Zhu patted soldiers who had been in a tank during the assault."

"They are chariots, not tanks?"

"Sit for a while on the way back to Class 5."

Colonel Du Bo is a laughing officer, not as fierce as the officers he met before. With a gentle smile, he said to the six recruits with gleaming eyes:

"Just now I introduced the Type 96 tank of our army. Does anyone know what its weight is and what its maximum speed is? If you get the correct answer, you can go to the tank."

This is simply a question for Liu Yuan, and he does his part: "Report! I know."

"Liu Yuan replied."

"The Type 96 tank has a maximum speed of 65 kilometers per hour and a weight of 40 tons, no, 42 tons."

"42 tons? So precise?"


Liu Yuan is very sure.

Yuan Heng: "I remember 48 tons."

Colonel: "48 tons? What do you think of Wu Litao?"

Wu Litao: "Anyway, many tons."

"A lot of tons?"

"96 tons! How else would it be called Type 96?"

Wu Litao received unanimous eyes from his comrades. You are the most stupid one. Would you approve of your teacher Li Tiezhu's sacrifice of IQ?

Colonel: "Where is Li Tiezhu?"

Li Tiezhu: "I guess 41 tons."

Colonel: "Guess?"

Li Tiezhu said loudly: "Yes! I don't know so I can only guess, because Liu Yuan likes to study military equipment, so I think his answer is more accurate, I guess a number next to him."

The colonel laughed again, who said Li Tiezhu was honest? Honest shit!

He said: "Li Tiezhu's answer is relatively accurate."

Liu Yuan immediately froze, but Li Tiezhu was eager to try, and I was going to ride in a tank again!

The colonel said: "But your answer is guessed based on Liu Yuan's answer, so you two should go together. Remember not to move the inner knob..."

After giving instructions carefully, the colonel made Li Tiezhu and Liu Yuan run towards the tank.

Liu Yuan ran in the forefront, however, after circling the tank twice, he was inexplicably embarrassed.

In the queue, Yuan Heng: "I guess I can't find where to go."

Wu Litao: "Look at how fierce my master is! I am indeed the master I admire, and he didn't ashamed me."

Sure enough, Liu Yuan asked, "Where do you get in from? Brother Zhu? Huh?"

Li Tiezhu had already jumped on top of the tank, and said, "Of course I climbed up. Isn't it... I still need to install an elevator for you?"

After complaining, Li Tiezhu reached out and pulled Liu Yuan into the tank.

Then, a veteran took them into the tank, a little crowded, this is a person's position.

Then, the tank started.

The recruits outside were always envious and exclaimed.

Inside the tank, Liu Yuan yelled with excitement and touched all over with both hands, fortunately he didn't twist anything indiscriminately.

Li Tiezhu was not much better either. Although he had been sitting in the film last time, he still couldn't help the blood surging, but he didn't touch everywhere, but kept staring at the driver and watching his operations. He found that he worked hard regardless of whether he was stepping on the accelerator or shifting gears, especially when shifting gears with two hand levers.

If you change me, you can do it with one hand!

Li Tiezhu thought so.

The roar of this engine can kill all super sports cars in seconds, and Liu Yuan shouted excitedly: "Brother Zhu! Are you not excited? I'm almost crazy."

Li Tiezhu also replied loudly: "Excited!"

"Then why don't you move?"

"I'm learning to drive a tank from him."

"Ah! I also learn."

The tank ran a circle around the training ground and then stopped. Liu Yuan, who was flushed with excitement, got out of it, reluctantly jumped out of the tank, and turned his head one step at a time.

Li Tiezhu jumped off immediately, but ran back to the queue first, thinking about it, it didn't seem to be difficult to drive the tank.


"Liu Yuan blushed."

"I'm more excited than him for me."

"Look at the baby so happy."

"My serious brother is so calm."

"He's not calm, he's dumbfounded."

"Others are envious."

"Don't worry, you can get on the tank."

"Without Du Haibo, I no longer look like a puppet army in an instant."

"The overall temperament is different!"

Later in the interview, Liu Yuan still couldn't help being excited: "It's so cool! That's the king of infantry! I hope I can get on the tank as soon as possible. I like this place so much..."

Li Tiezhu is a little better: "It's true Ba Shi! It's more handsome than tractors and excavators. I've seen it and can drive tanks."

Next, after Colonel Du Bo gave everyone armbands, the soldiers took them to the dormitory. This time, they will live in the same dormitory with several veterans.

When entering the dormitory, the three soldiers inside were exercising with dumbbells. They were all strong and sturdy, with large chunks of pectoral muscles bulging under the thin uniforms, and they looked strangely at the recruits, especially The look in Li Tiezhu's eyes was particularly... greedy.

After the soldiers leading the way left, the platoon leader asked the recruits and veterans to stand in the queue, and briefly welcomed and introduced each other.

Next, three minutes to sort out the housekeeping.

But before finishing the housekeeping, I heard the whistle of emergency assembly.

Can a group of artists be stupid this time, and they will assemble as soon as they arrive? What's the matter?

The task instructions after the assembly made them catch the blind even more.

Urgent training!

Arrive at the target location before 12 noon to disguise.

How to get there

Drive in a tank or in a car?

What weapon should I bring?

When they were confused, the other comrades had already ran back to the dormitory to pack, and they could only chaotically follow. Fortunately, I have experienced emergency training before and know how to pack a backpack.

Li Tiezhu took the lead in finishing the backpack but didn't slip first. Instead, together with the veterans, he helped the old, weak, sick and disabled teammates, especially the rich second-generation Wu Litao. The hands-on ability of this cargo is really weak.

Then is to receive weapons.

"Wow! There is a pistol!"


"Abundant martial arts! I don't know if it's a real bullet."

"Yen Zidong? It's a big dragon!"

When Liu Yuan and Li Tiezhu took the guns and ran out, they were still talking about them.

Wu Litao followed up: "What kind of martial arts? Is it better than a fight? The Master Guild was killed by Zhen Zibo."

Li Tiezhu: "Not necessarily, it depends on where they are fighting. If you are in the Furniture City, you can't die, at best you'll be disabled."

Assemble, set off, entertainers enter a tank and sit in the gunner's position.

Yuan Heng, who entered the tank for the first time, was like Liu Yuan before, fumbling everywhere.

In an interview later, he said: "It's completely different from what I thought. I thought there was an ergonomic seat, and then there was a seat belt or something. Nothing!"


"Also ergonomic...Why don't you go to heaven?"

"Want to fart!"

"I'm used to being pampered."

"It's time to send these artists to military training for three months each year."

"This idea is fine."

With bumps along the way, the tank drove to the predetermined position on time and began camouflage operations.

Wu Litao’s tank was very close to Li Tiezhu. After he got the camouflage, he ran over and laughed in front of him: "Master, what are you disguising? It's a tank at a glance."

Li Tiezhu used bamboo and wooden sticks to prop up the camouflage and made it into a shed shape.

Wu Litao's is more individual, with a small hill shape.

Li Tiezhu said, "What happened to seeing the tank?"

Wu Litao: "Let you pretend, you see what I did, can't you see it?"

Li Tiezhu said, "You really are a fool! What do you think disguise is for?"

"Of course it is invisible to people as a tank. It's best if you can't find it if you pass by."

"You are such a genius."


"It's a fart! The disguise is to avoid gunship helicopters. Don't you know that the natural enemies of tanks are Wuzhi and UAVs?"


Wu Litao still doesn't believe it.

Li Tiezhu didn't talk to him and continued to pretend. Although he is stupid, he has filmed "Soldier Assault" anyway. There is some common sense. After all, he checked a lot of information and consulted many veterans when filming the film. Besides, the army also filmed the film. Elite troops come to guide.

Afterwards, we started to eat, and we could rest for a while, and everyone lay down under the camouflage tent to sleep.

The soldier in a tank with Li Tiezhu suddenly asked, "San Duo, did you bring hot eggs this time?"

Li Tiezhu looked blank: "What? What egg?"

Soldier: "It's the egg that exposed your squad chariot. You brought it to Squad Leader Shi Jin, haha..."

Li Tiezhu also laughed, what an old stalker this is!

When the show was put here, it suddenly flashed back to two hours ago. Colonel Dewey asked four elite soldiers to play the role of the blue army, harassing and arresting the tank positions where the artists were.

The barrage was instantly refreshed:

"You said that I won't be sleepy anymore!"

"Is it so fierce at first?"

"I remembered Yuan Lang inexplicably..."

"Three moments are about to be staged!"

"It seems that the live-action version eats chicken."

"Li Tiezhu certainly can't be as fierce as in the TV series."

"These four soldiers are holding their breath to teach Li Tiezhu to be human."

"There is a good show."

After a long rest, a row was called by the company commander to change the guard, replacing the guard soldiers before, all by Li Tiezhu and other artists.

Wu Litao was the first to be caught, and the two Blues easily subdued him one after the other.

On the other side, Li Tiezhu was also being watched. Two soldiers wearing "Geely suits" lay in the grass and approached Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu looked around with a gun in his hand, earnestly.

A few minutes ago, the four Blue Army soldiers had a brief discussion and decided to send two people to arrest the weakest one, and at the same time, send two more people to arrest the strongest one. The weakest and strongest are the pair of masters and apprentices Wu Litao and Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu still didn't know that his apprentice had been arrested. With a piece of grass in his mouth, he was so bored that he began to hum: "The king asked me to patrol the mountain..."

The miniature camera captured that two blue soldiers had sneaked within five meters of Li Tiezhu, one was hiding under the bushes in front, and the other was lying in the bushes on the right. The two were still moving forward slowly while observing Li Tiezhu's movements.

Li Tiezhu suddenly said: "Password!"

The two Blues were taken aback and thought they were exposed.

As a result, Li Tiezhu scratched his head over there, "What's the password? His...oh, I remember. Don't move! Password!"

Li Tiezhu was entertaining himself there, kneeling away from the gun for a while, crawling forward for a while, having fun, playing near the enemy beside the road and grass, the distance between the two was less than two meters.


There was a cry of birds.

Li Tiezhu turned to look subconsciously, his back to the blue army in the grass.

When it was said that it was too late, the soldiers in the grass jumped up and rushed towards Li Tiezhu from behind. At the same time, behind the bushes a few meters away, another blue team rushed over.

Li Tiezhu looked like he had eyes behind his back. He rolled short, avoided, and counterattacked at the opponent, locking his throat.

A countermeasure.

Li Tiezhu pressed his knee on the back of his opponent's neck and pointed his gun at the second enemy: "Can I shoot?"

The soldier who rushed said: "No..."

After that, he rushed over, threw Li Tiezhu down, rescued his teammates, and both of them fought with Li Tiezhu at the same time.

Li Tiezhu resisted and asked, "Why can't you shoot?"

Soldier: "I lied to you, you can shoot. Hahaha..."

Li Tiezhu was irritated, and threw one over his shoulders to one person, and fixed the second one with Jiu-Jitsu. After rolling on the ground twice, he smoothly transformed into a grappling hand.

I won one, but I can't let it go. How can I catch the second one if I can't let it go?

Li Tiezhu was embarrassed.

But, the Blue Soldier, who was about to break his waist just now, ran away... ran away.

Because he found that if Li Tiezhu was smart, he could not run away if he shouted to attract more enemies.

In this way, Li Tiezhu caught a prisoner.

Wu Litao was **** and taken away, with a towel tucked in his mouth and blindfolded. Two soldiers escorted him out a long way.

Another soldier came up and said, "We failed to capture Li Tiezhu, but one was arrested. We have already exposed."

The three quickly left with Wu Litao.

Wu Litao heard their conversation, full of desire to survive, spit out the towel, and shouted: "There is a blue army, Master save..."

Before he finished shouting, he was blindfolded again and fell to the ground.

Yuan Heng heard the voice and shouted: "Who is calling in front? Who?"

Li Tiezhu came over carrying a blue army and said, "It should be Wu Litao, he may have been arrested. There is a blue army, this is the one who came to arrest me, I arrested one and ran away."

Yuan Heng is dumbfounded, can you catch one of two to one?

Li Tiezhu handed the tied blue captive to Yuan Heng: "Take the captive to report. I'll be guarding here, hurry up."


"Li Tiezhu is a cow!"

"One enemy and two are absolutely suppressed!"

"These should be elite, right? Xu Sanduo Bingwang!"

"Do you think too much about playing with Li Tiezhu?"

"If serious brother has handcuffs, neither of these can run away."

"It's really fierce."

"Stealing chickens won't be eclipsing rice, haha..."

"Tie Zhu was deceived~"

"In actual combat, both of them would be shot to death by Tie Zhu, and the Blues would not dare to shoot."

"Wu Litao is miserable!"

During the interview after the incident, Wu Litao was angry and said, "They engaged in sneak attacks and did not speak martial arts! Two people threw me down and put a cloth in my mouth and tied me up... I was mad at me! I won’t necessarily lose.”

Li Tiezhu is different: "I saw the one in the bushes a long time ago. I didn't see people at first, but I found that the bushes were moving and there was no wind. How could the grass move? Then I pretended to play there and observed in secret, and finally found out I tried to beat him, and then deliberately exposed him to lead him to do it. In the end, I didn't expect it to be two people. However, two people are not a big problem. They can't beat me. I think I can beat three..."

Ren Quan, the blue team leader: "I just thought about being a star, and I didn't compare myself to them. Who knows that Li Tiezhu is so fierce. If we take it seriously from the beginning, it is absolutely impossible to be arrested by him. Well! Thinking that they are all acting in TV dramas, I don't know that he is so good in capturing and fighting..."

Colonel: "To be honest, I was surprised. I thought Li Tiezhu would be arrested too. I didn't expect that he was so fierce that he would be able to arrest my soldiers. I think the two soldiers arrested him, it was already a shame for him. NS."

During the show, the red party began to gather.

"Qianlian should have 31 people, but 30 people..."

Everyone was silent, especially the artists who didn't know the Blue Army's sneak attack were even more surprised.

Company commander: "Bring the captives here."

As a result, three Blue Army soldiers walked over with Wu Litao. Because the resistance was too fierce, Wu Litao had many scratches on his face and was embarrassed.

Liu Yuan, Zhang Yifeng, and Guo Xiaoxi were all stunned. Fortunately, this Nima was not me who was arrested. It was too miserable!

The colonel said: "According to our rules, what should we do in this situation?"

The company commander's face was pale: "All day long, carrying five kilograms of sandbag vests, over!"

All the artists were frightened suddenly, ten catties, all day? Not everyone, right?

The colonel said: "Hand over your captives too!"

After the company commander gave the order, the two soldiers brought up the Blue Soldier who was captured by Li Tiezhu.

Liu Yuan's eyeballs are almost falling out, did we catch one? Who is that?

The two sides exchanged prisoners.

Colonel: "Don't worry, their blue captives are also five kilograms a day! Li Tiezhu is good, keep it up."

After speaking, the colonel left.

Only then did everyone know whether the captive was captured by Li Tiezhu or was caught in a sneak attack by two blue troops, and they couldn't help but slap their tongues.

Liu Yuan: "Brother Zhu is too fierce, right?"

Yuan Heng said: "At that time, Li Tiezhu came to find me carrying the desperately struggling soldier. I was so scared to death."

After being trained by the chief for a long time, Wu Litao was put back in the queue, pitifully: "Master, I didn't shame you, I resisted."

Li Tiezhu: "You are lost, you are not ashamed?"

Wu Litao: "..."

Then, the company commander put on him a five-kilogram weight vest, which was only worn by the captives, which was okay.

After training with the troops for a while, everyone drove their tanks back to the camp. At this time, there is no freshness before, only full of exhaustion. Li Tiezhu is better. He has better physical strength and is in better condition than many soldiers.

After returning to the dormitory, everyone was lazy, angering the platoon leader.

"Did I let you disband?"

The platoon leader roared.

All the soldiers gathered and stood in a row.

Platoon leader: "Disbanded."

Yuan Heng realized that he didn't even have the strength to take off the package, and he groaned.

Guo Xiaoxi is not much better.

Wu Litao, who was caught once, was embarrassed to speak because he was embarrassed, and he lowered his head and took off silently.


The platoon leader shouted again.

"Are you tired? We were criticized today! I feel ashamed!"

It can be seen that the platoon leader should also be the elite of the elite, and it must have been a long time since he had encountered such a shameful thing, and he gritted his teeth with anger.

Wu Litao lowered his head even more.

Li Tiezhu also watched his nose and his heart. Wu Litao couldn't really be blamed for this, but it was normal for the troops to come and disarm him, but he was unfortunately caught. Fortunately, I caught one. If I was also caught, the platoon leader’s anger would not only be doubled, right?

The platoon leader said: "You can't bear this bit of hardship? You are now tank soldiers. You have to learn to bear hardships and stand hard work. No matter what you did before! No matter how famous you are! But now that you are in our class, you must remember, discipline It's a circle, freedom is inside!"

Everyone was silent.

Platoon leader: "If someone is here to deal with me and want to leave for a few days, just get out of here!"

The artists are calm, but who knows what to think?

Some people may think that this is a bone in the egg, and some people may think that it is an exercise in question.

But Li Tiezhu thought it was pretty good, because he also felt ashamed, his apprentice was arrested, and there was no light on his face as a master.

After disbanding, the platoon leader and two veterans found Li Tiezhu.

"Li Tiezhu!"


"You are fine! Take them more! You are a veteran!"

"Ah good."

Li Tiezhu himself wondered, why am I a veteran?

Another veteran said: "You deserve to be the King of Soldiers! Great! Let's talk about it anytime."

"Uh, good..."

Li Tiezhu understood that it was another person who was deceived by "Soldier Assault." Li Tiezhu exposed his stuff at the recruit company, but he hasn't revealed his stuff here yet. He even wiped his **** with gauze - he leaked (exposed) his hand.

In the army, worship the strong.

However, the platoon leader comforted Litao Litao, and asked him to tell the story of his arrest, which was a loss of life.

Wu Litao blushed as he talked about it:

"My nosebleeds all came out at the time. It may have been touched on the ground. If this is a filming on the set, the ambulance should come. If I don't come again... I will be healed..."


"I think Wu Litao did nothing wrong."

"He is just too vigilant."

"Not everyone is Li Tiezhu..."

"It feels like this platoon leader is a bit too much. They deliberately didn't make it clear, and they got scolded if they were caught."

"Aren't all the troops like this?"

"To be captured is to be captured. What excuses do you make? I will come again next time."

"It feels like everyone else will be arrested except for Brother Serious."

"This squad leader is a bit powerful!"

"The fourth-level sergeant chief is the squad leader?"

"This is the platoon leader, he has always been called the platoon leader!"

"The number of tank units formed is smaller."

"The platoon leader didn't say anything about Wu Litao, and he encouraged him."

"This is the recording of the show. If the exercise is captured in reality, the punishment will be a hundred times harsher than this."

Next, everyone brushed their shoes over and over, while listening to the platoon leader explaining the division of labor of the tank soldiers, which were the commander, the gunner, and the driver. After the position and responsibilities of each position in the tank were finished, the platoon leader asked everyone to "fill in their volunteers" and see what position everyone wanted to do.

Li Tiezhu directly filled the tank driver without saying a word.

What is there to consider?

Didn’t you come here for driving a tank? gunner? It's not that I haven't fired a gun.

Next is the part of guessing the volunteers from each other.

Zhang Yifeng guessed Li Tiezhu: "If you are a car commander in charge of communications, your Trump will be a problem. When you are nervous, you will speak dialect."

Wu Litao said: "How to eliminate it! My master's brain is not good for communication."


Everyone burst into laughter, and the platoon leader even laughed out of breath.

Li Tiezhu: "Anyone! Are you insulting me?"

Wu Litao: "I'm telling the truth. Then you can shoot the gun and have your own voiceover. DU~ I guess you won't choose a gunner. You must choose the driver! Just like driving an excavator, you don't like to excavate the most. Machine?"

Everyone laughed.

Li Tiezhu said in surprise: "You know me quite well! I chose the driver!"

Wu Litao said: "Guess what I chose."

Li Tiezhu: "Exclude communication first, you have no brains."

Wu Litao: "You... are retaliation. Everyone knows that I am smart."

Li Tiezhu: "A smart captive?"

Wu Litao: "..."

Li Tiezhu said again: "You can't drive a tank. You are too weak to pull the lever. I think you should be a gunner!"

Wu Litao showed his answer, and he was also the chosen tank driver.

Guo Xiaoxi immediately said: "If you drive a tank, I will apply, and I will never follow you with a car!"

Wu Litao: "Then... I will be the captain of You dare not be in the same car with me!"

Guo Xiaoxi: "I suggest you take a car with your master."

Although Li Tiezhu disliked him, he was his apprentice after all, so he said, "Follow me and I will take care of you."

Zhang Yifeng, who is in the middle of the two of them, rejoiced: "You two have a tank, who would dare to be the third one? Are you dead?"

Li Tiezhu said: "Liu Yuan's gunner, right? He can play with us."

Liu Yuan: "I don't! I chose the gunner because I like heavy firepower. I want to shoot, not get shot!"


Everyone made a mocking sound.

Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao looked at each other. It was too embarrassing. I blamed my apprentice (Master).

(A big chapter of seven thousand words is here!)

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