Earthy Superstar

Chapter 749: : The sea of ​​stars

Before it was dark, everyone was pulled out again.

The specialty of going to the army to entertain new recruits, that is, the physical fitness test, the tricks of each army are different.

For example, this tank unit requires each recruit to drag a 30-kilogram ammunition box and crawl through obstacles. There is only a space less than forty centimeters high, and there is a rough barbed wire on the top of the head, the kind that will definitely break the face when it is shaved.

The first is a demonstration by two veterans. One took 21 seconds and the other took 31 seconds. The gap was quite big. In fact, this should be the strongest and weakest benchmark for this unit!

Have mercy on the thirty-one second soldier, who was pulled out by the company commander to perform...

Yuan Heng looked embarrassed and thought it was too exaggerated. Even if it took thirty-one seconds, it was fast enough! After all, the obstacle passage is more than twenty meters long!

Although Wu Litao is also a thorny head, he lost his whole person today and is now in the stage of trying to find face, so he just feels eager to try.

Company commander: "The obstacle passage is 20 meters long, and the time for the pass is..."

Everyone immediately held their breath.

Company commander: "Within a minute!"

Yuan Heng breathed a sigh of relief, thinking, one minute is fine! After all, it's only 20 meters!

Li Tiezhu is also gearing up, this is the number one, I'm sure!

The company commander also said: "The last two people assessed today will not be eligible to participate in the next professional training!"

The artists suddenly became nervous, and one can imagine that the last two must be born among them. After all, a veteran was picked up here, and his physical strength was better than them, except for Li Tiezhu's livestock.

The test will begin immediately.

Wu Litao picked up the ammunition box and wowed, "Is it too heavy? Is thirty catties so heavy?"

Liu Yuan whispered beside him: "It's thirty kilograms, brother!"


"Twenty-one seconds that buddy is too fierce!"

"Wuli Taotao, the time has come for you to prove yourself! Oli here!"

"Wu Litao: Can you prove that you really can't do it?"

"I look forward to Li Tiezhu's results."

"Brother Serious should be able to advance forty seconds!"

"About thirty seconds, one minute is the pass line for draining water, strictly forty seconds."

"I can't even lift 30 kilograms!"

"This barbed wire fence is so low..."

"Fortunately, Du Haibo was kicked out. Otherwise, the thickness of his lying down would be higher than that of the wire fence."

"You can't put it in, can you?"

"Fuck! There is a picture..."


A whistle sounded and the test began.

I saw six artist recruits digging into the barbed wire barrier channel at the same time. As soon as they started, Li Tiezhu was one position ahead.

what is this?

When the old man went to help others shovel the stone when he was a child, Li Tiezhu still dragged the foundation stone, and a small piece of that thing weighed more than a hundred kilograms!

Liu Yuan was not to be outdone, and followed Li Tiezhu closely. He looked thin, but he was very flexible, coordinated, and explosive. After all, he was young.

The last two are the old grandfather Zhang Yifeng and...the weak Wu Litao. Although he is determined to be shameless, he is really weak, and the ammunition box is rooted in his hands as if it were on the ground.

Although Zhang Yifeng's legs and feet are not very flexible, his core strength is still good due to year-round fitness and basketball. Although he is slow, he still keeps moving forward.

Li Tiezhu's movement frequency at this time was so fast that the shots were a bit afterimages, a bit like a posture of swimming on the grass.

Because the speed is fast and the power is strong enough, the ammunition box is taken forward and the inertia is forward, but it is much easier than when it started.

In the microphone, Li Tiezhu's gasping voice was like pulling a bellows.


After crossing the finish line, Li Tiezhu bounced up, pulling his hand, and the ammunition box hit the ground and braked.

Li Tiezhu’s results came out:

23 seconds!

The veterans also looked at Li Tiezhu one after another, this result is also among the best, and this is the result of Li Tiezhu's lack of long-term training. If he trains for a while, it is estimated that he will be able to compete for the first place.


"Brother Serious, really is not a human!"

"It feels like he can surpass that twenty-one second big brother with a little training."


"Brother Zhu is so fierce, he has a match with Fan Xiaohuang when he was young."

"Otherwise, you can catch one with one enemy and two?"

"Li Tiezhu, I want to give you a monkey!"

"Song Zhuer: Line up."

Second place Liu Yuan: 34 seconds.

Third place Guo Xiaoxi: 43 seconds.

Fourth place Zhang Yifeng: 59 seconds.

Fifth place Yuan Heng: 62 seconds.

The sixth place Wu Litao... is still climbing.

He seems very uncomfortable to crawl in such a small space, coupled with too little strength and insufficient willpower, now he looks very embarrassed, and even has the idea of ​​giving up.

If Li Tiezhu doesn't fight, you say you can't compare to other people, can't you even compare to Grandpa Zhang?

Well, you really can't compare.

Li Tiezhu didn't know much about this apprentice before, but through contact during this period of time, he learned that, in general, the three views are very upright, but they are also very contradictory.

He is very rampant, but very persuaded, he dare to speak, but very timid, even afraid of ghosts.

"Wu Litao, hurry up! No rest!"

Li Tiezhu shouted loudly, doing all the shameful things, it took me eight lifetimes before I met an apprentice like you.

After hearing Master's voice, Wu Litao worked hard, looking ferocious like a wolf, but in fact he was still standing there.

Other artists encouraged:

"come on!"

"Persistence is victory!"

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

"You can do it!"

As if feeling the power, Wu Litao started to climb.

By the time the show was broadcast, I didn't know what was wrong in the later stage of the show, and it was an upgraded scene, which was the slow-motion video of Wu Litao's painful persistence, and it was also accompanied by music.

"Run forward, facing cold eyes and ridicule, the vastness of life..."

That's right, it was Li Tiezhu's song "Chasing Dreams and Hearts" written for the company of heroes.

Later, when Li Tiezhu watched the show, he was speechless and said directly: "This song... Wu Litao is not worthy! Also, with the habitual sensational dog routine of the show group, even if Du Haibo did not quit, he climbed for three minutes. , They will also use this music to sensationalize. By the way, did they buy the copyright of this song? No, I have to ask them to pay another money..."

Barrage is also divided into two factions:

"Suddenly moved..."

"This is the spirit of the troops."

"When I hear this melody, I think of cute rabbits."

"It would be better if Li Tiezhu sang live."

"Li Tiezhu: Wu Litao is not worthy."

"I also don't think he is worthy."

"I admire Wu Litao scolded the commander of Sichuan University, but it really broke down in training."

"If Du Haibo is still there, he must be the last..."

"Fuck! It's disgusting to think about it."

"To use it on him is to insult this song!"

"Look, Li Tiezhu's face is dark."

In the end, Wu Litao reached the end almost collapsed after 97 seconds, the last place.

Li Tiezhu shook his head straight.

In the subsequent interview, Yuan Heng said: "I didn't expect to drag such a heavy ammunition box and climb the barbed wire fence, maybe because of a foot injury... This project is quite difficult for me."

Li Tiezhu is right next to him: "Maybe it's a bad waist."

Yuan Heng: "..."

Li Tiezhu: "The waist is the core strength!"

Wu Litao said: "I have strength, I can do it! That ammunition box is not good, mine is new, theirs is old, the old is worn out, and the new resistance is large. In junior high school physics... I don't understand, why can't I put a few wheels on the ammunition box?"

Li Tiezhu: "Why don't you just give you a donkey?"

Wu Litao: "Does the donkey creep forward?"

Li Tiezhu: "It's the same as you, no. It's ashamed, but you have to show your eyes? If I were you, I would be embarrassed to talk."

Wu Litao: "I won't say anything."

Li Tiezhu: "Let Yang Feiyue be able to enter the pass for one minute at will."

Wu Litao was completely faceless.


"Yuan Heng likes to make excuses."

"He is very smart, but he is not serious or hardworking."

"It's better for Wu Litao, just make up without excuses."

"Tie Zhu is open, haha..."

"The emperor's skill is still profound, and even his apprentice will not let it go."

"Brother Seriously, the six relatives don't recognize it!"

"To be honest, if Sister Feiyue comes, it is really better than Wu Litao!"

"Just kidding, that's the number one fancier in Chinese and foreign entertainment circles in ancient and modern times..."

"Before I didn't know why Yang Feiyue was so hot, now think about it, it's not a fire!"

"Yang Feiyue and Li Tiezhu are all on the same side, and God is filling their food."

"No one found it? Wu Li Taotao is still wearing a five-kilogram sandbag vest!"

"Others 30 kilograms, he is forty kilograms."

"Thirty-five kilos!"

"That can't be done in ninety seconds."

"It's really not possible, but he didn't mention the vest at all when he was making excuses later. His character was okay."

"I think he forgot the vest..."

"Infected by Li Tiezhu?"

"No! This is not called infection, this is called inheritance."


In the program, the soldiers in charge of timing reported the results and rankings, Yuan Heng and Wu Litao bowed their heads, and they were embarrassed again.

The company commander came to Li Tiezhu first. After seeing him for a while, his face was not flushed and breathless, he was even more delighted, and said, "Tie Zhu, is your physical fitness alright?"

Li Tiezhu: "At this distance, running ten times is a trivial matter."

Company commander: "Have you practiced before? See you are very proficient."

Li Tiezhu thought for a while: "I practiced it a few times when filming "Soldiers Assault", and the rest are all boy skills."

Company commander: "What boy skill?"

Li Tiezhu: "When I was young, I used a net to catch birds when I was climbing the grass.

The company commander laughed. Li Tiezhu is his ideal soldier. He has suffered hardship, is in good health, and has read books, but he is not too smart. However, this is already a big star, which is a pity.


"Catch a bird? What kind of bird to catch?"

"Is that the kind of bird that Zhao Silu caught?"

"Zhao Silu: It's really not me. I am calm, steady, and dignified. How can I catch a bird? Why am I catching a bird!"

"This wave of barrage has something..."

The company commander put aside his regrets, became serious again, and began to summarize:

"The last two are Yuan Heng and Wu Litao. You two will not be eligible to participate in the next professional training."

Afterwards dinner, activities and bedtime.

Yuan Heng was a little frustrated, but he didn't think much about it, he would never be expelled.

Wu Litao was deeply ashamed. He had the best face, but he lost two people in the tank unit in the first day.

What should I do if I am too angry?

When I went to bed, I had everything in my dreams. I couldn't sleep anymore. I had too much fun for the three days during the vacation. I didn't talk about physical exhaustion, and the dark circles under my eyes became heavier.


Li Tiezhu stopped Wu Litao.

Wu Litao thought he was going to be trained by the master again, and stood obediently.

Li Tiezhu unbuttoned his five-kilogram weight vest and said, "Wear it to sleep? It doesn't make sense to wear it to sleep."

Wu Litao lined his forehead: "Yeah! I said why I can't climb fast! Forget it, don't make excuses, I must be ashamed tomorrow!"

Li Tiezhu: "It's almost the same if we continue the shame!"

Wu Litao opened his mouth and didn't say anything, so he still didn't stand up. It really hurts to hit his face...

Although he is often slapped in the face, he does not like being slapped in the face.

Moreover, Wu Litao felt that even if he was beaten in the face in the past, he would just suffer it by himself. It is different in this show and it will hurt Master.

Therefore, he decided to keep striving for self-improvement and must become an elite tank soldier!

No, it's a normal tank soldier, just pass it!

It's weird.

She was really tired. After a while, Wu Litao snored while lying on the bed, even without turning off the lights.

There were still more than forty minutes before the lights went out. Everyone was bored. The two veterans were holding dumbbells while clamoring to compete with Li Tiezhu. They were stopped by the platoon leader.

"You guys compete in the middle of the night? Don't call in the pickets. You thought we were going to fight and fight again during the day. Besides, we were going to bed soon, and we had to take a shower after we were all sweaty."

The veteran had no choice but to nod his head, and said: "Then what are we doing? The training intensity is so low today, I didn't sweat, and I couldn't sleep."

Yuan Heng showed the expression of a dog, and it was still the Tibetan mastiff: "It's still low? Is the training intensity low?"

Veteran: "Isn't it low?"

Li Tiezhu is also playing dumbbells: "Isn't it low?"

Platoon leader: "There is no five-kilometer armed cross-country, no tanks are replaced with tracks, no physical training, no full-speed assault training...I play with you all day, is the training intensity high?"

Yuan Heng was speechless: "..."

Liu Yuan smiled, showing a pair of small tiger teeth: "I think it's okay. As long as I can fire the 125mm gun on the tank, I can do anything."

Of course, after the physical training, the feature film was not included in the program. The program team reminded everyone that they can relax appropriately.

After discussing it, everyone felt that they could sing before turning off the lights. This was originally the time for dormitory activities.

At this time, the snoring sound of Wu Litao on the top of Li Tiezhu.

Platoon leader: "Wulitao is asleep, we are not suitable for singing."

Guo Xiaoxi said: "As soon as he fell asleep, we started singing. What is this called?"

Li Tiezhu: "This is called Tomb Tou Beng Di!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone burst into laughter, and the artists had become accustomed to Li Tiezhu's iron words, but the platoon leader and the two veterans were refreshed, and their laughter was irritating.

Stopped laughing, the platoon leader was also eager to try.

"Shall we sing in a low voice? Liao Long, go and borrow a guitar next door."

The platoon leader is still a kid! What bad thoughts can he have?

The veteran Liao Long went to the next door with ease, and soon he brought back a guitar and... ten fans of the dormitory next door, fans of Li Tiezhu. Too enthusiastic, I have been taking photos and asking for autographs since then, as long as Li Tiezhu's, the others are directly ignored by them.

This... is no way, who makes Li Tiezhu the most popular in the army!

He is still the one in the minds of many soldiers-Soldier King Xu Sanduo!

No, some people don't even know what Li Tiezhu's real name is, but Li Tiezhu's name is Xu Sanduo, that's a kindness.

Yuan Heng looked hot and said, "Hey! Don't you know me?"

A certain soldier: "You are so unrecognizable, what does uncle do? I don't know him."

"The same for me!"

"It's the same for me..."


It doesn't matter if you don't know yourself, Yuan Heng can bear it. After all, he is not a big-name star, but the uncle is too much, right? He is only in his thirties, and this group of soldiers...twenty years old...

Yuan Heng lost his desire to speak.

Then, the singing session began. In my free time, it was impossible to sing unity. I was too excited to fall asleep, so the soldiers began to sing their favorite popular songs. Li Tiezhu played alongside him. For three years, Li Tiezhu was forced by Zhang Xiaomeng to listen to other singers' songs.

One of the soldiers from Xinzang sang a Tibetan song, which was very beautiful. His singing was as broad as an eagle.

Li Tiezhu was highly praised.

After the three soldiers sang, it was the turn of the artist team. Guo Xiaoxi came with an old-fashioned "Goodbye 1997".

See you anymore?

In 1997, many soldiers here, including Li Tiezhu and Liu Yuan, were not born.

Guo Xiaoxi sang well and asked Li Tiezhu after singing, "Tie Zhu, have you heard this song?"

Li Tiezhu: "I haven't heard of it, that year... I should still be in my dad's body."

Guo Xiaoxi was stunned and made smoke.

The eldest Zhang Yifeng suddenly burst into laughter, and even jumped out of the bed barefoot and came to give Li Tiezhu a high-five to watch Li Tiezhu's stunned people. It was so cool!

Guo Xiaoxi refused: "When this Uncle Zhang became famous, your father might still be in your grandfather's body."

Zhang Yifeng ignored Guo Xiaoxi and glanced at Wu Litao, who was still snoring in the upper bunk: "This kid sleeps deep enough. What did you do during these three days of vacation?"

Liu Yuan smiled without saying a word, and smiled strangely.

Zhang Yifeng: "It's you, Liu Yuan will sing the next song."

Liu Yuan: "..."

Unable to shirk, Liu Yuan cured Li Tiezhu's song-A Diao.

Li Tiezhu raised his daring!

Most of those who dare to pick this song are female singers. In the past three years, this song has been sung countlessly, but no male singer has dared to challenge it. Could it be that Liu Yuan has a good voice besides his good acting skills?

Others also seemed a little excited, mainly because the song is high, and they all like to watch Wu Litao being awakened.

"Adi yah yah~ I live in Mao's place in Xinzang——"

As soon as Liu Yuan opened his voice, it was like a cluster bomb, causing the others in the room to be wiped out.

Damn it!

It's going to die, brother!

Are you doing this too much in the army?

This is a weapon of mass destruction!

In a daze, Li Tiezhu saw Liu Xiaohua, who was indeed a ruthless person with the surname Liu.

After all, Li Tiezhu reacted quickly. After losing the guitar, he went up to cover Liu Yuan's mouth, and pleaded, "Brother in the middle of the night, you are so inappropriate..."

Yuan Heng came over: "It's easy to scare friendly troops."

Zhang Yifeng: "Good fellow! I'm howling with this voice, so I won't be sleepy in an instant!"

Guo Xiaoxi: "It's really the head of the grave!"

Platoon leader: "Talent!"

Veteran Liao Long got up and took a look at Wu Litao: "Hey! He didn't uncover the coffin, but the snoring was gone. Liu Yuan's singing...Shoot!"

Anyway, everyone didn't dare to let Liu Yuan sing. Li Tiezhu threatened him not to speak before letting him go.

Liu Yuan: "Am I... out of tune?"

Li Tiezhu: "This is not a question of out-of-tune, this is... nuclear radiation!"

Yuan Heng's mouth is also poisonous: "Li Tiezhu gave A Diao the soul, and Liu Yuan gave A Diao a hammer."

Platoon leader: "Yes!"

Liu Yuan silently took out his mobile phone, opened his scarf, and quietly paid attention to a topic-what is the reason for singing out of tune?

Next, everyone naturally surrounded Li Tiezhu.

In fact, everyone wanted Li Tiezhu to sing from the beginning. After all, in the army, almost seven or eight out of ten are Li Tiezhu fans, even if they are not fans, they are also fans of "Soldiers Assault."

When "Soldiers Assault" was broadcast last year, many troops organized a collective viewing, just like the original "Things about the Rabbit That Year".

The soldiers laughed, cried, and understood, and naturally they remembered Li Tiezhu.

In the eyes of these passionate young soldiers, Li Tiezhu was a light, a guide and a warmth.

And they didn't know that Li Tiezhu had a guilty conscience, he knew he was...unworthy.

Li Tiezhu smiled modestly, holding the guitar, and asked: "What song do you sing?"

"A Diao!"


"I like to dream back to the Tang Dynasty..."

"In the middle of the night, I can sing some slow songs like Dongfengpo."

"Why don't you sing a teenager?"

Everyone has their own favorite song, which is hard to tune.

Li Tiezhu thought for a while, and said: "Liu Yuan sang A Diao just now, although we just sang one sentence and we silenced him..."

Everyone laughed, but Liu Yuan could only smile wryly.

Li Tiezhu said: "A Diao turned seventeen last week and is now in high school. She watched our show and told me on WeChat that after two years she was admitted to university and she dropped out of school to join the army because the army has allowances. Save for a few years and go back to study without worrying about tuition."

Everyone’s laughter disappeared Many people know the story of A Diao and the source of this song.

All copyrights and single income of the song "A Diao" are included in the A Diao Education Fund.

Li Tiezhu said: "She wants to give the extra money from the Atiao Fund to other children who cannot go to school. Now she has supported 17 of them. Moreover, she said that she will study hard in the future and then do charity. Um... I was then I said something to her, something I didn't understand. I said: Come on! Your goal is the stars and the sea. I copied it online, haha...I don't have much culture anyway."

Everyone was very moved, not because of Li Tiezhu's kind deeds, but because of the ill-fated A Diao's strength.

Li Tiezhu said: "When the army comes, I gradually understand that our goal is the stars and the sea! So, I recently wrote a song, dedicated to the martyrs of our army, including General Jing Yu, to give us blood. My heroes. The title of the song is "Stars and the Sea". Today, I sang it for the first time. I hope everyone likes it, and I hope the audience friends in front of the screen like it."

After that, Li Tiezhu played the guitar.

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