Earthy Superstar

Chapter 754: : "Ha, Farmer"

After a short episode, the training continued, followed by the live ammunition shooting session that everyone was eagerly waiting for.

According to troop tradition, the chief takes the lead in shooting the target.

Therefore, the colonel was the first to shoot, and five shots made 48 rings.

Everyone looked at each other, is the leader so humble?

Wu Litao was a little nervous, and asked Yuan Heng for his shooting skills. Yuan Heng knew everything he could say. With the guidance of Gaowu Jianzhu, Wu Litao seemed to find the feeling of being a sharpshooter.

Next, it was the artist's turn to shoot live ammunition, and Wu Litao was nervous. He was ashamed and lost many times in the past few days, so he must fight for...not to be the last one.

The round of shooting ended soon, and the results are as follows:

Zhang Yifeng: 27th ring.

Guo Xiaoxi: 7 rings.

Li Tiezhu: 45 rings.

Yuan Heng: 42 rings.

Liu Yuan: 43 rings.

Finally, when the platoon leader chanted Daowu Litao's name, he subconsciously stood up, and this time he was finally not the last one, he had a 7-ring bottom! My comrades are so awesome! Zhang Yifeng's 27th ring super, am I still less than 7th ring?

In an interview later, Wu Litao said: "After I finished shooting, the monitor behind told me that I should have four shots on the target, and I felt stable..."

Platoon leader: "Wu Li Tao: 0 ring."

Wu Litao people are stupid.

How could it be zero ring? Didn’t it mean four shots on the target? Big Brother Yuan Heng...poisonous! !

When eating at noon, everyone also specially ordered Wu Litao's song to comfort Wu Litao and asked him to sing solo once.

While washing the dishes, Li Tiezhu also found his apprentice, and comforted him softly: "You don't have to worry about shooting the last person with a pistol. I'm used to it anyway."

Wu Litao: "Master, don't worry, I will turn defeat into victory."

Li Tiezhu said: "It's good if you have this heart! I am so relieved, you...Don't go out and tell people that I am your master in the future."

Wu Litao: "Why? Are you afraid of being exposed to my light? Don't be polite, just wait for the chicken and dog to ascend to heaven if you have such a powerful apprentice as me!"

Li Tiezhu nodded: "..."

You are a chicken and dog!

This... is probably retribution, right?

Li Tiezhu gradually realized that, it's no wonder that Cheng Dalong didn't want to pay attention to his apprentice at all. After all, people want face and skin...

The next two days were hard training again.

Since entering the tank battalion, the training has lasted for seven days before barely ending. After all, this unit is too professional, and the real training is not accessible for a year, and they are just watching the flowers.

But even so, we must participate in the final exercise.

For the first time, they saw a tank hitting a target with live ammunition in the shooting range, and no one was shocked. This is the power of the king of land warfare.

This can burn more than firearms!

Seeing that the distant target was hit by a shell and disappeared in smoke, everyone felt blood surging.


"I see my blood boil over."

"I want to get one."

"Can I drive this kind of car with a c2 driver's license?"

"Is this more handsome?"

Except Zhang Yifeng and Wu Litao missed, everyone else successfully hit the target.

Li Tiezhu was also involved in target shooting. In fact, this was just a special reward given to them by the army, allowing them to get what they wanted before leaving the army.

Then, it's time to separate again.

Although the separation is always difficult, everyone is used to it, but Wu Litao cried again.

In the evening, on the way back to the guest house by bus, everyone kept comforting Wu Litao.

After a long time, he blinked his eyes and said, "I...have no revenge yet... how come it's over? After being captured, I set up on Weibo. If I don't take revenge, I am a dog!"

Everyone is dumb, why are you crying for this? I thought you were reluctant to be a comrade-in-arms.

Li Tiezhu patted Wu Litao on the head: "Forget it, your three-legged cat's kung fu can't get revenge for another three years, so why bother yourself?"

"But, I have said everything! The whole network knows it."

"It's nothing, don't you know how to get your reputation?"

"Master, what you said... also has a certain truth."

"Of course, Master, I am the best at convincing people with morals! When you record the show next time, you can behave better and don't be ashamed."

"Well, I must not be ashamed! If I am ashamed next time, I will be..."

"Dog, everyone knows."

"Next time you record the show, which unit will you be in?"

Wu Litao shed tears, and suddenly became curious again.

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "How do I know?"

In fact, he knew that although the program group said it kept secrets from the artists, in order to win Li Tiezhu's joining, he still revealed some information to Li Tiezhu.

The other artists were also curious. After today's tank shooting, all of them were as tired as the ones who had been hit with chicken blood.

Zhang Yifeng said: "Liu Yuan, tell me, where are we going?"

Liu Yuan is a military fan, breaking his fingers and saying: "We are an army sequence. Now we have experienced infantry, artillery and armored soldiers. We have experienced all the main arms. I think the next step should be...special forces."

Li Tiezhu was shocked, this guy still guessed eight or nine! He was the only person present who knew the answer, but he didn't say it, leaving everyone with a sense of freshness.

Yuan Heng: "Really? So can we go to secret troops?"

Guo Xiaoxi: "It should be possible to go. The tank and artillery are also classified! I just don't know if it is a special force, the army also has aviation, engineering, reconnaissance, etc..."

Liu Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Reconnaissance forces! This is a bit close to the special forces, and there is almost no difference! I think this is it."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Does this guy also know the "standard answer"?

Wu Litao: "Forget it, don't go to any special forces reconnaissance company. It's even more embarrassing to go."

Liu Yuan said, "Then you can take advantage of these three days and go for a gallop on the prairie! Just like last time!"

Wu Litao: "No, no... I shaken my body apart last time, otherwise I won't be captured."

Several others were curious: "Why did you two go to the grassland last time?"

Wu Litao kept silent.

Liu Yuan said: "Riding and archery. Brother Tao said that the tank unit is a modern cavalry. He was bored in the guest house and insisted on taking me to the northern prairie to play horse and archery. As a result, he let himself out of play, and his waist returned. It's a bit twisted. Otherwise, he will not be the last one after dragging the ammunition box over the obstacle, haha!"

Wu Litao: "..."

Liu Yuan: "Is your waist injury better?"

Wu Litao said: "When you are captured, let them be ravaged by mistakes... it's okay."

The others burst into laughter, another medical miracle!


"Ha, Farmer" is a new A-level slow variety show set up by Mango Taiwan, in the style of Sanda "Mushroom House", in an attempt to create a mushroom house for young people.

The ambition of this show is not small, but...the investment of resources is limited, so it is destined not to be a top-class variety show.

However, looking at the main coffee of this show, the positioning of A-level is already high enough.

Wang Fang, Zhen Nailiang, Yang Feiyue, Jin Hean.

Except for Uncle Zhen, the other three are all young people. Although they are all popular, they are far from top stars in terms of works and achievements. Therefore, the program they cooperated with can make Mango Channel position A-level, which is already a good start.

They are not big coffees, but Wang Fang and Yang Feiyue are really popular and their traffic is invincible.

The only difficulty is that the resources are limited, and there is no way to invite too many big celebrity flying guests to help out. This is also "destined". After all, please big celebrities to...add money.

Therefore, when the show started to be recorded, these people were still a little nervous.

There is nothing more troublesome than this.

The best mentality is Yang Feiyue. After all, she has a big stomach and a big heart, just like her master.

On the way to his "home" in the car of the program group, Yang Feiyue was identifying the crops in the field all the way: "Banana, wow! Eggplant, eh, eggplant is delicious...cow?"

The whole person bounced instantly, and she lay down on the car window and looked out: "Look, the beef is running! Sucking~"



"Come for Yang Feiyue."

"Sister Feiyue, come on!"

"Finally I have my own show! Come on Yang Feiyue!"

"Double Ponytail Yang Feiyue is super cute!"

"Where is my king?"

"Come for Li Tiezhu!"

"What? Li Tiezhu is here?"

"Isn't he recording "The Real Man"?"

"Brother Serious is a big boss in the mushroom house, if you are here..."

"It's God!"

"Tie Zhu: I thought it was here to enjoy the blessing, but I didn't expect it to be technical poverty alleviation!"

"Is there really Li Tiezhu in front?"

"The official Weibo posted a still of the serious brother, there should be some!"

"Master and disciple get together, spread flowers..."

This show has been popular since the first episode, because it has collected the two major elements of the big fire show-Li Tiezhu and Yang Feiyue.

"Ha, Farmer" was also recorded in Xishuangbanna, and it's not far from the mushroom house. I don't know if Mango Terrace directly packaged two small bases in the local area. Maybe the second one...half price?

Anyway, Li Tiezhu is back.

Knowing that Li Tiezhu was on the show again, He Ling and Huang Sanshi graciously invited Li Tiezhu to the mushroom house to record the final episode, and everyone would eat the little frog again.

Li Tiezhu declined, with good reasons: "You have to talk to the program groups of "The Real Man" and "Ha, Farmer". Both are your Mango TV programs. I'm only on the three-day holiday. Which one is not on?"

I still remember that at the beginning, it was "agreement" that Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer came to the mushroom house every year to eat the little frogs for the last period.

Li Tiezhu also kept it in his heart, but last year they...forgot.

Maybe you really forgot it?

Therefore, Li Tiezhu understood It was probably because He Ling and Huang Sanshi were old, and their memory was not very good.

It must be so!

So this year, Li Tiezhu no longer continued his interest in the little frog feast.

He and Song Zhuer also "forgot".

Everyone forgets it, it will be more polite.

Don’t gossip, let’s say that Li Tiezhu took Wu Litao off the plane early in the morning and drove to the "Ha, Farmer" program group.

He came, of course, to help Yang Feiyue support the scene. She is now an artist under Li Tiezhu's studio, and she is also a pro-disciple.

As for why I brought this wild evildoer around...

The main reason is that Wu Litao didn't have any points in his heart, and he threatened to come and fight Yang Feiyue for a life and death. Li Tiezhu felt that it was necessary to let him die clearly.


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