Earthy Superstar

Chapter 755: :Send charcoal in the snow

Yang Feiyue was the first to come to Haha's house, followed by Jin Hean and Zhen Nailiang. Wang Fang will not be able to come together until tomorrow.

The three of them strolled around in the luxurious Haha House, and then went to the village entrance canteen to buy spices and some essential items.

Then Jin Hean and Zhen Nailiang pulled out a fishing net from the warehouse, and they were going to fish in the river at the door. They found out that it was a broken fishing net for a long time, and they died on the spot.

Yang Feiyue ridiculed mercilessly: "A dog can get out of such a big hole! Ho Ho Ho~"

This toss is noon.

Because it was the first day, at noon, three people rubbed their faces on the lunch box of the program staff. Of course, this section was not filmed. The director warned that it would not be an example.

Zhen Nailiang called Qu: "The money is gone, and the meat can't be bought. What to eat? It's not that we don't make it, or there is no meat! How easy it is to cook!"

Yang Feiyue said, "Director, do you have more lunches?"

Jin Hean: "You haven't eaten enough yet?"

Yang Feiyue: "Eat an extra box without spending money! What we eat at night is our own rice!"

Jin Hean: "..."

Zhen Nailiang watched Yang Feiyue really took another box of lunch, and smiled: "Feiyue, I just heard the director say that you invited the flying guest for this issue?"

Yang Feiyue: "Hmm..."

Because of the limited capital and the tightest first season of this show, it often depends on the guests to find relationships with them.

Jin Hean is also curious: "Who is it?"

Yang Feiyue: "Uncle Big Cousin!"

Zhen Nailiang: "Uncles of the third sister? That should be an old artist."

When the three of you finished eating, the broadcast notice: "Villagers of Haha House, please pay attention, your big cousin is here, he is waiting for you at the entrance of the village, go pick it up..."

Loop three times.

Yang Feiyue and Zhen Nailiang went to the village entrance to greet them with the twenty-eight bars.

"Brother Liang, you are a bit good at riding a bicycle!"

"I used to play extreme sports!"

"Wow~ I liked to ride a bike with one hand when I was a kid, and fell into the field."

"Then you can't, see if I don't use my hands... hey hey hey..."

"Brother Liang, just relax, this show is not insured."

"Cut off the previous paragraph! Who is here?"

"My cousin."

"Who is the big cousin?"

"How would I know?"

Yang Feiyue is still very smart sometimes, knowing what to say and what not to say, she would not say in the show that Li Tiezhu was invited by him, even though everyone could guess.


"The big cousin is here for dinner!"

"My cousin is afraid that he is here to cook!"

"Yang Feiyue, a very down-to-earth person."

"Road turns to fans."

"Sister Feiyue's accent is biased by Brother Liang."

"It smells like a big ballast from the Northeast."

"Isn't it Wang Fang?"

"I have said it several times, and Wang Fang will not come until tomorrow."

"Lulu said that she likes to play extreme sports."


"No wonder Brother Liang said he used to play, but now he quit?"

"Yang Feiyue is really good-looking!"

On the other side, Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao wandered around the entrance of the village with their suitcases.

Wu Litao made a fuss: "Hey, there is a chicken for sale! Master, let's ask the price."

Li Tiezhu: "Come back, that's someone's viewing chicken."

Wu Litao obviously doesn't trust Master's IQ: "I have only heard that chickens are used to eat, but I have never heard that chickens can be used to watch and play."

Li Tiezhu: "I've heard of..."

Wu Litao: "Hey! I'm talking about real chickens, what are you thinking about? You are not serious!"

Li Tiezhu said: "This **......"

Wu Litao: "Master, record the show, don't talk dirty."

Li Tiezhu kicked him: "I said this chicken is the Great Southern Wild Fowl. Its feathers are bright and shiny. In addition to viewing it, it can also be used for hunting."

"real or fake?"

"Because it looks very much like a pheasant, it can be brought to the mountain to attract female pheasants. Sometimes the female pheasants will fight, which is convenient for hunters to hunt."

"Too fake! Master, you still write scripts, you can't make up stories."

Wu Litao looked contemptuous.

Li Tiezhu also had nothing to say, because the truth is often such a nonsense. This is true when I heard Huang Sanshi say when I was in the mushroom house.

At this time, several tourists surrounded Li Tiezhu to sign, but Wu Litao stopped him strongly, saying:

"Why do you only ask for my master's signature and not me?"

"who are you?"

"Is it Wu Litao?"

"It's really Tao Tao, let the trouble be."

"Where is the living Li Tiezhu, really close to the people!"

"My master is originally the people, and he is a fool!"

"Serious brother, I love you!"

"Your elders love my master? I'm sorry. If you want my master's signature, you must ask for my signature, otherwise I won't let it."

No way, a group of tourists can only ask Wu Litao to sign first, and then let Li Tiezhu sign.


"Sure enough, serious brother!"

"Damn, big production! Even Brother Zhu is here."

"The Mushroom House is second?"

"It would be great if Li Tiezhu stayed on this show."

"Just take it when you see it! It would be nice if you can come."

"Why is there a little fresh meat?"

"Wu Li Taotao can be considered a small fresh meat? Which eye do you see looks like a small fresh meat?"

"Obviously he is a comedian."

"I have to say that Li Tiezhu's two apprentices... are both talents."

"What Brother Zheng said is true, that chicken can really be used for hunting."

"The legendary seduction technique?"


"I lost my head so I can sign it?"

"The dock is absolutely complete."

After signing the photo, Li Tiezhu walked away with Wu Litao. There were too many tourists at the entrance of the village.

After waiting so long without seeing Yang Feiyue come to pick him up, he decided to take Wu Litao to find Haha's house by himself.

Here, Yang Feiyue and Brother Liang have also been looking for a long time in the square, and an aunt of Dai nationality warmly invited Yang Feiyue to dance together.

Yang Feiyue refused: "Thank you, let's find someone!"

Want me to dance?

No way!

I finally got out of the sea of ​​bitterness in the women's team.

Yang Feiyue was a little panicked, right? Master, his elders won't get lost again, will they? Why should I say it again?

But goose...

After searching for half an hour, the two naive couples discovered that the square where they were dancing was not the entrance of the village. They rode their bicycles to the real entrance of the village, but the big cousin was no longer at the entrance of the village.

Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao asked along the way.

When passing by a cowshed, Wu Litao asked the cow, "Do you know where Haha's house is?"

Li Tiezhu: "It knows it, but your language is not good. Let me ask! Niu brother, how much is a catty of your body?"

Not far away, the owner of the cow stared at them with a grim look.

Wu Litao took Li Tiezhu away and waved to the owner of the cow: "Big brother, it's okay. I think your cow is like a relative of mine, so I'm chatting with him."

Turning a few small roads, Li Tiezhu carried a large box in one hand and two large backpacks on his back and walked towards Haha's house.

found it!

Wu Litao was empty-handed, only fanning the banana leaves in the wind, and weakly following behind, feeling more tired than in the army: "Master, haven't you arrived yet?"

Li Tiezhu: "Here, it's ahead."


"Wu Litao is too imaginary, right?"

"Let Tie Zhu help him with the boxes? So are the bags."

"The banana leaves should have been picked by Li Tiezhu. With the strength of Wu Li Tao Tao, it is absolutely impossible to cut the banana leaves."

"Tie Zhu is too spoiled for his apprentice, right?"

"He is very fond of newcomers, think about Yi Xiaomao and Zhou Qian."

"However, Wu Litao is obviously a few years older than Tie Zhu..."

"It's a violation!"

Sure enough, the screen turned and played back.

Wu Litao couldn't move the box on the bumpy road, and shouted, "Master, help! I'm not working anymore, it's too hot."

Li Tiezhu went to the roadside and folded two banana leaves, one for him as a fan and one for him as a hat: "You fan it, don't get heatstroke."

After all, Li Tiezhu picked up his apprentice's bag and suitcase.

Wu Litao threw away the banana leaf hat: "I'm not wearing a green hat! Master, you can drag the box away, it's too tired to carry it."

Li Tiezhu walked like flying fast: "Do you still want the wheels of the box? My box is very expensive, more than 800."

Wu Litao muttered: "I am not afraid of more than five thousand suitcases..."

Li Tiezhu: "Then your five thousand must be of good quality, but my cheap quality is not good, so you can't drag it."

Wu Litao: "Then drag my suitcase away."

Li Tiezhu: "There are more than five thousand boxes, are you willing to drag it along this way?"

Wu Litao was speechless, and Master was always so justified.

Barrage: "As expected of my serious brother!"

After crossing a bamboo bridge, Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao finally arrived at Haha's home.

Wu Litao: "Anyone? Come out and pick it up! Do you know how to be polite?"

Jin Hean, who was staying behind, ran out and said in amazement: "Hello, hello, is this Teacher Li? Hello! Hello! Wu Litao! Hello! Are you a big cousin?"

After greeting each other, Li Tiezhu carried the box and walked in. Wu Litao continued to complain:

"Wow, it's so far! There is no car and no one will pick us up..."

Jin Hean: "Is there no one to pick it up?"

Wu Litao: "No."

Jin Hean covered his face, where did the two go?

Entering the house, Wu Litao said, "Where are Brother Liang and my junior sister? And Wang Fang?"

Jin Hean: "They went to pick you up at the entrance of the village. Wang Fang, I don't know."

Wu Litao: "..."

Li Tiezhu put down his luggage, took out a large plastic bag, and said, "Wang Fang is going to rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala, and I can come tomorrow. I heard Wang Xiaokai said that the three of them are going to the rehearsal together."

The other two suddenly realized that it was the Spring Festival Gala, which was really envious.


The big plastic bag is chopped on the Hean: "What?"

Wu Litao said: "My master brought you some gifts! I also took the share."

Li Tiezhu opened the plastic bag, and Jin Hean's eyes flashed: "Wow! It's amazing, Tiezhu, you are a god! How do you know what we lack? Give charcoal in the snow!"

Li Tiezhu: "I know these program groups too well, so... ten catties of beef, a chicken, a piece of pork belly, and a few spare ribs."

Then, the excited Jin Hean greeted Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao to eat raw radish. After all, there was no fruit at home.

After being tempered by the troops, Wu Litao is no longer picky, picking it up and eating it.

Li Tiezhu took out a bottle of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water from the box and gave it to Wu Litao, forcing him to drink it, and then... began to inspect the overly colorful vegetable plots of Haha's Home.

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