Earthy Superstar

Chapter 764: : Better than a cow

Is it illegal to fight chickens?

Zhen Nailiang replied: "It depends on the chicken flower without spending money. If you don't spend money, you won't break the law. If you spend money, you won't break the law."

Zhang Zifeng: "?"

Li Tiezhu: "???"

Yang Feiyue: "???"

Wang Fang: "Puff...hahahaha...hahaha..."

Brother Gang is not too old and driving experience is not too short!

What are you laughing at?

Li Tiezhu said that I can't get a laugh at all, I'm a serious person.

However, Zhen Nailiang's sentence was deleted from the feature film because of the bad influence. The words he said were actually quite cryptic. The key was that Wang Fang laughed too exaggeratedly, and he understood those who didn't understand. If this were broadcast, Wang Fang's image would be worrying.

Then came another task of the Haha House. Except for the sugarcane two, the rest of the people were dispatched collectively to herd cattle.

When I came to the cattle farm, the door said "If there are bad dogs inside, please don't enter."

Li Tiezhu suddenly said, "Would you like to eat dog meat hot pot tonight?"

Yang Feiyue: "Dog lovers scold you to death!"

Li Tiezhu: "That's because they haven't eaten dog meat, they will love dogs more, like me! Hey? Shall we secretly go to the mushroom house tonight and steal the two dogs?"

Zhang Zifeng: "No! H and O are so cute."

Li Tiezhu: "It's cute, it looks delicious."

I quickly entered the cattle farm, and under the leadership of the staff, I found a group of buffaloes locked in a fence. Manzhang Village mainly breeds buffaloes. Each group of cattle has a leader, which is the largest one.

The buffalo is very large and strong.

Therefore, Zhen Nailiang and Wang Fang are a bit imaginary, after all, they have never seen them before.

Zhang Zifeng hid behind Li Tiezhu habitually.

Social sensation Yang Feiyue has leaned over to chat with a cow, and gestured with his hands when he couldn't understand the language, and he probably didn't communicate any results.

Zhen Nailiang: "Will they beat us?"

Staff: "That's not necessarily."

Zhen Nailiang: "I've been injured, is it a work-related injury?"

Li Tiezhu said, "How do you count that death?"

staff member:"……"

Wang Fang: "Brother, isn't it so scary?"

Li Tiezhu smiled and said, "It's joking, of course it's not so scary. I grew up riding a bull."

Zhen Nailiang: "Do you still ride a bull? Wouldn't the bull top you?"

Li Tiezhu said: "My own cow has feelings. I was short and couldn't climb on the back of the cow. It would use the horns to let me step on it and lift me up."

Zhen Nailiang: "These cows don't know you."

Li Tiezhu: "Yes, if you don't have emotional foundation, you can only make sense!"

In the end, Zhen Nailiang, as the eldest brother, took the initiative to choose the leader of the bull, Li Tiezhu and Wang Fang each led two, and the other bulls followed, so that Yang Feiyue and Zhang Zifeng took the stick and pretended to drive the bull.

However, after daring the cattle into the woods, the herd began to run wild.

Zhen Nailiang didn't have enough energy to hold the bull's neck at all, so that the herd was completely out of control.

The artists chased after him, but no one could control the cow. Zhen Nailiang was even more frightened when he saw the cow head, because there were a few times when the cow head really tried to push Zhen Nailiang's lungs, but fortunately he could climb trees.

Li Tiezhu couldn't help being laughed. He wanted to get the camera, but now it seems that he has to shoot.

"Hide away, I'll go lead the lead."

Li Tiezhu waved to everyone.

Zhang Zifeng: "Brother, be careful."

Yang Feiyue: "Come on, Master! Spank it!"

Zhen Nailiang: "Tie Zhu be careful not to get hurt by it. It's very irritable."

"I've seen a lot of grumpy cows! I've seen all the fried ones! Bah!"

Li Tiezhu spit on the palms of his hands, rubbing the palms of his hands to increase the friction, and approached the bull's head collar.

The bull ran quickly, quite fast.

Li Tiezhu caught up with the cow with a stride, grabbed the rein of the cow, and pulled the cow hard.


Niu seemed unconvinced, and was in a tug of war with Li Tiezhu.

This is because the IQ has not kept up. The rein is tied to the nose ring. Does it hurt to tug of war with the nose?


So, the ox gave up soon, and instead rushed towards Li Tiezhu with his horns.

Generally, at this time, you should walk around in a circle, always keep on the side of the cow, and tighten the reins, so that it will not take long to subdue the cow.

But Li Tiezhu didn't do this. Instead, he dodged and leaped forward when the cow turned around and grabbed the two horns of the cow.

Horns are a taboo place for cows, so the cows are angry.

Li Tiezhu's strength is strong, and he can't beat him. He can't fight hard, but he has skills.

He twisted his hands and turned the bull's head by ninety degrees so that it couldn't work hard, and then he got close to the bull's neck and pressed it down with his body.


After a scream, the cow was crushed to the ground. Li Tiezhu grasped the horns of the cow with both hands and pressed one knee against the cow's neck.

Li Tiezhu reasoned with Niu: "Do you know you were on TV? Why are you so bad?"

Cow: "Moo!"

"Will you run around?"


The other four are dumbfounded, Li Tiezhu fights with the cow close-to-hand?

Also won?

Wang Fang: "Xiao Kai is right, Li Tiezhu is a monster."

Zhen Nailiang: "I didn't expect this..."

Yang Feiyue: "Wow! Niu Cha! Master spanked it!"

Zhang Zifeng is the most calm, and the grumpy Susu in Mushroom House is afraid of my brother! The cow does not have my brother.

Li Tiezhu suppressed and directed the cow's eyes until it looked away to express surrender, and then Li Tiezhu let it go to get up, then...turned over and rode on the cow's back.

The bull leader didn't dare to resist, just bowed his head to graze.


"As expected to be the King of Soldiers!"

"Li Tiezhu is born with supernatural power."

"The serious brother who has been herding cattle since childhood is too skillful..."

"Riding a bull?"

"The Bull Head was surrendered, so well-behaved."

"Fuck! It's awesome!"

"San Duo is better than a cow!"

"Li Tiezhu opened up, right?"

"Niu: Are you polite?"

Under the leadership of Niu Touling, the herd began to graze quietly and dared not run around anymore. Several artists found an open space to sit down and rest.

Zhen Nailiang said: "It's too difficult to herd cattle! It's far from being as comfortable as I thought. My shoes are soaked inside, and they're full of mud..."

Wang Fang: "I can't hold it at all. I have too much strength. How did you turn a cow, Brother Zhu?"

Li Tiezhu said: "The strength of the cow is very strong, but the strength of the left and right is very small, so as long as you hold the cow's head and press it from the side, it will fall easily. This cow's collar is much smaller than my previous water buffalo, maybe It’s because they are not old enough to eat. My cows have been raised for 20 years. Their waist circumference is twice as wide and their strength is greater. I started herding cattle at the age of five, and when I graduated from elementary school, I always lay on the cows. Write homework on the back."

Wang Fang, who had no childhood, was envious: "'s great!"

Zhen Nailiang: "Did Feiyue rode a cow as a child?"

Yang Feiyue said, "No, we all use tractors to plow the land. Master, can't you afford tractors?"

Li Tiezhu: "I really can't afford it, and all mountain tractors are useless."

Everyone sat on the ground and chatted about childhood.

Wang Fang said a word, which made Li Tiezhu very emotional. He said, "Before, I used to say that I went to Kyoto to return to Shuangqing, but now it has become Shuangqing to return to Kyoto... Where's Zhu Ge?"

Li Tiezhu raised his head and looked at the clouds rolling in the sky like a poop: "I... Since my mother passed away, I have been wandering around with my dad to work everywhere. I have been to East Guangdong, East China Sea, and Ludong...I When I was fourteen years old, my dad broke his waist at the construction site. At that time, it felt like the sky had collapsed... At the beginning of the summer vacation, I took care of my dad in the hospital at night and started doing odd jobs on the construction site during the day..."

Zhen Nailiang and Wang Fang were silent, and compared with Li Tiezhu's little regret, it was nothing.

Yang Feiyue's eyes reddened, she could compare with Li Tiezhu.

Zhang Zifeng silently patted Li Tiezhu on the back: "Brother, come on."

Li Tiezhu has always been very strong: "At that time, I was thinking about growing up early and helping to make money to support my family... I thought that as long as my old man gets better and I can make money myself, I will be happy enough! Who knows? I'm like this. You can also be a star and make a lot of money. However, the time to spend with my dad is getting less and less."

Zhen Nailiang said, "Then take your dad to Kyoto."

Li Tiezhu: "He is in pain the most now, and he doesn't bother to call me! He doesn't want to stay with me."

Everyone laughed, Li Tiedan has become a small internet celebrity, and Liu Xiaohua often posts videos of Li Tiedan trick-or-treating on Douyin, as everyone knows.

Li Tiezhu also laughed, but in his heart he knew that the old man had a low self-esteem in front of him, especially after the last steel bar stealing incident, the old man did not adapt to the fact that Li Tiezhu became a superstar.

Two hours later, the sun was westward.

Everyone drove the cattle back to the cattle farm, and returned to Haha’s home with Wu Litao and Jin Hean, who had returned from selling sugar cane, to prepare dinner.

Wang Fang picked two lettuce and returned.

Yang Feiyue said in the spirit of diligence and, "The leaves of this vegetable are broken and fed."

Wang Fang looked suspicious: "Give it to the chicken?"

Yang Feiyue: "They like to eat that leaf, and add some corn flour or something to make them happier."

"Isn't this going to be used for speculation?"

"Don't eat this leaf."

"Aren't we just eating this leaf?"

Wang Fang was also a little unreasonable, and he began to search for Li Tiezhu's figure. As a result, Li Tiezhu and Zhang Zifeng were in the yard... playing the red string?

Yang Feiyue's eyes rounded: "Are you kidding me? Lettuce broke the leaf, peeled the skin and ate it inside."

"Ah? Impossible! Lettuce eats this leaf."

"Do you know what lettuce is?"

"I know, I have eaten!"

"Have you really never eaten root?"

"I have never eaten. Have you never eaten leaves?"

"I do not believe."

"Eat this leaf!"

No one can convince anyone, they can only look at Zhen Nailiang who is helping in the kitchen.

Zhen Nailiang: "Ask me? How can I understand this? I don't even know the vegetables in the vegetable garden."

Yang Feiyue said, "How do you eat your leaves?"

Wang Fang: "Stir-fry! Otherwise?"

The two sides are in a stage of mutual distrust and dislike of each other, and both of them are a little confused.

Yang Feiyue was completely puzzled, and shouted, "Master! Come here for a minute."

Li Tiezhu walked over with both hands supporting the red rope, and the two of them said the argument just now, asking Li Tiezhu to be the referee.

Wang Fang: "Brother Zhu is from Xichuan, so he must eat leaves."

Yang Feiyue: "Impossible, my master eats roots."

Li Tiezhu said: "Yang Feiyue, when you came to our house for a meal, did I feed the dog the fried phoenix tails? Do you dare to say you haven't eaten lettuce leaves?"

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