Earthy Superstar

Chapter 777: : Extremely rampant

Wu Litao finally raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "That is! I know that they might be found lurking on the ground, so I hid in the tree. They didn't shoot anyway, and even if they found me, I won't come down. ."

Li Tiezhu said: "Well, you chase them, I will stay and wait for the big troops."

Wu Litao smiled suddenly: "Master, do you think I am stupid?"

Li Tiezhu: "..."

The two slowed down, hanging the enemy far away, not daring to approach, waiting for their teammates to come and support.

"Master, you dare not chase you so fiercely, let me go?"

"The main reason is that one more prisoner can slow them down."

"I'm not going, the captive is not for man."

"All right."

"If the exercise equipment had been distributed in advance, I would just throw the four of them out of the tree."

"Uncle Zhang Yifeng is still in their hands, and the uncle is also suddenly killed?"

"One for four, earn!"

"Yes, Brother Tao, you learn math well."

"Unfortunately, no equipment was issued."

"They can't do it, otherwise they would carry out raids with guns, and we would die even worse."


"Wulitao's life highlights have appeared!"

"This wave of operation is 666!"

"Is it okay to puncture tires?"

"Don't talk about martial ethics."

"Counsel others to operate their own sorrows..."

"Master, do you think I'm stupid?"

"Shen special one for four."

"Zhang Yifeng: Are you polite?"

"The old man is so pitiful."

"These four special forces are really strong, but they capsized in the gutter."

"If it weren't for Wu Litao to get lost, the enemy would have succeeded."

"You dare not write like this in scripts!"

"The enemy is terrible..."

Soon, the company commander arrived with a team of artists and another group. With more than a dozen people, Li Tiezhu briefly introduced the situation to them, and then chased after him.

Company commander: "Everyone has no guns. Let's not use daggers to catch them! Damn! I'm also special soldiers, who are you bullying?"

The veterans were very angry. They were already embarrassed enough to be regarded as the red team. Unexpectedly, the other party was so rampant that they would touch the camp to capture the prisoners in the middle of the night. What's even more annoying is that the tires of the car were punctured and chased by more than a dozen scouts. The other party didn't leave the prisoners to escape. Is this the reconnaissance company as a dog?

Everyone sighed, trying to chase and teach these mysterious Blues.

The Blues were also out of anger.

"Didn't they say that weapons are not distributed? How do they pierce the tires with a knife?"

"Who did it on earth?"

"Do they know we are coming?"

"Impossible, knowing that will let us capture Zhang Yifeng?"

"Fucked to death! If we had a gun, we could kill a dozen of them."

"Don't underestimate the enemy, the opponent is a reconnaissance company."

"What should I do now? They chased me very fast."

"There are too many opponents in pure hand-to-hand combat."

"Split into pieces!"

"What about the captives?"

"Huh! Naturally there is a way."

After a while, Zhang Yifeng was tied and hung under a tree, his toes just touched the ground, but it was very laborious.

The blues ran away carrying a stump.

Then, Zhang Yifeng, who was gagged, watched desperately as his comrades chased the Blue Army not far away, and no one noticed him.

After chasing for a while, the distance was only ten meters.

If this exercise weapon was allotted, there would have been a fierce exchange of fire, but it didn't. Therefore, the battle seemed weird. There was no way. Not only the program team, but even the army leaders did not expect this to happen.

Which mentally handicapped would slip from the camp to the road to pierce tires at night?

The original plan was that even if the Blues were unable to catch the prisoners and were found, they would be able to escape smoothly by car.

"Rush! Catch them!"

"Retake your comrades."

The red soldiers rushed up. Both sides had no weapons. What tactics did they want? Of course it is a three-three system! A group of three pounced on it skillfully.

Unexpectedly, the four blue soldiers had a tacit understanding, threw the "captives" away, and fled in all directions.

The soldiers on the red side froze for a moment. Uncle Zhang Yifeng was afraid that he would not throw his waist out. Oh, he is so old, and his waist is of little practical use.

They stepped forward and saw that the "captive" turned out to be a wooden stake, and it was dark, making it difficult to see from a distance.

be cheated!

Wu Litao was taken aback: "Master is dead!"

Yuan Heng tapped the **** of the rifle, banged, and said, "Uncle is still so hard!"

Guo Xiaoxi: "Puff..."


"The Blues are so pitiful!"

"Zhang Yifeng is pitiful."

"Master God is dead."

"Wu Litao, are you special..."

"It is estimated that the Blues will be arrested."

"Why didn't the exercise issue weapons?"

"I guess I didn't expect to have a tyre puncture with a brain disability."


"Wulitao is absolutely the protagonist tonight."

"I'm so afraid that Li Tiezhu will take out the dagger."

Liu Yuan: "They hid the uncle, we divided into three people to find the uncle, and the others followed them to catch the enemy!"

Li Tiezhu: "Okay!"

While the artists were still teasing, the veterans were already divided into combat teams and chased the four enemies into the woods.

Guo Xiaoxi, Wu Litao, and Yuan Hengyuan returned to find Zhang Yifeng, and Li Tiezhu led Liu Yuan to chase the enemy.

At this time, the entire forest was chaotic. The enemy was too fast and the soldiers of the reconnaissance company could not catch up easily, but they did not lose track of them due to the large number of people.

The red soldiers communicated loudly and surrounded the scattered and fleeing enemies everywhere.

And the other party is also using all kinds of bird calls to pass the secret signal, it is too deceiving, too rampant!

However, chasing after each other, each combat team gradually lost their target, and the bird chirp gradually disappeared.

What the hell?

Obviously followed very closely, why did the other party accelerate suddenly and then disappeared?

The company commander was so angry that he scolded his mother, and the soldiers reddened their eyes. If this was broadcast, wouldn't it be a fairy? More than a dozen chasing four, but all of them are lost. Is this a scout company? The cooking class can't afford to lose this person!

The minds of the red fighters exploded, and they searched the mountains and searched through the carpet.

The enemy did not run far, but lurked in disguise, and would be discovered once it ran!

On the other side, the clever Yuan Heng heard the sound of Da Da, and asked Wu Litao to check it, and found the uncle Zhang Yifeng who was kicking the tree with his foot.

They quickly put the uncle down and untied the rope for him.

Wu Litao removed the cloth from Zhang Yifeng's mouth and said, "Uncle! We thought you were hanging up."

Guo Xiaoxi: "Too exciting, too exciting tonight."

Zhang Yifeng said: "Have you caught the enemy?"

Yuan Heng: "I don't know, the enemy is very strong. However, we are a reconnaissance company, with more people and fewer people. The problem is not big. At least we can catch one or two?"

Guo Xiaoxi: "How did you get caught?"

Zhang Yifeng said: "I just... saw the figure sway, the sky was spinning, and then I was tied up, gagged, and carried away...too fast!"

Yuan Heng became suspicious again: "Weird! Why did they tie you here? If they want to escape, they can throw you on the ground and run away directly, and the effect is the same. No, then we will have to divide some people to take care of the uncle. , There will be fewer people chasing."

Wu Litao: "It's probably nervous, right?"

Yuan Heng shook his head: "It doesn't make sense! It will take time for them to hang the uncle here. They must have some plan."

At this time, a three-person team came over.

A soldier said: "Have you found Zhang Yifeng?"

Guo Xiaoxi: "I just found it and I was not injured."

The soldier came over: "That's all right! The company commander also said let us come and find it for help."

Another soldier asked: "The company commander is curious about who pierced the tire. If it weren't for him, these guys would have run away."

Wu Litao proudly raised his hand: "I pierced it! Haha, I got lost, and then found their van, hahaha..."

The three soldiers looked at Wu Litao with "appreciation", you are so clever!

Yuan Heng suddenly said: "Don't come here! Don't move!"

The soldier stopped: "What's the matter?"

Yuan Heng: "Password? Say the password!"

The soldier suddenly smiled and looked at the two comrades on the left and right: "This time, grab a lighter one? Zhang Yifeng is too heavy."

Yuan Heng: "Fuck..."

He failed to make a second sound and was instantly thrown down and subdued.

Zhang Yifeng was also subdued again.

Guo Xiaoxi and Wu Litao were covered by a soldier at the same time. They were so powerful that they could not get rid of it. They posted that they were born in.

Two soldiers tied Yuan Heng and Zhang Yifeng up and gagged their mouths, and came to help fix Guo Xiaoxi and Wu Litao. In less than a minute, all four of them were tied up, like four big rice dumplings.

The three Blue Army soldiers did something inhumane next...weighing.

Two of them went to lift Guo Xiaoxi and the others. After the lift was finished, they pointed to Wu Litao and said:

"He is the lightest."

Wu Litao is desperate.

Then, he was taken away, leaving Guo Xiaoxi, Yuan Heng and Zhang Yifeng looking at each other, fucking! Are these guys too brutal? How can it be so strong? How did they escape the chase of the reconnaissance company?

They are not stupid, they understand one thing, this time the Blue Army is much more elite than the reconnaissance I haven't heard of it!

The screen flashed back. When the four Blue Army soldiers ran away carrying wooden stakes, they whispered to discuss tactics:

"Run a little bit further, and then make a scattered escape posture."

"Don't rush to get rid of them, lead them into the woods, let them spread out the better."

"Use'bird language' to contact."

"After getting rid of the enemy, go back and take the prisoners and evacuate from the opposite direction."

"A group of three, disguised as their soldiers, it's not a big problem. Anyway, I can't see the uniforms at night."

"The other one goes to find the other's entertainer soldiers, poses as a prisoner, leads them to cover the main retreat, and then returns to the base on its own."




"Fuck, fuck..."


"Reconnaissance company has been shown? Who are these guys?"

"Can the troops trained by Wu Jing be average?"

"Yi Gao people are bold."

"These four are too miserable, right?"

"Be **** like rice dumplings."

"It's too much to weigh one by one..."

"It doesn't hurt much, and it's very insulting!"

"Extremely rampant!"

"Hahaha, laugh to death."

"Wu Litao: I pierced the tires."

"The three finally took Wu Litao away because of his lightness, right?"

"Cheng Ye Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao..."

"Where is another blue team?"

As soon as the picture turned, Li Tiezhu and Liu Yuan were chasing in the woods at a loss. They couldn't see people at all, the enemy could not see, and the friendly army could not see, only the voice.

Then they met a soldier.

The soldier panted: "Too fast, too fast..."

Liu Yuan: "What's too fast?"

The soldier said: "The enemy ran too fast. In addition to the darkness, many of our teams were scattered."

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