Earthy Superstar

Chapter 778: :captive

Liu Yuan said, "What should I do? You go to your group as soon as possible."

The soldier shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'll protect you first. The other party is very powerful, and it's dangerous to be alone. You two, plus me, happen to be a combat team."

Li Tiezhu: "Okay! Let's go catch the enemy."

Liu Yuan glanced at Li Tiezhu, what's so good? This guy is the enemy!

I'm going, too arrogant!

The first time he saw this soldier, he knew that something was wrong with him, his acting skills were not very good, his breathless appearance was too...full of breath, and the physical strength of the scout was very good.

Besides, the scouts hate those Blue Army soldiers so much, how can they praise them for their greatness? You are so proud of being a prince who sells melons.

The other party found himself and Li Tiezhu, probably because they wanted to do something.

Liu Yuan didn't know the opponent's strength, but he didn't dare to take the risk, because Li Tiezhu didn't watch out. If the opponent suddenly got into trouble, Li Tiezhu might suffer, so he had to find a way to remind Li Tiezhu.

So he said: "That's great, Tie Zhuzheng and I don't know where to chase the enemy."

The soldier said, "I saw him running over there. Let's go and search."

Li Tiezhu was eager to try: "Okay!"

Liu Yuan did not object, and followed silently, saying: "Tie Zhu, when you film "Operation Yellow Sea," you can find some veterans of the reconnaissance company to perform it. It must be very real."

Li Tiezhuxin said that Lao Tzu was called "Operation Red Sea": "My movie is called..."

Liu Yuan: "I heard that your master is going to come to make a guest appearance?"

Li Tiezhu is even more blindsided, who invited him? I don't want it at the box office?

Liu Yuan asked the soldiers again: "Do you like Cheng Dalong?"

Soldier: "I liked it when I was young, but I like Wu Jing more when I grow up."

Liu Yuan said: "Really? When we were in the camp last night to video with Jingge, were you there?"

Li Tiezhu is at a loss, am I amnesia?

The soldiers were also dumbfounded. Didn't Jing brother stay with us last night? How can I have time to video with you? It is impossible to video with you!

Test me?

"I remember not making a video with Wu Jing?"

"You know this as well?"

"I haven't heard my comrades talk about it. If the video is available, they will definitely say it."

"Our team caught two snakes last night, did you drink any soup?"

"Drink, Tie Zhu's cooking skills are really good."

Liu Yuan is a little unsure, could it be that I guessed wrong? He said again: "Do you have a vacation? Go and help Li Tiezhu film "Operation Yellow Sea"!"

Soldier: "Isn't it called "Operation Red Sea"? Tie Zhu said to go abroad to shoot, we can't go."

Liu Yuan frowned, it seemed that he was too sensitive...

Want to routine me?

The soldier laughed secretly, Jing brother and Li Tiezhu are the most familiar, and the intelligence has been given to everyone.

Li Tiezhu said: "The filming location is indeed abroad, it's all uninhabited places. I heard that some places don't even have a mobile phone signal."

The soldier said: "Then why do you video with your girlfriend every day?"

This is the important message of Li Tiezhu pointed out by Wu Jing, and he will give Song Zhuer a video every day.

But...the "Real Men" program group is an exception.

The soldiers had never seen Li Tiezhu's daily video with Song Zhuer. They all thought that Li Tiezhu was a scumbag.

Therefore, Li Tiezhu turned his head and looked at Liu Yuan. Although it was dark, Li Tiezhu saw Liu Yuan's eyes shining.

"Brother, do you see someone over there?"

Li Tiezhu pointed.

The soldier looked over.

Li Tiezhu immediately squatted down, grabbed his legs and pulled back, Liu Yuan also jumped up, sitting on the opponent's waist and locked his throat with his hands.

Everything happened between lightning and flint. The soldier's reaction was fast enough, but he couldn't stand Li Tiezhu's strength. Liu Yuan also attacked hard enough, but he was still struggling desperately.

"Caught a blue team here! Anyone? Come on!"

Liu Yuan opened his mouth and yelled. On the one hand, he was afraid that he and Li Tiezhu would not be able to do this person, and on the other hand, he was afraid that other Blues would ambush nearby. He still doesn't know that on the other side, Wu Litao has been taken away.


The soldiers suddenly violent, overturned Liu Yuan, turned and ran.

His task is to attract the attention of the Red Army and cover the retreat of the comrades with prisoners. Therefore, to some extent, his task has been completed, as long as he escapes smoothly.

However, Li Tiezhu swept over with a kick, it was too dark to see clearly, and kicked on the soldier's waist.

The soldier grunted and threw a punch at Li Tiezhu, hitting Li Tiezhu's face.

He knew Li Tiezhu's strength now, and he couldn't run without breaking Li Tiezhu's entanglement.

The two of them fought and couldn't see each other's fists, so the fight became a mutual fight. You punched me and I kicked it.

At this time, the shouts and footsteps of Red Army soldiers were heard around.

The soldier was anxious, kicked Li Tiezhu away, and finally found a chance to run away, but Liu Yuan didn't know when he came around behind him and hugged him. The soldier lay back and pressed on Liu Yuan, trying to take the opportunity of letting go, but Liu Yuan screamed, his hands clasped tighter.

No chance!

Li Tiezhu came over and subdued the Blue Soldiers in two strokes.

The company commander ran over with the soldiers: "Have you caught it?"

Li Tiezhu: "Catch it!"

Liu Yuan knelt on the ground and coughed, feeling that his lungs were squashed.


An hour later, the red campsite was brightly lit, and the company commander was so angry that he dropped his belt and cursed.

The soldiers were also furious, so rampant, what do they think of reconnaissance? Come as you want, leave as you want?

Although they also caught a blue prisoner, the other party **** four red soldiers in one go. Although only one was taken away, it was enough to be humiliated.

It's not one to one, it's one to four.

What's more frightening is that they left a soldier to attract the attention of the red side and cover the main force's retreat.

It's a bit big.

If they choose to retreat together, the red team won't even be able to catch a single prisoner.

Therefore, in the eyes of the red team, they lost completely in this round and their ambition to win was fully aroused.

A team leader came over: "Company commander, that guy's mouth is so strict that he can't ask anything."

The company commander gritted his teeth: "Which unit are they from?"

"Did not say."

"This is not an exercise secret, nor is it to say?"

"He said it was absolutely confidential."


The company commander's expression became particularly dignified. It was only for recording the program, and the unit number could not be said. It was obvious.


On the other side, Wu Litao was taken into a room in the small building, tied to a chair, and took off the cloth from his mouth.

There was a desk in front, and a soldier sat behind the desk with his back facing him.

Wu Litao yelled: "Why? Why? Why are you arresting me too? Is it just me to bully?"

A soldier said: "Who made you puncture tires?"

Wu Litao: "Blame me?"

"Don't blame you? If you don't puncture the tires, we will take Zhang Yifeng away, and nothing else will happen."

"So, I cheated myself?"

"What's your mind on tying tires? You left the camp so far in the middle of the night? What's the picture?"

"I want to say I'm lost, do you believe it?"

"I believe in your uncle!"

"Hey... I'm also very helpless."

The soldier behind the desk said, "Okay! Just catch the captives, and we will have the initiative."

Wu Litao: "Huh? This voice is a bit familiar?"

The soldier's chair turned around: "Huh? I caught the most useless one?"

Wu Litao: "Brother Jing?"

"Okay! It's better than not catching it."

"Brother Jing, why are you here? You belong to their group? When you are done, you will be beaten to death by my master!"

"It's better to plug his mouth."

"I won't say anything, brother Jing, happy new year."


Wu Jing was very uncomfortable with a happy new year, and it has just entered summer! You have made a rapid progress in your apprenticeship, and you haven't been so tricky before.

Wu Litao still wanted to speak, but Wu Jing glared at him and persuaded.

Wu Jingjian's soldiers were not in a high mood, and asked them to talk about the arrest process, and then, Wu Jing's eyes looked at Wu Litao even more annoying.

Blame this idiot.

How could this be done in a good capture of prisoners?

After listening to the other party's plan, Wu Litao said, "Don't wait, I'm afraid that one won't come back, hey. It turns out that there are only five of you, and one was arrested."

A certain soldier: "Impossible! Xiao Chen came out of another reconnaissance company. He is not familiar with the reconnaissance company. Moreover, his abilities are top-notch, and he will never be caught."

Wu Litao said: "That's not necessarily, maybe that Xiao Chen has already been tried over there."


Xiao Chen laughed and tears came but still did not confess.

It seems that the tactics of scratching the soles of the feet have also failed!

Yuan Heng let go of Xiao Chen's feet, stood up, secretly heard the hand, and said to Liu Yuan: "There is no way, and I am not a real prisoner of war. At this level, I can't ask anything at all."

Xiao Chen's face was blue and purple, and he was beaten by Li Tiezhu during the previous fight: "True prisoners of war can't be abused!"

The reconnaissance company has already interrogated and found nothing. For the effect of the program, it was thrown to the artists for another interrogation.

Zhang Yifeng said: "It doesn't matter if you ask, it doesn't matter! The old man just wants revenge!"

After speaking, the uncle knelt down and scratched Xiao Chen's feet again, very serious.

Super Special Force Xiao Chen Tian was not afraid, but he was afraid of itching, and began a painful struggle again.

Li Tiezhu's face was also colored, his eye circles were dark, and he said: "His fighting skills are very good, better than the reconnaissance company. I don't think there can be too many enemies like this, otherwise it would be unfair. After all, the reconnaissance company is powerful. , But also brought us tow oil bottles."

Everyone nodded. Although Li Tiezhu was not clever, he was still very unique when it came to people.

Xiao Chen: "You are more than 20, and we are also more than 20."

Li Tiezhu: "Oh, less than ten people."

Xiao Chen was anxious: "We are twenty people, and, what's the name you caught me and the one we caught, it's not the same, we made it."

Li Tiezhu: "Oh, the key to judging the outcome of the exercise is our artists, and the soldiers are not important."

Xiao Chen: "..."

What is your ability to understand? So accurate!

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