Earthy Superstar

Chapter 796: : God-level performance

The vast majority of the 72,000 Americans at the scene did not know what the Charge was. In their eyes, it was just a very imaginative and shocking show. As for the sound of that trumpet...very cool!

More helicopters flew over the stage and fired at the anti-aircraft guns on the ground. Although they were only special effects, they were realistic enough.

The lights in the entire stadium were very dim, bullets flew over people's heads, helicopters exploded in the air, and people charging on the stage, and the charging people fell one by one, and finally... Li Tiezhu, who was blowing the Charge, also fell.

The sound of the Charge came to an abrupt end!

"Do not……"

The audience hugged their heads and shouted.

Dozens of tanks and armored vehicles rushed from the opposite side and stopped, firing a row of shells, which poured out on the infantry positions. Among them, there are only two real tanks and two armored vehicles. The others are paper-shell props, but they look very realistic under the lighting.


"God! We lost..."

"It's not fair!"

"Why don't we have tanks and planes?"

"Don't charge, there are heavy weapons on the opposite side..."

"The Pulis of Karma..."

"Damn devil! Have the ability to come out of the tank to fight!"

"Ain Pera must not be dead~"

"Hurry up and transform! Ain Peila! Destroy them!"

The American audience in the audience obviously didn't figure out which side they belonged to. They were all anguished because the infantry regiment was defeated by the armored regiment.

According to American thinking, Li Tiezhu should turn into a superhero at this time.

In fact, four out of five Americans did not know about the Korean War.

Because Hollywood is embarrassed to shoot, it is embarrassing to write more in textbooks, and happy students are embarrassed to learn more.

In the audience, Wang Fu and Cao Wang looked at each other, and they all felt weird. Li Tiezhu performed in the U.S. to beat the American devils? The dog is daring! Moreover, the American guys in the audience have their **** crooked?

Dimond yelled: "Kill those iron boxes! Com Ang, stand up and kill them..."

Bryant said, "Hey! Dement, before swearing, I think you need to know which side you are."

He understands this history, and the true top athlete has never been an idiot, except for Balotelli.

Diamond: "Obviously, it is the devil who drives the tank! Dad, the heroes protect the weak."

Bryant: "Crooked Goose~ You have a certain point, but it is the Mi Army who drives the tank."

Leonardo on the side took out a water gun and stood up to nourish water in the direction of the tank: "Go to hell! Da Da Da Da Da... 咻~ 嘭..."

Men playing guns must bring their own voiceovers.

Jennifer opened her mouth wide: "Oh buy it! Ain Pera moved the battlefield to the stage, which is incredible."

After a round of artillery, the stage lights dimmed again until they disappeared completely.

Deng Deng Deng...

There was singing in the dark:

Where is the world full of flowers

If it really exists then I will definitely go

I want to stand on the highest mountain

Don't care if it is a cliff

Under the spotlight, a tattered Li Tiezhu was shot in the chest, looking very realistic, with his trumpet still hanging on his neck.

Bang bang bang ......


There was warm applause and cheers. They liked the performance very much.

Then, another chasing light hit a person. He got up from the ground, limped with a gun in a tattered white cloak, and rushed toward the other's tank plane.

Da da da……

The man was carried by a string of bullets and fell dead.


"Do not……"

"This is cruel."

"When will you transform?"

"Stop singing, go and beat the mecha monsters."

"This performance made my scalp numb."

Li Tiezhu stood behind all the soldiers and continued to sing:

Live hard and love hard

Don’t ask anyone to be satisfied, as long as you are worthy of yourself

I never choose to give up about my ideals

Even in the desperate days

And on the person who was knocked down, a tube tower slowly rose up, very old.

The American audience suddenly exclaimed.


Can it still be like this?

Not far away, three people helped each other to get up, holding the explosive package for thousands of charges.


The enemy's shells "dead" them.

A tall building rose from the ground where they were "dead".

In the audience, Wang Fu and Cao Wang were already in tears. Perhaps among the 72,000 spectators, the two of them can really bring them in. They know... it's not easy.

As the singing continued, many soldiers stood up, marched forward bravely, and fell on the way to the charge. Where they "sacrifice", there will always be one more building, including hospitals, schools, residential buildings, parks, shops, playgrounds...

These buildings are out of proportion. The residential buildings are not as tall as Li Tiezhu, but they are beautiful.

Li Tiezhu sang while advancing along the edge of the rise of the building. Soldiers fell continuously, and new buildings continued to rise.

Keep running (broken sound)

With innocent pride

How can you see the sparkle of life if you don’t persist in the end

It's better to indulge in burning instead of lingering

Will sprout again one day

After the first half of the que was sung, a small town had formed in a corner of the stage.

Suddenly, a group of children carrying schoolbags appeared in the small town. They threw their schoolbags aside, playing marbles, fanning pictures, and hopscotch on the ground. They were very happy.

The warriors who fell to the ground lie horizontally between the enemy's tanks and planes, with heaven on one side and purgatory on the other.

Li Tiezhu stood on the edge of heaven and hell.

The audience already understood the meaning of this performance and applauded heartily. They liked this anti-war performance. It was so imaginative, and the effect was shocking.

"This is so cool!"

"I think this should be a real war."

"It may happen in Nan Bang or Annan."

"Ain Pera is always so full of charm."

"This is the best performance I have ever seen."

"I'm crying."

"I think, maybe the devil over there is our country."

"Fuck him! Damn Milliken!"

The fallen soldiers stood up slowly, some picked up their guns and lay down, some climbed onto the anti-aircraft machine gun console, some were packing explosive packages, and some were sorting scattered grenades.

In the audience, Xiao Lizi's water gun was noisy, and he muttered: "Who the **** is the devil? Don't they know what giving up is?"

Dement also asked his father: "Dad, are we the villains?"

Bryant: "I don't know. To be honest, we should respect the winner. Obviously, the winner is not us."

Dimond: "I learned this history before. At that time, I didn't understand why they were not afraid of death. Now I see those cities and children, I think I understand."

Bryant: "If you had the greatest civilization, would you succumb?"

Suddenly, the soldiers on the stage stopped and turned to look at the small city behind them, the children playing happily in the city.

Li Tiezhu continued to sing:

The fascinating and splendid future is always calling to me

Go forward even if you only have pain as your company

I want to sail on the bluest sea there

I don't care if I can return it

This song was adapted, and I should have continued singing down here, but Li Tiezhu paused here, a very blunt pause. The singing and accompaniment stopped, and the gunshots did not exist, only children. Laughter playing games.

Then Li Tiezhu picked up the trumpet on his chest and blew the Charge:

Toot toot...

The war is rekindled.

Da da da……


"Come on..."

Anti-aircraft guns, machine guns, rifles, grenades, explosive packs, tank guns, helicopter guns... all weapons fire at the same time.

When the music sounded, Li Tiezhu continued to sing:

Depressed after failure

That's the performance of a coward

As long as the breath lasts, please clench your fists

Before dawn

We have to be brave

Waiting for the brightest moment of sunrise

People are falling down constantly, and enemy tanks or airplanes are constantly being blown up.

The tempo of the war suddenly became very fast.

And the speed of the city's rise followed very quickly, from the direction of the small city, it spread rapidly towards the enemy's position.

The first skyscraper was erected.

Huge commercial centers appeared in the city.

A highway crossed the plain.

The world's largest astronomical telescope appeared in the valley.

The first high-speed train drove over the edge of the city.

The city moved quickly along the "skeletons" of the soldiers.

run ahead

Facing cold eyes and ridicule

How can I feel the vastness of life without suffering

Destiny can't make us kneel and beg for mercy

Even if the blood is full of arms

After the soldiers "dead", they assembled in places where the lights could not be illuminated. At this time, the lights were bright, and hundreds of soldiers were holding an explosive package, and there were only four tanks and an armored vehicle on the opposite side.

The charge rang again: toot toot...

More than a hundred people rushed towards the last enemy, and the sound of gunfire rang, even overwhelming the music.

Someone kept falling, but no one stopped the charge.

The audience at the scene was completely crazy, regardless of whether the big devil was myself, and started yelling:

"That's it, Beibi, kill them!"

"Fuck Milliken!"

"Blow up the **** hiding in the tank..."

"Pull their intestines out and weave flowers!"

"Invincible army, charge—"

"I love you guys, kill!"

"Defeat the tank monsters and liberate Milliken!"

But there is a group of audiences who are calm and scary, they are out of tune with the fanatical fans around.

Odin and Camilla cried silently, and the hundreds of people behind them also looked solemn...

We are all enlightened!

Great Ain Pera!

This is the oracle you gave us!

We get it!

We will build the most beautiful paradise on earth under the doomsday. For this goal, we will be as brave as the warriors on the stage!

Finally several soldiers rushed to the front of the tank to detonate the explosive charge.




The huge explosion sounded, with soaring fireworks, bloomed, and then returned to the darkness.

The buildings of the city continue to spread towards the dark area, and the architectural style is more graceful. The last single building is a gorgeous and huge airport.

Keep running

With innocent pride

How can you see the sparkle of life if you don’t persist in the end

It's better to indulge in burning

For the good in my heart

Don't compromise until you get old

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