"Me, where am I?" Chen Yuan squinted her eyes, put a hand on her forehead, and said dazedly.

Situ Qing said to her pleasantly, "Yuanyuan, are you awake?"

"Brother-in-law Qing, why am I here?" Chen Yuan opened her eyes, looked at the surrounding environment slowly, and said in confusion.

Situ Qing felt very distressed. He patted Chen Yuan's arm and said, "Silly girl, you are in the hospital, don't be afraid!"

"In the hospital? What happened?" Chen Yuan pretended to have amnesia, looking at Situ Qing pitifully.

"Don't you remember? On the construction site in the morning, you helped me block a brick. In the end, I was injured. The doctor took care of the wound for you. Now I am in the hospital for observation!" Situ Qing pointed to Chen Yuan s head.

Chen Yuan stretched out her hand to touch her wound, but Situ Qing gently stopped her. He smiled and said, "Don't move, now with a bandage. Your forehead is broken. The doctor has sewed a few stitches! But don't worry. , Will not leave scars!"

"Oh, I remember! Brother-in-law Qing, have those workers treated you well, are you okay?" Chen Yuan rolled her eyes, suddenly awakened, and said to Situ Qing anxiously.

Situ Qing patted herself on the chest and said, "I'm fine, unscathed, thanks to you!"

Then he said guiltily: "But I didn't protect you. I'm really sorry for you!"

"It's okay, it's too sudden, it has nothing to do with you!" Chen Yuan shook her head gently, and the pain involved in the wound made her frown uncontrollably.

Situ Qing said with concern: "What's the matter? Is it painful after the anesthesia, should I call the doctor?"

"No need, no, I'm so squeamish! Brother Qing, what are you going to do with that worker?" Chen Yuan actually knew that Situ Qing was already online, but she still asked this crucial question in accordance with normal people's thinking.

Situ Qing said: "I haven't done anything to him for the time being, just let people watch him. I want to wait until you wake up before making a decision."

"Brother Qing, those workers are not easy, I think they were bewitched by others, so they did this for a while, so don't pursue it anymore!" Chen Yuan always wants to show her kind and beautiful side to Situ In front of Qing.

Situ Qing nodded and said, "I knew you would say that, so I let him go without calling the police."

"That's great, brother-in-law Qing! I think that worker will be grateful to see you so generous and tolerant, and will never make such a mistake again!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

"Yuanyuan, you are the person who is generous and forgiving! You are really too kind, and so brave, you are the least shaven woman I have ever seen!" Situ Qing's evaluation is really too high, he usually rarely Will praise others.

Chen Yuan said shyly: "Brother-in-law Qing, you passed the award. I just saw them attacking you, so I rushed up in a hurry! This is called being brave and inexperienced. If I really have the ability, it will calm down. Disturbance, instead of waiting until they start to react!"

"Yuanyuan, you are too modest! Well, just woke up, don't talk so much, take a good rest!" Situ Qing said.

Chen Yuan closed her mouth docilely, closed her eyes, and lay down quietly for cultivation.

Situ Qing stood up and Chen Yuan whispered: "Brother-in-law Qing, are you leaving now?"

"No, I'll buy you some fruits and supplement vitamins. You have lost so much blood." Situ Qing turned around and looked at Chen Yuan.

"Brother-in-law Qing, no need, there are so many things in the company, you should go back, I'm fine!" Chen Yuan shook her head.

"How about that, you saved me, I have to watch you!" Situ Qing sat back on the chair beside the hospital bed.

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "This is unnecessary. What is my injury? Let's go. There are doctors and nurses here. It is convenient for me to ring the bell if I have anything to do!"

"No, I'll wait." Situ Qing guarded Chen Yuan, talking to her every and every word.

At noon, Situ Qing carefully fed Chen Yuan some special nutrition soup made by the hospital before going downstairs to go back.

After seeing him go, Chen Yuan sat up, took her bag, and looked at her phone. As expected, the headline of the local news was the photo of her being taken to the hospital.

This was also arranged by Chen Yuan. When she got off Situ Qing's car for breakfast, she sent a message to a media that something would happen in the newly built community.

The time was well controlled. The reporters who arrived just happened to take pictures of Situ Qing rushing to the car holding Chen Yuan, and then followed them all the way to the hospital.

In the Internet age, what matters is fast. Chen Yuan smiled and said: "If this is changed to before, even if it is typeset and printed immediately, it will take a few hours to see the newspaper! This time is fine, I immediately became the focus!"

She looked at the news with interest. The headline said "The President of Aichi Group Embraces a Mysterious Woman in a Hurry to See a Doctor", and there are many good news posts below, and there are many speculations and rumors, and it is difficult to tell the truth.

Very good, this is what I want, Chen Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Bai Chichi, who was at home, also saw this news. She was learning how to make baby shoes with Jusao with Xin Xiaozi. Seeing the flashing footage on the TV, she immediately stopped her hands. Actions.

"Huh, Xiao Zi, was the scene Yuanyuan and Qing just now?"

Xin Xiaozi was hurriedly threading the needle, then looked back and said, "Where? Why didn't I see it!"

"Wait for me to play it back, you have a look!" Bai Chichi took the remote control and rewinded a little bit. Sure enough, he saw Situ Qing rushing to the car holding Chen Yuan, who was covered in blood.

Xin Xiaozi's eyes widened: "My God, what's the matter?"

"I don't know, I'll call Qing!" Bai Chichi quickly picked up the phone at hand and dialed Situ Qing's number.

But no matter how many times she repeated it, it just couldn't get through.

"What's wrong?" Bai Chi looked at the phone with hesitation, anxious.

"You call his office, or Chen Yuan!" Xin Xiaozi also put aside his work and walked over to sit next to Bai Chichi.

No one answered in the office, and no one answered Chen Yuan's phone. Bai Chichi became more and more anxious.

"I don't know what happened to them, or where they went. What can I do?" Bai Chichi stood up and walked around uneasily.

Xin Xiaozi said: "In this way, don't panic too much, I will drive the car and you can go to the company to have a look!"

"All right, let's go!" Bai Chichi put down the phone and got into the car with Xin Xiaozi.

After coming to the company, the employees didn't even know about this. Situ Qing didn't tell anyone else when he went to deal with the disputes on the construction site.

"What to do?" Bai Chichi was about to cry.

Xin Xiaozi picked up the phone in his hand and said, "Don't worry, since they have already reported the incident, I think there must be a follow-up! Let's look at the latest news, maybe we can know where Chen Yuan went. A hospital!"

Bai Chichi nodded quickly and asked Xin Xiaozi to turn on the phone to check it, and she saw the photo of Situ Qing and the driver taking Chen Yuan to the hospital.

"Okay, it's easy to know where it is, let's go!" Xin Xiaozi hurriedly rushed to the door of the hospital with Bai Chichi's hand.

Entering the lobby on the first floor, Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi came to the information desk, but the nurse said there was no such patient here.

How is this going?

It turned out that Situ Qing found the reporter following them, so he approached the dean and asked him to greet everyone below, saying that Chen Yuan was not here in the hospital.

So when someone asks, the nurse will follow the dean's instructions.

"Where did you go?" Xin Xiaozi stomped, thinking that this happened too suddenly.

Bai Chichi thought for a while, and called Situ Qing again, but she still couldn't get through. How did she know that when she was on the construction site before, in order to send Chen Yuan to the hospital, Situ Qing dropped the phone out of her pocket in a hurry , And the workers were trampled on.

Chen Yuan's phone was turned on and muted again, because she was afraid that the workers would call her or send a message to Situ Qing, which would expose her prior knowledge.

Therefore, Bai Chichi couldn't reach them even when calling two people.

"This is troublesome. There are so many hospitals in the city. Which one did you go to? This hospital is obviously the one on the news, but I was told that there is no such person!" Bai Chi held his mobile phone anxiously and said at a loss. .

"We've all asked hello from the hospitals around here! Since Chen Yuan is injured, they won't leave it close and seek further distance!" Xin Xiaozi was calmer, she took Bai Chichi and asked about it in several nearby hospitals. , But no results.

In the end, the two returned to the original hospital.

After tossing for a long time, Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi both felt tired and exhausted. They sat in the hall and looked at the people who were gradually deserted, not knowing where to go next.

"Xiao Zi, did you see the cleared car in the parking lot?" Bai Chi asked without giving up.

"I've said it many times, but I haven't seen it, Boss!" Xin Xiaozi did pay attention to every parking lot, but did not see Situ Qing's car.

It turned out that Situ Qing was trying to avoid the paparazzi and asked the driver to drive away, so Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi got nothing.

"It's noon, or let's go eat first!" Xin Xiaozi felt his stomach growl, and she didn't want her baby to go hungry.

"But, I can't find Qinghe Yuanyuan, how can I rest assured to eat!" Bai Chichi hung his head in frustration.

Xin Xiaozi comforted her and said, "There will be nothing wrong. It is a person who has gone through heavy winds and heavy rains. Chen Yuan came out of the disaster area. Her vitality must be very tenacious!"

"But it seems that she is seriously injured. I don't know if it will be dangerous!" Bai Chichi was very worried about Chen Yuan's safety.

"It's okay, if something happens, it has been reported long ago? It might be good news if there is no news!" Xin Xiaozi's perspective is very unique, but it is not unreasonable.

Just when the two of them didn't know what to do, a familiar voice rang: "Wife, Xiao Zi, why are you two here?"

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