Bai Chichi looked back, isn't it that Situ Qing is coming out of the elevator and walking towards them?

"Qing!" Bai Chi hesitated to ignore his body, and ran forward quickly. Fortunately, Situ Qing moved faster than her and hugged her.

"My wife, don't be so excited, what are you doing here?" Situ Qing still didn't know that the paparazzi moved so fast. Bai Chichi and the others already knew the news of Chen Yuan's injury.

Xin Xiaozi came over and said dissatisfied: "We still have to ask you, what are you doing here?"

"Yuanyuan was injured. I sent her here for treatment." Situ Qing was a little surprised when she saw Bai Chichi's eyes with tears and Xin Xiaozi's breath.

"Who didn't know that she was injured! But we searched a lot, and we didn't even see your shadows, and the phone couldn't get through. What are you doing!" Xin Xiaozi ran for half a day, feeling very angry. Big.

"Because when I came, I found that the media was taking pictures, so I asked the nurse to say that Yuanyuan was not here. How did I know you would find it! Mobile phone, oh, yes, where is my mobile phone?" Situ Qing touched her body. , I found out that the phone was gone.

Bai Chichi looked at his face and said, "Qing, what happened, why did Yuanyuan get hurt? I saw blood on her face in the news. It's terrible, how is she?"

"Wife, don't worry! She's fine, she's awake now, I fed her soup and rested during the infusion." Situ Qing held Bai Chichi's shoulder.

Xin Xiaozi was relieved when she heard that Chen Yuan was okay, but she was also very annoyed, and said to Situ Qing: "You fed her soup. I ran with Bai Chi all morning and didn't drink water. Well! You really, Situ Qing, don't you know if you have something to say to the family? It made us look for it!"

"Little Zi!" Bai Chichi stopped Xin Xiaozi.

Situ Qing looked at them apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, this happened so suddenly. When I saw Chen Yuan's appearance, I forgot when I was anxious!"

"Hmph, so anxious wife forgot..." Xin Xiaozi was interrupted by Bai Chichi before he finished.

"Xiao Zi, let's go up and see Yuanyuan!"

Xin Xiaozibai glanced at her and said, "Since Qing said it's all right, can't we go see her after eating? I'm going to starve to death!"

"Okay, I'll take you to eat!" Situ Qing also felt very sorry for letting them run so much in vain, so he didn't care about Xin Xiaozi's attitude, and quickly took Bai Chichi away. .

Xin Xiaozi nodded and said: "Well, you can't make pregnant women hungry anyway! Bai Chi, what do you want to eat?"

"Eat whatever you want!" Bai Chichi saw Situ Qing now, and finally a stone fell to the ground in his heart.

Everyone had lunch in a restaurant outside, and Situ Qing told Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi what happened.

"How did these workers do it?" Xin Xiaozi said with a frown.

"Fortunately, Yuanyuan has nothing to do, otherwise we will owe her another favor!" Bai Chichi said with a sigh of relief.

Situ Qing shook his head: "No, even so, I owe her a great favor! No matter what the result of her blocking this for me, her behavior is already the greatest kindness to me! "

"Is it so serious?" Xin Xiaozi glanced at Bai Chichi.

"Of course, she is a weak woman who stands in front of my big man when danger comes. This is something no one can do!" Situ Qing said very seriously.

Bai Chichi felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, always feeling that this sounded a little strange, but he couldn't refute it.

"But you hold her to the hospital and treat her as soon as possible. This is a thank you to her!" Xin Xiaozi said

Situ Qing shook his head: "What a thank you, this is what I should do!"

"I think you were so anxious in the news. Was it really that dangerous at the time?" Xin Xiaozi felt that Situ Qing's reaction was quite big.

"Of course, Yuanyuan's head was severely smashed by a brick, her head was bleeding, can I not worry!" Situ Qing felt that Xin Xiaozi's question was too ridiculous.

Bai Chi said nervously: "Will it cause sequelae like concussion? Also, will it leave scars?"

"Wife, you are the same as I thought. I have asked the doctor in detail, but neither of them is good! What a blessing!"

Bai Chichi nodded: "That would be great! Qing, are you planning to go back to the company?"

"Yes, I guess those pesky paparazzi have already left, so I got down from the elevator and prepared to go back. Yuanyuan is very sensible, and she kept urging me." Situ Qing paid a lot of attention to Chen Yuan today.

"Yes, she has always been a good man." Xin Xiaozi said meaningfully.

Situ Qing looked at her and said: "More than that, I think a girl can be so brave and fearless, it is very rare! But she is also very tolerant, forgiving the young worker who hurt her, how many more are there in this society? Can an individual have such a character?" Situ Qing said proudly and in a complimentary tone.

Bai Chichi felt that his words were right, but anyway, it was a bit exaggerated, or it happened to Situ Qing himself, that's why he felt so deeply.

"It's okay, since Chen Yuan asked you to go, you should go back to the company! Which ward Chen Yuan lives in, let's go up by ourselves!" Xin Xiaozi couldn't listen anymore, she felt that Situ Qing was in front of Bai Chichi To praise Chen Yuan in this way is not very proper.

No matter how big a woman she is, she will always feel a little unbalanced when she hears her husband keep using good words on other women.

"I have applied for special care for her, you won't see her if you go up like this!" Unexpectedly, Situ Qing arranged the highest standard treatment conditions for Chen Yuan.

"Who is she, empress? You have to get your approval to see her? Who are you, grandfather?" Xin Xiaozi was unhappy when she heard it.

Bai Chichi hurriedly pulled her and said to Situ Qing: "You are doing the right thing, otherwise the paparazzi will definitely harass Yuanyuan!"

Looking at Xin Xiaozi, Situ Qing shook his head in his heart. This woman really didn't know what to say. Doesn't she know what it means to be grateful?

If it weren't for Situ Yuan's face, it would really make Bai Chichi keep a little distance from her, so as not to hurt people.

"Wife, I will send you up, and I will return to the company later." Situ Qing wouldn't care about Xin Xiaozi anyway, he said to Bai Chi Chi.

"Alright, let's go!" Seeing Xin Xiaozi's unsightly face, Bai Chi hurriedly settled the matter, pulling them one by one to the door of Chen Yuan's ward.

Sure enough, it was heavily guarded. After Situ Qing greeted him, several talents entered Chen Yuan's ward.

At this moment, Chen Yuan was lying quietly on the bed, as if asleep.

Bai Chichi walked over and saw her bandages and the drip indwelling needle on her hand. She still felt very distressed. After all, this was a girl.

"Wow, the injury is really serious! This blood is about to ooze out!" Xin Xiaozi walked over and said, looking at Chen Yuan's forehead.

Situ Qing rushed over with a stride, and said nervously, "Really? These nurses are too careless!"

"It's exciting for you, I'm just talking!" Xin Xiaozi gave Situ Qing a glance.

Bai Chi pushed her hand slowly and said: "You are so, don't talk nonsense, this bandage is well wrapped, where is the blood!"

"I'm just describing her injury! Okay, let's not bother her to rest. Let's go quietly for a while!" Xin Xiaozi frowned.

At this time, Chen Yuan woke up leisurely, opened her eyes to see Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi, and said in surprise: "Little Zi, Chi Chi, why are you here?"

"I saw in the news that you were injured. We drove around the street and finally found you! Situ Qing hid you and healed you." Xin Xiaozi walked over and looked at Chen Yuan's eyes. .

"Yuanyuan, are you okay?" Bai Chichi took Chen Yuan's hand, with sincere care and love in his eyes.

Chen Yuan smiled embarrassedly and said: "It's just a little skin trauma, let you two pregnant women come to see me under the big sun, how can I feel relieved!"

"It's okay, even if we didn't run in vain! You don't have to worry about it, just take care of your injuries, anyway, you are trying to save it, he has to repay you!" Xin Xiaozi was also talking about pouring beans.

"What to say in return, I should do it!" Chen Yuan shook her head.

Bai Chichi touched her forehead and said, "Silly girl, you are too brave. At that time, you are a girl who should hide far away!"

"I, I didn't think so much!" Chen Yuan said shyly.

Situ Qing held Bai Chichi's shoulder and looked at Chen Yuan on the bed and said, "Your Chichi sister and I have the same views. Of course, things have happened. We can only thank you! Yuanyuan, you again Saved me once!"

"Sister-in-law Qing, don't say that, besides, I don't have anything to show myself!" Chen Yuan blushed and shook her hand gently.

"No, what I said is true, Yuanyuan! I owe you all my life!" Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan, speaking earnestly and deeply.

This sentence is really harsh, especially for Bai Chichi. She was a little embarrassed, but she couldn't show it.

Xin Xiaozi glanced at Bai Chichi and saw that she felt uncomfortable, so she stood up and walked to Chen Yuan’s hospital bed and said, “It’s right and right to pay off debts! Chen Yuan, you just report the number and let Situ Qing give it. You write a check!"

"You are insulting her noble character, Xiao Zi! There are many things in the world that money can't buy! The so-called love and righteousness are worth a lot of money, you may not realize it!" Situ Qing glanced at Xin Xiaozi and shook Shook his head.

Xin Xiaozi was angry to death by him, but taking into account Bai Chichi, she had to gritted her teeth and resisted the attack.

"Okay, then your friendship is priceless. See if the hospital will waive Chen Yuan's medical expenses and provide special care! If you don't have any money, see who will care for you!" Xin Xiaozi said sarcastically.

Bai Chichi's heart is like a needle, but she patted Chen Yuan and gave her a smile.

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