"Bai Chi, what are you doing?" Xin Xiaozi asked in surprise.

Hearing her voice, Bai Chi was taken aback, looked at her and said, "What?"

"I'm asking what you are doing, why do you use chopsticks to drink soup?" Xin Xiaozi pointed to Bai Chichi's hand. She looked down, isn't she, she is mixing the soup bowl with chopsticks, and then Send in your mouth.

"Oh, I, I'm thinking about things, I'm distracted!" Bai Chichi quickly pulled a paper towel and wiped the soup dripping on the table.

Chen Yuan looked at her and smiled imperceptibly.

Bai Chichi must have been stimulated by the call from Situ Qing just now. She pretended to be calm, but her unconscious behavior exposed her mood.

"Sister Chi Chi, what are you thinking so much?" Chen Yuan asked Bai Chi Chi with a deliberate smile.

"Some small things, nothing." Bai Chichi shook his head, the expression on his face a little sad.

Xin Xiaozi frowned when she looked at Bai Chichi, then she looked at Chen Yuan again, and then laughed.

"Bai Chi, Situ Qing must be very excited by the baby's fetal movements, right?"

"Yes, he is very happy. He didn't fall asleep much last night, and he said that he would buy a beautiful notebook today to record the big things that happened to the baby." Bai Chichi's attention was shifted.

When it comes to babies, she will forget all the unhappiness.

Situ Qing called Chen Yuan just now, why didn't he ask his wife by the way? Moreover, Chen Yuan's answer is so familiar and affectionate, two people are so casual with each other.

Bai Chichi was thinking about such a problem, and he felt sore pantothenic, so he made the act of drinking soup with chopsticks.

Of course Xin Xiaozi knew Bai Chichi's heart very well. She saw Chen Yuan's somewhat proud look, so she deliberately brought up the baby.

In any case, please note that the people who are pregnant with Situ Qing's children are in vain, they are the real family!

Even if Situ Qing is a little grateful to you Chen Yuan and cares about you and loves you, it is definitely not your capital to show off in front of Bai Chichi!

Therefore, Xin Xiaozi deliberately said: "Oh, I didn't see it, Situ Qing has such a delicate side! After all, he is a dad, knowing his children is the most important thing!"

"Yeah, I don't know, but he is really happy! I kept touching my belly, trying to touch the baby's fetal movements, but unfortunately the baby didn't give him face!" Bai Chichi said here. Shang smiled involuntarily.

Xin Xiaozi glanced at Chen Yuan from the corner of his eye, and said to Bai Chichi, "He just touched your belly? It's really good, I love you very much!"

"How do you say this?" Bai Chichi didn't understand.

Xin Xiaozi smiled and said, "According to his wolf temper, as long as he touched your smooth skin before, he would have thrown you down and eaten your bones and meat! Now for the safety of you and your baby, you can do it. Don’t you really love you until I feel your belly and fall asleep peacefully!"

Bai Chichi understood what Xin Xiaozi meant, and said to her embarrassingly: "You are here again, always jokes regardless of occasion! Yuanyuan is still here!"

"What's the matter, Yuanyuan is not an outsider, she still doesn't know Situ Qing's feelings for you? Is that right, Yuanyuan?" Xin Xiaozi said to Chen Yuan with a smile.

Bai Chichi saw Chen Yuan’s smile a little unnaturally, and still didn’t want her to be too embarrassed, so he said to Xin Xiaozi, "Xiaozi, don’t say that! Yuanyuan and Qing are like brothers and sisters, how about you? Can't say this in front of my sister-in-law?"

"Yes, sister-in-law! Haha, Yuanyuan, I'm sorry, your sister-in-law, I am such a character!" Xin Xiaozi dragged the three words for sister-in-law long.

Chen Yuan had no choice but to shook her head and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I know Sister Xiao Zi has always been so bold and generous!"

"That's right, I just praise your husband and wife! Who do you think Chen Yuan is? Is that kind of hypocritical pseudo-girl? You can't hear anything nasty!" Xin Xiaozi finished speaking, gnawing away Remove the remaining chicken skin on the drumstick.

Bai Chichi had nothing to do with her, so she smiled at Chen Yuan and said, "Yuanyuan, let's go to work after dinner and rest for a while!"

"Okay Sister Chi Chi." Chen Yuan resisted the fire in her heart, lowered her head and quickly finished the meal in her bowl.

When she said she was ready to get up, Xin Xiaozi said again, "What's wrong, you only ate so few bites of the salt-baked chicken that your brother-in-law specially prepared for you? Didn't you disappoint him? Good intentions?"

"No matter how delicious the food is, you will get tired if you eat too much, Little Zi, you have to wait a little longer for everything!" Chen Yuan poked her mouth unceremoniously this time, and then smiled at Bai Chichi. Gone.

Xin Xiaozi pointed to Chen Yuan's back and said, "What does this girl mean? She dares to talk to me like this!"

"Okay, what did you say about the husband and wife boudoir in front of others is wrong! How can she be an unmarried young woman!" Bai Chichi felt that Xin Xiaozi's behavior was too targeted at Chen Yuan.

After all, there was no conflict or contradiction between Chen Yuan and Xin Xiaozi, all because of themselves.

Isn't this forbearance in order to have a harmonious atmosphere at home and to preserve a complete home?

If Xin Xiaozi and Chen Yuan were allowed to quarrel like this, they would definitely not be peaceful in the future. Xin Xiaozi's temper is so anxious, what to say, if something happens to her and Chen Yuan, Situ Qing and Situ Yuan will also be pulled in.

"I just can't get used to her look like a villain! Have you seen it? When talking on the phone with Situ Qing, he deliberately mentioned the chicken, and deliberately said that he did not want him to send a car to pick it up, for fear that we could not hear it. !" Xin Xiaozi said angrily.

"Or, it's because of you!" Bai Chichi actually felt the same way, but she still persuaded Xin Xiaozi.

"I'm so worried? Am I blind? I still don't see that you are stupid! Drinking soup with chopsticks, you really belong to you!" Xin Xiaozi gave Bai Chichi a glance.

Unexpectedly, his performance was so obvious that Bai Chichi's face was red.

"Is it right? Chen Yuan recently thought that she saved Qing once again, so she can do her best to cover the master, and it's you, the mistress! So she winked her eyebrows with Qing unscrupulously in front of you, acting like a coquettish and cute, I see I'm so angry!" Xin Xiaozi had already noticed that Chen Yuan's expression was different from before.

It's just that Bai Chi didn't say anything, and she didn't like to talk too much.

But today, Bai Chichi had already acted very clearly, and she was naturally going to help Bai Chichi breathe out.

"Xiao Zi, don't say that, Chen Yuan is kind to our family." Bai Chi thought bitterly, what else could he do if he didn't make a compromise like this?

"Repaying gratitude to you, you can't sacrifice you? We will give Chen Yuan what she wants, except for people!" Xin Xiaozi said, getting more and more excited.

Bai Chichi sighed and said, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid, alas!"

"What are you afraid of? Bai Chi, you must be hiding something from me! Quickly, don't hesitate, I'm anxious for my violent temper!" Xin Xiaozi simply ran to Bai Chichi and sat down.

"I'm afraid that you will anger her away in such a hurry, and Qing will be very angry at that time." Bai Chichi tried hard to resist his urge to confess the truth to Xin Xiaozi, but his words changed.

Xin Xiaozi looked at her and did not speak for a long time.

"Really, Xiao Zi, don't do this to Chen Yuan, she may not mean it." Bai Chichi said to Xin Xiaozi.

Actually speaking, Chen Yuan asked to leave on her own initiative, but the person who did not let her go was Situ Qing.

In this way, the wrong person should be Situ Qing, not Chen Yuan.

Anyway, the emotional matter is not clear or understood, and this is what Bai Chi struggles with. Who is the one who made the mistake?

"Well, since you have said so, I have nothing to say." Xin Xiaozi shook his head.

But she was thinking in her heart, Bai Chi, you are really too stupid, do you think I really can't see anything?

In the afternoon, after Chen Yuan went to the company, Bai Chi hid in the room and did not come out. She had been talking to the baby all the time, calming her mood.

After hearing the sound of Situ Qing's car, Bai Chichi went downstairs. She saw Chen Yuan and Situ Qing walking in with a smile.

"Wife, I'm back!" Situ Qing smiled and walked over to embrace Bai Chichi.

Chen Yuan greeted her well, and went straight to the kitchen.

"You see Yuanyuan is really diligent, she went to do housework just after get off work!" Situ Qing pulled Bai Chichi to sit down and said with a smile.

"Yes, what did you have for lunch?" Bai Chichi asked casually.

"Who knows, I don't care much."

It turns out that when Chen Yuan was not by your side, you had forgotten everything you ate! Bai Chichi felt a little uncomfortable.

But she didn't ask Situ Qing why she asked Zhang Ma to prepare salt-baked chicken for Chen Yuan, otherwise she seemed too hypocritical.

"Qing, you are really..." At this moment, Xin Xiaozi came down from the stairs and pointed to Situ Qing to say something.

Bai Chichi stood up and stopped Xin Xiaozi and said, "Xiaozi, I have said that I bought my laptop for the baby, not for art!"

"Ah, by the way, notebook! Xiaozi, are you going to laugh at me? Come on, look at this one I bought today!" Situ Qing really thought that this was what Xin Xiaozi was going to say, and smiled from the bag Find out a notebook.

"I, I..." Xin Xiaozi walked to Bai Chichi and wanted to say something, but Bai Chichi gave her a wink and stopped her.

Xin Xiaozi had to sigh and forget it, and the two of them looked at the book Situ Qing bought together.

Fortunately, Situ Qing has a good vision. He bought a very cute and beautiful book with a calendar and notes on it, which is very convenient for recording various things.

"How is it?" Situ Qing asked triumphantly.

"Not bad, really good!" Xin Xiaozi also nodded in agreement this time, finally letting Bai Chichi breathe a sigh of relief.

"Well, I have already recorded the baby's fetal movement in the afternoon. If there is anything interesting about the baby in the future, please tell me my wife!" Situ Qing said to Bai Chi Chi with a smile.

At this time, Chen Yuan came out of the kitchen and asked everyone to sit down and eat.

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