"Let's go, wife, Xiao Zi, I have fresh seafood tonight!" Situ Qing knew that Chen Yuan had bought so many rich seafood at noon.

"Yes, thanks to Chen Yuan!" Xin Xiaozi's tone was strange, and Situ Qing couldn't help frowning slightly.

He thought to himself that Chen Yuan worked so hard to go to the seafood market to personally select for you, and then send it home, how could she not thank others!

Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chi came to the table late and saw Chen Yuan holding a large plate in. Inside was a fragrant green mouth, with her mouth open, revealing the tender meat inside, mixed with green peppers and red peppers. It is appetizing.

"Wow! This is good, this is good!" Xin Xiaozi said with his eyes gleaming.

"You, you like these things, eat them!" Bai Chichi handed Xin Xiaozi a pair of chopsticks to let her try.

Xin Xiaozi ate one and said with a smile: "It's really good, Jusao's craftsmanship is really good!"

At this time, Chen Yuan touched another plate of oysters, and they were roasted sizzlingly, the aroma of garlic mixed with the flavor of the seasoning rushed into her nostrils.

"It's delicious, this is good too!" Xin Xiaozi ate one snoringly regardless of his hot hands, repeatedly applauding.

The next fan scallops and tongues in clear soup were very fragrant and delicious. Xin Xiaozi was very happy and kept giving a thumbs up to Jusao.

Bai Chichi watched her laugh, as long as he eats happily, Xin Xiaozi will forget the unpleasantness around him, simple and cute.

However, Situ Qing felt that Xin Xiaozi had been screaming delicious and praised Jusao, but she didn't even have a word of thanks to Chen Yuan.

How could Xin Xiaozi call on Chen Yuan so justly and without respect for other people's labor? Chen Yuan is not the nanny at home!

However, Situ Qing couldn't say anything to Xin Xiaozi, so he had to hold back.

However, he became more enthusiastic towards Chen Yuan, and kept asking her to sit down and eat, and stop busying her work.

But the more he did this, the more displeased Xin Xiaozi became, and Bai Chichi felt blocked.

"Yuanyuan, come and eat, you have been busy with the company for a day, and you should relax!" Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan.

"Come right away, brother-in-law Qing, I still have a dish to cook!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

Situ Qing said in surprise: "Why are you going to cook, Sister Ju has made so many delicious things!"

"Ah, that, that's another dish I made!" Chen Yuan suddenly twisted, and hurriedly went to the kitchen.

At this time Jusao came in with a plate of steamed fish, and said with a smile: "This girl, Yuanyuan, ran to the kitchen before going to work at noon. She patted **** and green onions, and stewed a cup of delicious soup. what!"

"Really, why?" Bai Chichi thought it was strange. How could it be made for a certain person?

And didn't Chen Yuan take a nap? Why did she go to the kitchen to cook some soup before going to work? She never heard her mention it.

"Oh, I asked her the same. I said what kind of soup is this. It has been simmered for an afternoon and there are enough dishes for the evening. Why bother to make a soup? Yuanyuan said, she I did this to thank someone!" Jusao smiled and wiped her hands and left.

Xin Xiaozi looked at Bai Chichi, and then at Situ Qing: "What do you mean, whom does Chen Yuan want to thank?"

"I don't know." Bai Chichi shook his head.

Situ Qing said with a smile: "I must be grateful for Chi Chi, Chen Yuan has always liked you, right? Besides, Xiao Zi likes all the dishes tonight. Yuan Yuan may be thinking that you like soup. So it’s specially prepared for you!"

After hearing Situ Qing's words, Bai Chichi thought so too. She thought that Yuanyuan must feel that she was a lot tolerant, not caring about her confession to Situ Qing, and she didn't let Xin Xiaozi bully her.

Xin Xiaozi's mouth squashed, thinking that Chen Yuan was nothing but courtesy.

"Xiao Zi, this Xi Tzu tongue is delicious, try it soon!" Bai Chichi was really afraid that Xin Xiaozi's mouth slipped and said something awkward, and quickly persuaded her to eat vegetables.

After a while, she saw Chen Yuan cautiously carrying a porcelain cup to the restaurant, and then respectfully placing it in front of Situ Qing.

It turned out that the person she was going to thank was Situ Qing, not Bai Chichi!

"This, Yuanyuan, did you misplace it? Or do you want me to feed you Sister Chichi?" Situ Qing said with a smile.

Chen Yuan shook her head: "No, this was originally made for you, brother-in-law Qing!"

"Make it for me? Didn't Jusao say that you made it for someone you thank you for?" Situ Qing touched his head a little strangely.

"Yes, you are the one I am grateful for!" Chen Yuan seemed to feel that Situ Qing's reaction was abnormal.

Doesn't he know that he is the one he wants to thank?

Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi looked at each other. What kind of drama is this?

"Brother-in-law Qing, did you know that this is a small Buddha jumping over the wall? I went to the seafood market at noon and bought sea cucumber and abalone by the way, as well as ham, just for this cup of soup!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

Xin Xiaozi looked at Chen Yuan and said with a sneer: "Yuanyuan, you can't tell, you have an ulterior motive on this business trip!"

"It's not that little Sister Zi, I bought the things you need first, and then I thought of my hospitalization period. Brother-in-law Qing came to see me every day and took care of me. It should be my gratitude to him!" Chen Yuan Say.

Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing, and then said to Chen Yuan: "You are also polite, you are all a family, and it is common for you to care about and love each other, so why bother expressing gratitude!"

"Sister Chichi, Brother-in-law Qing is so busy, she will come to see me sooner or later. I don't think even the eldest brother can do it. If I accept it with peace of mind, that would be too unconscious! And, it's just a cup of soup. , It's nothing!" Chen Yuan spoke eloquently and eloquently.

Xin Xiaozi shook his head: "It's just a cup of soup, but you have to buy and wash and make it. This is a lot of effort. It shows that you are very careful."

"Thanks to people, of course you have to use your heart! After I bought it at noon, I packed it up and simmered while you were back to the room to rest. This soup will take several hours to taste delicious!" Chen Yuan said as she said. Hand over the spoon to Situ Qing.

"Brother-in-law Qing, try it soon!"

Situ Qing took the spoon and opened the lid of the porcelain cup. Sure enough, a strong fragrance came and made people salivate. It was indeed a small Buddha jumping over the wall.

"It smells so good, Yuanyuan, thank you!" Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan with a surprised expression, making her blush with praise.

"Brother-in-law Qing, it is me who should say thank you! You have a taste!"

Situ Qing took a spoon of soup and fed it to Bai Chichi's lips and said, "Come on, Chichi, you taste it first, it's really delicious!"

Bai Chichi shook his head and said, "No, Yuanyuan made this for you specially."

"Aren't they all the same? You taste it first!" Situ Qing stubbornly refused to remove the spoon from Bai Chichi's lips.

Bai Chichi had no choice but to take a sip, and said to Chen Yuan, "It's really good, Yuanyuan, it's delicious."

But Chen Yuan ignored her and said to Situ Qing: "Come on, Sister-in-law Ching, Sister Chi Chi has drunk it, you should try!"

Bai Chichi was a little embarrassed.

Xin Xiaozi looked very upset, and she said to Chen Yuan, "You are also true. Didn't we go to see you during your illness? Bai Chi also visited you often, so why did she do it for Qing alone? soup?"

"Well, I, I don't have much money, so I can only buy so much materials." Chen Yuan was a little embarrassed when she said this.

Situ Qing looked at Xin Xiaozi and said, "Xiao Zi, don't talk like that. You can drink the soup Yuanyuan made!"

"Forget it, I can't stand it!" Xin Xiaozi snorted.

Situ Qing's dissatisfaction with her also broke out. He laughed and said, "Really, if you can't bear it, why should you send her to buy things? This time just use Yuanyuan's own money to buy something by the way. Materials, you just say that she has ulterior motives. If you use your money, you can still get it!"

"Hey, Situ Qing, what do you mean?" Xin Xiaozi stood up immediately.

Bai Chichi hurriedly pulled her and said, "Xiao Zi, don't be angry, Qing didn't mean that!"

"What does that mean? Situ Qing, it's funny. You asked Chen Yuan to buy things for Bai Chi, so I just made a comment by the way. If she doesn't want to go, she can not go. What do you mean by sending her!" Xin Xiaozi was also angry, and simply made it clear.

"Since she's gone, you should also thank others? I think you are full of joy after eating, but you are only admiring Jusao's cooking skills, and you didn't hear a word of thanks to Chen Yuan! "Situ Qing was also very angry, feeling that Xin Xiaozi was really unreasonable.

Xin Xiaozi looked at Situ Qing and said, "Do you need me to thank her? You are already thankful enough! What kind of salted chicken, what kind of car to pick up, is this not enough?"

"I am me, you are you, please make it clear that Chen Yuan is not your servant, she is my family and my sister!" Situ Qing also stood up.

"Sister-in-law Qing, Sister Zizi, stop arguing, I didn't do this to make you thank me! As long as you eat happily, I'll be satisfied!" Chen Yuan was crying with anxiety, and she couldn't hold back that.

Bai Chichi also watched the two people in a hurry. She knew that the tempers of these two people were not so easy to persuade.

"Don't talk, it's all because of you!" Xin Xiaozi pointed at Chen Yuan, her eyes widened, and Chen Yuan shuddered with fright.

Situ Qing became even more angry when he saw it. He said to Chen Yuan, "Yuanyuan, don't talk to someone who doesn't know how to be grateful!"

"Of course I don't know how to be grateful than you. You can't wait to keep her by your side and thank her forever, right? Situ Qing, don't think I can't see the ghosts of you two hooking up!" Xin Xiaozi said with a sneer.

Bai Chi had no choice but to drag Situ Qing's hand and said, "It's alright, let's go upstairs, go upstairs!"

"No, I had long felt that she was piercing her nose and eyes at Yuanyuan. Today I have to ask Yuanyuan for justice!" Situ Qing glared at Xin Xiaozi.

"Please stop arguing!"

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