Chen Yuan looked at the mobile phone on the bar counter, and the vibrations made the wine in her glass ripples.

Philip pointed to the phone and said, "This is your fish?"

Chen Yuan smiled and did not speak.

"Hey, beauty, what's the point of staring at the phone alone, why don't you go dancing with me!" Suddenly someone next to him was talking, his voice was hoarse and sharp, just like Zeng Zhiwei.

Chen Yuan looked back and saw a very tall man standing next to her with his arms bare and a strange tattoo on it.

The man's face was full of flesh, and his eyes showed an evil light.

Chen Yuan felt a little bit amused that a man of this kind had such a funny accent.

"What's wrong, what's so funny?" The man was taken aback.

Chen Yuan shook her head: "It's not funny. I just think it's fun to stare at the phone alone. It's also very interesting. I don't want to dance with you!"

"You don't give your brother face so much?" The flesh on the man's face shook, and his eyes were fierce.

"Why should I give you face?" Chen Yuan tilted her head innocently, resting her cheek in one hand and playing with the long slender feet of the wine glass in the other.

The man stretched out his hand to pinch Chen Yuan's chin: "What is your background, you dare to oppose me!"

"Do you know Lord Xiao?"

"Master Xiao, yes, is that Master Xiao?"

"Yes, that's the Lord Xiao!"

"What does Xiao Ye have to do with you?" The man's expression changed, and the fierce light went out instantly, becoming a little afraid.

Chen Yuan stretched out her finger and clicked on his tattoo and said, "Don't worry about what I have to do with Master Xiao. In short, as long as you dare to touch me with a finger, don't want to get involved in this city, oh, No, maybe you don't have to mess around at all!"

"Is it what you say? How do you prove it!" The man was obviously not convinced, and he didn't believe Chen Yuan's words.

"This, it's from Mr. Xiao, if you don't believe it, call it yourself!" Chen Yuan swiped gently on the phone.

The man looked at the number and then at Chen Yuan: "Do you think I dare not call?"

"Then fight!"

The man picked up Chen Yuan's phone, hesitated for a moment, and finally put it down, accompanied by a smiling face and said to Chen Yuan: "Beauty, I don't know you are from Mr. Xiao, sorry, sorry!"

"You also come out to have fun, don't be so nervous!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, then you continue to look at your phone, I won't bother!" The man nodded and bowed and wanted to walk away.

Chen Yuan looked at him, shook her head and said, "You can't go."

"Beauty, I really don't know you are from Mr. Xiao, just let me go!" The man was startled and said to Chen Yuan with a bitter expression.

Chen Yuan pointed to his arm and said: "Since you have this tattoo on your body, you should also know what kind of person Xiao Ye is. If you listen to me obediently today, I will give you a lot of benefits in the future. Listen to me, just wait, you will suffer!"

"What do you want me to do?" the man whispered.

Chen Yuan couldn't help laughing when she saw him like that: "Don't be like this. I'm not asking you to do something illegal, but just cooperating with me in a scene. It's fun! "

"Acting? How can I be a big and rough person, don't trouble me with beautiful women!" The man rubbed his head and said with a smile.

"How come you can't act in the big five and three rough? You have seen the old actor Chen Kui'an in Hong Kong. He looks similar to yours and has acted a lot!" Chen Yuan encouraged the man who suddenly seemed a little shy.

"Of course I know Chen Kuian, I still like him very much!"

Chen Yuan nodded: "That's right! The role I want you to play is the same as Chen Kui'an usually plays!"

"How to act?" Chen Yuan said the man was interested.

"I'll answer a call right away. When I answer the phone, you will be next to me and say you want me to have a drink with you. The more disgusting the tone, the more disgusting the better!" Chen Yuan picked up the phone and saw Situ Qing Called again.

"What's the point of this? Oh, I see, you want the person on the other end of the phone to think you are being bullied, right?"

"Smart, as long as you understand it!" Chen Yuan stretched out her thumb at the man and praised him with a smile.

The man nodded and made an ok gesture.

Chen Yuan pressed the answer button, and her voice became very blurred. She spoke into the phone slurredly and said, "Hey, brother-in-law Qing..."

"Where are you Yuanyuan, why don't you answer my call!" Situ Qing's voice looked very anxious and worried, and of course he was very unhappy.

Chen Yuan paused on purpose, and she heard Situ Qing say loudly: "Yuanyuan, speak!"

"Brother-in-law Qing, I, I'm drinking!" Chen Yuan's tongue was fighting, and accompanied by the deafening music of the disco, she appeared extremely noisy.

Situ Qing said annoyedly: "I heard it out, why are you running for a drink in such a good way?"

"Can't you drink if you are good? Brother Qing, you are so generous!" Chen Yuan deliberately held the phone close for a while, and her voice fluctuated loudly, sounding even more disturbing.

"Where are you, I'll come to pick you up right away!" Situ Qing also didn't want to be entangled with Chen Yuan on the phone. He seemed a little drunk to hear her tone.

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "No, I don't want you to pick me up. I am very happy now, and I have forgotten a lot of things. It feels so good!"

"Naughty, where are you?" Situ Qing said angrily.

Chen Yuan beckoned to the man who had been standing by. He was eager to try and walked over quickly.

Pointing to the phone, Chen Yuan made a mouth shape and asked the man to speak quickly.

"Ahahaha, beauty, come, and drink this glass of wine with my brother, my brother will definitely love you!" The man played well, his tone was extremely wretched, it sounds like there is a kind of wolf dripping from a fairy tale. The feeling of speaking.

"Go away!" Chen Yuan put the phone close to her mouth, pretending to be disgusted.

When Situ Qing heard the conversation here, there was a fire in his heart. What happened to Chen Yuan?

Who is so bold to say such things to Chen Yuan!

"Yuanyuan, who is by your side?"

"Brother-in-law Qing, it's okay, just a boring man! Leave me alone, I'll be back soon!" Chen Yuan made a strong smile.

The man came over very wisely: "Little girl, come and have a drink with your brother, and take you to a supper later!"

"Don't touch me, go away!" Chen Yuan screamed.

Situ Qing's heart tightened, and he shouted into the phone: "Yuanyuan, hurry up and tell me where you are!"

"Sister Qing..." Chen Yuan didn't finish her words, and the phone was cut off immediately, and Situ Qing was even more anxious.

Both Bai Chichi and Zhang Ma looked at him, not knowing what happened.

"Qing, where is Yuanyuan, what's wrong with her?" Zhang Ma asked.

Situ Qing anxiously redialed Chen Yuan's phone and shook her head and said, "I don't know where she is or what entertainment venue she should be listening to, and there are some men around her who are talking to her."

Bai Chi did not speak. She felt that Chen Yuan deliberately ran out like this, there must be a purpose, she just wanted to attract Situ Qing's attention.

It's up to you how you acted, Bai Chi stayed quiet, and looked a little bit amused by Situ Qing's anxious appearance.

"What is this girl doing!" Situ Qing called several times but failed to get through, and angrily threw the phone on the sofa.

Bai Chichi couldn't help but speak: "Do you have any questions about using the phone to lose your temper? Chen Yuan is an adult, and she knows to be responsible for herself. Why are you so anxious that you think she is a little girl?"

"What do you know, a man was molesting her on the phone just now!" Situ Qing yelled at Bai Chichi.

Both Bai Chichi and Zhang Ma were stunned, and then Bai Chichi didn't speak anymore, turned around and went back to the room.

"Qing, don't yell so late, she is right." Zhang Ma said to Situ Qing.

"Her words are correct, but she is too calm, Chen Yuan is an adult, but who says that an adult must be able to protect herself?" Situ Qing grabbed the phone and started calling again.

After finally getting through, Chen Yuan's voice was very excited: "Brother Qing!"

"Don't be afraid, Yuanyuan, tell me, where are you now?" Situ Qing calmed Chen Yuan with a calm voice.

"I'm in the Kakadi Hall." Chen Yuan's emotions were high, and Situ Qing couldn't help worrying whether she was being drugged.

I think that Chen Yuan grew up in a rural area. Although she is smart and sensible and capable, she still doesn’t know how to guard against the feasting and feasting of the metropolis. Nowadays, people are complicated and they can do whatever they can to achieve their goals. Situ Qing was very afraid that Chen Yuan would be tempted, and his mud feet fell deep.

"Okay, don't drink anymore, don't mess around, I'll pick you up right away!" Situ Qing told Chen Yuan.

"Brother-in-law Qing, I'm very happy, don't come!" Chen Yuan smiled.

There was still a man's voice coming from nearby, as if praising Chen Yuan, but it sounded very dirty and indecent.

Situ was so angry that he really wanted to go over and catch those people and beat him up. He once again told Chen Yuan to keep her still, and then hung up the phone and went to drive.

Bai Chichi heard the sound of Situ Qing starting the car in the bedroom. She walked to the bay window and looked at it, feeling very uncomfortable.

Obviously, today Chen Yuan deliberately revealed in front of Zhang Ma that she was in a bad mood and wanted to go for a walk, and then she did not answer the phone, leading Situ Qing to pick her up.

Bai Chichi felt very angry. Why was Situ Qing so sure when facing Qin Xuesong that Qin Xuesong must have done what was destroyed at home, and he didn't listen to any explanation at all.

But facing Chen Yuan, he unconditionally believed in her, understood her, tolerated her, and found her no matter where and when.

This kind of strong contrast made Bai Chichi puzzled and made her feel very depressed.

After Situ Qing drove the car into the street, he left at a very fast speed, which made it even more so that he was worried.

The car lights disappeared, and Bai Chichi looked at the empty street, and his heart also became empty.

In the night, the street lights are dim.

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